Eternal Existence

Chapter 1448 Retrospective Bead

"Sir, these people have used their ultimate moves." The Queen Mother said.

"Of course I know." Chen Feng nodded, having already used the pupil technique and was staring at the scene in front of him.

Under the siege of the five Taiyi Golden Immortals, the Staff of Time immediately became motionless, without even a trace of power fluctuation, as if it was trapped in an absolutely still space.

"The Staff of Time can't have only this little power, it is at least a semi-top artifact, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with these Taiyi Golden Immortals." Chen Feng said.

"Sir, I think so too." The Queen Mother said on the side.

"Daoyou, please help!" At this time, other gods who were affected by the speed spoke up for help.

Chen Feng hesitated for a moment before taking action. In fact, it was very simple. He took the ropes of time from the other party, and these people were free.

"Thank you, Daoyou, I will definitely repay you in the future." Someone immediately said gratefully, while others left silently.

Chen Feng didn't care, waved his hand, and soon these gods dispersed, because it was too dangerous here.

Papapapa! Pah, pah, pah!

At this time, the space around the motionless Staff of Time appeared like crystal with dense cracks, and the five Taiyi Golden Immortals around it had solemn faces.

"Something is wrong, let's leave here first." Chen Feng and the Queen Mother looked at each other and rushed away quickly, but at this time the chaotic energy behind them hit like a tsunami.

"The battle scene must be very exciting." Chen Feng said after leaving this space.

Chen Feng felt a little regretful, because if the divine consciousness extended to a certain extent, it would be defeated by a powerful force, and it was impossible to watch the battle scene.

"Queen Mother, who do you think will win?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It should be the Staff of Time." The Queen Mother said very straightforwardly.

"I thought so too, but now." Chen Feng pointed, and saw several Taiyi Golden Immortals stepping in from the distant starry sky. Chen Feng only saw each other once, and the second time he saw each other, he disappeared because he had entered the battle group.

Finally, the independent space was broken, and the powerful force continued to sweep around. Although the power of time was eroding, it was still a disaster for the entire Time Galaxy.

You should know that in other places, a Taiyi Jinxian can easily destroy a star field.

"We need to retreat further." The longevity wings behind Chen Feng have been unfolded. This time the wings are a full 100,000 feet long, and the tips of the wings extend into the void. The law of longevity flows in it. Even in the chaotic energy scene, Chen Feng still has a feeling of transcending everything.

"The fight is getting more and more intense, Queen Mother, why do you think the Staff of Time wants to capture these people?" Chen Feng asked with a frown.

"Sir, according to my speculation, the other party seems to be deliberately attracting these people and gathering them together, which can also be said to delay their time." The Queen Mother thought for a while and said.

"Yes, what you said does make sense. If you really want to kill these Taiyi Golden Immortals, you can defeat them one by one with the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortals, but you just captured them. Now more Taiyi Golden Immortals have come. The other party is either thinking of catching all these people in one fell swoop or has other purposes." Chen Feng nodded.

"Until now, the cultivators of the Blood Eye Clan have not been found. Things are getting more and more complicated."

"Young Master, look." At this time, a picture appeared in front of the Queen Mother. Although the picture quickly broke, Chen Feng still saw the situation shown in the picture clearly.

"Retrospection Pearl, and World Seed." Chen Feng exclaimed.

"No wonder the Staff of Time attracted all the Taiyi Golden Immortals. It turns out that the other party wants to use the power of the Retrospection Pearl to pull the Emperor of Time and others out of the long river of time." The Queen Mother said.

"I don't care about the details, but the Backtracking Pearl and the World Seed are both good things." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, his Eternal Wings vibrated, and he instantly disappeared from the spot, while the Queen Mother followed closely. As for the battle here, Chen Feng had long lost interest.

For Chen Feng, the temptation of the World Seed is still very great. Although the Backtracking Pearl is of a higher level, Chen Feng knows that it is very difficult to snatch it with his own strength, so, realistically speaking, he should snatch the World Seed. In addition to the World Seed, Chen Feng also found some other things in the picture just now.

"Come out." Chen Feng said, and the battle puppet and the clone appeared at the same time. The two clones and a battle puppet stepped forward to open the way, and the Queen Mother and another battle puppet guarded Chen Feng.

"Backtracking Pearl, I wonder what power it has."

"Huh! Such a powerful force." Chen Feng said, and his body suddenly paused, and he felt the light and color in front of him, the time and space rotated, and the power in his body was constantly weakening.

But at this time, the Time Disk moved, and everything returned to normal.

"It's the power of the retrospective bead, time goes back." The Queen Mother said.

"It's just a small trick, but it's very powerful." Chen Feng took out the Longevity Bow and pulled it open. As Chen Feng moved, the Longevity Law, Evil Law, Blood Law, Death Law and Heaven Devouring Law in Chen Feng's body were turbulent at the same time. The five forces quickly gathered and merged, and soon condensed into a sharp arrow. At the same time, the bowstring vibrated, and then the sharp arrow flew out at a speed faster than the speed of light.

