Eternal Existence

Chapter 152: Alliance

"Okay, both of you stop arguing. Now is not a good time for internal strife." The old monk came out again to act as a peacemaker. As for the other monks, they just watched coldly. Some even wished that the two would fight to the death.

"Haha, do you think I am deliberately provoking you? Do you know what kind of danger we will encounter next? Do you know what is making the roar?" Chen Feng said mysteriously.

"Could it be that you know?" The master of the Evil Moon Cave said lightly.

"Hehe, as for what is ahead, I can't reveal it for the time being. I can only tell you one thing. The roar is most likely a demon king." Chen Feng said coldly.

"Demon king."

"What, a demon king?"

"Are you kidding?"

After hearing Chen Feng's words, everyone lost their composure, including the old monk, whose face changed. They looked very solemn and ugly. They all looked at Chen Feng with questioning looks in their eyes.

"Is what you said true? Is it really the demon king? This kind of thing can't be joked about casually. You know, only immortals can contend with the demon king. If we meet him, we will definitely die." The old monk looked at Chen Feng and asked, staring at Chen Feng with his eyes, as if he wanted to see through Chen Feng's soul to see if he was lying.

"Now we are all together, do I have to lie to you? Since Mo Ji said there are treasures here, then the appearance of a demon king should be acceptable." Chen Feng sneered.

"If this is true, then it will be troublesome. This is the demon king. Let alone the demon king, even if a few big demons come out, we can't deal with it." A young monk next to him shouted.

"No wonder a roar can scare those crazy demons away. It turns out to be the demon king." Xiao Yin, the young master of the Demon Sound Sect, said lightly.

"Since there is a demon king here, why did that woman Mo Ji come here? Isn't she here to die?" A calm middle-aged monk looked at Chen Feng with suspicion.

"Hehe, if there is a holy weapon here, do you think someone will come to fight for their lives? If this demon king is sealed, do you think someone will take the risk?" Chen Feng looked at the middle-aged man and laughed.

"What, there is really a holy weapon?"

"The sealed demon king."

"Is everything you said true?"

Everyone exclaimed again, and was shocked by the news from Chen Feng's mouth again. Looking at the shocked faces in front of him, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel proud.

"I can only tell you this, because I don't know much. Of course, there are some situations that I speculated. If you really encounter a lively demon king next, then you can't blame me for lying." Chen Feng laughed.

Holy weapon! Holy weapon!

Demon king! Demon king!

Sealed! Sealed!

These words kept chewing in the mouths of the people, and they began to think about the authenticity of what Chen Feng said.

"Where did you get the news?" The owner of the Evil Moon Cave looked at Chen Feng and asked.

"If you want to know, it's very simple. Kill this trash right away." Chen Feng smiled and pointed at the romantic man not far away.

"Humph." The master of the Evil Moon Cave stopped talking.

"Little brother, some jokes are not allowed. They will kill people." The old monk shook his head and said.

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. As I said, I just don't want some trash to drag us down." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I believe there is a demon king here. Even if it is not a demon king, it should be a very powerful demon. In short, the other party is not something we can deal with." At this time, Xiao Yin, the young master of the Demon Sound Sect, suddenly spoke.

"That's what I mean. Mo Ji and the others will not come here to die out of boredom. There must be incredible treasures here. Even if it is not a holy weapon, it should at least be a treasure weapon. Don't forget why we all came here?" said the young monk.

"These people really have something to hide from me?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Haha, everyone, I have told you all such important news. Shouldn't you also be frank and tell me why you came to the Demon Soul Valley? I think you guys are not attracted by the 100,000 yuan Yang Dan, right?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Haha, you are right. How could cultivators of our level rashly come here to die for the 100,000 yuan Yang Dan?" The old cultivator laughed.

"In fact, we also got some news secretly, saying that a batch of treasures will be born in the Demon Soul Valley, but we don't know where and what treasures there are. When I got this news, I didn't take it seriously, but then I heard that someone was recruiting a large number of cultivators to go to the Demon Soul Valley, so I was tempted and mixed into the crowd to follow in to see the situation." The old cultivator said with a smile.

"I am in the same situation, but the strange thing is that I don't know who spread this news. One thing is certain, it shouldn't be the Demon Queen?" said the calm middle-aged cultivator.

"That's not necessarily true. This woman is full of tricks and is insidious and cunning. Maybe she spread the news to attract some monks to come and die?" The young monk retorted.

"No matter how this news came about, what we need to do now is to find Moji and the others." The master of Xieyue Cave said.

