Eternal Existence

Chapter 143: Sound Wave Power

"Have any of you been to Demon Soul Valley? Where should we go next? The bloody atmosphere here is too strong and it will definitely attract more demons." The old monk said loudly.

"Although I have been to Demon Soul Valley, I still know nothing about this place. Moreover, we have obviously been tricked by Mo Ji. There will definitely be a large number of demons or other dangers around. I think we want to find It’s hard to find a safe place.”

"Yes, have you noticed that the demonic energy here has become more intense. If it goes to this level and goes a certain distance, I'm afraid we will also turn into these demons."

"Why don't we go back and die if we leave the Demon Soul Valley?"

"Hmph, I don't want to come in here in vain and find something anyway."

Everyone was talking and expressing their opinions.

"I have a suggestion." Ye Ziming suddenly said at this time.

"You said it." The old monk nodded. In fact, according to Ye Ziming's cultivation level, these masters didn't pay attention at all.

"I have done some research on the space magic circle. If the energy is enough, I think we can catch up with Mo Ji and the others along the route they disappeared." Ye Ziming thought for a while and said.

"What, are you sure where they went?" The cave master of Xie Yue Cave asked immediately.

"Yes, but I need everyone's help to block the demons around me. I have to take time to set up the space magic circle, and I also need your strength to open the space cracks here." Ye Ziming said.

"No problem, you can think of a way. The devil here taught us." The old monk said.

"One more thing, if we really find that ancient ruins, you must protect the safety of our brothers and not attack us." Ye Ziming said again.

"Hahaha, you can rest assured about this. We all came together in the same boat and there is no reason for us to attack you." The old monk smiled again.

"Boy, why are you talking so much nonsense? If you have the ability, do it quickly. The demonic energy here is so strong and there are so many demons. We don't have time to delay here." The bearded man said and pulled away again. After five thick and sharp arrows flew out from the Soul Gathering Bow, five more demons were smashed in the distance.

"Okay, let me give it a try." Ye Ziming came to the place where Mo Ji and others left, frowning and turning in circles, while mumbling something, as if he was calculating something.

After a long time, Ye Ziming waved his hand, and a small flag was planted on the ground. Suddenly, the wind surged, and a large amount of demonic energy continued to gather on the flag.

"Boy, you are willing to waste a magic weapon of this level." The old monk said with some surprise.

"Hey, if someone dies here, there will be nothing left." Ye Ziming said with a faint smile.

"That's right, everyone, keep these brothers in the middle, and these demons will be left to us." The old monk shouted, the Fierce Sun Needle kept shuttling in the air, and the thick demonic energy around him was all burning fire. The essence burned cleanly, making everyone feel comfortable.

"How is it? Are you sure?" Chen Feng asked.

"I'm half sure, but if these people are willing to help, I think there will be no problem." Ye Ziming said.

Next, Ye Ziming planted a flag on the ground every time he burned the incense. After planting twelve flags in a row, Ye Ziming stopped. At this time, a large number of sweat beads were already rolling down Ye Ziming's forehead. As for Chen Feng, Lu Ta and others, they acted as guards on the side. To put it bluntly, they took the opportunity to regain their strength. Those hidden monks burst out with powerful power, enough to block the demons who were constantly charging around.


At this time, a middle-aged monk in the crowd suddenly opened his mouth and roared, his face distorted sharply, and black energy flashed continuously, and his figure began to become bloated. His clothes were constantly torn apart, exposing his rock-like flesh.

"No, this man has become a demon and will soon become a demon." The old monk shouted.

It turned out that the monk had just fought with the demon and consumed a lot of energy. He could no longer resist the erosion of the thick demonic energy around him. After being invaded by the demonic energy, he became demonized and would immediately transform into a demon.

"Kill him," someone shouted.

"No, this is our partner." Someone retorted.

"If we don't kill him, he will attack us when he truly turns into a demon."

"I'll come." The cave master of Xie Yue Cave waved his hand, and the Heaven-turning Seal flew out, directly suppressing the man into pieces.

"Boy, are you okay?" the bearded man shouted loudly.

"The space array is set up, but it requires six monks who have condensed the soul fire to run the array with all their strength." Ye Ziming said.

"Six, that's enough." The bearded man shouted.

"However, when the magic circle is operating, these people cannot fight against the surrounding demons again." Ye Ziming said again.

"This is a bit troublesome."

"Master Xiao, it's your turn to help." The old monk looked at Xiao Yin and said.

"That's fine." Xiao Yin nodded, waved his hand, and a black flute appeared in his hand.

