Eternal Existence

Chapter 151: Maybe the Demon King


Another dull roar, powerful sound waves spread all around, Chen Feng even heard the sound of the building collapsing.

"So powerful, the sound wave alone has such power, what on earth is it?" Chen Feng couldn't help but secretly said.

"Not to mention anything else, just being hit by this sound wave directly, the whole body will be shattered, right?" Chen Feng just kept moving forward rapidly on the ground at this time, and didn't dare to glide in the air at all. The atmosphere became more and more weird. Chen Feng was not sure if he could handle it if he encountered an emergency in mid-air.


"In front."

"Maybe Mo Ji and the others found the treasure."

In addition to Chen Feng, the other three groups of cultivators also heard the roar. Even these people were more deeply affected because they were closer. Those with weaker cultivation suddenly felt their souls constantly vibrating, as if they were about to disperse at any time.

Hearing this roar and feeling a strong sense of crisis, these people instead excitedly accelerated their speed, because in their cognition, since there was danger, the treasure should also appear.

"What a powerful demonic energy." At this time, a thought came into Chen Feng's mind. It was the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao. Chen Feng had planted a soul imprint in the body of this big demon. There was a soul chain between the two. Whatever this big demon was thinking, Chen Feng could sense it clearly as long as he wanted to know.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and he released this big demon from the Longevity Tower.

As soon as the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao came out, it began to grow rapidly, as if it was stretching its muscles and bones. It was suppressed in the Longevity Tower for so long, which made this big demon a little depressed.

The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao opened its mouth and sucked, and the wind and clouds changed. A large amount of demonic energy was swallowed into the body of this big demon.

"Can you refine demonic energy?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Haven't you heard that demons and monsters are one family?" The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao glanced at Chen Feng and said lightly.

"But these demonic energies are not pure, and they are mixed with other things. I wonder if they are leaked from the demon world?" Zidian Yinguang Jiao said while observing the surrounding situation. The powerful demon aura was rapidly radiating around, and even Chen Feng felt a wave of tall and majestic momentum expanding around.

"This dragon has some momentum. I wonder if it can turn into a dragon in the future?" Chen Feng was secretly surprised.

In fact, Chen Feng also knew that the big demon in front of him could only be called Jiao at most, and adding dragon at the end was just a compliment to this creature.

Snake, python, Jiao, dragon.

If a snake can really turn into a real dragon, it is unknown how much luck it will have to go through to succeed. Once it becomes a dragon, it is truly a carp leaping over the dragon gate, ascending to heaven in one step, and it can turn the world upside down, stir up waves, and travel across the sky, and even swallow the sky and split the earth with a wave of its hand.

Dragons are existences that can be equated with immortals.

The big demon in front of him was shining silver and white, and even had a natural horn, but the process of turning a dragon into a dragon was more difficult than ascending to heaven.

Just as the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao stretched its muscles and released its breath, another dull roar came from a distance.


The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao quickly shrank, like a frightened little snake, and quickly came to Chen Feng's side, its silver-white tail shaking constantly, and a strong fear in its eyes.

"Demon King, this is the breath of the Demon King, let me enter the tower quickly." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao said quickly to Chen Feng.

"What, Demon King, you are not wrong?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

"No, it is definitely the Demon King. This kind of breath can only be emitted by the Demon King. In our demon clan, the superiors have an innate soul shock to the inferiors. Facing a senior of this level, I am afraid I can't even raise my head, let alone take action. Young Master, Young Master, or Master, let's leave here immediately. Feeling this breath, I feel extremely uncomfortable staying for a while." The tone of the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao was full of fear, and Chen Feng could feel that this fear was not pretended.

"Demon King, if it were a human cultivator, what realm would it be?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"It would be best if it were a human immortal." said the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao.

"Human immortal." Chen Feng sighed.

"I think if a human immortal wants to kill us, it would be useless even if we run out of the Demon Soul Valley. And I think Mo Ji and the others didn't come here to die in vain. I still plan to follow them and take a look. If you are afraid, hide in the Longevity Tower. I think even if the other party is really a demon king, it shouldn't be easy to find you." Chen Feng said and put the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao into the Longevity Tower.

In fact, Chen Feng said it easily on the surface, but he didn't have any idea in his heart. He was just a cultivator in the secret realm period. If there was a human immortal standing in front of him, he would definitely be able to easily see through him inside and out.

However, curiosity attracted Chen Feng and he couldn't retreat. If there was really a demon king or a human immortal or a demon king in front of him, Chen Feng would go forward to take a look. Besides, Chen Feng hadn't found the soul-protecting flower yet.

