Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,299 Water Demon

"I wonder what plans the young master has next?" One of the two Golden Immortals is called Jin Liu, and the other is called Feng Gang. They are both native cultivators of the Changsheng Heaven Realm. They joined the Wuya Family when they were children. They have been in the Wuya Family for longer than Wuya himself. Of course, there was no title of Wuya Family at that time.

"Two seniors, let's talk about the situation here first." Chen Feng said with a smile. Chen Feng was still very polite to the two old men. Of course, the entire Wuya Family is not only these two Golden Immortals. It can be said that in Wuya Peak, as long as it is a slightly important mountain, there are Golden Immortals sitting in it.

Wuya is powerful and has swept across the heavens. Not only has he cultivated some Golden Immortals himself, but there are also many Golden Immortals who are willing to become Wuya's followers.

This is also an important reason why no other forces have come to find trouble after Wuya disappeared. Another reason is that no one can be sure when Wuya will appear.

"The situation is a bit bad. Some people have already started to plan for our Wuya Peak." Jin Liu sighed.

If Wu Ya was practicing in seclusion normally, it would be fine. Even if it took millions or tens of millions of years, it would be normal. But this time was different. Wu Ya was severely injured before his seclusion. Later, even his clone did not appear during his seclusion. After a long time, it would naturally cause some people with ulterior motives to have evil thoughts.

In addition, the Wu Ya Army has been fighting outside the domain, especially in recent years, it has been restrained and unable to return to the Changsheng Heaven. This also makes many people think that the Wu Ya Army is going to decline.

"Oh, is that so?" Chen Feng said lightly. Although Chen Feng had guessed this possibility, two murderous auras still shot out from his eyes like blades, leaving circles of ripples in the space wherever they passed.

"It's like this. The head of the family hasn't shown up for a long time, and people's hearts are floating. In addition, the Wuya Legion has also been tied up in the chaotic space. I heard that it has suffered heavy losses in recent years, and the number of soldiers in the legion is constantly decreasing." Jin Liu said, with a worried look on his face. The two of them have the mark of the Wuya family in their blood. This is their home. Naturally, they are very worried when there is a problem. Although Chen Feng is not a celestial being at this time, he is a direct descendant after all. Now he is the master of the entire family. With cohesion and sustenance, these golden immortals will feel at ease.

"Chaos space." Chen Feng frowned.

"It's very dangerous there. I wonder how the brothers are doing now?" Chen Feng sighed, and a look of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

"Haha! The eldest and third sons have also been promoted to golden immortals. They have been leading the army to fight outside the domain for these years. As for the second son, he went to the outer space to venture out. There has been no news for hundreds of thousands of years." Feng Gang said.

"I heard about the second brother's affairs. Although there is no news, the soul lamp is not extinguished, which means that the second brother is still fine. And I think with the second brother's cultivation talent, he must have entered the Golden Immortal Realm a long time ago." Chen Feng nodded and said.

"We think so too." Jin Liu and Feng Gang nodded repeatedly.

"I have been practicing these days. Is there any movement in the Changsheng Tianmai? I killed so many people. The Elders will not let it go." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"It's strange that the Elders are very quiet."

"Quiet, hehe, the Elders attacked me. This matter has been confirmed since I entered the Changsheng Tianjie. There is no movement at this time. Maybe they will take action at any time. These old things are still difficult to deal with." Chen Feng sneered. It can be said that Chen Feng has no good feelings for the Elders in his heart. If Chen Feng is strong enough, he would have killed them long ago.

However, not having strength at this time does not mean that there will be no strength in the future, so Chen Feng has already locked the Elders in his heart.

"The God King is nothing special. There is still a long time to come."

Next, Jin Liu and Feng Gang told Chen Feng about the situation in Changsheng Heaven. Just when the two wanted to leave, a strong breath suddenly rushed towards Wuya Peak.

"There are a total of twenty Golden Immortals. Could it be that the Elders have taken action?" Jin Liu and Feng Gang were a little worried.

"It's not the Elders, it's the Water Demon." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Water Demon, what is he doing here?" This made Jin Liu and Feng Gang even more worried.

"We'll know after we see it." Chen Feng was not worried.

"Hahahahaha, Brother Changtian, you're back." Before the people arrived, there was a burst of laughter. The leader was tall and strong, wearing black armor and handsome, but there was arrogance between his eyebrows. Behind him were a group of Golden Immortals. They did not slow down when they entered the territory of Wuya Peak, and the restrictions in front of them were smashed.

"Remove all the restrictions." Chen Feng said lightly. Jin Liu and Feng Gang nodded and performed some secret techniques. The restrictions disappeared, and Shui Mo and others came to Chen Feng more easily.

Of course, in this process, there were dozens of golden immortals' divine thoughts coming over, which also made Shui Mo secretly alert. Shui Mo has not figured out the strength of Wuya Peak, so he has not dared to act recklessly.

However, Chang Tian suddenly came back at this time, and Shui Mo still had some ideas.

"Cousin, long time no see, it's great that you're back." Shui Mo said, stretching out his hand to pat Chen Feng's shoulder.

