Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,263 Black Hole

"Quickly kill that space-time killer." Chen Feng shouted.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't need to say much. These Golden Immortals were originally going for the Space-Time Killer. They would naturally use their own methods, and everyone was confident that they could kill each other.

At the same time, two Golden Immortals rushed up to help Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's opinion, only one round of attack would be enough to deal with these three killers.

But why was he still so worried?

"Something is wrong!" At this time, not only Chen Feng, but also other Golden Immortals noticed something was wrong.

However, although they had a warning sign in their hearts, they still launched the attack, and the power of dozens of Golden Immortals all fell on the back of the Space-Time Killer.

In Chen Feng's opinion, this Space-Time Killer would be smashed to pieces even if it was ten times more powerful.

But what was strange was that all the attacks that fell on the back of the Space-Time Killer disappeared, as if the back of the Space-Time Killer was connected to the other universe.

"Retreat quickly!" Fire Feather Golden Immortal took the lead in retreating.

Then a black spot appeared on the back of the Spacetime Killer. It became the size of a fist in the blink of an eye, and then became the size of ten feet in the blink of an eye again. Then a powerful swallowing force emanated from it, and the surrounding Golden Immortals shook, all affected by the swallowing force.

"It's a destructive black hole!" Everyone exclaimed, and then fled away in horror.

"Black hole, it's actually a destructive black hole. This was designed by the other party a long time ago, using the power of dozens of Golden Immortals to open this long-prepared black hole." Chen Feng also exclaimed, stopped fighting with the Sword Demon, and rushed towards the black hole.

"You are crazy, why don't you leave quickly." The Black Water Demon Eye came to Chen Feng.

"Fellow Daoists, now is not the time to leave. The black hole is generated by the power of everyone. Now only by gathering the power of everyone can the black hole be defeated." Chen Feng shouted anxiously.

"That's right, we can't leave now, let's attack the black hole together." Fire Feather Golden Immortal stopped first, and the other Golden Immortals also calmed down. Everyone was indeed a little scared when they saw the black hole, but think about it, this is just a small black hole, it doesn't pose any threat to everyone.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

However, at this time, all the rocks, plants and various things around the black hole were swallowed up, and even the killers who had not had time to leave were swallowed up. The killers in the realm of celestial immortals had no ability to resist the swallowing power of the black hole.

As for the time and space killer, it had disappeared, and no one knew where it ran to. Of course, Chen Feng and others didn't have time to care about these. At this time, everyone was staring at the rapidly expanding black hole.

"Jointly attack!"

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Dozens of Golden Immortals joined forces to launch an attack, and the mighty immortal energy all rushed into the black hole.

Then the black hole of destruction fluctuated, and did not collapse as everyone imagined, nor did it continue to expand, but began to shrink, quickly shrinking to the size of a fist, then a black dot, and then disappeared.



"That was close."

"Hahaha, fortunately I didn't leave just now, thank you fellow Taoist, but the black hole just now was too scary."

"Something is wrong."

"How could the black hole shrink back?"

Everyone talked about it, and then saw the Spacetime Killer and the Sword Demon Knife Lord flying quickly into the distance, with a sense of escape.

"It's still wrong, everyone disperse."

These Golden Immortals didn't know how many years they had practiced, and they were still very accurate in their grasp of danger. After noticing some abnormalities, they retreated one after another.

Then a little black light appeared again, and the black hole that had disappeared before expanded at a faster speed, as if it had been infinitely compressed and suddenly exploded.

Then it really exploded.


There was no sound. This was a picture that appeared in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. The black hole actually exploded, and there was nothingness wherever the destructive light wave went.

Everyone knows that the destructive black hole has a strong swallowing ability, and even the Golden Immortal will be strangled, but few people know that the power of the black hole will be even greater after it explodes.

Under the strong crisis, Chen Feng felt that his heart was about to explode and the fire of his soul was about to go out, but the longevity wings behind him vibrated faster, and the frequency reached a terrifying level, even exceeding the level when he fled from Dongji Immortal Palace before.

