Eternal Existence

Chapter 1484 Stalker

The conversation with Haorantian of the Vajra Clan went smoothly. As expected, the two families agreed to assist the Changsheng Heaven Realm, but they would leave immediately if they had to. The Vajra Clan also put forward their own conditions, that is, if the war is won this time, the Changsheng Heaven Realm will help the Vajra Clan to seize a place in the Heaven Realm.

Haorantian did not make any demands, but formed an alliance with the Changsheng Heaven Realm, but all expenses must be provided by the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

This is the best result, but Chen Feng and others are still not happy, because no one can see much hope.

Fight to the death!

This is the only thought of the Changsheng Clan. Some monks who were hiding and unwilling to show up have also come out one after another, and monks who have been wandering in the distant starry sky have also returned one after another, because everyone knows that this time the Changsheng Heaven Realm has reached a moment of life and death.

The Changsheng Clan is the first heaven-defying race born at the beginning of the formation of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. It has existed for countless years and is also a well-known ancient race in the heavens. It has also encountered great disasters during the years of inheritance, but it has persisted every time. There were even one or two times when the danger was even greater than what was happening now. However, only some high-level people knew about these things, and the number of high-level people in the entire Changsheng Heaven Realm was still small after all, so the morale dropped again and again, and there was no way to encourage them.

"Changtian, it seems that the situation here is not very good."

At this time, several cultivators came over. After seeing these people, Chen Feng's eyes lit up and a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

The Black Water Demon Eye of Moruotian, the Blue-clothed God King of Zizaitian, the Heavenly Sword and Earth Sword of Changhentian, the Thunder Armor of Daluotian, the Purple Fairy of Huoyuntian, the Sword King of Qingjingtian and other friends of Chen Feng came together. Chen Feng even saw the Biqing of Biluotian.

"It's beyond my expectation that you can come." Chen Feng walked forward with a smile, and at the same time, he swept his mind and found that these people brought more than 100 million cultivators, which is also a very strong force.

"Changtian, don't say anything extra, we have to arrange the people we brought here, it seems that we have to live here for a while." Lei Jia said loudly.

"No problem, I will find someone to arrange it." Chen Feng laughed, and naturally the cultivators below would arrange it, while Chen Feng talked with these friends.

"Changtian, the situation is not good this time." Fairy Zi Yan stepped forward and said.

"It's not just bad, it's a crisis. You brought people this time, and you may suffer heavy losses." Chen Feng smiled bitterly.

"Changtian, don't say this. Since we are here, we have made up our minds. I heard that you killed the Blood Eye Clan and the Iron Blood Clan before, which is simply shocking the heavens. Since you can succeed once, you can succeed twice. Aren't they just some races that jumped out of the chaotic space? This time you can kill them all." Tiandao said murderously.

"Hahaha, I hope so too." Chen Feng laughed.

"Changtian." At this time, Black Water Demon Eye spoke, his face a little embarrassed.

"Okay, don't say it, I understand, I'm very happy that you can come." Chen Feng said hurriedly, and then looked at Bi Qing again.

"I have always wanted to visit the senior, but I didn't expect to meet under such circumstances." Chen Feng said respectfully, saying that Bi Qing helped him a lot in the past.

"I don't dare to be the senior, I am just a small half-step golden immortal now, I am afraid I can't help much here." Bi Qing said with a smile.

Bi Qing was the reincarnation of a celestial immortal, which was considered a super master for Chen Feng at that time, but now it is nothing in front of Chen Feng and his young heroes, and the power brought this time is also the weakest.

However, in this critical moment, Bi Qing chose to come, which is much more difficult than sending charcoal in the snow.

"Two heavens have changed their masters now. According to this formation, Babutian and Changshengtian will not be able to hold on for long. Hehe, the other families are still watching. It seems that they have their own plans." The Qingyi God King of Zizaitian laughed.

Qingyi God King is also the one with the highest cultivation among the crowd. He has an average relationship with Chen Feng. It was beyond Chen Feng's expectation that he could come this time.

"At the beginning, some people sent some reinforcements, but after the change of the master of Moluo Heaven, these reinforcements withdrew again. The purpose of these people is very simple. They want to see us both lose. After we finish fighting, someone will definitely take action." Chen Feng sneered.

"It makes sense. After you finish fighting, no matter which family wins, it will be a miserable victory. At that time, someone will definitely come out to take advantage." Jianjun nodded.

"By the way, Changtian, your current cultivation." Qingyi God King looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

Chen Feng smiled, and the momentum on his body flashed away, and then these people retreated one after another, their faces changed drastically.

"The realm of Taiyi! Impossible, impossible."

"It is indeed the realm of Taiyi. Even if you are a chaotic body, you cannot reach this level."

Looking at the excitement of these people, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing: "Are you so out of touch with the news? My original body has been traveling for hundreds of years."

"Huh! So that's the case. This is your clone. I was scared to death. I thought you cultivated to the realm of Taiyi. If that's the case, we don't have to live." Lei Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

"But the fact that you can have a clone of the Taiyi realm is enough to scare people to death." The shock in the eyes of the Green-clothed God King still did not disappear. The Green-clothed God King was the highest realm among these people and knew more things. The Immortal Golden Immortal could have the clone of the God King, and the God King could have the clone of the God Lord, but it was difficult for the God Lord to have the clone of the Taiyi Golden Immortal because it was not a life level. What's more, the Green-clothed God King learned that Changtian was only at the level of a half-step Golden Immortal, and that a half-step Golden Immortal had a clone of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, which was the most shocking.

