Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,295 Returning Home

Originally, Chen Feng had prepared for a fierce fight, but he didn't expect that once the pressure was relieved, the opponent actually gave up.

At first, Chen Feng thought that the opponent had other purposes, but then the opponent was completely calm, and he didn't feel any crisis, so Chen Feng knew that the opponent would not attack.

"Maybe the opponent is not sure." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"No matter what the opponent thinks, since he chose to attack me, I will remember this account and get it back in the future, but I don't know which God King attacked me." Chen Feng sneered.

The opponent retreated at this time, which does not mean that there are no other means.

Originally, according to the number of people, the Changsheng Corps had an advantage, but the four strongest golden immortals were captured by Chen Feng, and the remaining teams were also dispersed by Chen Feng, so they naturally could not stop the attack of the soldiers led by Lei Long.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the Changsheng Corps is not as good as the elites carefully selected by Lei Long, or it can be said that this time the Changsheng Corps did not dispatch the strongest force at all.

After a period of chaos, Chen Feng's side completely gained the upper hand. The tens of thousands of troops of Changsheng Juntian were directly dispersed, some escaped, and some were captured.

This time, it seemed that the Changsheng Corps had lost all its face, but some high-level monks such as Lei Long had a flash of worry in their eyes. The Changsheng Corps was the first legion of the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and its strength and foundation were beyond doubt. If the Wuya Corps was brought in as a whole, everyone would certainly not be afraid, and even had the confidence to fight to the deepest part of the universe. You must know that under the leadership of Wuya, the Wuya Corps has always been fighting against powerful beings in the outside world, and the result of the war has made the Wuya Corps powerful.

But this time is different. Lei Long and others brought the power they cultivated themselves, which can also be said to be Chen Feng's power. They naturally would not worry about facing the same number of enemies, but this is the Changsheng Tianmai, the trump card of the Changsheng Corps, and there is the entire Elders Group as a backing behind it. Facing the Elders Group, I am afraid that even Lord Wuya has to be cautious.

Although it was very exciting just now, if the Changsheng Corps really sent another batch of powerful troops, what should I do?

However, these thoughts only flashed through Lei Long's mind quickly. Since the young master appeared, everything should be decided by the young master.

"Young master, what do you think of these people?" Lei Long looked at the captured soldiers and asked Chen Feng.

In the fight just now, thousands of soldiers of the Changsheng Legion were injured and captured.

"Let them go. Why keep these trash?" Chen Feng waved his hand.

"Yes!" Lei Long did not hesitate and hurried to do it. When Chen Feng disappeared, he was just a child of a few years old. When they met again at this time, Chen Feng's every move had a unique temperament, and the domineering and casualness brought by strength.

When they first faced Chen Feng, Lei Long and others had a strange feeling, and they could no longer overlap the image of Chen Feng when he was a child. Lei Long knew that it would take some time for him to adapt to it. After all, Chen Feng was too young when he left, and he had been away for too long.

In fact, if it weren't for Chen Feng's unique identity and Wu Ya, Chen Feng's childhood guards would not necessarily wait for Chen Feng wholeheartedly. You have to know that these people are all geniuses carefully selected by Wu Ya, and there are a few forces that are secretly trying to win them over.

"Let you go, go quickly, you trash." Tunri laughed.

"You wait, we won't let this go." A half-step golden immortal said a little toughly.


As soon as the man finished speaking, he was hit hard by Tunri's punch and flew out.

"In this case, you stay." Tunri sneered.

Chen Feng frowned. This time he came to Changsheng Tianmai, it seems that he will often deal with the Changsheng Legion. Although Chen Feng has no good impression of the Changsheng Legion, it does not prevent Chen Feng from being on guard against the Changsheng Legion.

Tunri still did not kill the other party. Under the obstruction of Dafeng and others, he only beat the other party seriously.

Seeing that Tunri and the others were so fierce, no one dared to cause trouble. Since they were released, these people chose to leave quickly.

Soon, the Heavenly Fire God King and the Ice Condensation God King also appeared. They had just experienced a great battle, and the chaotic aura on their bodies had not completely disappeared. They looked extremely majestic.

"Are the two seniors okay?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course it's okay. The other party just blocked the two of us, and they didn't really fight desperately." The Heavenly Fire God King said lightly.

"I wonder if the two seniors know who attacked me before?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"It was Lan Hai." The Ice Condensation God King said without thinking.

"Lan Hai God King, this is also a member of our royal family." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In addition to Lan Hai, there are Chang Kong, Tian Dao and Fan Tian. Boy, your situation is a little bad. These people are from the Elders Group, which means that the Elders Group is going to attack you. Although you can repel the Blue Sea God King, what if the other party attacks again next." The Heavenly Fire God King said with some concern.