Next, Chen Feng sped up instead, no longer paying attention to the surrounding buildings, but just kept rushing towards the direction where the sound waves came from.

"Such a strong demonic aura, this is the breath of the demon king, there is actually a demon king here, boy, where are you? Are you looking for death?" At this time, Ta's voice suddenly sounded in Chen Feng's mind.

"Ta, you woke up again?" Chen Feng answered while running. It seems that he is not curious or surprised at Ta's awakening. Even the purple lightning silver light dragon can sense the demonic aura outside, so it makes no sense that Ta can't sense it.

"Am I going to just watch you die? You are still in the Demon Soul Valley, and a demon king appears. It's interesting." Ta's voice suddenly became dull again.

"If it really is the Demon King, can you deal with it?" Chen Feng asked hopefully.

"Now I can't even deal with the big demon who has survived the thunder tribulation, let alone the demon king. However, this demon aura is a bit obscure and uncertain. It doesn't seem to be a normal demon king. Could it be a sealed demon king? That’s true, so don’t worry too much,” Ta said slowly.

"What? The sealed demon king?" Chen Feng asked suspiciously.

"I'm just guessing. Boy, this is also a kind of gamble. Even the sealed Demon King, or even the seriously injured Demon King who is about to die, is not something you can deal with. You have to think carefully. Going forward will be abnormal. It's dangerous. If you really confront the Demon King, I won't be able to save you," Ta said.

Hearing Ta say this, Chen Feng was silent for a while.

"Hehehehe, how are you? Are you scared? If you are, you can still return now. With my help, there is no problem in leaving Demon Soul Valley." Ta looked at Chen Feng in deep thought and couldn't help but smile.

"It shouldn't be a problem to go and see the excitement, right?" Chen Feng said.

"Curiosity can kill," Ta said.

"What are you afraid of? In the worst case, I will hide in the Tower of Eternal Life." Chen Feng said nonchalantly.

"The Tower of Eternal Life is not omnipotent. It has not recovered its strength now. If it encounters a powerful one, it can be refined by the other party." Tower said again.

"If this is the case, then consider me unlucky." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, we finally caught up with these people. It seems that their situation is not good, right?" Chen Feng looked at the group of monks in front and said with a smile.

"Hey! Why are you catching up?" Feng Liulangjun couldn't help but said as he looked at Chen Feng who was approaching quickly.

"Why, it's amazing that you can survive until now." Chen Feng looked at the romantic man and said sarcastically.

"Little brother, where are your friends?" the old monk asked, while he kept looking at Chen Feng, trying to find out something.

"They have returned and should have left Demon Soul Valley now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Based on their strength, they will most likely die on the road." The romantic man sneered.

"Merry Man, you have to know that if I want to kill you, the cave master cannot protect you all the time, especially in this situation." A trace of murderous intent flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Hmph." Sensing the killing intent in Chen Feng, the romantic man stopped talking.

Ever since he met Chen Feng, the romantic man's heart has been filled with evil murderous intentions. This boy who is not as good as himself has been shouting at him to kill him, but he has nothing to do. What's more important is that the other party can attack him. Kill yourself. Every time you think of this romantic gentleman, you get angry and want to howl.

"If this kid didn't have a treasure on him, I could slap him to death." In the end, the romantic man could only comfort himself this way, making himself feel better.

"It just so happens that little brother can join us. Only by uniting together can we deal with the next danger." The old monk smiled.

"I don't have any objection, but with so many of you working together, there are still casualties. I don't know if someone is holding you back. I suggest you clear out some of the garbage that is holding you back, such as this one." At this point, Chen Feng pointed. A romantic man with an extremely ugly face.

"What did you say?" the romantic man said angrily.

"It's just that the soul fire has just been condensed, and because of the injury, it can't display its own strength. This is nothing but garbage. I suggest throwing this kind of person away immediately to avoid being in danger and dragging us down. "Chen Feng sneered.

"Little guy, don't think that just because you have a treasure on your body, you can do whatever you want. Believe it or not, if we fight, I can kill you within three breaths." The cave master of Xie Yue Cave said calmly.

"Oh, really, then let's fight." Although he was not his opponent, Chen Feng was not willing to show weakness.

According to the previous style of the Cave Master of Xieyue Cave, even if the opponent has a treasure on his body and offends himself, he will kill the opponent at any cost, but the young man in front of him gives him a strange feeling, and in order to retain his strength, now he also It was not a good time to fight, which was why the evil moon cave master did not use his strongest strength in the face of Chen Feng's repeated provocations.

Chen Feng naturally knew this, so he pretended to be more confident and more arrogant, just to be sure that the other party would not try his best to kill him.

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