Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,298: Great Increase in Cultivation

Chen Feng already knew who was helping him, but he did not refuse. Moreover, he could not refuse under such circumstances, so he could only try his best to absorb more energy.

At first, Bing Xing's expression was still very calm, but soon, his face changed, because Chen Feng had absorbed too much energy.

With his authority, it was already the limit to mobilize so much energy from the Longevity Pool, but Chen Feng was far from the limit.

Bing Xing's eyes showed a complex look, and then he waved his hand and took out a token. The token entered the Longevity Pool, and then the Longevity Pool immediately became boiling, and then another stream of water gushed out, which was much larger than the previous two streams combined.

At the moment the token entered the Longevity Pool, a female cultivator in another valley in the Changsheng Hall space was startled.

This female cultivator was Gu Yue, one of the three saints.

Compared with Bing Xing's exquisite perfection, Gu Yue's temperament was clean and elegant. At this time, Gu Yue frowned and quickly figured out what happened, so she stepped forward and shuttled through the space to Bing Xing in just a few steps.

"Sister Guyue." Bingxing said with a smile.

"Why did you use the token given by the Palace Master?" Guyue said seriously.

Bingxing did not answer. Guyue certainly understood what was going on. He just asked casually. Seeing that Bingxing did not answer, he could not help but sighed.

"Is it worth it for you to help him like this?" Guyue sighed.

"It's worth it." Bingxing said lightly.

"Well, this is your business, and no one else can interfere. However, in addition to Changtian, there are still some geniuses in the Changsheng Heaven Realm." Guyue thought for a while and said.

"What kind of genius can compare with the Chaos Body? Besides, this is an engagement given by the Lord of the Realm. Who dares to violate it?" Bingxing said.

"Before that, Changtian might not be doing well now." Guyue shook his head.

"So, I need you to take action."

"You want our Changsheng Palace to intervene." Guyue's eyes flashed with surprise.

"The Elders Group can intervene, why can't our Changsheng Palace intervene." Bingxing said coldly.

"The Elders are not easy to deal with. They are all God Kings." Gu Yue frowned.

"What can God King do? He can't bully other cultivators at will."

"Bingxing, don't you understand the current situation? Changtian killed a lot of people when he came. Unless the Palace Master gives the order, we can't compete with the Elders with our strength alone."

"Before Haiqing and the others came, I knew what happened outside." Bingxing said.

"You are going to intervene in this situation." Gu Yue asked.

"I can't do anything, so I want to ask you for help."

"Hey!" Gu Yue shook her head.

"Why, Sister Gu Yue, you don't want to help?" Bingxing was a little anxious.

"I can do something, but I will do it with discretion." Gu Yue thought for a while and said.

"That's enough." Bingxing nodded. In Bingxing's opinion, as long as someone in the Changsheng Palace took action, it would explain the position of the Changsheng Palace from one aspect, so that the Elders would be under pressure, and Chen Feng's pressure would be reduced accordingly.

"You, you, I don't know if your choice this time is right." Gu Yue shook his head and sighed.

"What if it was you who made the engagement back then?" Bing Xing suddenly asked back.

"I haven't thought about this." Gu Yue blushed.

While the two were talking, the Changsheng Pond returned to calm, no more water flew out, and the Daqian Mirror fell into Bing Xing's hands, but the token thrown into the Changsheng Pond before did not fly out, which was the price Bing Xing paid for misappropriating the energy in the Changsheng Pond.

"Thank you!" Chen Feng's voice came over and then spread in the valley.

"Hey, this guy is quite powerful, he can actually transmit the voice." Gu Yue was a little surprised.

This time, Chen Feng saved hundreds of thousands of years of effort by getting the energy in the Changsheng Pond, and this was not just a simple accumulation of energy. The energy from the Changsheng Pond also contained the power of the law of chaos, which was the most nourishing thing for Chen Feng.

Not only did his physical body make great progress, but even the world inside his body increased by nearly one-third of its power, and at the same time, a wisp of light blue flame appeared in the soul fire.

When he was crossing the calamity, he encountered the seal of the Heavenly Dao, which injured Chen Feng's soul and consumed a lot of soul fire. Afterwards, although Chen Feng had been trying to replenish it, he failed. Although the extra light blue flame at this time was not as much as the previous consumption in quantity, it was much more in quality.

"The effect of the Longevity Pool is really good. It would be great if I could continue to practice in it." Chen Feng shook his head, knowing that his idea was unrealistic.

This time, his cultivation level increased greatly because of the help of his fiancée. When he thought of this, Chen Feng showed a complicated look on his face.

"The other party is willing to help me, it seems that he has feelings for me. It is said that Bingxing is a great saint body, and he has an inner world at birth. This kind of heaven-defying physique is also the pinnacle. The combination of two heaven-defying physiques, the descendants passed down also have a great chance of having a special physique. I think of course the world master has this in mind." Chen Feng said in his heart.

But then the figure of a female cultivator appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. She had a slender figure, perfect posture, and was dressed in white. She had an extremely beautiful appearance. It was Bai Ziyan who led Chen Feng into Taiyi Sect.

Then Bai Ziyan disappeared and turned into a charming and sexy demon girl, and then a bloody Rakshasa in a fiery red armor.

Chen Feng shook his head and cleared these thoughts. At the same time, he was a little surprised. He didn't understand what happened to him today and why he had such thoughts.

But then Chen Feng's heart moved and he began to calculate Bai Ziyan's situation. Bai Ziyan disappeared when he was in the eternal world. Of course, Chen Feng didn't pay too much attention to it, but now thinking about it, his mind grew like weeds, and he couldn't cut it clean.

