Eternal Existence

Chapter 1735: Devouring Avenue Mutations


Chen Feng's huge body expanded directly with this torrent, and golden light burst out. Immediately, several star beasts flew out, but two star beasts actually sacrificed two black spears of the same appearance and stabbed Chen Feng.

The spears pierced through the Changsheng armor and pierced Chen Feng straight. Chen Feng's sword flashed, and the two star beasts flew backwards.

"Hehe, activating the magic weapon, no wonder I feel something is wrong, but you are not intermediate Taiyi Jinxian yet, you can only cause me some minor injuries." Chen Feng said, stretching out his hand to pull out the two spears on his body, and with a wave of his hand, he pierced through the two star beasts that rushed up.

These two spears are really good, but Chen Feng has no time to collect them. Next, Chen Feng picked them up fiercely, and the golden light on his body flowed behind him and condensed into huge divine wings. Chen Feng's speed suddenly increased tenfold, and some star beasts who wanted to stop him were swept away before they got close to Chen Feng.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, Chen Feng dodged the interception of two streams of star beasts and rushed to the vicinity of the Fountain of Life.

This is where the fight is most intense. As soon as Chen Feng arrived, he felt a strong sense of crisis and suffocating pressure.

"Hey! Good stuff."

At this time, a cultivator came to a star beast and pulled out a spear. As soon as he got the spear, he couldn't help laughing.

"Did you kill that kid? Those two spears are top-grade artifacts. He actually threw away the things he got." Seeing this scene, Master Pingshan couldn't help but say.

The spear that the man got just now was exactly what Chen Feng pulled out and threw away, but now it fell into the hands of another cultivator.

The other spear was collected by the star beast.

"Be careful!"

The man was happy holding the spear, and suddenly heard his partner shouting, and then he found that several star beasts pounced on him, and two of them sacrificed a long sword and a printing.


Then this person was killed, not even the dregs were left, and the spear he got was naturally taken away by the star beast.

"Isn't this courting death? Why don't you leave quickly after getting the treasure?"

"How can it be that easy?"

"But Chen Feng obviously has the strength to take the spear, but he threw it away. Does he look down on these spears? It shouldn't be. It seems that he is reserving his strength."

"These star beasts have actually started to use magic weapons, and the lowest are top-grade artifacts. This will increase the pressure."

"Everyone, we can't fight each other like this anymore. We should join hands."

"Join hands, how can it be that easy."

However, no matter what these people do, Chen Feng has already faced a mid-level star beast. At this time, Chen Feng has caught up and entered the camp of those mid-level Taiyi Jinxian.

But this is the most dangerous place, because the most powerful star beasts are here, even the Savage Saint Ancestor and Tianlei who are rushing in the front also stopped, not because of anything else, but because the two are entangled by three mid-level Taiyi Jinxian.


As soon as Chen Feng arrived here, he saw the monk in the fiery red armor being beaten and rolled out by the star beast. Yan and Han, who had a grudge against him, were joining forces to resist the enemy. The two opposing avenues merged and were extremely powerful. The two actually blocked six star beasts, among which there were two intermediate beings, but they were also seriously injured, especially Yan, who was beaten to only half of his body, and only relied on the operation of mana to maintain the current situation.

"Boy, you came at the right time, come and help."

Seeing Chen Feng appear, the swallowing beast actually greeted him, and it was secretly transmitted, which surprised Chen Feng.

"Don't be surprised, I sincerely cooperate with you." The swallowing beast sounded again.

At this time, the swallowing beast turned into a huge body, which was only larger than Chen Feng's chaotic golden body, and dealt with more than a dozen star beasts alone. Of course, only one of these star beasts reached the intermediate Taiyi realm, but this still showed the power of the swallowing beast, because even if these star beasts did not reach the intermediate Taiyi, they were not far away, and they were also top existences in the primary stage.

So Chen Feng was secretly shocked by the strength of the Devouring Void Beast. He immediately knew that the opponent had not exerted his full strength in the previous fight, or that the Devouring Void Beast had made great progress in recent years. Of course, Chen Feng believed the first guess more.

