Eternal Existence

Chapter 1734 Impact

Taichu Zhenjun knew that what Chen Feng said was true, but he also knew how powerful Chen Feng was. Not to mention that Chen Feng had a complete set of Nine Extreme Heaven Locking God Nails, and there was also the Chaos Spirit Water Banner. If Chen Feng got the Water Banner, Taichu Zhenjun would never believe it. Moreover, they hadn't seen each other for many years, so who knew how far Chen Feng's strength had progressed? The most important thing was that the situation in front of him was dangerous, and he would die if he was not careful. So Taichu Zhenjun spoke up, hoping to give more hope for life, but Taichu Zhenjun knew that what Chen Feng said was correct. After all, the treasures on Chen Feng were too amazing. Not to mention the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian, even the advanced Taiyi and Daluo Jinxian would have to snatch them if they met them.

"Then help each other. After all, we had a good cooperation before." Taichu Zhenjun said again.

"Okay, let's see the situation." Chen Feng said lightly, but he didn't care. Chen Feng's next goal was the Life Spirit Spring. He was most worried that those people would attack him. Although Taichu Zhenjun was not bad, he couldn't help much.


The Fountain of Life erupted again, and this time the life energy was much more concentrated than before. Under this level of vitality stimulation, all the cultivators could not bear it.

"Do it!"

The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness and others shouted at the same time, and the breath emanating from their bodies condensed into substance and rushed into the sky.


Hundreds of cultivators immediately acted according to the arrangement of the formation, and soon formed a torrent. This torrent was as thin and long as a shuttle, rushing forward quickly.

"Hey, so many people joined forces, the scene is even more magnificent than the Wuji Land. Not bad, not bad. Only under this kind of pressure can we improve our strength." Chen Feng thought secretly.

Almost immediately afterwards, three torrents appeared in the army of star beasts in front. Compared with the shuttle-like formation, these three torrents were more like a long river rushing over. The powerful aura made Chen Feng and other cultivators feel shocked and suffocated.

"Hold the formation firmly, don't disperse."

The Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon roared and turned into its true form. A golden and domineering dragon appeared, exuding a noble and panic-stricken majesty. The cultivators present felt their spirits shaken, and a trace of fear quickly dissipated.

"What are you afraid of? We are here to guard the center of the formation. Just rush forward." The Swallowing Void Beast also turned into its true form. Although its tiger-like body is not as pleasing to the eye as the Heavenly Mighty Golden Dragon, the strange and fierce aura it exudes makes people dare not look at it too much.

Chen Feng stabilized the center of the formation while carefully preparing for the battle. The torrent of star beasts in front of him was not easy to deal with, especially the cultivators who served as the center of the formation were the first to bear the brunt.




A torrent of star beasts rushed head-on, and the other two torrents hit the shuttle torrent from the side. One of the torrents hit the center of the formation where Chen Feng was sitting.

"It's just luck." Chen Feng smiled bitterly. This formation center was chosen by Chen Feng himself. He didn't expect to bear the brunt of it right from the start.

"Don't try your best."

The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness shouted, and all the cultivators in the formation released their magic power at the same time.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three streams of star beasts collided with the shuttle stream. The shuttle stream vibrated violently. Although it did not break apart, its forward momentum slowed down.

A thick barrier appeared in each formation center. The cultivators in charge of the formation center were protected by the barrier. More than a dozen formation centers were refined into a ball, and other cultivators were protected in it. However, the power emitted by these cultivators was infused into the barrier to resist the impact of the star beasts.

Chen Feng seemed calm, but there were countless runes flashing in the depths of his eyes, and the Longevity Sword was constantly circling around Chen Feng.

"Such a strong pressure. If so many people hadn't joined forces, this impact alone would have drowned me. But I can't hold on for long, not to mention that only a part of the star beasts are dispatched now." Chen Feng just thought of it when he saw two more torrents of star beasts rushing over.


