Eternal Existence

Chapter 1491 Corpse Slave


After landing on the stone plate, Chen Feng groaned. The light gray armor on his body disappeared, and the immortal armor also disappeared. Only Chen Feng was lying on the ground a little weakly, but as Chen Feng breathed, Chen Feng The spirit began to fill up.

After Chen Feng had almost recovered, the Queen Mother also began to repair her injuries, with only two battle puppets loyally guarding her on both sides.

"The power of the Great Wild Cauldron is really powerful." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Actually, Young Master should take out the Great Desolate Cauldron. Maybe it can compete with the Blood Underworld Tree. If you take out the Disk of Time, maybe you can collect the Blood Underworld Tree." The Queen Mother still misses the Blood Underworld Tree.

"If I take out the Great Desolate Cauldron, there may be nothing wrong with it, but once I take out the Disk of Time, the result will be that both my Blood Ming Tree will be damaged, and then Taiyi Golden Immortal will take advantage of me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The Queen Mother pondered for a moment and determined that what Chen Feng said made sense.

At this time, Qing Ming also appeared, landing on the stone plate in a somewhat embarrassed state. Chen Feng didn't care, but the two combat puppets acted on guard, which shocked Qing Ming.

"Brother Dao is really good at it." Qing Ming praised.

"Based on the realm of the Immortal Golden Immortal to fight against a demon tree in the Taiyi realm, I already have respect for Brother Tao in my heart."

"Stop flattering, what's going on with you?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"The Blood Ming Fruit I obtained earlier attracted other people's prying eyes. If I hadn't had a combat puppet to defend myself, hehe, I would be dead now." Although Qing Ming smiled, his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"You attracted the other party here." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Qing Ming's face: "Brother Dao, please give me a helping hand."

"Hahaha, kid, you can't run away now, hand over all the Blood Nether Fruits, and then I can spare you one life." Someone appeared laughing.

One, two, three, a total of eight divine kings appeared.

"It's not easy. I admire you for being able to escape from the hands of eight divine kings." Chen Feng said with a smile, surprise flashing in his eyes.

"It's a small trick, but it's a pity that all my battle puppets were blown up." Qing Ming sighed, looking at Chen Feng with a pleading look in his eyes.


At this time, the divine kings also saw Chen Feng. Two of them looked at each other with a look of surprise and greed in their eyes. However, looking at the battle puppet next to Chen Feng, the two of them looked worried.

"Friends, this is my territory, you should leave." Chen Feng said lightly.

The two gods who recognized Chen Feng hesitated for a moment and took a step back imperceptibly. However, the others did not recognize Chen Feng, and some of the gods who thought they had some tricks sneered.

"Young man, you think that you dare to speak big words just by relying on fighting puppets. I think these two puppets are good and they belong to me." One of them said and took out a one-foot-sized stone bottle. Several streams of light flew out and appeared in front of him. A piece of puppet.

"Corpse slave!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The art of corpse refining is actually also a puppet art, but the refining methods are somewhat different. In fact, to put it bluntly, the two combat puppets beside Chen Feng can also be regarded as products of the art of corpse refining, because during the refining process of the Eternal Life Tower Although the main body is the body of Taiyi Golden Immortal, the corpses of other Taiyi Golden Immortals are also pieced together.

There are a total of eight corpse slaves in front of them. They all seem to have the fighting power of a god. However, these corpse slaves have no fear or thinking. They are fighting machines. Coupled with powerful artifacts, they can completely entangle Chen Feng's two combat puppets. This At that time, Chen Feng also understood why Qing Ming's battle puppet was killed, but he was even more curious about Qing Ming's ability to escape from these people.

"You come from the corpse world." Chen Feng showed an interested look in his eyes.


Seeing Chen Feng's eyes, the two gods took a few steps back. If Chen Feng's eyes were wary, these two people might not be able to fish in troubled waters, but when they saw Chen Feng's eyes, they knew what was going on this time. the result of.

"Let's go."

"You decide."

"Come on, I saw a hint of joking in this kid's eyes."


As soon as they left, the two divine kings disappeared in an instant.

The other gods didn't pay much attention to the power of these two people, thinking that these two people just left because of something. However, when they saw Chen Feng's next actions, these people regretted it to the extreme.

"Boy, you have eyesight. I come from the corpse world. There are a billion corpse slaves in my corpse refining bottle. I don't know how many of your fighters can deal with it." This gloomy god became even more gloomy as he spoke. .

"One billion corpse slaves!" Chen Feng was pleasantly surprised, and Qing Ming clearly saw Chen Feng's eyes gushing out for a foot long.

"Hahahahaha!" Chen Feng suddenly laughed.

"Congratulations, young master." The Queen Mother also said with a smile.

"I need help right now, and someone came to my door." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the Great Wild Cauldron flew out, covering it up as the other party's eyes changed from mocking to horrified.

"The best among high-grade artifacts." Qing Ming sighed, finally understanding where Chen Feng's confidence lies.