"Honest cooperation? Do you think I will believe that we can really cooperate in good faith in front of the Life Spirit Spring?" Chen Feng said coldly.

"It's actually very easy to understand. The main reason for cooperating with you is that you have also practiced the Devouring Dao." The Devouring Void Beast said simply. At this time, the Devouring Void Beast and the Star Beast fought more fiercely. There were constantly black holes floating and twisting around them during the action. The Star Beasts were swallowed and released, and these Star Beasts became sluggish.

Moreover, as the top beast in the universe, the Devouring Void Beast itself has reached the intermediate Taiyi realm, and the strength of its physical body is even greater than that of these Star Beasts. It doesn't care about the crazy collision of the Star Beasts at all.

"What do you think? Do you agree to be straightforward? Don't think about dividing the Spring of Life with your own strength." The Devouring Void Beast said impatiently.

"Okay, then let's cooperate." Chen Feng nodded in agreement, then paused, and a golden road quickly extended out. Whether it was the star beasts or other cultivators, they immediately felt that the passage of time had changed.

"Time Avenue!"

Some people exclaimed, looking at Chen Feng in surprise, especially the cultivators who had fought with Chen Feng. Although they knew that Chen Feng had the Time Disk, they did not expect that Chen Feng could evolve the Time Avenue to this extent.

But what happened next was even more surprising. Black flowers suddenly bloomed on the golden avenue. A closer look revealed that these were black vortices. The vortices rotated rapidly, and after reaching a certain level, they formed black holes.

"Swallowing Avenue."

"Swallowing Avenue and Time Avenue merged. This guy is really crazy."

"But the power has increased."

The other cultivators couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene. Their eyes changed again when they looked at Chen Feng. At the same time, they also felt a strong threat. Chen Feng's realm was not enough now, and he was not a match for them. But after millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of years, he might surpass himself, not to mention that this kid had a chaos magic weapon on him.

Thinking of this, several murderous intentions immediately fell on Chen Feng.

"Boy, it seems that your situation is not good." The Swallowing Beast said with a smile.

"I naturally know my situation. In this case, you dare to cooperate with me." Chen Feng said lightly.

"It's just cooperation." The Swallowing Beast laughed.

"You make sense. I was overthinking." Chen Feng nodded, raised his foot and stepped on it. The road under his feet made a rumbling sound. Several star beasts approaching were swept in and then swallowed by the black hole. Unlike the means of the Devouring Void Beast, these star beasts could never get out after entering the black hole. Instead, they were directly torn into pieces and turned into blood mist. Then even the blood mist disappeared. They were swallowed by Chen Feng.

Seeing this scene, the Devouring Void Beast frowned secretly. Speaking of it, it can also do this step, but it consumes power, especially such a large number of Devouring Star Beasts. It takes a lot of power to suppress it. It is unwise in battle, but Chen Feng looks very relaxed. He swallowed seven or eight star beasts in a row, and still looks calm.

"Is this guy's devouring method so powerful? It's definitely impossible. The gap in realm cannot be made up by anything. Is it because of the Great Way of Time? It must not be that simple. Maybe the other party secretly activated the best magic weapon." The Swallowing Void Beast kept guessing what Chen Feng did. The other cultivators were also secretly shocked. They had a better understanding of Chen Feng, but these people didn't have much time to care about Chen Feng, because their own pressure was gradually increasing. There were too many star beasts here.

In fact, the Swallowing Void Beast's guess was correct. Each star beast swallowed by Chen Feng was stronger than himself. If it was absorbed, it would burst Chen Feng. In addition to the power of the Time Disk, Chen Feng also secretly used the Nine Extremes Sky Locking Divine Nail, and mobilized a whole set. Sure enough, the effect was better than Chen Feng planned. If it was used against the enemy, Chen Feng would definitely not be able to activate the nine god nails, but it would be different if it was used to block and suppress some things.

