Eternal Existence

Chapter 1492 Leaving the Flesh and Blood Demon Fetus

"The power of the Time Disk has increased." The Three Thousand Venerables had seen the Time Disk, but it was not so complete and powerful in Chen Feng's hands at that time.

Lord Luangu also admired it, and the Taoist Tianji also had a sharp look in his eyes, turning around the Time Disk non-stop, and finally looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"It's really the Time Disk, this kid's luck is against the sky." Taoist Tianji couldn't help but say.

"Since there is such a magic weapon, it is indeed possible to go out, but are you sure you want to go out now."

Lord Luangu and the Three Thousand Venerables were silent for a long time. After a long time, the Three Thousand Venerables said: "Yes, we just came in and can't go out now, but my friend, I can give you some of my power."

Chen Feng nodded, and at the same time understood the decision of these predecessors. It is indeed very dangerous for cultivators like himself to stay here, but for cultivators in the Taiyi realm, staying here is a gain.


The Time Disk emitted a golden stream of light, and did not pierce the flesh and blood barrier, but formed a rolling river in the space.

It was the shadow of the long river of time constructed by the power of the Time Disc, which was incomparable to the real long river of time, but it also had some of its power.

The long river of time did not seem long, but everyone present could feel the laws of transcending space contained in it.

"Seniors, let's go first." Chen Feng put away the Queen Mother and the combat puppet, stepped out into the long river of time.

"Wait for me, I'll go too." Qing Ming God King quickly followed.

Chen Feng and Qing Ming were soon submerged in the long river of time. As the Time Disc turned into a stream of light, the long river of time gradually disappeared.

"This kid is out."

"Let's go. If you can't get out in the future, you may have to rely on the power of this kid."

The vast universe is desolate and silent. There is not even a star. The darkness has no direction. This is a place where life has not reached.

A long golden river suddenly appeared, tearing apart the darkness and silence, and then two young men walked out of the long river one after another, and then the long river disappeared, but the surrounding space began to ripple like waves.

"It came out so soon." Qingming asked in surprise.

"Of course, I just don't know where this is." Chen Feng said as he released the Queen Mother, and at the same time performed the pupil technique, and in an instant his eyes penetrated the void and spanned billions of miles.

"Sir, this place is about 100,000 light years away from the Changsheng Heaven, well, nearly 100,000 light years." The Queen Mother said after a long time.

"It's too slow to go back like this, we still have to rely on the power of the long river of time." Chen Feng took out the Time Plate, and soon the golden light flowed, and a long golden river rolled out.

"Qingming, where are you going?" Chen Feng asked before entering the long river of time.

"Haha, I want to follow my brother to see the world." Qingming said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded, said no more, turned around and entered the long river of time. After the long river of time disappeared, a big hand suddenly appeared silently, and there was a strange and uncomfortable feeling in the dark starry sky.

This big hand gently grabbed, and the four-sided starry sky collapsed, and the energy rolled around, and soon the big hand disappeared again.

"It runs so fast, it's worthy of the long river of time."

Chen Feng appeared again and arrived at the base camp of the Immortal World Longevity Alliance. Although he knew that the speed was very fast, Chen Feng was still very surprised.

"I thought that the longevity wings and the wings of freedom were already the top divine movement skills. When they were cultivated to the extreme, they could ignore time and space, but they were still a long way from the long river of time. Of course, this is also related to my inability to cultivate." Chen Feng said, and then he found that the situation around him was a little wrong.

"Sir, the territory has been occupied." The mother queen said.

"These guys are really quick to act." Chen Feng swept his eyes and sneered. The cultivators in the Longevity Alliance had completely retreated, and even the disciples of the Six Paths Sword Sect, who were deeply rooted in the fairy world, did not stay. The original territory had been divided up by several other families.

"Chaos Demon, Death Evil Spirit, Hellfire Knight, Yin Demon, Night Bone, hehe, these guys actually divided up my territory. This is not something that allies do." Chen Feng said coldly.

"Sir, they are a bit too much." Looking at Chen Feng's expression, the Queen Mother said tactfully.

"However, they are allies after all. We will have to join forces to fight against the fairy world in the future. We can't be too ugly. Just drive them all away." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, Sir." The Queen Mother said and began to release the insects. A full three billion fighters were all the power of the Queen Mother. The powerful force exploded on the ground with a bang, and then quickly expanded to the surroundings, just like a basin of ink poured into a clear lake, spreading to the surroundings with ripples.

Under the orders of the Queen Mother, the fighters launched a powerful attack, initially just to drive them away, or at most to injure them, but after encountering resistance, they began to kill.

All the major evil races had fallen monks, Chen Feng's face was calm, waiting for the reactions of these families.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Chaos Demons to retreat first, followed by the Hellfire Knights, and then the other families also retreated one after another. What's interesting is that the Yin Demon Clan originally wanted to resist, but after being attacked by the fighters and suffering heavy casualties, they reluctantly withdrew from the robbed territory.

Seeing these families retreat, Chen Feng was relieved. In fact, according to the strength of these families, they could completely destroy his 3 billion troops together. However, the other party retreated, which also showed their strength and did not want to fight with him, or it was not the time to fight with him, because the biggest enemy, the Immortal Court, was watching covetously.


