Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,294: Entanglement

"I feel something is wrong." God King Ningbing thought for a while and said.

"Oh, what's wrong?" God King Tianhuo was a little curious.

"Think about it, Changtian has cultivated to this level in such a short time, he must not be a fool. Since he chose to come to the heaven at this time, he must have his own confidence. Another point is that Changtian has been constantly taking ruthless actions since he entered the heaven, and Jinxian also kills without hesitation. This is either reckless or he has his own confidence." God King Ningbing said slowly.

"What you said makes sense." God King Tianhuo's eyes lit up.

"Is it possible that Lord Wu Ya is really going to show up? If so, these people who jumped out are simply a joke. I hope so."

"By the way, don't forget Lord Changshengta. I feel that Changsheng Heaven is going to be disrupted this time, and we can't just protect ourselves."

"Hey, aren't we involved now?"

"Yes, since we have made up our minds, we can't quit anymore."

At this time, a shocking scene appeared. Chen Feng actually blocked the 40,000 troops that were rushing over with his own strength.

Chen Feng floated in the air, and the Changsheng Sword sent out four heavy sword auras every time, and soon formed a heavy sword energy barrier, making the opponent's attack in vain.

"The combat effectiveness of these soldiers is not bad, but the leading Golden Immortal is too weak." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Changsheng Chain flew out, and soon tied up the four Golden Immortals.

Without the leading Golden Immortal, the next thing was easy to do. Just a big handprint of Changsheng completely dispersed the four teams.

"If you don't want to die, just step forward." Chen Feng said calmly.

Although Chen Feng had spoken, there were still some who were not afraid of death, and hundreds of soldiers were about to step forward. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword curtain swept across, cutting hundreds of cultivators into pieces.

Whether it was a half-step golden immortal or a celestial immortal, in front of Chen Feng, they were indeed only cut into pieces.

Seeing that Chen Feng really killed, the remaining soldiers were all dumbfounded, and they retreated honestly one by one. Not being afraid of death does not mean that they can go to die.

"This matter has become a big deal."

"Yeah, I didn't expect Changtian to be so cruel. Hey, there will be excitement now. The Elders will definitely not let it go."

"Even the people of the Changsheng Legion dared to kill, this time Changtian will not escape."

Sure enough, while everyone was discussing, a huge golden palm flew out from the depths of the Changsheng Tianmai and grabbed Chen Feng.

"Not good, it's the God King who made a move." The two of the Heavenly Fire God King looked at each other and said worriedly. Just when the two wanted to make a move, they felt the space fluctuate, and then they were moved to an independent space.

"Changkong, Tiandao, I didn't expect you two to make a move. Aren't you afraid of causing trouble?" Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him, a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Fire God King.

"You two also made a move." The Heavenly Sword God King said with a smile.

"The Elders Group has really changed. Aren't you afraid of breaking the Changsheng Heaven Realm into pieces?" The Ningbing God King sneered.

"As long as you don't interfere, we won't do it." The Changkong God King said lightly.

"Really? We old friends haven't fought for some years. Let me see what progress you have made." The Heavenly Fire God King has a hot temper. He held a flaming knife and attacked the Heavenly Sword God King.

"I'm not afraid of you. If you start, don't regret it. You are going against the entire elders."

"Really? You two can't represent the elders yet. Ningbing, I'll stop these two people, you go help Changtian."

"None of you can leave today." At this time, another person appeared, holding a long stick and sweeping towards the Ningbing God King.

"Fantian, good, it's you guys, let's have a good fight." Ningbing God King was also angry. He and others didn't want to see civil strife in the heaven, but they didn't expect someone to set their sights on him.

Not to mention that there was a battle between the gods here, Chen Feng's face became solemn on the other side. This big hand stretched out from the depths of the sky vein gave him great pressure.

"It's the God King." Black Water Demon Eye said in a concentrated voice.

"What can the God King do? He is still an immortal golden immortal." Chen Feng held the Changsheng Sword and slashed at the golden hand.

"Let's do it." At this time, Black Water Demon Eye no longer remained silent, holding the Phantom Demon Blade and chose to attack with Chen Feng.

Bang! Boom!

The two's attacks landed on the big hand and were immediately shattered by the power of the big hand, but the big hand still paused for a moment, and Chen Feng continued to attack. The Longevity Sword turned into an arc, circling and cutting around the big hand. At the same time, Chen Feng mixed the power of chaos and annihilation in it. Sure enough, he cut the opponent's palm into two halves in one fell swoop.

But the two halves of the palm quickly turned into two perfect palms, one on the left and one on the right, slapping Chen Feng.



At this time, the Black Water Demon Eye and the Space-Time Beast attacked at the same time, and moved the two palms to an independent space at the same time.

With the opponent's strength, the independent space created by the Black Water Demon Eye can only trap a short time, but for Chen Feng, one breath is enough.

The next moment, Chen Feng entered one of the spaces, directly took the Longevity Sutra to suppress the opponent, and then the sword energy spread, and soon cut the opponent's palm into pieces.

