Eternal Existence

Chapter 144: Parting ways

"Hahaha, boy, you'd better not ask any more questions about this matter, otherwise you won't blame us for attacking you. Although you have a treasure to protect yourself, your level is really too low. You can't do it without us this time. You are lucky to join forces to snatch your treasure," the bearded man said first.

"Actually, I suggest that you people leave the Demon Soul Valley immediately. The further you go in the Demon Soul Valley, the more dangerous it becomes. Even monks with our level of cultivation don't know if we can come out alive if we go in this time. If you guys go in again, , nine times out of ten, you will die," the old monk advised.

"Nine times out of ten, one or two out of ten people will survive." Someone said at this time.

"Hey! Since you want to die, I won't say anything more." The old monk shook his head and said no more.

Chen Feng looked around. There were about ten people who had condensed the soul fire. There were eight people in his own group, and there were a total of twenty people left. These twenty people were all at the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of the secret realm. Everything was pretty good, but the fire of the soul was not condensed.

"These guys who have condensed the soul fire must have come here for a purpose. The remaining people should be here for the 100,000 Yuan Yang Pill. I can't imagine what will happen next. In short, the danger is certain , Hey! At this time, the tower is sleeping again, otherwise with the help of the tower, I have nothing to worry about." Chen Feng thought to himself, judging from the strength shown by the tower, if he is prepared, he can capture and kill ordinary heavenly beings. Realm monks are still fine.


The void opened in front of them, and everyone broke free from the void. They finally breathed a sigh of relief after their feet landed on the ground.

The sky was gray, and the surroundings were filled with thick demonic energy. As soon as everyone came out, they felt something was wrong with their whole bodies. They seemed to be surrounded by layers of invisible restraints. There was also a large amount of demonic energy that not only corroded the protective aura around everyone, Wanting conflict to enter and demonize everyone.

What surprised everyone was that these demonic energies seemed to become more spiritual, as if they were alive, making it more difficult for everyone to resist.

"No, I can't hold on anymore." At this time, Luta suddenly shouted beside Chen Feng, his face kept changing, and a trace of ferocious expression flashed across his face, and black demonic energy began to flow on his face. With.

"This man wants to become a demon, kill him." The romantic man shouted.


Immediately, several people were about to pounce on him, and they were about to take action with murderous intent.

"Who dares?" Chen Feng shouted, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword was directly blocked in front of everyone. Under the sharp sword energy, these impulsive monks immediately stopped.

"Brother Chen, if you don't kill him, he will turn into a demon. When the time comes, we will not recognize our relatives, and we will be the unlucky ones." Someone said loudly.

"If anyone dares to take action, first ask about the long sword in my hand." Chen Feng said coldly, then released a trace of soul power from his hand, penetrated into Luta's body and swam around quickly, burning the demonic energy in Luta's body. It was clean, and then it came out, and it never entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness again.

Then Chen Feng fired another burst of immortality energy into Luta's meridians, and continued to circulate with the opponent's energy.

With Chen Feng's help, Luta gradually regained his composure, and the protective shield around him gradually became thicker, barely able to block the erosion of the surrounding demonic energy.

"This is not your solution. Even you will be dragged down if this continues. There is a strong evil spirit here, and unknown dangers may appear at any time. I'm afraid you can't protect so many people by yourself." The old monk also said.

Chen Feng looked at the people around him. Except for Boss Tao and Ye Ziming, who seemed to be safe and sound, the others were struggling to resist the erosion of the surrounding demonic energy, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. But then Chen Feng's eyes became firm again, and there was a flash of light.

"Since these people are willing to follow me, I can't give up on them and ignore their life and death. If I do this, my thoughts will be affected and this will leave a shadow in my heart. This will affect My realm will in turn affect my cultivation," Chen Feng said secretly.

"You are dragging us down by doing this. Why are you trying to put our lives on the line for this bunch of trash?" Feng Liulangjun yelled.

"You are a waste. Your condition is no better than ours. Don't forget, if it weren't for us, you wouldn't be able to travel through space and come to this place." Ruta couldn't help shouting.

Feng Liulangjun was injured by Chen Feng before and has not recovered his strength yet. This is why he only dared to hide behind the cave master of Xieyue Cave and scream, but did not dare to step forward.

"I will not be separated from my friend." Chen Feng said calmly.

"If you say another word, I will kill you even if I risk my life. I will do what I say." Chen Feng looked at the romantic man and said.

I don't know what happened, but looking at Chen Feng's faint expression and the faint tone of his mouth, Feng Liulang felt a chill in his heart. He opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

"It seems we have to move forward separately." At this time, the cave master of Xie Yue Cave said.


