Eternal Existence

Chapter 1447: Captured

"Young Master, something is wrong at this time. If the Ancestor of Time really comes out, he can control the entire Galaxy of Time. We must be prepared." The Queen Mother said with some worry.

"We've been making preparations, haven't we?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Such preparations are probably useless for Taiyi Golden Immortal." The Queen Mother said as she gradually recalled the Zichong, because the Staff of Time had taken action, and the Zichongs that had been sent out were dying on a large scale.

A ray of golden light extends from the depths of the starry sky, and its target is Chen Feng and the Queen Mother. This ray of golden light is very interesting. Although it is the power of years, it is not very lethal. Instead, it transforms into silk threads, full of restraints. He used his strength to bind Chen Feng and the Queen Mother.

"It's the power of the Staff of Time. It's too strong. Even if it's not a top-notch artifact, it's not much different." The Queen Mother tried her best to resist, but she was still tied up, and no matter what she did, she couldn't break free.

As for Chen Feng, he was also tied up.

"Sir, why don't you activate the Disk of Time?" the Queen Mother asked secretly.

"It's not yet time, I want to see the Staff of Time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's too risky." Mother Queen said directly,

"Isn't the journey of cultivation just an adventure?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But this is too risky. Even Taiyi Golden Immortal has been captured. It would be useless for us to go." The Queen Mother was still a little worried.

"I feel a little strange, why is the Staff of Time just capturing us? Wouldn't it be easier to kill them by hand?" Chen Feng wondered.

"Isn't it possible that the young master chose to be captured voluntarily because of this?"

"Of course not, there are other reasons."

That ray of power of time was actually very fast. Chen Feng was pulled into a mysterious space while he was talking to the Queen Mother, and there were other captured monks in this space.

"Fellow Taoists, it's such an honor to meet here." Chen Feng took the initiative to say hello.

"Half-step golden immortal!"

"The little monk who lives forever in heaven."

"Hey! It's Changtian."

Except for Chen Feng, everyone in this space is composed of Taiyi Golden Immortal and Shenjun. In comparison, the addition of a Half-Step Golden Immortal seems a bit abrupt.

You must know that in the eyes of Taiyi Golden Immortal, even the Divine Lord is just a small existence. He can be beheaded if he is told to kill. And below the Divine Lord there is the Divine King. Below the Divine King is the Immortal Golden Immortal. There is a big threshold below the Immortal Golden Immortal. Then there is the Half-Step Golden Immortal.

To put it bluntly, in the billions of years that Taiyi Golden Immortal has lived, he may have never come into contact with such a low-level monk.

Some people were even a little angry. Even if they wanted to capture the Divine Lord, they actually captured a Half-Step Golden Immortal. Isn't this looking down on themselves?

Of course, some people saw Chen Feng's origin, and one person even recognized Chen Feng.

"You are a little half-step golden immortal, but you dare to talk nonsense in front of us." Someone finally spoke, but his words were cold, obviously mocking Chen Feng.

Chen Feng glanced at the other party and sneered: "You can still be so arrogant even when you are being captured. This senior is quite interesting."

After saying this, Chen Feng ignored this person and looked at the other people.

"Boy, don't look anymore, I'm from Moluo Tian." The person who spoke was a Taiyi Golden Immortal who had previously recognized Chen Feng's origin.

"Junior has always seen senior." Chen Feng said quickly.

"No need to be polite, we all have the same status now, we are all prisoners." Taiyi Jinxian of Moluotian said calmly.

The person who recognized Chen Feng just now was a divine king. Although he did not speak at this time, he kept staring at the mother queen.

"It's the Zerg tribe. You, Immortal Court, should be very familiar with it." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Changtian, I know you have been very arrogant recently, but you have to look at the time and place." The god of the Immortal Court sneered.

"What you said makes sense, you have to look at the time and place." Chen Feng said lightly, and then his body moved, and the rope of years that bound his body was broken, and then got into Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng walked casually, checking the surrounding situation, and said at the same time: "Do fellow Taoists know the purpose of the Rod of Time?"


Some people sneered, some looked at Chen Feng mockingly, and some looked disdainfully. Just as Chen Feng was about to ask again, he saw a flash of golden light and he was tied up again. This time, the rope of time was a little tougher than before.

"Do you think you can escape so easily?" The Immortal Lord couldn't help but laugh.

Chen Feng did not speak. The rope condensed by the power of time broke again and still entered Chen Feng's body. Now some people present began to be surprised.


A more powerful power of time appeared, but this time it was directly grabbed by Chen Feng before it could take effect, and turned into a burst of energy and disappeared into Chen Feng's palm.

"The power of the Staff of Time is good, but it is not a truly top-grade artifact, just a semi-top-grade artifact." Chen Feng said and stretched out his hand to grab it again, and the Queen Mother also regained her freedom.