"So, you should go to the Wuya Legion."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Now that you are here, you can't leave in a hurry. Besides, it's not easy for me to leave now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't leave now." Skyfire God King shook his head.

"But don't worry, there are many people in the elders who stand on your side." Skyfire God King comforted.

"Haha, thank you two seniors, but I think no one has expressed their position so far, and they will definitely not help me next time." Chen Feng said this on the surface, but he sneered in his heart.

"It seems that my own strength is the most important. If I have the realm of Golden Immortal now, I can kill my way through even if no one helps me."

In fact, Chen Feng has more feelings in his heart. Thinking back to the past, his family can be said to be the most powerful existence in the Changsheng Heaven Realm, without a doubt. He has been extraordinary since birth. No matter where he goes, he faces flattery and fawning. If he has the power of the past, he will not encounter so many obstacles when he comes to the Changsheng Heaven Realm this time, but many people will come to greet him.

"Hehe, in this case, I need to fight my way out of the world." Chen Feng's heart is full of ambition, and he did not retreat because of the obstacles he encountered.

Next, no one came out to cause trouble, and Chen Feng came all the way to Wuya Peak, which is also his home in Changsheng Tianmai.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered Wuya Peak, tens of thousands of cultivators of various ranks lined up to greet Chen Feng. These people were very respectful. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng felt that the murderous intent and anger that had been growing all the way before disappeared in an instant.

"Huh!" Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. This was his home.

"Welcome home, young master." Everyone shouted in unison, and the sound rolled around, and it was unknown how far it was transmitted.

"Thank you all!" Chen Feng said with a smile, and then Chen Feng strode forward, followed by Lei Long and others.

The tens of thousands of cultivators who greeted Chen Feng were all members of the family, including servants, guards, followers, alchemists, spiritual medicine growers, and spiritual beast feeders. Almost all types of cultivators came out.

There were also some Golden Immortals among them, and some of these Golden Immortals were familiar faces. These people were still very respectful to Chen Feng.

Because Chen Feng was the young master of this family, these people would maintain a bit of respect even if their cultivation was high.

Although Chen Feng was excited, he also recorded clearly every move of the people present. These people all came to greet him sincerely. In Chen Feng's opinion, if someone really looked down on him and was dissatisfied with him, he would not show up.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that it was impossible for all the cultivators in the family to come out, because Chen Feng was confident that he did not have such a great influence, but even so, Chen Feng was already very satisfied.

The God King Palace is located in a treasured land in the Changsheng Heavenly Vein. Not only is the spiritual energy here high-level and rich, but there are also constant fluctuations in the laws of heaven. It is directly connected to the source of power in the Changsheng Heavenly Realm. Practicing here is many times stronger than in other places.

The Changsheng Heavenly Vein is the first heavenly vein and the first treasured land in the Changsheng Heavenly Realm, and the place where the God King Palace is located is a treasured land among treasured lands in the Changsheng Heavenly Vein.

It can be said that this is the first-class cave paradise in the Changsheng Heavenly Realm.

This is also the headquarters of the Elders. Those who are qualified to enter here are either old-fashioned golden immortals with the status of elders, or various titled God Kings with strong combat power. This is also the most powerful institution in the Changsheng Heaven Realm so far.

When Chen Feng entered the Changsheng Heaven Realm, a meteorite fell on the calm water surface, causing a tsunami, which also affected the entire Changsheng Heaven Realm, and the God King Hall was also thrown into a stone, which has been fluctuating since the beginning.

Especially after Changkong God King and others returned without success, the fluctuations here became more intense. No one met, but various divine thoughts began to intertwine.

The meaning of these divine thoughts is nothing more than Changtian's return to the Changsheng Heaven Realm, and most of the intense conversations advocated capturing Chen Feng and punishing Chen Feng.

Of course, there are also some elders who do not agree with this, and some elders even openly express their support for Chen Feng.

"I just want to say one thing. According to the reliable information I have received, Lord Wuya will soon come out of retreat. If you want to make trouble, just do it, but don't drag us into it." At this time, a divine thought swept across, shocking the others.

"Even if Lord Wuya comes out of retreat, he can't protect Changtian. Changtian has killed so many people. Even the Lord of the Realm should deal with it impartially." Someone else retorted.

"That being said, if someone wants to die, I won't stop them, but don't drag others into it. Although our elders' group looks very powerful, don't forget that they are nothing in the eyes of some adults."

Next, various divine thoughts are still communicating, but I don't know if it's because of the divine thoughts they got before, the number of divine thoughts involved is beginning to decrease.

Changsheng Palace, an important area in Changsheng Heaven, is located in a better position than the God King Palace.

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