The power generated by each star beast can turn into a fierce ocean. Even if Chen Feng has time, he will slowly refine it. At this time, all these energies have entered the Chaos Stone, and they are also suppressed by the nine divine nails. These star beasts can't recover even if they want to. They just need to wait for Chen Feng to free up his hands, and then erase the life marks of these star beasts. Then this is the real energy of spirit and spirit for Chen Feng to refine and absorb.


The road under his feet expanded again, and several more star beasts were swallowed. Chen Feng was extremely excited and wanted to shout loudly. Under the violent power, Chen Feng had a feeling of invincibility. He wanted to swallow all the star beasts and cultivators present into the black hole, and then turn them into nutrients for his own cultivation.

However, Chen Feng knew that this was impossible, and the action just now also caught the star beast off guard. Soon Chen Feng felt a strong sense of crisis and saw a huge claw slapping at him.

The intermediate star beast took action. The huge claw just slapped, and the road evolved by Chen Feng shook violently, and countless cracks appeared on the golden road.


Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and the Changsheng Sword turned into a long river of sword energy and rushed towards the huge star beast.

However, this long river of sword energy was broken by the opponent's claws. The Changsheng Sword returned to Chen Feng's side. At the same time, five magic weapons like steel needles flew over with the Changsheng Sword. They were extremely fast and tiny, making it difficult to defend. Chen Feng had no choice but to swing the Sword of the Abyss.

The blue-black sword curtain bloomed, and the steel needles hit it and splashed a bunch of water. Chen Feng's figure shook, and the steel needles actually penetrated the blockade of the Sword of the Abyss and came in front of Chen Feng.

"Top-grade artifact bone-eroding needle!"

Chen Feng immediately recognized the origin of the five steel needles. Three of them were blocked by the Sword of the Abyss, and one was pinched by Chen Feng's fingers, but one still pierced Chen Feng.

"Not a bad magic weapon, but it's a pity that the power is a little weak." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and pulled out the steel needle inserted in his body.


The star beast that attacked Chen Feng immediately screamed when it saw this scene. In the star beast's view, even an intermediate Taiyi Jinxian could not stop the penetration of the magic needle.

Chen Feng was not polite this time, but stretched out his hand to grab, and the three magic needles that were bounced away also fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"This is a good thing. If there is no longevity armor to resist, even my Chaos Body can't resist it. These bone-eroding needles will destroy my bone marrow when they enter my body. I'm afraid that it won't take long for my entire skeleton to fall apart, or even turn into ashes. A little cultivator with a little magic power can refine this kind of thing, but this is the first time I've seen a bone-eroding needle of the upper-grade artifact level. I haven't even heard of it. But I think it's not made by these star beasts, but should be left by others." Chen Feng's mind flashed this thought quickly, and then he directly put the five bone-eroding needles into the Chaos Stone.

After the five bone-eroding needles entered the space inside the Chaos Stone, they immediately became larger. In the blink of an eye, they became a size of ten thousand feet. The sharp aura was revealed, and the impacted space emitted circles of ripples.

"Want to come out? How is it possible?" Chen Feng said with a smile. I saw the shadow of a divine nail flashing in this space. The five bone-eroding needles immediately wailed, quickly shrank, and turned back to the size of embroidery needles, floating quietly in the air, not daring to emit even a trace of fluctuations.

"The effect is surprisingly good, saving me from having to suppress it." Chen Feng said lightly.


Seeing Chen Feng collect the bone-eroding needle, the star beast's face quickly returned to normal, and at the same time began to attack the road under Chen Feng's feet again.

"Since you are a partner, why don't you take action?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hahahaha, okay." The black holes around the swallowing beast suddenly twisted wildly, as if something was about to rush out of it.


Finally, these black holes exploded one after another, turning into chaotic black energy, and strands of black lines extended from the energy, rushing directly towards Chen Feng's Avenue of Time. Chen Feng did not stop them, allowing these black lines to rush into the black holes.


Next, Chen Feng immediately felt that his swallowing road had changed. The black holes on the Avenue of Time were still under his control, but the power it exerted began to rise steadily, and the road that was about to be crushed immediately stabilized. Chen Feng even saw that the powerful star beast also paused suddenly, and his body shape was a little unnatural.