This hole flute is two feet and two in length. It is as crystal clear as jade, smooth and delicate. It is covered with black lines and some strange patterns, which seem to be completely natural. There are eight holes in total. It is dark and deep. You can tell at a glance that this is not a flute. A handful of mortal things.

"Treasure weapon." The cave master of Xie Yue Cave said in surprise.

"This should be the Demonic Sound Sect's Cave Soul Flute."


Xiao Yin waved his hand lightly, and the black flute in his hand suddenly emitted waves of strange sound waves. After hearing it, the surrounding monks felt their souls vibrate and became confused.

"It is indeed a treasure, it is really powerful."

"I can only hold off these demons for half an incense stick of time." Xiao Yin said.

"Half an incense stick is enough." Ye Ziming said loudly.

So, Xiao Yin put the flute to his mouth and began to play it. The graceful sound waves continued to vibrate from the flute, turning into invisible notes that spread out in all directions. The demons rushing from afar immediately became sluggish as soon as they entered the range of the sound waves.

If these demons seemed like mad buffaloes at the beginning, they now became like slowly crawling snails.

Xiao Yin's expression was solemn, and sweat began to seep out of his face, as if playing this song consumed a lot of his vitality and energy.

But the effect was obvious. In the stunned expressions of Chen Feng and others, cracks first appeared on a demon, and finally it was shattered with a bang. Then other demons began to experience this situation one after another, with a large number of cracks on their bodies, and finally they were shattered.

In just a few breaths, dozens of demons were destroyed by the sound waves, and as the range of the sound waves expanded, more demons were affected. There was no suspense. As long as the demons entered the range of the sound waves, the final outcome was to be shattered.

"Such a powerful force." Chen Feng was surprised.

"I can only hold on for half an incense stick. Hurry up and do it. Don't dawdle." Xiao Yin shouted.

"Everyone, it's very simple. As long as you input all your mana into these flags and activate this space array, it will be fine." Ye Ziming said quickly, and at the same time pulled Chen Feng into the array first. Ruta, the five heroes of Taoshan and other cultivators also entered in a line.

"Is it that simple?" The owner of Xieyue Cave asked with some disbelief.

"Yes, everyone must do their best, otherwise there will be problems with the space array, and we may be left in the space turbulence." Ye Ziming said again.

"Let's do it." The bearded man was the first to attack, and powerful true energy roared out from his body, and the flag that touched the ground was absorbed cleanly.

Except for the old monk who was still protecting Xiao Yin, the master of the Evil Moon Cave, the bearded man, and the other four monks all urged the mana in their bodies and continuously input it into the flag.


A dull sound came, and the space array began to operate. As the array operated, the surrounding space began to become unstable, and the demonic energy filled in the surroundings rolled and rushed away.

Finally, wrinkles began to appear above the space array, and then space cracks appeared in front of everyone.

"Don't hold back your strength, release it all." Ye Ziming shouted.


The bearded man shouted, and his muscles swelled up, and there were bursts of roars in his body, which was the effect of the rapid rush of blood.

The master of Xieyue Cave and others also knew that this was a critical moment, so they naturally would not hold back their strength. Under the infusion of powerful mana, the space array finally fully operated, and a space channel the size of a house appeared above everyone's head, and a powerful baptism enveloped everyone.

"Almost done." The old monk stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Yin, and his figure flashed into the space array. At this time, Xiao Yin's whole body was weak and sweating profusely. The sound wave power just now had consumed almost all of Xiao Yin's strength.


With a dull sound, the flags that made up the space array all burst into dazzling light. The next moment, everyone disappeared from the spot and entered the space channel.

"Why didn't Mo Ji and the others make such a big noise when they left?" Someone asked at this time.

"If my guess is right, there should be a master of the Heavenly Realm around Mo Ji, otherwise she wouldn't leave so quietly." Ye Ziming said lightly.

"What, a master of the Heavenly Realm." Someone exclaimed. Originally, these people planned to find Mo Ji to make her look bad, but they didn't expect that there was a cultivator of the Heavenly Realm around her. Who would dare to take action easily?

"I was wondering why this woman dared to come to the Demon Soul Valley to look for opportunities. It turns out that there are experts around her." Someone said with sudden realization.

"I don't think you came to the Demon Soul Valley just for the 100,000 Yuan Yang Dan, right?" Chen Feng suddenly said at this time.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng said this, some of the cultivators with high cultivation in the crowd were all silent. Only the cultivators who had not condensed the soul fire looked around with doubts in their eyes.

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