Eternal Existence

Chapter 1752 How to leave


When Chen Feng activated the divine nail to seriously injure his opponent, a flash of sword light penetrated the wheel of the universe and fell on Chen Feng, and a ball of blood bloomed on Chen Feng's body.


Chen Feng couldn't help but be amazed. The power of this sword was too great. If it weren't for the wheel of the universe blocking it, it would not only tear open the longevity armor.

"It will definitely turn me into a ball of blood mist and hurt my origin." Chen Feng thought so.


The wheel of the universe still rolled over these people, and the two balls of blood mist turned into a blood sword respectively, piercing through the space and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After the two sword cultivators left, only the old ancestor of the divine machine had to deal with it.

Speaking of which, this old man is really powerful. He can still deal with the attacks of the divine nail and the wheel of the universe.

"This old man is really troublesome. I will use the divine nail to block the opponent, and you will crush him." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and said.


Qiu Li Shengjun agreed.

Just as the two were about to start, the compass in the hands of the God Machine Patriarch suddenly burst into dazzling divine light, wrapped around his body and quickly broke through the space and disappeared.

"Hey! This guy actually escaped." Chen Feng showed a look of surprise.

"Yeah, he ran fast." Saint Qiu Li also showed a look of regret.

Then the two looked at each other, then smiled bitterly, and at the same time, they almost groaned at the same time, and the breath on their bodies began to disorder. Chen Feng's face was pale, and nine divine nails drilled into his body one after another. Chen Feng pulled the corner of his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally fell to the ground, and chaotic energy mixed with blood flowed out of the broken armor.


A dull sound, this is the sound of the sky shield hitting the ground.

Then Saint Qiu Li also fell beside Chen Feng. In comparison, Saint Qiu Li's posture was still slightly elegant, but his pale face, uncontrollable shaking body, and blood constantly flowing from the corner of his mouth showed that Saint Qiu Li's state was not much better than Chen Feng's. As for the wheel of the universe, it dissipated and disappeared.

The two of them were just holding on just now. Fortunately, they scared away the God Machine Ancestor, otherwise the other party would really continue to attack, and Chen Feng and Qiu Li Shengjun would have to find a way to escape.

Qiu Li Shengjun got the fragments of the Wheel of the Universe and could leave, but there are still many resources in this world. Chen Feng doesn't want to give up. The most important thing is that the two of them can't show a decadent trend just now, otherwise even if they can escape, the other party will continue to chase them.

"Quickly recover your strength." Chen Feng said, and a strong vitality rushed out of his body, wrapping his body, not only his injured body, but also the broken longevity armor quickly recovered.

Qiu Li Shengjun didn't say anything, just focused on healing on the side. With the means of the two, they quickly dealt with the injuries, but it's hard to say whether they can still burst out with a super strong offensive.

"Time is urgent, the other party may come again at any time, that old man is not simple, you quickly collect the resources here now, if the other party appears again, we really should leave." Qiu Li Shengjun thought for a while and said.

"Don't worry, I understand." Chen Feng nodded and flew away quickly. His target was of course the blessed land that he had locked on before.

Chen Feng understood what Saint Lord Qiuli meant. Although the two of them were strong and had powerful treasures to protect them, they were still no match for the old ancestor of Shenji and others if they really fought. It was luck that they could seriously injure the two sword cultivators before. Besides, who knows if the other party has any helpers. If another master from the Three Souls Clan comes, the two of them will really have to fight to the death.

In fact, this world has not had many resources under the sweep of the army of divine insects. The remaining ones are some deeply hidden blessed lands.

Next, Chen Feng found some weapons and magic weapons such as stone knives and stone swords, including a ruler of the sky. Although there were several magic weapons that satisfied Chen Feng, there were no more top-grade artifacts.

"Almost, it's time to go." Chen Feng said, and Queen Mother Mo began to gather the army of divine insects, and Bai Yu and others came to Chen Feng one after another.

"It's time to go, there's nothing here." Saint Lord Qiuli said with a smile.

Chen Feng looked a little unnatural when he saw Saint Qiuli's smile. It was obvious that he was saying that he had plundered the place thoroughly.

Perhaps because he had obtained the Wheel of the Universe, Saint Qiuli still had a cold and arrogant expression, but he would smile from time to time, which made Chen Feng feel much more comfortable.

"Hehe, there are no cultivators here anyway. Things will be lost sooner or later over time. It's better to use them to their full potential." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Use them to their full potential. This phrase is well used. I'm afraid that others will think so too." Saint Qiuli's face returned to normal again.

"You mean." Chen Feng's eyes flashed with divine light.

"Yes, the other party is waiting outside, or ambushing, and Tianzhi Sword Lord and Tianfeng Sword Lord have recovered. In addition, Tianyan Sword Lord and Hongfeng Patriarch have also arrived. They have laid a net outside and are waiting for us to get out." Saint Qiuli waved his hand while speaking, and the light curtain in front of him showed the situation outside. Chen Feng really saw the old man with crutches and the young sword cultivator he met first.