The sharp arrow was connected to Chen Feng's mind. Chen Feng could clearly feel that the power of the sharp arrow was rapidly weakening, but it was enough to reach the backtracking bead. Chen Feng's arrow was a threat to the God, but it would not work against the Taiyi Golden Immortal or the top-grade artifact.

The sharp arrow completely melted away before it reached the backtracking bead, without even a trace of power left.

"It is indeed the backtracking bead, and its power is very strong. I think it exceeds the knife of time and the sword of time. It may be the strongest magic weapon under the staff of time." Chen Feng said.

The space covered by the power of the backtracking bead is not actually large, but there is a cave inside. Fortunately, Chen Feng has the power of the disk of time to dissolve and resist. If other people enter this range, their power will decrease a little. To put it bluntly, this is the territory of the backtracking bead, and the backtracking bead is the master here.

"The staff of time attracted many Taiyi Golden Immortals, just for this backtracking bead?" Chen Feng sneered, and with a thought, he locked onto a piece of inconspicuous star fragment floating in the starry sky.

The battle puppet and Chen Feng's clone moved at the same time, rushing towards the fragment. The Backtracking Pearl did not stop them, but two gods blocked Chen Feng's clone and the battle puppet on the left and right.

"Friend, this is our Taiyuan clan's territory, please don't interfere." One of them said respectfully.

"Get out of the way, we are not here for the Backtracking Pearl." Chen Feng's clone said.

"Even the Backtracking Pearl knows it, and you still say it's not the Backtracking Pearl. Leave, this is not a place for you to come." The god said lightly.

"It's really interesting! When did the Taiyuan clan become so polite." Chen Feng sneered, and his original body had already arrived.

"It turned out to be a cultivator from the Changsheng clan." The two gods also sneered.


The battle puppet attacked, and the two gods flew away like lightning. Chen Feng's clone quickly came to the star fragment.


The star fragment exploded and turned into pieces, and a fist-sized ball of light fell into the hands of Chen Feng's clone.

A world seed was obtained.

"It's the world seed!"

Not only the Taiyuan clan, but other cultivators present were also a little jealous, and some of them immediately stepped forward to block Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled and swept his eyes. He felt that the situation created by the backtracking beads was a bit chaotic, and the place was a bit weird.

"If the other party used the backtracking beads to summon and pull the Emperor of Time and others, then what is the meaning of so many treasures here, attracting everyone to rob, I don't think it's that simple." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't understand it either, young master." The mother queen said.

"Again, no matter what the other party's purpose is, it is most realistic to get benefits." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the two combat puppets and two clones acted at the same time. The mother queen also found her target under Chen Feng's command.

And Chen Feng himself pulled the longevity bow and shot three arrows in a row.

The first arrow was composed of the law of longevity and the law of swallowing the sky.

The second arrow was composed of the law of death and the law of killing.

The third arrow was composed of the law of time and the law of life.

These three arrows attacked the same person, a god from the Taiyuan clan.

Speaking of which, the Taiyuan Clan and the Changsheng Clan have a difficult feud. When the two sides meet, they usually fight, not to decide who wins or loses, but to decide who lives or dies.

The first arrow was blocked by the opponent, the second arrow pierced the opponent's body, the third arrow made the opponent's soul unable to reassemble, and finally the immortal light emitted by Chen Feng completely erased the opponent's life mark.

Chen Feng's attack was too ruthless, and he directly destroyed the opponent's soul.

The destructive power of the two combat puppets was even more amazing. When Chen Feng killed one person, six gods were already injured by the combat puppets.

Chen Feng's two clones also fought with the opponents separately, entangled three gods, and the fight was very fierce.

The mother queen's task was not to fight, but to rob the treasures in this area. In the process of the fight, the mother queen got a world seed and a time seed in one breath. When the mother queen tried to rob an unknown divine stone, she was attacked by the backtracking bead.

A golden light illuminated the Queen Mother, and then the Queen Mother's huge body shook, and the power on her body began to continuously drain and weaken like a deflated ball.

"It's the deprivation law in the Avenue of Time." The Queen Mother was just a little surprised, not panicked.

Chen Feng pointed his finger, and the same golden light enveloped the Queen Mother. Finally, the two energies collided and then offset each other. The Queen Mother returned to normal, and the long whip on her back rolled up, and the ten thousand feet long divine stone was collected.

"It turns out that there is a Queen Mother here, and she is a fighting clan. What luck." At this time, a ball of golden time energy appeared, and a strong soul fluctuation came from it.

The energy twisted and turned into a huge human figure, but the power of time was so strong that people could not see the face of this person clearly.

This person waved his hand, and the huge backtracking bead hummed, began to shrink, and finally fell into this person's hand.

"I think it should be the Backtracking Emperor." Chen Feng said lightly.

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