The old monk sighed: "Little brother, you have to take care of yourself. As I said before, if you return now, you may still have a chance of survival."

Originally, these monks each had their own small groups, and now it is normal for them to have differences.

More than a dozen powerful monks, led by the master of the Evil Moon Cave and the old monk, gathered together. Most of these monks condensed into soul fire. When these people left, only Chen Feng and his group of twenty people were left, and these twenty people were divided into several small groups.

"Hmph, let's wait and see who gets the treasure first." One of the small groups of eight people gathered together to discuss and disappeared in the thick demonic energy.

"Let's go too." The other nine people also left quickly, and only Chen Feng and his group of eight were left.

"Our team is the weakest, and I didn't expect that I would become a drag." Ruta smiled bitterly.

"Sir, this time it's our brothers who dragged you down." Boss Tao stepped forward and said.

"You can't say that. We still have to work together next." Chen Feng waved his hand, and then he had time to observe the situation around him.

The gray sky and the gray earth, apart from the endless desolation, were the demonic energy that kept running wild in the air.

Finally, Chen Feng's pupils shrank, and he pointed to the distance and said, "It seems to be the outline of the mountains ahead."

"I saw it too. Could it be the ancient ruins that Mo Ji is looking for?" Ye Ziming nodded.

"I'm afraid it's here. Let's go and have a look." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, since we are here, we can't just go back like this." Ye Ziming said.

Next, Chen Feng controlled the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword to fly over the heads of the crowd. Sword Qi fell from the sky, forming a huge screen that wrapped everyone in it and isolated the demonic energy outside.

"You guys recover your vitality quickly, it may be more dangerous next." Chen Feng said.

With the protection of the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword, everyone was no longer afraid of the invasion of demonic energy. They began to calm down, expel the demonic energy in their bodies, and recover their consumed physical strength.

And Chen Feng separated a trace of consciousness and entered the Changsheng Tower.

At this time, the first floor of the Changsheng Tower has become Chen Feng's warehouse. All of Chen Feng's things, including elixirs and spirit stones, are stored in it. In addition, there are 100 Vulcan Crows, a suppressed Purple Lightning Silver Dragon, and the four-eared spirit monkey is tempering its body in the power of thunder and lightning. Seeing the body transformed by Chen Feng's consciousness coming in, the four-eared spirit monkey immediately jumped out and jumped around Chen Feng.

There is not only a large amount of thunder and lightning power in the Changsheng Tower, but also thick wild tung wood. These things piled up like a small mountain are placed in separate spaces in the Changsheng Tower. Although Chen Feng is the owner of the Changsheng Tower, he can't even tell how big the first floor of the Changsheng Tower is now, because his messy things are not noticeable at all.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a thick claw fell into Chen Feng's hand. This claw was cut off by Chen Feng from the Thunder Eagle.

This claw is just one of the fingers of the Thunder Eagle, but it is as thick as an adult's thigh. The flesh part is more than ten feet long, and the nail alone is two feet long. It is also shining with cold light and extremely sharp. Even the best magic weapon cannot compare to it. You should know that it was this sharp nail that could tear apart the flying warship of the magic girl's treasure level at once.

"Tsk tsk, this is a good thing. Although it is not as good as a treasure, it is not far behind. The blood contained in it has powerful energy. It can be used to make pills or directly refined and absorbed. The blood of a big monster is not so easy to get, but this nail is a good thing. If it is refined into a flying sword, the sharpness alone can surpass some treasures." Chen Feng thought to himself, feeling a little proud. If he hadn't suddenly rushed forward at that time, he wouldn't have had such a harvest.

"This is the breath of a big monster. Where did you get this thing?" At this time, the purple lightning silver light dragon suppressed by the stone tablet stared at the thick finger in Chen Feng's hand and asked.

"You are quite agile. This is what I cut off from the claws of the Thunder Eagle. It is indeed a great monster." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are so boastful that you can cut off the claws of the Thunder Eagle." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao obviously did not believe it.

"Humph, you seem to be a great monster, but you are suppressed here by me." Chen Feng sneered.

"You still rely on the power of external objects, otherwise even a hundred of you are far from my opponent." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao looked at Chen Feng with some disdain and said.

"Zi Dian, do you know what will happen to you in the future?" Chen Feng suddenly asked with a smile.

Zi Dian glanced at Chen Feng coldly and said nothing.

"In the current situation, you can't escape at all, so you only have two outcomes." Chen Feng said to himself.

"What outcome?" The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao couldn't help asking.

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