Jin Liu and Feng Gang's eyelids jumped, but they still didn't make a move. This is Wuya Peak. If Shui Mo goes too far, it will be difficult to leave.

Chen Feng did not dodge, and let Shui Mo's palm pat on his shoulder, and then the energy like a tsunami rushed into Chen Feng's body.

And Chen Feng had a blank expression on his face, accepting everyone who came. His body was like a bottomless pit, and the power that entered Chen Feng's body completely disappeared.

A strange color flashed in the water demon's eyes, and he quickly raised his palm again. After a while, he retracted it as soon as he touched it. If a cultivator who didn't know the details saw this scene, he would think that the water demon was sincere to Chen Feng.

"What are you doing here?" Facing the enthusiasm of the water demon, Chen Feng was cold. Chen Feng never had a good face for those who had attacked him before.

However, Chen Feng was also a little surprised. When the water demon attacked him, he was only a half-step golden immortal. At that time, the divine consciousness left by Wu Ya in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness not only solved the water demon, but also intercepted the water demon's power for millions of years. Of course, it had been swallowed up by Chen Feng a long time ago.

"Maybe the original body is a golden immortal, and the clone is a half-step golden immortal." Chen Feng could only think so in his heart, because in Chen Feng's perception, the water demon's strength was very strong. Although it did not reach the level of the God King, it was almost the same.

"Of course I came to see you, my cousin. Why, are you not welcome to see your cousin?" The water demon said with a smile.

"No, if there is nothing, you can leave." Chen Feng said lightly, with an expression that he did not take the other party seriously.

"Changtian, you are too arrogant. Our young master came here to give you face." The water demon's expression was normal, but the cultivators behind him were a little angry. One of the golden immortals started to scold.

"Who are you? Little servant, you have no right to speak here, so don't leave." Chen Feng shouted coldly.

"You!" The golden immortal was even more furious.

"Catch him for me." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and Jin Liu and Feng Gang immediately took action and easily controlled the golden immortal.


The golden immortals behind the water demon all moved, forming a fan shape to hold Chen Feng and the other two up.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the black water demon pupil, the space-time beast, and the mutant dragon quickly appeared. At the same time, the breath of the golden immortals in other peaks also began to conflict. The strong pressure made the golden immortals on the water demon's side immediately calm down.

"This is Wuya Peak, not your Wuji Peak." Chen Feng said indifferently.

"You broke into our Wuya Peak and dared to speak rudely. You should be punished. You can escape the death penalty, but you can't escape the living crime. Take one immortal law as punishment." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed. The Golden Immortal who was captured by Jin Liu and the others groaned, and an immortal law was pulled out of his body.


The water demon finally couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his hand and grabbed Chen Feng's arm, but Chen Feng's other hand turned into a long-lived handprint and swelled wildly, suppressing the water demon like a mountain.


A trace of anger flashed in the water demon's eyes, and his palm turned into a sharp water blade, cutting Chen Feng's big handprint in the middle, but at this time Chen Feng had completely pulled out the opponent's immortal law.


Then Chen Feng kicked the weak cultivator away.

"Water Demon, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your strength doesn't seem to have improved." Chen Feng said with a smile, and a golden dragon-like law kept swimming in his palm.

"Changtian, give me the law, and I can prevent what happened today." Water Demon said in a deep voice.

"Ha, are you kidding?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Changtian, don't you understand the current situation in Changsheng Heaven? You have offended so many snobbish people, do you want to add our Wuji Peak?" Water Demon suddenly quieted down.

"I didn't offend anyone, it was just some guys who kept coming to my door looking for death. Since they are looking for death, I won't be polite." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't know if you are confident or your brain is broken. Originally, we at Wuji Peak wanted to help you, but now it seems that it is unnecessary." Water Demon said calmly.

"It's a joke that your Wuji Peak would help me. If it weren't for your Wuji Peak's trickery, I wouldn't have ended up wandering in the starry sky for a million years. I've always remembered this account, and we have plenty of time to settle it." Chen Feng suddenly burst out with murderous intent. His face became a little ferocious.

"Now that you are so few people, you dare to come to our Wuya Peak to make trouble. For me, it's a good opportunity." Chen Feng said, and the breath on his body began to be violent.

"Hehe, give you a breath of time, leave here quickly." Chen Feng said coldly.

"Changtian, you really think you are a big shot, but the Elders can easily deal with you. If you want to survive in the Changsheng Heaven, you have only one way to go, that is to surrender to our Wuji Peak." Another Golden Immortal shouted arrogantly.

Chen Feng instantly understood the purpose of Shui Mo and others coming here, so a murderous intent in his heart broke out uncontrollably.

"Go, leave them." Chen Feng said, taking out the Changsheng Sword and attacking Shui Mo.

The moment Chen Feng issued the order, the three Golden Immortals of Black Water Demon Eye also took action. Jin Liu and Feng Gang shook their heads and did not hesitate to use a secret attack technique.

At this time, the entire Wuya Peak was in turmoil, and one or two strange attacks kept flying out from all directions, all targeting Shui Mo and others.


Shui Mo snorted coldly, waved his hand, and a small bead flew out, then suddenly became larger, covering himself and others, and also blocking attacks from all directions.

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