Chen Feng said, the Queen Mother nodded, and quickly collected the insects. Chen Feng took out the Great Desolate Cauldron and threw it lightly. The Great Desolate Cauldron flew high in the sky. The power of the top-grade artifact swept all around, shaking the entire heaven.

"Top-grade artifact!"

"The best of the top-grade is the Great Desolate Cauldron. It is rumored that the Great Desolate Cauldron failed to advance, and I don't know who gathered it again."

Some Taiyi Jinxian were alarmed, and some people became greedy.

"It's Changtian. Forget it. We can't afford to offend this guy. Now that the Changsheng Heaven Realm is about to change its owner, there is no need for us to provoke him."

"This kid has advanced to the Immortal Golden Immortal."

"Hmph! This cultivation speed will sooner or later pose a threat to us. Should we find a way to kill him?"

"Okay, go ahead, as long as you can deal with that sword cultivator."

The Great Wilderness Cauldron covered the entire territory of the Changsheng Alliance in the past. In this range, all foreign cultivators were teleported out by the powerful force.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Great Wilderness Cauldron shrank and quickly fell into his hands, but the shadow of the Great Wilderness Cauldron still covered the territory of the Changsheng Alliance.

"Damn, this kid is too arrogant, this is in the fairyland." Some people became angry, and some cultivators chose to attack, but after some cultivators were seriously injured and flew back, no one dared to try.

"Although we can't stop Taiyi Golden Immortal, I think these people won't take action. Let's go." Chen Feng said lightly, waving his hand and leaving the fairyland.

The most important thing now is to rescue the Changsheng Heaven Realm. Taiyi Jinxian cannot take action and can only watch the war. Once the cultivators below cannot stop it, Changsheng Heaven Realm will change its master, unless Taiyi Jinxian takes action. Originally, some Taiyi Jinxian in the Changsheng clan planned to start a Taiyi war with the other party, but they were stopped by the order issued by the realm master. Since the realm master spoke, these people were puzzled and relaxed.

At this time, the situation in Changsheng Heaven Realm became worse and worse. A large number of enemies entered Changsheng Heaven Realm. The defense circle set up by Wuya Legion, Wuji Legion and other forces was torn open more and more. With the invasion of the enemy, the will of the entire Changsheng Heaven Realm was affected, and the pressure under the mobilization of Changsheng Zhenjing became smaller and smaller.

This is a sign of defeat. The Changsheng clan has no better way except to fight desperately.

The arrival of one billion prison soldiers did play a big role, severely damaging the Huanzhen clan, but it could not completely change the situation. On the contrary, due to the stimulation of the prison soldiers, the other side increased some strength, and more infiltrators appeared, causing the casualties of the Changsheng clan to increase again.

A female cultivator with perfect appearance held an ancient round mirror, and light was emitted from the round mirror. As long as the cultivators were illuminated by the light, they would immediately turn into ashes as if they were weathered. Only some cultivators with high cultivation could resist it, but their strength would also be affected and reduced.

The yellow light swept across, and it seemed that there were stars flashing in it. Wherever it passed, several immortal golden immortals seemed to be bound and could not move. Then two equally beautiful female cultivators rushed over, and they killed these immortal golden immortals with ruthless moves.

One of the two female cultivators was as hot as fire, like a scorching sun shining halfway in all directions, and the other was cold and deserted, as noble as the moon against the earth.

These three women, who are top-notch in appearance, temperament and cultivation, are the saints of Changsheng Palace.

Bingxing activated the Great Thousand Mirror to attack the enemy remotely, while Zhuiyang and Guyue fought in close combat. The three were all immortal golden immortals, but more than a hundred golden immortals had died in their hands during this period, and there were countless celestial immortals, and even a few god kings.

However, the enemy seemed to be endless. Soon the light of the Great Thousand Mirror in Bingxing's hand disappeared and returned to its previous appearance. Zhuiyang and Guyue also retreated to Bingxing's side. Thousands of guards rushed up and formed a barrier in front of the three. These guards were all half-step golden immortals, and they were also the last force that the three did not send out.

"This is not a solution. The enemy is too strong and there are too many of them." Zhuiyang said anxiously.

"We are all from the anti-sky race, and our strength is not much different. One-on-one, even two-on-one, the other side will never attack, but there are four or five families in the outer space that are constantly launching charges. It's luck that we can hold on until now." Guyue said.

"This is the result of our Changsheng clan's desperate battle. This is our Changsheng clan's calamity. Even if we can stop these people's attacks, we will have to face the attacks of other heavens next." Bingxing said lightly, his face just regained some color. He had already consumed all his strength to activate the Great Thousand Mirror.

"Fortunately, one billion prison soldiers appeared, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to hold on until now. Bingxing, I heard that these prison soldiers were brought by Changtian. Your fiancé is very capable." Zhuiyang said with a smile.

Bingxing's face turned red. She didn't say anything, but stretched out her hand to touch the Great Thousand Mirror. The Great Thousand Mirror emitted a rich light that enveloped the three people. A God King chopped down with a long sword, but was blocked by the power of the Great Thousand Mirror.

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