Next, Chen Feng entered another space and did the same thing, and also got another palm.

In fact, Chen Feng knew that the previous golden hand was just the power of the secret golden immortal. Although it was solved by himself, it did not have much impact on himself, but the other party was definitely disappointed.

But just after dealing with the opponent's big golden hand, the independent space where Chen Feng was located exploded with a bang, and another big golden hand appeared, with five fingers covering all directions and grabbing at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's reaction was not slow either. His longevity wings vibrated and he avoided the opponent's attack. However, when the five fingers of his golden hand shook, five sword energy flew out, forming the force of five elements of reincarnation and strangled Chen Feng.

"The strength exceeds that of the Golden Immortal among the Slayers." Chen Feng instantly made some judgments about the opponent's strength, but Chen Feng was also confident in his own fighting power. With a wave of the Eternal Sword in his hand, he also displayed the Five Elements Swordsmanship. Both sides The sword energy collided and disappeared quickly. At this time, the Black Water Demon Eye's attack also arrived. Countless black threads wrapped around the golden palm. Chen Feng struck three times in a row. Although the golden palm was not cut off, it was still there. There was a deep sword mark left on it.


The golden palm turned into a fist and shook violently. A powerful impact swept out, and the black threads were broken one after another. Then the fist slammed, blocking the Longevity Sword and knocking Chen Feng away.

However, the opponent did not attack Chen Feng again. Instead, he closed his fist and quickly disappeared.

Originally, Chen Feng was ready for a fierce fight, but he didn't expect that the other party would give up the attack as soon as the pressure was relieved.

At first, Chen Feng thought that the other party had other purposes, but then the other party was completely calm and he did not feel any crisis. Chen Feng knew that the other party would not take action.

"Maybe the other party is not sure." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"No matter what the other party thinks, since he chose to take action against me, I will write down this debt and get it back in the future. I just don't know which God King is taking action." Chen Feng sneered.

Just because the other party has retreated at this time does not mean that there are no other means available.

Originally, based on the number of people, the Immortal Legion had the advantage, but the four strongest Golden Immortals among them were captured by Chen Feng, and the rest of the team was also broken up by Chen Feng. Naturally, they could not stop the attack of the soldiers led by Thunder Dragon.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the Immortal Legion is not as good as the elites carefully selected by Thunder Dragon. In other words, this time the Immortal Legion simply did not mobilize the strongest force.

After a chaos, Chen Feng's side completely gained the upper hand. Changsheng Juntian's tens of thousands of troops were directly dispersed, some escaped, and some were captured.

This time, it seems that the Immortal Legion has lost all face, but the eyes of some high-level monks such as Thunder Dragon flashed with worry. The Immortal Legion is the first legion in the Immortal Heaven Realm, and its strength and foundation are beyond doubt. If the Wuya Legion is brought here in its entirety, Of course, everyone is not afraid, and they are even confident of reaching the deepest part of the universe. You must know that Wuya Legion, under the leadership of Wuya, has been at war with powerful beings from the outside world. The result of the war has made Wuya Legion stronger.

But this time is different. What Thunder Dragon and others bring is the power they have cultivated, which can also be said to be Chen Feng's power. They will naturally not worry when facing the same number of enemies, but this is the Immortal Heavenly Vein and the Immortal Legion. The trump card has the backing of the entire elders group. When facing the elders group, even Master Wuya must be cautious.

Although the fight just now was very enjoyable, what if the Immortal Legion really sends another group of powerful troops.

However, these thoughts just flashed quickly in Thunder Dragon's mind. Since the young master has appeared, it is fine that the young master makes the decision in everything.

"Sir, what do you think of these people?" Lei Long looked at the captured soldiers and asked Chen Feng for instructions.

In the fight just now, thousands of soldiers of the Immortal Legion were wounded and captured.

"Let it go, why are you keeping these wastes?" Chen Feng waved his hand.

"Yes!" Thunder Dragon did not hesitate and went to do it quickly. Chen Feng was just a few years old when he disappeared. When we meet again, Chen Feng's every move has a unique temperament, and the domineering and randomness brought by strength.

When they first faced Chen Feng, Lei Long and others had a strange feeling. They could no longer overlap the images of Chen Feng as a child. Lei Long knew that it would take some time for him to adapt. After all, of course Chen Feng left. It was too young when I was born, and the time I left was too long.

Actually speaking, if it weren't for Chen Feng's unique identity and Wuya, Chen Feng's childhood guards might not have waited for Chen Feng with all their heart. You must know that these people are Wuya's picky ones. The selected geniuses are secretly wooed by a few forces.

"Let you go, you losers." Tunri laughed.

"Just wait, we won't let this matter go." A Half-Step Golden Immortal said forcefully.


As soon as the man finished speaking, he was punched hard by Tun Ri and flew away.

"In that case, just stay." Tunri sneered.

Chen Feng frowned. This time he came to the Immortal Meridian. It seemed that he would often deal with the Immortal Legion. Although Chen Feng did not have a good impression of the Immortal Legion, it did not prevent Chen Feng from being alert to the Immortal Legion.

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