"I think the Staff of Time will definitely not attack me with all its strength." Chen Feng said as he walked around, ignoring the shocked looks of others.

Sure enough, there were no more attacks. Chen Feng thought for a while and reached out to grab it again. The Taiyi Golden Immortal from Moratian was also free again.

"Thank you, little friend." Morotian Taiyi Jinxian thanked Chen Feng.

"Senior, you're welcome. Do you know what happened?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I don't know!" Taiyi Jinxian shook his head.

"I got the news that the ancestor of time should have come out of the long river of time." Chen Feng said.

"Ancestor of Time!" At this time, more than one person was surprised.

"This young friend, can you help me?" Finally, a cultivator asked for help, and it was a Taiyi Jinxian. Chen Feng looked at the other party and didn't know his origin, but this person didn't have a good face to him before. Now asking for help made Chen Feng sneer in his heart.

"I want to release everyone, but I'm afraid the Staff of Time won't agree." Chen Feng said and came to the immortal world god.

A trace of fear flashed in the man's eyes.

"Are you from the Immortal Court?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"So what?" The god agreed with a stiff upper lip.

"I'm really surprised that a cultivator of your level would be captured. Maybe the Staff of Time made a mistake." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" The god already felt something was wrong.

"It's nothing, I just want to kill you." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed from a distance, and then the God Lord began to struggle, and soon screamed, because the power in the God Lord's body was rapidly draining away.

"I really thank the Staff of Time, which saved me a lot of effort." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Changtian, aren't you afraid of causing trouble to your Changsheng Alliance by doing this? I have a position in the Immortal Court." The God Lord gritted his teeth and said.

"Don't bother with you. Under normal circumstances, I'm too lazy to take action against an opponent like you who doesn't resist, but you give me a bad feeling, so you're unlucky." Chen Feng hooked his fingers as he spoke, and an immortal law flew out.

"Set me on fire." The look in the God Lord's eyes turned from fear to ashes.


Chen Feng bent his five fingers, and all the immortal laws in this person's body were pulled out, and then the God Lord's body shrank, and finally turned into ashes, and even the rope of time on his body was swallowed by Chen Feng.

"Is this still a half-step golden immortal?"

Except for the Queen Mother, all other cultivators had the same idea. Even the cultivator from Moruotian looked at Chen Feng with a complicated look.

"My friend, your methods are too overbearing and against the harmony of heaven. Aren't you afraid that the road will be difficult to follow?" A middle-aged Taiyi Golden Immortal said coldly.

"Don't worry about it, senior. Think about yourself." Chen Feng said lightly.


The middle-aged cultivator snorted coldly, and a rune flew out of his body. After a circle, the rope of time on his body was cut off, and the cultivator regained his freedom.

"Go to help fellow Taoist." Someone next to him said.

However, before the middle-aged cultivator had time to act, a new power of time appeared. This time the attack was a bit overbearing. A beam of golden light appeared, and a big hole was pierced through the chest of the middle-aged cultivator. Then a long golden rope appeared and drilled into the big hole in the chest. Then the cultivator began to struggle, but soon, dense runes appeared all over his body, emitting a strong power of time.

The cultivator was restrained again.


At this time, another beam of golden light appeared. This time, the target of the attack was the Taiyi Jinxian of Moro Heaven. This person was well prepared and quickly came to the side when the middle-aged cultivator was attacked.

Facts have proved that this life's actions are correct. This beam of golden light still penetrated into Chen Feng's body and disappeared.

"I heard that the Time Disk was born." Someone said at this time, and then everyone's eyes fell on Chen Feng.

"These guys!" Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

However, Chen Feng was also a little curious, that is, why did the Staff of Time not continue to attack him? Is it really because of the Time Disk? Chen Feng does not believe this possibility. If it is really because of the Time Disk, then the other party will attack more.

But before Chen Feng thought about it, everyone felt a bright light in front of their eyes, golden light shone, and a scepter only one foot in size appeared in front of everyone.

"Staff of Time!" Everyone exclaimed, and then Chen Feng saw several Taiyi Golden Immortals who were tied up breaking free and grabbing at the Staff of Time, including the cultivators of Moruotian and the middle-aged cultivator who was suppressed for the second time.

"Sure enough!" Chen Feng laughed out loud.

"I said these Taiyi Golden Immortals would not be so easy to capture. It turns out that they all have the same idea. Now it's lively."


The Staff of Time emitted a circle of golden light, and then all the attacks of these people were dissolved. The power, laws and achievements in the attacks were washed away by the power of time.

"Everyone, join forces to seal each other!"

The middle-aged cultivator shouted, and a crystal clear jade-like talisman flew out of his palm and flew towards the Staff of Time. This talisman has the effect of resisting the power of time, and it passed through the light of time and fell on the Staff of Time.





After the middle-aged cultivator, four more Taiyi Golden Immortals attacked almost at the same time.

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