Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,753 Continued Cooperation

The long river of time was cut off, and the figures of Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli emerged, and they were about to fall out.

"Do you still want to run at this time?"

"Hahaha, you really think you can leave at will with the long river of time."

Seeing Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli appear, Tianzhi Sword Lord and Tianfeng Sword Lord laughed immediately, and then they waved their hands again, and the sword energy intertwined to form two layers of silk nets to cover Chen Feng and the others.


However, at this time, a huge wheel suddenly appeared, and it was still spinning rapidly, and the surrounding sword nets were immediately wiped out into nothingness.

"Sure enough, the wheel of the universe is deployed." The eyes of the old ancestor of Shenji became hot, and he quickly stepped forward and punched the wheel of the universe directly.

At this time, the old ancestor Hongfeng also launched an attack with a scepter in his hand. The two old men looked steady and gentle, but they didn't expect that they would attack in a domineering and fierce manner.


After the sword nets around were wiped out, the wheel of the universe shook violently, sending waves of momentum to sweep around.

At the same time, nine more divine nails turned into a torrent and rushed in one direction.

The target of the Nine Extreme Sky Locking Divine Nails was the Ancestor of Divine Machine. In Chen Feng's opinion, the biggest threat here was this old man.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three consecutive divine nails collided to stop the fist of the Ancestor of Divine Machine, and then the remaining divine nails continued to attack the Ancestor of Divine Machine.

These were several top-grade artifacts attacking together, not to mention the divine nails with extremely strong attack power, so the Ancestor of Divine Machine did not dare to be careless, and retreated while resisting.


With a bang, the fist of the Ancestor of Divine Machine exploded directly into a ball of blood mist, and then the Ancestor of Divine Machine flew backwards quickly.

Chen Feng frowned secretly, waved his hand, and the nine divine nails returned quickly. The nine divine nails were sent out together, but they only temporarily repelled the opponent. As for that kind of injury, it was really a minor injury and could be recovered in the blink of an eye.


Saint Qiu Li also knew that the situation was urgent, and he used all his strength to drive the Wheel of the Universe to collide outward. Speaking of it, the Chaos Magical Weapon was too powerful. In the past, Chen Feng could bind a large number of cultivators with the Water Banner. Although this Wheel of the Universe was not in a complete state, it was also invincible. The attacks of the crowd were crushed as soon as they approached.


Ancestor Hongfeng and Tianzhi Sword Lord were injured and retreated under the impact of the giant wheel. Although the attacks of Tianyan Sword Lord and Tianfeng Sword Lord were fierce, they only blocked it slightly and could not stop the momentum of the Wheel of the Universe at all.

However, Chen Feng knew that if this situation continued, he would definitely suffer. When the momentum burst was over, he and his two people might not be able to leave.


Chen Feng activated the Time Disc to perform the summoning technique and summoned the Long River of Time again. This time, Chen Feng did not use the Long River of Time to leave, but urged the phantom of the Long River of Time to attack these people in a mighty way.

It can be said that these intermediate Taiyi Jinxians were also stunned by Chen Feng's method. You know, these people have been thinking that the appearance of the Long River of Time is Chen Feng's means of escape. Everyone is ready to stop it, but they didn't expect to be attacked.

In an instant, these cultivators thought that if they were pulled into the Long River of Time, they would be trapped and unable to get out. After worrying, they felt the strong binding force acting on themselves, so everyone also knew that the power of the Long River of Time was indeed very strong, but it was still a little short of dealing with themselves, so several people took action and broke the Long River of Time, and then saw the huge Wheel of the Universe knocked away the Tianyan Sword Lord who was blocking in front of them. The Wheel of the Universe began to rotate in space. It seemed that it was only a few circles, but it suddenly reached a very far place, just like a space shuttle.

Before everyone caught up, they saw the Long River of Time reappear in the distance, wrapping the Wheel of the Universe, and both disappeared at the same time.


Although they knew that they could not catch up, they did not hesitate, and launched the Divine Movement Technique to quickly chase in the direction where the Wheel of the Universe disappeared.

"It's easier than I thought." Chen Feng and Saint Qiuli stood side by side, surrounded by the phantom of the Wheel of the Universe, and beyond the phantom, there was a long river of time looming. It seemed that they were advancing without direction in the darkness, but in fact, the speed of their advancement was faster than the space teleportation array.

"The other party must be chasing us." Saint Qiuli said in a deep voice.

"So what? I don't believe they can catch up with us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's hard to say." Although Saint Qiuli said this, his tone was calm, indicating that he didn't take the pursuers behind him seriously.

"This is also a perfect cooperation. What are your plans for fellow Daoist Qiuli?" Chen Feng asked with a smile. Although he was a little envious of the Wheel of the Universe in Saint Qiuli's hand, he was not jealous. Besides, his gains were not small. Several top-grade artifacts, a bunch of top-grade artifacts, plus countless resources, in fact, the value of the total has exceeded the fragment obtained by Saint Qiuli.