Chen Feng's eyes flashed, as if he thought of something, and then the Avenue of Time swept forward again. Two golden hands suddenly stretched out and quickly grabbed the two star beasts. Then a bunch of silk threads flew out of the black hole, wrapped around the star beasts and pulled them hard. The star beasts entered the black hole, and blood flashed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"So strong." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The effect was unexpectedly good, even the Swallowing Void Beast was a little surprised, and did not expect such a change.

At this time, the black holes around the Swallowing Void Beast began to fall, and immediately turned into pieces of land at the feet. The land spread and expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it was thousands of miles in size.

Unlike Chen Feng's long river-like avenue, the avenue under the Swallowing Void Beast's feet was not wide or narrow, but just rippled around in circles, forming a round shape.

Black holes continuously drilled out of the Swallowing Void Beast, and then fell, and the black avenue under the feet became thicker and thicker, as if it had come to the darkest place in the universe, and it seemed that even the mind could be swallowed up at a glance.

"As expected of a Void Devouring Beast, this is a natural supernatural power, and it has been practicing for who knows how many billions of years, and its realm is higher than mine, so it is normal that its Devouring Dao is more advanced than mine." Chen Feng thought so.


The Devouring Dao evolved by the Void Devouring Beast and the Devouring Dao evolved by Chen Feng finally connected together. At this moment, Chen Feng and the Void Devouring Beast were shocked at the same time, and the sea of ​​consciousness of both of them boiled, just like a calm ocean suddenly bursting out with huge waves.

Then all kinds of information rushed into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. As soon as these information entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, they immediately turned into various runes that kept flying and flashing. As soon as Chen Feng's mind moved, these runes disappeared immediately. Chen Feng couldn't help but get excited, knowing that these runes did not disappear, but were completely refined and absorbed by himself.

"Devouring Dao!"

Chen Feng couldn't help but say, the energy in his sea of ​​consciousness boiled more violently, these runes that rushed in turned out to be the Devouring Dao imprint cultivated by the Void Devouring Beast, which was the understanding and perception of the Devouring Dao cultivated by the Void Devouring Beast all the way, and now all of them are cheap for Chen Feng.

You have to know that this Void Devouring Beast has been practicing for more than a billion years, and it is also born with the Devouring Divine Power. After getting the Devouring Dao Mark of the Void Devouring Beast, the benefits Chen Feng has gained are really too great, to a point that Chen Feng cannot imagine. Therefore, in a short period of time, Chen Feng's understanding and knowledge of the Devouring Dao has undergone a drastic change. Chen Feng's spiritual realm has risen again and again, as if there is no end. In the blink of an eye, the Devouring Dao that Chen Feng has practiced has surpassed all other Daos he has practiced. It can even be said that Chen Feng's other Daos combined are not as good as the Devouring Dao.

The Time Dao evolved by Chen Feng has disappeared and has been completely replaced by the Devouring Dao. The Devouring Dao has also begun to boil and quickly expand and impact all around, just like a small puddle that has been invaded by heavy rain for ten consecutive days and nights and turned into a pond. Then the pond is injected by a stream and turned into a lake. Soon the lake is impacted by a long river and gradually evolves into a vast ocean.

Similarly, the same thing happened to the Swallowing Void Beast as it did to Chen Feng. While Chen Feng obtained the Swallowing Void Beast's mark of the Great Dao of Devouring, the Swallowing Void Beast also obtained Chen Feng's mark of the Great Dao of Devouring.

Although Chen Feng's cultivation time is not as long as the Devouring Beast, and his understanding of the Devouring Dao is far inferior to that of the Devouring Beast, it can be said that compared with the Devouring Beast, Chen Feng's condensed Devouring Dao is as childish as a child, but the Devouring Dao that Chen Feng practices is a fusion of the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique and the Heaven Devouring Demon Art in the Changsheng Sutra. In terms of quality and mystery, the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique from the Changsheng Clan is even better than the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

Therefore, although compared with the Devouring Beast's Dao Mark, Chen Feng's Dao Mark is a little weak and childish, it also makes the Devouring Beast gain a lot, and it can even be said that it is greater than Chen Feng's gain. After all, Chen Feng's current realm is too low. Although it seems to be improving quickly, the Devouring Dao of the Devouring Beast cannot be fully understood in a short time.