According to Chen Feng's cultivation realm, even if he was a golden immortal, there would be some clues in Chen Feng's calculations, but this time Chen Feng was destined to be disappointed, because after Chen Feng performed a very magical calculation number, it involved the long river of destiny and time and space, but in the end he didn't find any trace of Bai Ziyan.

"Strange, strange." Chen Feng shook his head and then calculated again, but there was still chaos in front of him. Chen Feng could perform the art of concealing the sky, covering the sky, and stealing the sky, but this time he couldn't catch any traces.

"Under this situation, either this person's life has ended, no, it is life that has disappeared, and there will be some marks in the long river of destiny and time and space. In this case, Bai Ziyan should be in a strange place." After reaching this conclusion, Chen Feng was relieved, because in this way, Bai Ziyan is still alive.

After calculating Bai Ziyan's whereabouts, Chen Feng calmed down.

"It seems that it is time to consider the matter of Taoist partners." Chen Feng nodded. Chen Feng has been practicing for many years and has never considered this aspect.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt a little funny. Many male cultivators like himself have many Taoist partners, especially some cultivators with special physiques. In order to obtain descendants with strong bloodlines, they have more harems. Some domineering cultivators even rely on their own means to find some equally talented Taoist partners.

"But before that, there are still many troubles to solve." Chen Feng had a headache when he thought of this. After Changsheng, things were a little different from what he had imagined before. It seemed that there were not many people who supported him, but there were many who wanted to kill him.

"I hope my premonition is correct, otherwise I really can't deal with it by myself." Chen Feng thought of this and walked out.

"Young Master!"

Seeing Chen Feng coming out, the hundreds of guards guarding outside the courtyard saluted respectfully at the same time.

Chen Feng nodded calmly. With his current status, it was not appropriate to say anything more to these guards, although these guards also had extraordinary cultivation.

After Chen Feng came out, the two Golden Immortals who were sitting in Changtian Peak also showed up to greet Chen Feng.

These two Golden Immortals and those guards also guarded the safety of Changtian Peak, but under normal circumstances, they would not appear unless there was something major. Chen Feng rarely saw these two people when he was a child.

But now it's different. Chen Feng's strength is here. Although the two Golden Immortals have good cultivation and are considered old-fashioned Golden Immortals, they dare not be arrogant in front of Chen Feng, because Chen Feng's record after entering the Changsheng Heaven has spread in the Changsheng Heaven, and these two Golden Immortals can't do this.

Before, they respected Chen Feng because of Chen Feng's status, but now it's because of Chen Feng's strength.

At the same time, Chen Feng also found out the situation of Wuya Peak in the shortest time. Almost all of Chen Feng's direct relatives were not there. Those who have been able to stay at Wuya Peak for so many years are the old people and loyal people of Wuya Family.

"I wonder what plans you have next?" One of the two Golden Immortals is called Jin Liu, and the other is called Feng Gang. They are both native cultivators of Changsheng Heaven. They joined Wuya Family since childhood. They have been in Wuya Family for longer than Wuya himself. Of course, there was no title of Wuya Family at that time.

"Two seniors, let's talk about the situation here first." Chen Feng said with a smile. Chen Feng was still very polite to the two old men. Of course, the entire Wuya Family is not only these two Golden Immortals. It can be said that in Wuya Peak, as long as it is a slightly important mountain, there are Golden Immortals sitting.

Wuya is powerful and swept across the heavens. Not only has he cultivated some Golden Immortals himself, but there are also many Golden Immortals who are willing to become Wuya's followers.

This is also an important reason why no other forces have come to cause trouble after Wu Ya disappeared. Another reason is that no one can be sure when Wu Ya will appear.

"The situation is a bit bad. Some people have already started to target our Wu Ya Peak." Jin Liu sighed.

If Wu Ya had practiced in seclusion normally, it would be fine. Even if it took millions or tens of millions of years, it would be normal. But this time was different. Wu Ya was severely injured before his seclusion. Later, during his seclusion, even his clone did not appear. Over time, it would naturally cause some people with ulterior motives to have evil thoughts.

In addition, the Wu Ya Corps has been fighting outside the domain, especially in recent years, it has been restrained and unable to return to the Changsheng Heaven. This also makes many people think that the Wu Ya Corps is going to decline.

"Oh, is that so?" Chen Feng said lightly. Although Chen Feng had guessed this possibility, there were still two murderous auras flying out of his eyes like blades, leaving circles of ripples in the space wherever they passed.

"It's like this. The head of the family hasn't shown up for a long time, and people's hearts are floating. In addition, the Wuya Legion has also been tied up in the chaotic space. I heard that it has suffered heavy losses in recent years, and the number of soldiers in the legion is constantly decreasing." Jin Liu said, with a worried look on his face. The two of them have the mark of the Wuya family in their blood. This is their home. Naturally, they are very worried when there is a problem. Although Chen Feng is not a celestial being at this time, he is a direct descendant after all. Now he is the master of the entire family. With cohesion and sustenance, these golden immortals will feel at ease.

"Chaos space." Chen Feng frowned.

"It's very dangerous there. I wonder how the brothers are doing now?" Chen Feng sighed, and a look of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

"Haha! The eldest and third sons have also been promoted to golden immortals. They have been leading the army to fight outside the domain for these years. As for the second son, he went to the outer space to venture out. There has been no news for hundreds of thousands of years." Feng Gang said.

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