"I think maybe Moji and the others have found the treasure, or have found the place, otherwise they wouldn't have caused the demon king here to roar." Chen Feng said.

"There is a demon king, it's too dangerous. I suggest we withdraw." Another cultivator said at this time.

"Withdraw, what a joke, we have come to this point, I won't withdraw, I haven't seen what a demon king looks like?" Someone despised.

"If there is a demon king, we will definitely die if we continue to move forward."

"Even if there is a demon king, if Mo Ji and the others can come in, we can naturally, and I also want to settle the account between us with that woman."

After a dispute, two people finally decided to return and not move forward, because the roars just now, which were full of dangerous atmosphere, and Chen Feng's words had shocked the two people.

"Coward, if you are so cowardly, you shouldn't have entered the Demon Soul Valley in the first place." The young cultivator sneered.

"I don't have time to talk to you. If you go too late, I'm afraid there will be nothing." Looking at these people arguing constantly, Chen Feng couldn't bear it anymore, and he stretched his body and rushed forward quickly.

"Let's go too." Xiao Yin, the young master of the Demon Sound Sect, was the first to follow.

In addition to the two people who left, there were seven people including Chen Feng who continued to move forward.

They were Chen Feng, the master of the Evil Moon Cave, the Wind and Flowing Young Master, the old monk, Xiao Yin, the middle-aged monk, and the young monk.

Chen Feng secretly analyzed the cultivation of these people and was secretly surprised. The cultivation of these six people was higher than his. The master of the Evil Moon Cave, the old monk and Xiao Yin, all three of them had treasures. As for the middle-aged monk and the young monk, they seemed to have hidden means.

"I don't know if it's the right choice to mix with these people, especially the master of the Evil Moon Cave. This guy is very powerful." Chen Feng was a little worried.

"But I also have a trump card." Then Chen Feng laughed again.


Just as Chen Feng was thinking secretly in his heart, a figure quickly came to Chen Feng's side. It was Xiao Yin, the young master of the Demon Sound Sect who had been following Chen Feng.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Chen Feng couldn't help asking after seeing the other party disappear and slowly following him. Chen Feng was still a little afraid of this young cultivator who was younger than him.

Especially after seeing Xiao Yin's cave soul flute attack, Chen Feng knew that this guy was very powerful, and this guy was also the young master of the Demon Sound Sect, so he must have some means of saving his life, and it is not impossible that there are hidden masters around him to escort him.

"You just said something you made up, I can feel it." Xiao Yin suddenly said with a smile.

"Oh." Chen Feng was stunned, he didn't expect the other party to say that.

"Really, then why don't you expose me?" Chen Fen smiled faintly.

"Although it was made up, it was not made up. Since I entered this ruins, I felt a strange breath, and I also believe that there is a powerful big guy among them." Xiao Yin said.

"Then why do you continue to die? You are the young master of the Demon Sound Sect, and you are worth a lot of money?" Chen Feng smiled deliberately.

"Hmph, if you don't have strength, it's useless even if you are the son of an immortal. In the final analysis, we cultivators are all determined by strength." The smile on Xiao Yin's face suddenly disappeared.

"That's true." Chen Feng laughed.

"I want to make a deal with you." At this time, Xiao Yin suddenly said.

"Oh, what deal?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"Next, I hope we can form an alliance temporarily and help each other in the process of grabbing treasures. This is much better than working alone." Xiao Yin laughed.

"Oh, so you want to cooperate. Why do you want to find me? I think each of them is more suitable than me. I am just a little cultivator who has been practicing in the secret realm for a short time." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"I am afraid that I will suffer in the end if I cooperate with powerful cultivators. Only you don't look like the kind of guy who does things secretly." Xiao Yin smiled lightly.

"Hahaha, I hope you didn't make a mistake." Chen Feng laughed.

"Since we are allies, there is something I want to tell you. You must be careful. I am afraid that someone will do something to you." Xiao Yin communicated with Chen Feng by voice transmission this time.

"Oh, really?" Chen Feng was shocked.

"I think it's the master of the Evil Moon Cave?" Chen Feng said in a voice transmission.

"There are others, anyway, you have to be careful, they are all eyeing the treasure on you, I think if there is a chance next time, someone will definitely snatch it, and the master of the Evil Moon Cave is actually a very narrow-minded person, if you offend him, he will kill you sooner or later." Xiao Yin reminded.

"Thank you for reminding me, I wish someone would do it." Chen Feng smiled mysteriously.


Just as everyone was moving forward quickly, a building hundreds of feet high next to them suddenly exploded, and countless huge stones fell on Chen Feng and others like a blanket.

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