"Change the formation, Wings of Heavenly Wings." Tian Lei suddenly shouted.

So all the monks sitting in the center of the formation immediately changed their hands and kept condensing mysterious seals. Of course, Chen Feng was not idle either. While condensing the hand seals, he realized the essence of it.


Waves of energy rushed around like water waves, and soon condensed into two pairs of illusory wings, so that the whole shuttle looked like a dragonfly with wings.


The formation, which had slowed down, suddenly accelerated its speed, not only breaking through the torrent in front of it in one fell swoop, but also avoiding the impact of the subsequent torrent.

Unfortunately, they slowed down again before they advanced far. The wings of the sky wings condensed on both sides gradually faded, and finally dissipated directly. Then they saw the dark mass of star beasts rushing over again, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded the shuttle array densely.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The powerful force continued to attack, and the shuttle array immediately vibrated. Although it seemed that it could still hold on, some monks had already been injured.

"Don't hide it, use all your skills. If you can't rush through, you will have no chance in the future." The monk in the fiery red armor shouted coldly.

"Not good!"

Chen Feng said lightly, and the surrounding barrier began to vibrate violently, and cracks kept flashing.


In the blink of an eye, a star beast broke through the barrier and pounced on Chen Feng. Chen Feng glanced and saw that he was not the only one in this situation.

The barrier still exists, but these star beasts can rush in. There is no time to think about it. The Changsheng Sword that has been circling around Chen Feng immediately slashes at the star beast.


The two sides collided, and the star beast slapped the Changsheng Sword away, but a sword mark appeared on his body. Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and simply slammed the star beast with a palm, and then the star beast immediately flew out of the barrier.

"The art of sealing the sky barrier!"

Chen Feng shouted coldly, stretched out his fingers and tapped a few times quickly, and a group of green light flew out, quickly forming a new barrier to protect himself.

Compared with the previous barrier, Chen Feng believed in his own strength more.


Sure enough, not long after that, another star beast broke in, but after breaking the barrier outside, it was blocked by Chen Feng's barrier.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A vine flew out from Chen Feng's wrist, quickly stepped forward and tightly wrapped the star beast, and then the long sword flashed, and the star beast was directly pierced, but it did not die, but was thrown out.


A scream was heard. It turned out that a star beast rushed into the formation. A cultivator was caught alive, but the star beast was also killed quickly.

"Let's use the Wings of Heaven again."

The monk in the fiery red armor suggested that the situation had already begun to become chaotic. If it continued, the formation would not last long and would break.


"Take action. We are very close to the Fountain of Life."


Then two pairs of wings appeared again. Sure enough, the shuttle-shaped formation moved forward again. However, the defensive power decreased. Dozens of star beasts immediately rushed into the formation.

This was too much. The formation finally became chaotic. These cultivators no longer had the time to support the operation of the formation. Even the cultivators guarding the center of the formation were attacked.

The scene was in chaos. The formation was shaking more violently. It was only a matter of time before it disintegrated.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Three star beasts rushed in one after another, completely tearing apart Chen Feng's outermost barrier, and then crashed into the barrier set up by Chen Feng.

After several times, cracks appeared in the barrier, and then he quickly attacked, a flash of sword light injured a star beast, and a punch sent another star beast flying. Then he swept his eyes across, and a tornado appeared and swept the third star beast away.

Just as Chen Feng showed his power and continued to sweep the beasts, a huge claw suddenly appeared, and with a slap, it broke the barrier around Chen Feng, and then hit Chen Feng heavily.

Chen Feng reacted very quickly, and blasted out three punches like lightning, all hitting the claws, but under the powerful force, Chen Feng retreated again and again, and was about to be blasted out of the array.


Chen Feng shouted, his breath soaring into the sky, his face twisted, and his flying figure stopped abruptly. No matter what, this array center is Chen Feng's seat, and Chen Feng has the responsibility to hold on.