"Tianzhi Sword Lord, Tianfeng Sword Lord, Tianyan Sword Lord, it seems that the Sanhun clan is not simple, with a deep foundation. In the past, they dealt with some immortals. It seems that every heaven-defying race should not be underestimated. Maybe some Daluo Jinxian will come out to restore order." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Daluo Jinxian must exist, but they will not interfere in such trivial matters." Saint Qiuli said.

"Yes, these are indeed trivial matters to Da Luo Jinxian, but if the Chaos Magical Artifact is brought out, even Da Luo Jinxian will be tempted. By the way, Fellow Taoist Qiu Li, I heard that you are from the Jiu Tong clan. I have not heard of this race. I said it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

What Chen Feng said was a bit false. Although the Jiutong clan did not participate in the war in the heavens, Chen Feng had heard of it, but he had no contact and did not know much about it. After all, the scope of this chaotic space It is vast enough, and it is normal for many living places or heaven-defying races to be unknown. Moreover, according to Chen Feng’s understanding, the place where the Jiutong Clan is located is very far away, at least hundreds of millions of light years away, and Chen Feng Now we are only three thousand light years away.

Of course, Chen Feng also had some doubts. The Jiutong clan knew that the pupil skills must be great just by hearing the name, but they didn't see any of it from Holy Lord Qiu Li.

"Perhaps the other party is hiding it very deeply." Chen Feng could only think this way.

"Haven't you heard of it? That's because you are ignorant." Holy Lord Qiu Li said unceremoniously.

"Maybe." Chen Feng smiled, not caring about the other party's attitude. Soon the army of divine insects disappeared completely from this land, and then it was time to consider leaving.

"Summon the river of time and leave." Saint Lord Qiu Li suggested.

"I'm afraid not. There are too many people on the other side, and the surrounding time and space have been blocked. The river of time is of little use." Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"In this case, we have no choice but to break through." Qiu Li Shengjun said calmly.

"We can't force our way in. If we do, we will definitely get entangled with the other party. There are five of them and we only have two, so we will be at a disadvantage in terms of numbers." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This won't work, that won't work either, so what do you think we should do?" Holy Lord Qiu Li was a little dissatisfied.

"Of course fellow Taoist has shown off his magical powers."

"You want me to use the Wheel of the Universe." Holy Lord Qiu Li frowned.

"As long as we can get rid of these people, we can use other methods." Chen Feng's smile was a little weird.

"It's not that easy to get rid of the other party. We still need to join forces to leave." Shengjun Qiu Li thought for a while and said.

"We are partners, so of course we have to join forces." Chen Feng nodded matter-of-factly.

"Ancestor, why haven't they come out yet? If that woman Qiu Li is allowed to completely control the Wheel of the Universe, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop it even with a few more people." Lord Tianyan Sword Lord, dressed in black, couldn't help but say.

"They won't leave, right?" Lord Tianfeng Sword asked doubtfully.

"No." Ancestor Shenji shook his head, his calm expression changing slightly.

"I'm afraid our visit this time was in vain." Ancestor Shenji continued.

"Ancestor, what does this mean? Can the opponent still leave under our siege?" Tianfeng Sword Lord couldn't help but ask.

"It's hard to say." Ancestor Hongfeng, an old man on a crutch, spoke at the side.

"This boy has a set of Nine-pole Heavenly Locking Divine Nails. I think you have seen them before. You are not afraid of being embarrassed if you tell them. We were almost killed by them at that time." Ancestor Hongfeng said calmly.

The faces of Tianfeng Sword Lord and Tianzhi Sword Lord turned red. They also suffered heavy losses in the previous fight. Although they were still some distance away from being nailed, they also lost some vitality.

"The best artifact, the magic weapon of chaos, is enough for us to fight hard. How will the others arrive?" Lord Tianzhi Sword suddenly said.

"It's hard to say, they also have their own troubles." Ancestor Hongfeng said.

"The other party has come out." At this time, the ancestor of Shenji said suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the compass in his hand flew out quickly, becoming larger and larger. At the same time, a thick barrier appeared in the surrounding space, and the runes flickered. The energy flow looks somewhat similar to the space barrier. This is the sealing barrier that everyone jointly arranged to prevent Chen Feng and Qiu Li from escaping.


The space shook, a golden radiance appeared, and then the shadow of the River of Time gradually emerged, and then everyone saw Chen Feng and Holy Lord Qiu Li entering the River of Time.

"Hey! Is this guy stupid? He dares to use the River of Time at this time." Tianyan Sword Lord said with some surprise.

The Law of Time is indeed powerful, and the monks present had to admit that if Chen Feng really left with the help of the power of the River of Time, these people would not be able to catch up. However, in fact, everyone was well prepared to confine the surrounding space, and the River of Time It doesn't work at all.

Although they were surprised, everyone's reaction was not slow. Who knew what Chen Feng had in store? It was better to take action as soon as possible just in case.

boom! boom! boom!

The three sword masters shot at the same time, and saw three sword lights flashing past, as if the universe was directly broken, and then the long river of time that was passing was immediately broken into several sections, and the laws of time in it were cut off. If you want to escape with the long river of time, It's even more impossible.

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