In fact, Chen Feng also had some calculations just now. If the opponent didn't take out the Corpse Refining Bottle, Chen Feng would not use the Great Wilderness Cauldron. With his two combat puppets and the Mother Queen, he would definitely not suffer, but the billion in the Corpse Refining Bottle The corpse slave made Chen Feng's heart beat fast. This was a fatal temptation.

When Chen Feng put away the Great Wilderness Cauldron again, the six gods had disappeared, and only some immortal laws and energy were wandering around. The Queen Mother stepped forward and skillfully devoured the energy she needed. Chen Feng waved his hand and the corpse refining bottle fell into his hand.

"It's just a mid-grade artifact." Chen Feng sneered, but his divine consciousness entered the corpse refining bottle and indeed found countless corpse slaves in it.

"It is indeed one billion." Chen Feng nodded, somewhat satisfied and somewhat happy. This corpse refining bottle brought Chen Feng unexpected gains.

"There are actually a group of corpse slaves at the Golden Immortal level, and the number of half-step Golden Immortals and Heavenly Immortals is also considerable. This guy has some family background, but it's a pity that it's all cheap to me." Chen Feng laughed. This force is also very important in the war.

"Congratulations, young master!" The Queen Mother said again.

"Congratulations, brother." Qingming only congratulated him, but did not thank him. Speaking of it, Qingming was also very envious of Chen Feng's gains.

"Are all the cultivators from the Corpse Realm so rich?" Chen Feng suddenly said, his mind constantly turning, thinking whether he should take time to go and have a look, but the Corpse Realm is in the rumors, not to mention the dangers, it is difficult for ordinary people to find it.

"Hey! This guy helped me a lot, but I shouldn't kill him. What a pity, what a pity." Chen Feng shook his head, but his face was full of smiles.

The harvest of the six gods allowed the mother queen to create another sub-worm, and Chen Feng began to communicate with the Changsheng Zhenjing. At first, Chen Feng wanted to practice here, but now the Changsheng clan is in crisis, and he should find a way to go back. Whether he can turn the war around or not, he must contribute part of his strength.

Whether as the owner of the Changsheng Tower and the Changsheng Zhenjing, or as the son of the Wuya family, or his birthplace, no matter what the reason, Chen Feng can go back without hesitation.

Knowing Chen Feng's thoughts, the mother queen has been constantly creating sub-worms. The mother queen has information about Chen Feng and believes that Chen Feng can definitely leave here.

What surprised Chen Feng was that he quickly established contact with the Changsheng Sutra. At the same time, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. Through the Changsheng Zhenjin, Chen Feng knew that the Changsheng Heaven had not fallen, but more and more invaders continued to enter the Changsheng Land. According to this situation, it was only a matter of time before the Changsheng Heaven changed its owner.

The reason why the Changsheng clan could hold on until now was, first, because of the desperate resistance of the Changsheng clan, and second, because of the reinforcements of 1 billion prison soldiers.

Originally, there were only 500 million prison soldiers, but as the situation became more serious, Chen Feng's clone had ordered the transfer of the Changsheng Alliance. Under Chen Feng's order, most of the combatants in the Changsheng Alliance went to the Changsheng Heaven, and the rest were transferred to the Dark Realm.

Although the Dark Realm was also in the midst of a war, it was still no problem to accommodate some outsiders. The Dark Kirin even drew out some forces to assist the Changsheng Heaven, of course, these forces were also squeezed out by the entire Dark Realm.


Chen Feng sighed.

"The situation is critical. Even one billion prison soldiers are being used. Hehe, these races in the Chaos Space, one day I will let you know how powerful they are." Chen Feng's eyes were full of murderous intent.

After waiting for a while, Sanqian Venerable and Luan Gu Zhenjun found Chen Feng. There was also a white-bearded old man wearing clothes with eight trigrams patterns beside them. After the introduction, Chen Feng knew that this was Tianji Laodao, a very powerful Taiyi Jinxian.

"Boy, you have something on your mind." Tianji Laodao asked with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded, and told the situation encountered in Changsheng Tianjie without hiding it.

"So it's this kind of thing. It's a pity that we old guys can't take action. Although we have some power under our hands, there is no way to get out now." Sanqian Venerable said.

"I have a way to get out." Chen Feng said.

"You have a way!" Tianji Laodao was surprised, and Sanqian Venerable looked at Chen Feng thoughtfully, as if he had seen something.

Chen Feng nodded: "But I'm not completely sure."

In fact, Chen Feng's method is very simple, that is to use the power of the Great Wilderness Cauldron and the Time Plate. Chen Feng thinks that the Immortal Scripture can transfer the power, so as long as the power is enough, he can break the flesh and blood demon fetus and get out.

"You mean." The Three Thousand Venerables secretly asked Chen Feng.

"Yes, it's really the Time Plate." Chen Feng took out the Time Plate directly. When the Time Plate appeared, some cultivators present couldn't help but exclaimed.

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