"Was it an intermediate star beast just now?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart. The attack just now was too strong, stronger than all the star beasts Chen Feng encountered.

Chen Feng wanted to hold his ground, but others might not be able to do so. Chen Feng had just stood firm when he saw that the array center guarded by the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness was broken by a huge claw. The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness flew backwards in a somewhat embarrassed manner, and his armor was broken.

The array center guarded by the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness was lost first.

Chen Feng was secretly shocked. The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness was the best among the crowd. Even he couldn't stop him, let alone the others. This also showed that the array began to break, and everyone had to fight on their own.

Sure enough, Chen Feng saw the figure of the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness who was beaten away flash a few times and disappeared. Chen Feng's eyes swept across and found that it was not only the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness, but also the Tianwei Golden Dragon and the Swallowing Void Beast and other intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortals who left the array center and rushed into the group of star beasts. Chen Feng could naturally see that these people were heading for the Fountain of Life.

"These guys are really too treacherous." Chen Feng couldn't help cursing. He tried his best to resist and guard the array center, and these people ran faster than each other.

Without these masters, the formation was quickly broken, and hundreds of star beasts rushed over from all directions. Amid screams, these primary Taiyi Jinxian began to have bad luck.

"Sure enough, I knew it would be like this." Chen Feng's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand and punched a star beast that rushed up, but the next moment the surrounding barrier was completely broken, and dozens of star beasts were staring at Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, let's join forces." The voice of Taichu Zhenjun suddenly sounded. Taichu Zhenjun and the other four formed a small group to resist the impact of the star beasts, and the others were the same. However, in Chen Feng's view, these groups were just small boats in the raging sea, and they could be submerged and torn apart at any time.

"No need." Chen Feng shook his head, and his figure flashed and rushed directly towards the group of star beasts.

"This guy." Huoyan Zhenjun couldn't help but say.

"He just wanted to die." Pingshan Zhenjun sneered.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, hurry up, this place is not far from the life spring." Taichu Zhenjun said.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Should we join forces with other cultivators?" Fairy Suifeng said.

"No, at this time, no one can be sure whether the other party will do something dirty. If we want to get the Spring of Life, we can only rely on ourselves." Taichu Zhenjun said.

"Yes, even if we can only get one drop of this level of spiritual spring, it is a gain." Huoyan Zhenjun said.


Several people wanted to speak, but the star beasts around them did not give them a chance and drowned them in the blink of an eye.


The fierce battle began, and both sides suffered casualties as soon as they came into contact.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng exerted his speed to the extreme, and at the same time used the illusion technique, and saw Chen Feng's figure overlapping, turning into a torrent that kept passing through the group of star beasts. There were at least tens of thousands of these figures, and only one of them was Chen Feng himself.

The star beasts continued to attack, and large groups of figures kept disappearing, but more figures appeared. Chen Feng almost didn't fight the opponent head-on, but just looked for gaps to keep moving forward. The Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness and others had already rushed to the front, and he couldn't delay.


However, Chen Feng's plan was not so easy to achieve. A star beast that looked ordinary rushed up, and just a collision, Chen Feng's thousands of figures were all broken like bubbles, and only one figure turned into a stream of light and rushed forward quickly.

Then the star beast just jumped and chased up, and its huge claws covered the sky and the void and enveloped Chen Feng.

"Intermediate Taiyi Golden Immortal." Chen Feng was a little surprised and a little depressed. Chen Feng thought that so many masters had gone to snatch the Fountain of Life, but you didn't stop them, but found a small person like him.

But no matter what, Chen Feng must fight back when facing the attack. If it was an ordinary star beast, Chen Feng might have taken it hard, but the crisis brought to Chen Feng by this star beast was too strong. Chen Feng knew that if he couldn't stop it, his longevity armor would be broken.


Chen Feng used the Sword of the Abyss, and a ball of sword energy exploded directly, and then Chen Feng disappeared from the spot the next moment.

