Eternal Existence

Chapter 1485 Qing Ming

"Yes, Changtian, let's go and fight first." Tiandao Dijian also shouted at the same time.

Chen Feng knew that these people were kind-hearted. Since they chose to come here, they were ready to fight. At this time, the Changsheng clan had not recovered after the war, so when they saw that the other party wanted to come forward, Chen Feng did not stop them. .

"Please everyone." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Let's go and meet these races from the chaotic space. I want to see how powerful they are." The blue-clothed God King said that the blue wings behind him spread out, and the runes on them were densely flashing, and then they disappeared directly on the spot, and the next moment they rushed into the enemy formation. Everyone saw that the blue-clothed God King kept changing his position. Every time he changed his position, a circle of light would bloom. I don't know how many cultivators were killed in the circle of light.

The Changsheng Clan has the Changsheng Sutra, and Zizai Tian also has the Da Zizai Sutra. Not to mention other secret techniques, the Free Wings recorded in the Da Zizai Sutra is even better than the Changsheng Wings. The Changsheng Wings can transcend time and space when practiced to a certain level, and the Free Wings can be detached, unrestrained, and become Da Zizai.

"This guy got the first move, let's do it too." Tian Dao Di Jian looked at each other and rushed up.

Chen Feng sighed a little. These friends brought 100 million cultivators. This time they pressed forward in one breath. In this regard, the other party was very kind. He had to remember this favor firmly in his heart.

War will kill people. The other party brought 100 million cultivators and didn't know how many would die in the end. Of course, the other party also understood this, but still rushed up without hesitation.

"Hey! The situation is critical, but I can't contact my body now. It's really troublesome." Chen Feng shook his head. He couldn't intervene and could only watch other cultivators fighting.

When the Changsheng Clan was facing a crisis, Chen Feng was still cultivating in the flesh and blood demon fetus. Chen Feng thought that the Changsheng Heaven should have survived the disaster, so he had no worries in his heart and cultivated on the stone plate for decades.

During these decades, the Queen Mother used the flesh and blood energy here to create another billion insect armies, and at the same time she also devoured a lot of energy, but there was still no sign of advancement. According to the Queen Mother, enough energy needs to be prepared before advancement, and the energy prepared so far is not even one-tenth.

"If these one billion troops are sent back, or sent to the Changsheng Alliance or to the Heaven, it will have a shocking effect." Chen Feng planned in his heart. Of course, he thought so in his heart. To achieve this, the most important thing is to leave here first.

In the past few decades, the Queen Mother had swallowed up countless flesh and blood. This place was the best paradise for the Queen Mother, but after reaching a certain point, the Queen Mother was somewhat helpless. Because of the Queen Mother's actions, the flesh and blood around the stone plate were plundered in large quantities. At first, there was still flesh and blood, but later the flesh and blood around began to crawl away, revealing a large area of ​​space. In this way, the Queen Mother had to pass a long distance to plunder the flesh and blood, and during this distance, the Queen Mother would be constantly attacked by the flesh and blood force, so the Queen Mother felt more and more exhausted. After creating hundreds of millions of worms again, she stopped and began to practice.

After swallowing so much flesh and blood, it was time to practice for a while. This is how the Queen Mother comforted herself.

After practicing for a while, Chen Feng saw the situation around him and laughed.

"No one has appeared for so long. It seems that this location is very secret." Chen Feng said with a smile.

But soon Chen Feng cursed himself for being a bad-mouthed man, because soon three gods appeared together. These three gods were covered with wounds, and it was obvious that they had experienced several battles. After seeing the disc where Chen Feng was, these three gods showed joy on their faces and rushed over quickly.

Originally, the area of ​​this stone disc was large enough, and these three people came over, and Chen Feng would not say anything, and Chen Feng also wanted to communicate with them, but one of them might have lost his mind, or maybe he saw Chen Feng as easy to bully, and then he took action.

"Get out of the way." This person waved his hand, and a mighty torrent of power rushed towards Chen Feng and the Queen Mother.

"Interesting." Chen Feng was stunned, then laughed, waved his hand, and the Changsheng Sword slashed out, tearing apart the mighty torrent.


A flash of light flashed, and this god was knocked out, and before he could adjust his body, he was caught by the bloody hand that suddenly appeared.

Pah pah pah! Pah pah pah!

This person was not simple either. Although he was injured, he still broke free from the restraints around him. However, Chen Feng's attack came again at this time. A ray of immortal light swept over this God Lord. The Queen Mother moved her body, and the long whip turned into a spear that pierced through this person's body. Then she swung it hard and threw it far away, directly hitting the flesh and blood barrier. Countless tentacles appeared, and the God Lord continued to struggle, and finally disappeared in the flesh and blood barrier.