"It seems that my investment this time is worth it. Even if the Changsheng clan loses this time, Changtian will not die with his ability, so there will definitely be a chance to turn the tables in the future. Besides, it is worth it to use the lives of tens of millions of cultivators to make friends with a chaotic body with unlimited future." The Green-clothed God King was thinking.

"Hahahaha, Changtian, your clone has brought us a lot of pressure." Tiandao laughed.

"It's a pity that my clone can't participate in the battle." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Sir, the Taiyuan tribe launched an attack." Someone came to report the military situation at this time.

"So fast!" Everyone's face became solemn. Although they had said it in a grand manner before, everyone knew that the current situation was very unfavorable to the Changsheng Heaven Realm.

"Only the Taiyuan tribe!" Chen Feng heard the loophole.

"Reply to the young master, only the Taiyuan tribe."

"Let's go! Let's go and see what's going on?" Chen Feng said lightly.

When they arrived at the outer space, they saw the Taiyuan tribe's army lined up in square formations, or a queue of soldiers, or a whole chariot used for revival, and the starry sky beasts that the Taiyuan tribe wanted, rolling over silently.

The attack point was exactly the Wuya Legion's defense zone outside the domain, while the other forces went in other directions. The Wuji Legion and other legions also took action, but the three families of the Eight Desolations Clan were just deterrents, and only the Taiyuan Clan launched the attack.

"This Taiyuan clan is very strange. They have been watching the previous war. I don't know what they are doing. Now they are the first to attack. There must be a conspiracy." Chen Feng said lightly. His divine sense extended out, trying to observe the opponent's strengths and weaknesses. However, before his divine sense approached the opponent, it was intercepted by a strong divine sense. After several rounds of fighting, Chen Feng's divine sense was defeated. However, the opponent did not pursue, but turned around and returned.

"The opponent's Taiyi Jinxian intercepted it." Chen Feng said lightly.

The Taiyuan clan used chariots to charge the formation. Each chariot was at the artifact level. There were 100,000 chariots lined up in two rows. There were hundreds of cultivators on each chariot. The opponent dispatched tens of millions of soldiers in the first wave of attack. The overwhelming momentum swept over, causing the defense circle of the Wuya Legion to shake.

"The opponent has no killers to act as cannon fodder, so they can only act on their own. Everyone, be ready for battle." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hahaha, I've been itching for a long time." The armor held the copper hammer and was full of fighting spirit.

Papapapa! Pah pah pah pah!

The defense fortresses of the Wu Ya Legion were shattered one by one in the impact of the enemy. The enemy's chariot formation was not in chaos at all. The two brothers Chang Ren and Chang Chen, wearing immortal armor and holding immortal spears, rushed up with millions of soldiers.


It was like two violent waves crashing together. There was no word to describe the collision in front of them.

After the collision, there was a fierce fight.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

This was the sound of the long-arranged killing formation moving. Then the energy cannons in the defense fortress also began to roar. Groups of destructive energy crashed into the enemy army and easily destroyed several battle formations.

"The enemy suffered heavy losses." Qingyi God King said in surprise.

"It shouldn't be that easy. The enemy is not that weak. Be careful." Chen Feng's voice was transmitted, and almost all the monks in the battle heard it.

"All fighters are dispatched!" Under Chen Feng's order, 100 million combat forces immediately merged into a torrent and rushed up.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion sounded, which was the roar of the opponent's energy cannon. Looking at his own side, the defensive fortress was being quickly removed by the opponent, and countless energy cannons were destroyed by the opponent.

Strange creatures appeared in Chen Feng's sight. These creatures were not monsters or demons, but they were sneaking in the dark, appearing and disappearing, and with their extremely fast speed, they destroyed a large number of defense lines before the Wu Ya Legion could react.

Moreover, these things were very powerful. Chen Feng clearly saw that in the battle of the same level, the soldiers of the Wu Ya Legion fell below and were killed by the opponent without paying attention.

"Master, it's a stealth in the Zerg." At this time, Chen Feng also received news from the fighters.

"Another Zerg intervened." Chen Feng's heart sank, and the bad idea rose again.

The dark soul was dispatched, but he could only fight the opponent fiercely, and still couldn't stop the opponent's advance.

As the defense line collapsed and the energy cannons continued to shut down, the soldiers of the Taiyuan tribe gradually pressed up, and the Wu Ya Legion fell below not long after the battle began.

The other legions could not send reinforcements because the three families of the Eight Desolate Clan were still eyeing them covetously. Chen Feng finally understood that the Taiyuan Clan wanted to open a gap from this direction.

If it was before, Chen Feng was still confident that he could let the other party in and close the door to beat the dog, but now he has no confidence. He is afraid that once the other party comes to the land of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, it will be the Changsheng Clan that will be driven away and killed, because from the overall strength comparison, the other party is far superior to the Changsheng Clan.

"I hope there aren't too many lurkers. These Zerg are the most troublesome." Chen Feng said calmly.

"Changtian, I can't help it anymore. I want to rush in and kill them." Lei Jia said murderously, with lightning flashing on the copper hammer in his hand.

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