Chen Feng would rather face dozens of ordinary star beasts than fight with an intermediate Taiyi. In this case, if he stopped to fight with the other party, then he would not be able to get the Fountain of Life.

Chen Feng's explosion just now temporarily blocked it. Chen Feng didn't walk far before he felt that the star beast was catching up. At the same time, two slightly smaller torrents appeared in front of him. These two small torrents were composed of five star beasts. Chen Feng secretly said that it was troublesome, but he had already prepared it. He waved his hand and threw out several thunders of annihilation.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Then there was a series of surges, and groups of powerful energy swept around, covering Chen Feng and the star beasts.

The scene was extremely chaotic, which was also the situation Chen Feng wanted to create. These star beasts had powerful bodies, but Chen Feng's body was also against the sky. Although he was not as good as these star beasts in terms of grade, the longevity armor on his body could block the attacks of high-grade artifacts and even top-grade artifacts.

So everyone was injured together, and he could take the opportunity to find loopholes.

This was Chen Feng's tactic.

So when the intermediate star beast caught up, Chen Feng disappeared again, leaving only a group of star beasts and a chaotic annihilation force.


At this moment, the powerful star beast suddenly felt a sense of danger, and dodged without thinking. At the moment of dodging, a piece of debris suddenly exploded. The power of this explosion was several times stronger than all the previous annihilation thunders combined. Even this intermediate star beast could not help but roll out. Several other star beasts were directly shattered and turned into blood mist.

What just exploded was a piece of star fragment, which was also a unique method of Chen Feng. It was once used as a big killing move. In the war, it could kill millions of soldiers in one fell swoop, and even Taiyi Jinxian could be killed.

The blood mist condensed quickly, and soon the seriously injured star beast recovered. Chen Feng, who had already left this place, was also secretly moved. This time, he didn't even kill a single star beast.

"The bodies of these star beasts are too powerful, and the quality of these star fragments is not enough. Maybe I should have thrown out those star cores just now." The divine wings behind Chen Feng kept changing colors. The laws of freedom, immortality, and time kept changing, making Chen Feng's temperament rotate. Chen Feng did not integrate these divine methods, because Chen Feng would use this method at the most critical moment.

Even so, he escaped the siege of a large number of star beasts. Two star beasts transformed into a body of ten thousand feet to block Chen Feng's way, but Chen Feng used the sword of the abyss to directly penetrate the body of the other party.

Several more star beasts attacked Chen Feng. This time the attack method was a bit strange. Starlight bloomed from the star beasts, and in the blink of an eye, a starry galaxy was formed. The stars turned and moved, and the next moment Chen Feng was trapped in a starry sky. The powerful Su Fu force made Chen Feng unable to move.

"There is such a method." Chen Feng was a little surprised. He had fought with star beasts many times before, but this kind of attack method was the first time he saw it.


The Time Disk appeared, emitting a golden light, which continued to gather on the Abyss Sword. Soon, the dark blue Abyss Sword completely turned golden, and those who didn't know the details thought that Chen Feng was holding a holy sword of light.

The long sword just swung, and the stars fell and the galaxy rolled. As the stars around disappeared, the binding force on Chen Feng was also rapidly weakening.


The long sword slashed, cutting a hole, and Chen Feng suddenly jumped out, and saw dozens of star beasts surrounding him.

"I'm entangled again."

Chen Feng was helpless, then he stomped his feet violently, his body shook, and the whole person began to swell up. In the blink of an eye, he evolved into a million-zhang Chaos Golden Body. Groups of golden vortices emanated from Chen Feng, shining brightly. The Abyss Sword in his hand and the Time Plate on his head also grew larger. Chen Feng had not used the Chaos Golden Body for a long time. At this time, it continued to grow larger, and even the power in his body began to increase. At the same time, Chen Feng also felt that there was energy gushing out from the deep part of his body that he had not touched.

