Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,264: Breaking through the defense line

When everyone was happy, they saw three more streams of light flying out from the underground of the Eternal World, and the three Golden Immortal Killers who had fled far away were tied up.

"Do it!"

Chen Feng and others' eyes lit up, and they quickly stepped forward, bombarding them with various attacks in turn, and soon the three Golden Immortal Killers were killed.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and the crystal core of the Time and Space Slayer fell into his hand. He wanted to take action again, but in front of him, the bodies of the three Golden Immortal Slayers were all snatched away.

"A piece of crystal core is a big harvest." Chen Feng shook his head. With so many people taking action, it was already pretty good that he could get the crystal core.


Strong fluctuations passed down, and another line of defense was breached.


Not long after, another line of defense was breached. This speed made Chen Feng and others' expressions change greatly.

"It seems we really can't hold on anymore."

"Excuse me, fellow Taoists."

A group of golden immortals nodded, and someone began to take action to take the living monks of the eternal world into their own inner world.

Chen Feng saw that most of these people could take human immortal monks into their bodies. There were also a few people, such as Fire Feather Golden Immortal, who could take earth immortals into their inner world.

There are also people who take these people into the cave in the magic weapon, but they can only collect a small part.

"Sure enough, it is restricted by heaven, otherwise even immortals can be included in the artifact." Chen Feng sighed.

Chen Feng had no choice about the situation in front of him.

"It would be great if the Eternal Life Tower was here. There has been no news about the Eternal Life Tower, and I don't know where it went." Chen Feng was a little regretful, but also a little worried, because the Eternal Life Tower had not contacted him for a long time.

"It seems that we need to find time to communicate with the Eternal Life Tower." Chen Feng thought to himself.

With Chen Feng's strength, he could detect the existence of the Eternal Life Tower even from several star fields away, unless the Eternal Life Tower deliberately prevented Chen Feng from finding it.

"The eternal world cannot be saved." At this time, the Black Water Demonic Eyes came to Chen Feng.

Because at this time, the defense line became more and more fragile, the number of the killer army seemed to be growing, and the momentum of the attack was overwhelming and simply irresistible.

Seeing that the defense line continues to decrease, there is no Golden Immortal to resist. The situation is over, and stepping forward at this time will be in vain.

Even Chen Feng was ready to leave.

In Chen Feng's opinion, he has tried his best, and there is nothing he can do if the eternal world cannot protect him.

"Leave, let's go to the dark world. I don't know what's going on with Senior An Ye." Black Water Demon Eye also said the same.

Chen Feng nodded. He had been in the Eternal World for these years, and he didn't know what the situation was like in Dark Qilin.

At this time, the Eternal World's defense line still had the last three layers. Almost all the Golden Immortals took action. Some people built teleportation channels to send their monks out, while others simply left alone.

The black water demon's eyes flashed with light, and the energy emitted quickly opened a space channel.

"The space is not very stable. I can only hold on for a few breaths. Let's go quickly and return to the fairyland." Black Water Demon Eye said.

After listening to the Black Water Demon Eye's order, these monks entered the passage one after another, and soon only the monks from the Immortal Heaven Realm were left. Without Chen Feng's words, Tunri and others would not leave.

"You guys can go too." Chen Feng waved his hand.

At this time, the space passage is becoming more and more unstable, and only these golden immortals can open a path in front of the siege of the killers.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and the space passage became stable. Tunri and others nodded and quickly entered it.

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief as he no longer had any worries.

"Let's go too." Black Water Demon Eye said.

"There's no rush, I want to kill two more Golden Immortal Slayers before I leave." A glimmer of light bloomed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Okay, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave for a while." Black Water Demon Eye curled his lips and agreed.

Coupled with the time and space beasts and mutated dragons, there are already four golden immortals on his side. Of course, although Chen Feng is not a golden immortal, he has the fighting power of a golden immortal. In this case, there is no problem with at least self-protection.

There is still the last layer of defense left. At this time, the entire eternal world has become quiet. The low-level creatures have completely disappeared. Only some earth immortals, upper immortals and a few golden immortals are left quietly waiting for death. origin.

At the beginning, there were more than a hundred golden immortals in the eternal world, but now there are only a dozen or so. These people are all monks who have been blessed by the origin of the eternal world.

The Fire Feather Golden Immortal and others stood together, with fighting spirit in their bodies. They seemed to have the same idea as Chen Feng, to stay here and fight the killer.


The last line of defense also exploded, and the eternal world was nakedly exposed in front of the killer.


Chen Feng shouted loudly and rushed forward first. What Chen Feng targeted was a very large spider-like killer. The moment Chen Feng acted, black threads flew out of the eyes of the Black Water Demon Eyes, and space-time changes occurred. The beast and the mutated dragon disappeared in the space one on the left and the other on the right.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the spider killer made a sharp sound, and then a stream of immortal light swept towards Chen Feng.