The other two God Lords landed on the stone plate and looked at Chen Feng and the Queen Mother with caution. In fact, these two people did not take Chen Feng seriously, but the incident that happened just now made them cautious. At the same time, they also understood that those who could enter the flesh and blood demon fetus and still be alive were not simple people.

"Haha, don't be nervous, little brother, we have no ill intentions." One of the middle-aged men with a long beard said with a smile.

"If you have any malicious intentions, you won't show it here." Chen Feng said lightly. The God Lord was thrown away by the Queen Mother just now. At this time, Chen Feng regretted it a little. That was a God Lord, and there must be a lot of good things on him.


Another god in silver armor flashed his eyes, and looked at the Queen Mother with a wary look again.

"You two Daoists look a little embarrassed." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"A little immortal golden immortal is also qualified to call us Daoists." The silver armor god sneered, but the middle-aged man with a long beard didn't care.

"Kill him!" Chen Feng suddenly said lightly.


The Queen Mother's blade foot attacked the god in silver armor like lightning, while Chen Feng stood aside with a long sword in his hand and did not attack. The middle-aged man with a long beard hesitated, but finally did not choose to attack.

The silver armor god held a shining spear and fell behind the Queen Mother after a few rounds. Chen Feng and the middle-aged man with a long beard could see that this man could not hold on for a few breaths.

"Daoist, if you don't attack, the other party wants to kill us one by one." The silver armor god shouted.


A flash of light passed by, and the man's arm was cut off, and even the spear flew out of his hand. Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the spear fell into his hand.

This is a good magic weapon. Although it is a mid-grade artifact, it has the power of a high-grade artifact. At this time, the spear was struggling violently, but Chen Feng's palm emitted a burst of energy, and then the spear vibrated a few times and then quieted down.


The silver armored god spit out a mouthful of blood. This is his life magic weapon that he has used his mind to sacrifice for hundreds of millions of years, and it was snatched away by the other party.


This man was cut into two halves, and then the two halves of the body fled to both sides at the same time. If he didn't flee, he would die. At the same time, there was deep regret in his heart, regretting why he was so arrogant to provoke the other party.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the spear pierced half of the man's body, and the other half was swallowed by the mother queen.

A god was killed like this, and a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man with a long beard.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist. As long as the other party doesn't provoke me, I won't take the initiative to attack." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I dare not!" The middle-aged man with a long beard did not have the arrogance of a god, but quickly repaired his injuries.

"The harvest is not small!"

Chen Feng and the Queen Mother laughed. The inner world of this god was also taken by Chen Feng, and the treasures that were worth looking at were plundered.

"This place is not simple. Even the inner world can't escape. It seems that I have to wait until I take action." In Chen Feng's palm is a world, or a small universe, with many stars, desolate and alive. Of course, Chen Feng can completely destroy this small universe with a big hand, but Chen Feng can't bear the billions of lives in it, so he waved his hand and collected the small universe.

"Young master can actually refine the other party's inner world, integrate it into his own body, and expand his inner world." The Queen Mother suggested.

Chen Feng thought about it and nodded: "This method is good. Why didn't I think of it before?"

"Wait a minute, fellow Daoist, there are risks in doing this. You should know that the paths of cultivation of both parties are different. If they merge rashly, there will definitely be conflicts." At this time, the middle-aged God King with a long beard spoke.

"Thank you for your advice, fellow Daoist." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I dare not, I dare not."

Before the two continued to communicate, another cultivator appeared. There were two of them, a God King and a God King. What's interesting is that these two people had fought all the way here. After seeing the stone plate here, they immediately stopped and fell on the stone plate.

"Hey! It turned out to be fellow Daoist. I am Qingming, I meet you." The young God King immediately showed joy in his eyes when he saw Chen Feng.

"I dare not, I am Chen Feng." Chen Feng said lightly.


Another fierce God King snorted coldly, but didn't say much. This person was a bit scheming. If he didn't know the situation here, he shouldn't say much. However, this person greeted the middle-aged man with a long beard, and then the two started chatting.

"Brother, how long have you been here?" Qingming God King asked Chen Feng.

"It's been a while. I've been practicing here since I came in. It seems that you've gained a lot." Since the other party was very polite, Chen Feng couldn't be cold to him.

"Brother, you're lucky. I'm a little miserable. I encountered a lot of dangers after I came in. It was almost a life-and-death struggle. Fortunately, I found a place to stay. As for the gains, I did have some." Qingming God King shook his head and said.

"Could there really be something good here? After I came in, all I saw was a thick barrier of flesh and blood and a strong blood power." Chen Feng was a little curious.

"Brother, please look at what this is?" Qingming God King stretched out his hand. There was a blood-red fruit in his palm. There were traces of runes flashing in the faint blood light, and there was also pure energy flowing in it.

"Blood Nether Fruit! Could it be that there is a Blood Nether Tree here?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

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