But the Devouring Beast is different. It can be said that the Devouring Beast's cultivation path has reached a bottleneck period to be able to cultivate to this point. If you want to break through again, it depends not only on hard work, but also on chance and luck. Now, Chen Feng's Devouring Dao Mark is the opportunity of the Devouring Beast.

The result of the contact between the Devouring Avenues of both parties was the exchange of Devouring Avenue imprints. Chen Feng's strength advanced by leaps and bounds, and his realm continued to sublimate. The Devouring Beast directly broke through the bottleneck and became the most powerful cultivator on the scene.


The Devouring Avenue under the feet of the two people was still constantly merging and expanding. From time to time, some star beasts were either bounced or swallowed, including two intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals.

"What's going on!"

The riot here attracted the attention of star beasts and other cultivators in the chaotic fight, because the aura displayed by the two at this time was too powerful, especially the Devouring Avenue condensed by Chen Feng and the Devouring Beast made all the cultivators feel terrified.

"Hey! The Devouring Beast has broken through, and its strength has been growing. How is this possible?" Tianwei Jinlong was shocked and couldn't help shouting.

"That kid's aura is also changing. What's going on?"

"The two of us are cultivating the avenues that are merging. Could it be that the kid is also a Void Devourer? It doesn't look like that."

"No matter what changes have taken place, collecting the Fountain of Life is the real thing."

"Boy, we all benefited this time, so it's not a question of who is taking advantage." At this time, Chen Feng heard the voice of the Void Devourer. Unlike the sound transmission, it seemed that he could hear the other party's thoughts as soon as they moved.

"Hey! It's somewhat similar to double cultivation." Chen Feng suddenly had such a thought, and immediately felt a hair in his heart, and quickly extinguished this thought.

"Not bad." Chen Feng said lightly.

"In this case, it can be regarded as our fate. I won't attack you again. Next, let's join forces to snatch the Fountain of Life." The Void Devourer said.

"That's the best." Chen Feng agreed. In fact, with Chen Feng's current situation, he wanted to find a quiet place to practice in seclusion, comprehend the Devourer Dao, and come out again when his realm stabilized. In fact, the Void Devourer was in the same situation as Chen Feng, but now he still needed to snatch the Fountain of Life, so he could only suppress the boiling realm.

"Get started!"

With a light shout from the Devouring Beast, the Devouring Avenue under the feet of the two once again rushed out in all directions, and at the same time, a large black hand stretched out from the black hole. Just at this time, a torrent of star beasts rushed over, and then was captured by the large hand and pulled into the black hole. In the blink of an eye, this torrent of dozens of star beasts disappeared.


Such a domineering situation, not to mention the star beasts, even other cultivators were terrified and hid to the side, especially Taichu Zhenjun and others who had just arrived here, and they looked at Chen Feng with a shocked and unfamiliar look, especially Taichu Zhenjun who was more familiar with Chen Feng, and he didn't know what he felt in his heart.

"How did this guy become so powerful." Taichu Zhenjun was a little unbelievable.

"It's because of the cooperation between the two. The Devouring Avenues cultivated by these two people complement each other, which led to the improvement of strength."

"Yes, some people cultivate the power of wind, and some people cultivate the power of thunder. The power of both sides will definitely increase greatly when they join forces." Someone said at this time.

"Let's go!"

No matter what the others said, Chen Feng and the Devouring Beast teamed up to kill dozens of star beasts in one breath, and then the Devouring Avenue under their feet gradually shrank, and finally only a hundred miles in size, and Chen Feng and the Devouring Beast floated in the center.

Although the scope of the Devouring Avenue was reduced, it looked more solid and more terrifying. The cultivators who followed behind did not even dare to look at it a second time after the first glance, for fear that it would devour their souls in the next moment.

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