Feeling the unstoppable power in his body, Chen Feng could not help but let out a long roar. His million-zhang body grew larger again, and it did not stop until it grew to tens of millions of zhang. At this time, Chen Feng felt that his power suddenly increased several times.

"This is the heaven-defying thing about the Chaos Body." Chen Feng said lightly, and the Abyss Sword in his hand slashed straight down. Several star beasts that rushed up exploded in a series, and the blood mist produced was burned before it condensed.

With one blow, six star beasts were wiped out, which was more powerful than the previous world fragments.


Chen Feng's huge body suddenly turned, and the sword of the abyss swept out, and two more star beasts were killed.

Chen Feng's whole body was shining with golden light, but the eyes that swept out were light gray. Chen Feng was still worried about the intermediate star beast, but soon Chen Feng found that the intermediate star beast did not chase him, but rushed towards the direction of the Fountain of Life. Chen Feng saw that the Saint Ancestor of the Wilderness and Tian Lei were almost in front of the Fountain of Life. In addition to these two people, several others were also approaching. Although a large number of star beasts kept surrounding them, these cultivators were too strong. They rushed all the way, and I don’t know how many star beasts were killed or injured. The powerful star beasts that chased Chen Feng were originally going after these people.

"This guy is a chaotic body!"

Other cultivators saw Chen Feng perform from a distance and couldn't help but secretly shocked, especially the True Lord Pingshan exclaimed.

"The first physique in the universe, the chaotic body, no wonder this guy is so powerful, he was born at the forefront, it's unfair." The True Lord of Flame said slowly.

"Don't say more. Now the pressure is less. Hurry up and move forward." Taichu Zhenjun said in a deep voice. Several people were injured in the fight just now. They thought there was no hope this time, but they felt that the number of star beasts around them was reduced, so they knew that the opportunity had come.

"These guys are not slow." Chen Feng threw a punch and blew up a star beast. Knowing that Chen Feng was powerful, the star beasts surrounding Chen Feng actually retreated.

Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw that the number of hundreds of cultivators had been reduced by 20%. Chen Feng frowned. Compared with the damage to the star beasts, the number of cultivators was very small, but thinking that twenty Taiyi Jinxians had fallen in such a short time, Chen Feng still took a breath of cold air, and Chen Feng knew that this was just the beginning, and it would be even more tragic next.

Some people have already retreated. Chen Feng saw from a distance that several cultivators were clashing out, trying to escape from here, but it was easy to get in, but it was difficult to kill out of the encirclement of star beasts.


Chen Feng swung his sword and killed two more star beasts, then took a big step and walked towards the direction of the Fountain of Life.

Seeing Chen Feng walking like a dragon and a tiger among the star beasts, Taichu Zhenjun wanted to call him, but finally held back. In fact, any cultivator present could transform into a body of ten thousand miles, a hundred thousand miles, or even a million miles, but it was no match for Chen Feng's Chaos Golden Body. Chen Feng could improve his strength by using Chaos Golden Body, but cultivators with special bodies would need to consume more energy to use Dharma Body. If they didn't use some means, it would be a bit of a loss. Now, Chen Feng could continuously kill star beasts by waving his sword. If other cultivators came, they would definitely become targets of star beasts and would be killed or maimed soon.

"This guy is walking fast." Huoyan Zhenjun couldn't help but say.

"Even if it's a Chaos Body, what can it do? It's still no match for the intermediate Taiyi Jinxian." Pingshan Zhenjun said with some disdain, but the jealousy in his eyes still betrayed his heart.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The suicidal attacks of three star beasts finally stopped Chen Feng's pace, and at the same time, a torrent of more than a dozen star beasts rushed towards Chen Feng.

The strength displayed by Chen Feng frightened some star beasts. If Chen Feng left now, perhaps these star beasts would not stop him, but it would be different if Chen Feng went to grab the Fountain of Life. These star beasts had no choice but to fight desperately, not to mention that there were two slightly stronger star beasts in this torrent.

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