However, in the eyes of Saint Qiuli, the Wheel of the Universe is obviously the most important. Even if Chen Feng gets twice as many resources, Saint Qiuli will not hesitate to choose the fragments of the Wheel of the Universe.

"Each of us has our own gains, which is indeed perfect. I plan to continue looking for other fragments. Only by reshaping the Wheel of the Universe can I enter a higher realm." Saint Qiuli said slowly.

"My goal is to go to the end of this universe and find friends by the way." Chen Feng told the truth.

"You also want to investigate the cause of the destruction of this universe? In this case, we are on the way." Saint Qiuli was a little surprised.

"Then I sincerely invite you, fellow Taoist, and hope that we can continue to cooperate in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Qiu Li Shengjun hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, maybe I need to borrow your strength."

"Just help each other. I often meet some masters recently. I feel that my life is more secure with you." Chen Feng pointed his finger and the law of time fluctuated. The long river of time that was about to dissipate outside condensed a little more.

"It's almost done. Even if the other party locks on us, it will take some time to catch up. There should be a natural barrier not far ahead. We can stop and find out some information." Qiu Li Shengjun said.

"The natural barrier, the territory of the Fire Dragon Clan and the Poison Lizard Clan?" Chen Feng asked, and secretly thought that they had advanced so far in a short time.

"Yes, in addition to these two families, there is another force that cannot be ignored." Qiu Li Shengjun said.

"The Alien Beast Alliance." Chen Feng guessed.

"It is the Alien Beast Alliance. In fact, the Fire Dragon Clan and the Poison Lizard Clan are also Alien Beasts, but these two races are too strong, especially the Fire Dragon Clan. It is rumored that they are the descendants of the Ancestral Dragon." said Saint Qiu Li.

"Ancestral Dragon bloodline, this is normal, after all, the Ancestral Dragon is the ancestor of all dragons." Chen Feng laughed.

While talking, the two put away the Long River of Time and the Wheel of the Universe, walked out of the shuttle state, stepped on the void, and walked 100,000 miles in one step. It seemed to be a leisurely stroll, but it kept crossing the stars.

Chen Feng secretly calculated that in a short period of time, he and Saint Qiu Li worked together to travel more than 10 million light years. Fortunately, there was no important area in this space, otherwise Chen Feng would regret it.

"It is indeed not far from the natural barrier, but I don’t know how the city here is?" Chen Feng said casually.

"I have been here twice. Relatively speaking, the controller here is a bit overbearing, but he is still abiding by the rules. There are many good things here. Maybe there is something you need." When Saint Qiuli said this, he showed a mysterious expression.

"Really? Then I want to see it carefully." Chen Feng nodded.

It took several more days for the two to truly enter the range of the natural barrier. During these days, the two walked in the starry sky, talked about what they saw, exchanged their thoughts, and exchanged experiences. The atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Especially, Saint Qiuli has practiced for much longer than Chen Feng, and has been to many places. In fact, he has been to more fairyland than Chen Feng has been to. This is really knowledgeable. In addition, his realm is profound and his strength is strong. Although it was just a casual exchange, Chen Feng also gained a lot, at least he gained a lot of knowledge.

After a few days of communication and understanding, Saint Qiuli also knew that Chen Feng was only in the realm of God King. From the initial disbelief, he became secretly shocked. Even if Saint Qiuli has been to many places and has seen a lot, it is the first time he has encountered a situation like Chen Feng.

Even if Chen Feng was half a step into the Taiyi realm, Saint Qiuli could still accept it. You have to know that the difference between the Immortal Realm and the Taiyi Realm is the essence of life, which cannot be compensated by some magic weapons.

Of course, although he was shocked, Saint Qiuli did not show it. This was because some changes had occurred in his heart. From the beginning of his cultivation, he was a genius picked out of a million. Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. Otherwise, he would not have cultivated to this point. But now that he has learned some of Chen Feng's situation, he feels a little oppressed in addition to being shocked. Saint Qiuli thinks that Chen Feng is so strong now. If he advances to the Taiyi realm, his combat power will definitely exceed his own.

"Fellow Daoist Qiuli, don't think too much. After all, I was born with a chaotic body. I surpassed most cultivators at the starting point. It is normal to have such strength." Chen Feng said with a smile, as if he saw through what Saint Qiuli was thinking.

"I didn't think too much, it's you who thought too much. Although your strength is good, it's still a question whether you can cultivate to the realm of Taiyi. You know, it's not so easy to break through again at this point. Not only do you need to accumulate mana, but more importantly, you need spiritual perception and the perfection of the Tao and the law." Qiuli Saint said calmly.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly after hearing this, and had to smile and say: "Thank you for your guidance, fellow Taoist."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go into the city." Qiuli Saint waved his hand, his face still calm, and Chen Feng smiled in his heart. After just a few days of communication, Chen Feng found that Qiuli Saint was not as cold and arrogant as he seemed, at least he still talked a lot.

This is the second natural barrier that Chen Feng encountered when he entered the chaotic space. The first one was controlled by 18 alliances including the Sun Clan. There were a total of 99 super-large cities, with strong strength and amazing foundation, otherwise they would not occupy one side.

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