In Chen Feng's view, the immortal light cultivated by the killer is more inclined to destruction, and the killing intention contained in it is too pure. Before he reaches the scene, Chen Feng can feel the throbbing of his soul.

"It's hard to deal with." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand. A shield appeared in front of him. It was the Shield of Immortality. The Immortal Light hit it and soon left a hole.

However, at this time, the attack of the Black Water Demon Eye also arrived. Countless silk threads appeared silently and tied up the limbs of the spider killer. At the same time, the space-time beasts and the mutant dragons also launched attacks from all directions.

Chen Feng's body swayed, the Immortal Light disappeared, and the Shield of Immortality in his hand, which was pierced with a hole, quickly returned to normal.

"I don't know when I can advance." Chen Feng said as he put away the Shield of Immortality. A golden light flashed between his eyebrows and also emitted the Immortal Light.


A mountain suddenly appeared and blocked Chen Feng, and then a big hole was pierced by the Immortal Light.

This killer, who looked very similar to the mountain, was pierced through the body, but it didn't seem to be hurt. Instead, sharp thorns bulged on his rock-like skin, just like a hedgehog.

However, each of these spikes was more than ten meters long. After spraying out from the body, it turned into a torrent and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"This kind of killer is strange. It is suitable for large-scale wars. It is a bit inappropriate to appear at this time." Chen Feng slashed the long sword in his hand, and waves of swords rushed out, cutting off the torrent of spikes and then shredding them into pieces.

Before Chen Feng had time to analyze the specialties of this killer, he saw a knife king holding a stick rushing towards him.

"Hey! Before, we were no match for the many against the few, and now we are looking for death with the few against the many." Chen Feng's body shook, dodged the opponent's attack, and came to the front of the Black Water Demon Eye.

"How is it, are you sure?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Try it." The Black Water Demon Eye gritted his teeth.

"I'll help you." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the immortality qi rushed into the body of the Black Water Demon Eye. Then the Black Water Demon Eye used the pupil technique, and the space fluctuated. The spider killer disappeared, and the space-time beast, the mutant dragon, Chen Feng and the Black Water Demon Eye disappeared together.

In an independent space, four people appeared and surrounded the spider killer.

"Time is running out, solve it quickly." The Black Water Demon Eye said in a hissing voice.

"Of course!"

With a loud bang, a human-shaped phantom turned out from Chen Feng's body, floating on Chen Feng's back, and waved his hand to take the Soul Sorrow Bow in his hand. The Soul Sorrow Bow was pulled open, and the starlight condensed into a sharp arrow.

At the same time as the phantom took action, Chen Feng's body also changed several sword techniques with both hands, and the immortal sword in his hand suddenly appeared with dense and complex patterns. At the same time as the Soul Sorrow Bow was activated, the immortal sword in his hand also flew out.

"The Shadow Art in the Changsheng Sutra, no, it's a combination of the Shadow Art and the Incarnation Art, which can burst out twice the power. This guy is worthy of being the owner of the Changsheng Sutra." Seeing this scene, Black Water Demon Eye's eyes suddenly lit up.

A series of light blades rushed out from the Spider Killer's body, cutting all the restraints around it, and also beat the mutant dragon and the space-time beast back again and again.

In this short fight, some cracks appeared in the independent space around, but these cracks disappeared quickly.

Then the lines on the Changsheng Sword suddenly conflicted, just like a spirit snake, wrapping up the Spider Killer again, and at the same time, Black Water Demon Eye's attack also arrived, and a mental illusion acted on the opponent.

So the Spider Killer was slow for a while, and the sharp arrows from the Changsheng Sword and the Soul-Sorrow Bow left two big holes on the opponent.

The shadow behind Chen Feng disappeared along with the Soul-Sorrowing Bow. Chen Feng took a long breath, and a series of explosions came out of his body. He strode forward and blasted out with the Immortal Handprint.

The mutant dragon and the space-time beast also came back to kill.

How could the seriously injured Spider Killer be a match for the four people? He was quickly killed and the crystal core was taken out.

"We've dealt with one. Let's go and catch another one." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After hearing this, the Black Water Demon Eye's face suddenly fell: "How can it be that easy? My pupil power is damaged now and I need to rest."

"The crystal core will belong to you in the next moment." Chen Feng said.

"Add ten more immortal pills." Black Water Demon Eye made his request.

"No problem." Chen Feng agreed very straightforwardly.

"Then let's go."

The pupil technique was activated, and the four people appeared in the Eternal World again, but they were stunned when they saw the situation in front of them.

"Did we go to the wrong place?" Chen Feng shook his head and said.

"That's right." Although Black Water Demon Eye said so, he also secretly calculated it and finally confirmed that it was indeed correct.

"Then where are the killers here?" Chen Feng pointed. Previously, the Eternal World was densely covered with killers, and there were also fierce battles between the various Golden Immortals.

But now, the killers here have almost disappeared, even the Fire Feather Golden Immortal and others have no trace.

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