It can be said that Chen Feng has exerted the power of the longevity wings to the maximum extent and achieved the point of truly transcending time and space.

However, Chen Feng still did not feel safe. The black hole could even swallow light and time. Who knows how much energy the explosion will generate?

So the longevity wings were torn from being torn to pieces, and then the golden armor on his body began to twist, and countless cracks appeared. This is a protective armor of the middle-grade artifact level. Chen Feng felt that he was going to die this time.

"Why is the black hole of destruction so terrifying?" Chen Feng was still fighting hard, the power in his body kept gushing out, and the original energy stored in the world in his body was mobilized.

Then Chen Feng felt his whole body relax, and he was happy. The longevity wings behind him unfolded again and stabilized his body.

"Are the others okay?" Chen Feng didn't have time to check his injuries, but quickly released his consciousness.

Then Chen Feng's face darkened.

The number of golden immortals before was reduced by half.

The space twisted, and Black Water Demon Pupil appeared in front of Chen Feng with a half-body cultivator in his hand. After landing, Black Water Demon Pupil was unable to stand steadily, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Daoist." The half-body cultivator said, and then the light flashed, the body twisted, and soon returned to normal, but Chen Feng knew that the other party consumed a lot of source energy.

"It was really dangerous just now, I almost died." Black Water Demon Pupil looked intact, but Chen Feng knew that this guy was more seriously injured than the half-body cultivator.

Because Black Water Demon Pupil used pupil skills, which is the power of the soul, I am afraid that the soul source was injured just now.

"Miserable!" Huoyu Jinxian screamed with grief and anger. Just now, the black hole exploded, and thirteen Jinxians fell. This is an unbearable loss for the Eternal World.

"Come and take a look here." A Jinxian pointed, and then everyone took a breath of cold air, shook their heads and sighed.

A large hole with a radius of 100 miles appeared on the ground not far ahead. Chaotic airflow gushed out of the hole. Chen Feng knew what was going on after just one look.

"The Eternal World was pierced." Chen Feng sighed.

"This is a destructive black hole. So many Golden Immortals died, but only the Eternal World was pierced. This is already the best result."

"This is just a small black hole, and the power has been compressed. More importantly, the Eternal World has also been blessed by the Heavenly Dao. Otherwise, even if ten large worlds were superimposed, they would not be able to stop the aftermath of the fight between the Golden Immortals."

"But in this way, the origin of the Eternal World has been leaked, accelerating the decline of the Eternal World."

"Maybe it doesn't need to decline. The killer has used means, and the Eternal World will fall next."

The expressions of the major Golden Immortals were different. Chen Feng swept his eyes and saw that several people had the intention to leave, and some of them were from the Eternal World.

Chen Feng stamped his feet heavily and communicated with the origin of the Eternal World. Sure enough, in Chen Feng's perception, the core origin of the Eternal World was screaming in pain. Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, and the immortal qi gushed out of his body and poured into the origin of the Eternal World.

Chen Feng thought that doing this would not have much effect, but Chen Feng still did it. Seeing Chen Feng's actions, several Golden Immortals' eyes lit up, sighed and sent their power into the earth.

The Eternal World was buzzing inside, and soon spread throughout the Eternal World. Then the big hole that was punched began to heal, just like a human wound. Although the speed was very fast, it gave everyone hope.


Black Water Demon Eye sighed, and regardless of his seriously injured body, he also hit out a force.

"Ask for peace of mind, anyway, I am from the Eternal World."

"This is my hometown."

The Golden Immortals took action one after another, and the big hole gradually healed and became smaller, and finally closed completely, followed by a series of roars. After a long time, the Eternal World returned to peace.

"Although we helped, the origin core was broken after all." Someone shook his head and sighed, feeling sorry for this life world that has existed for who knows how many billions of years.

Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!

The eternal world, which had been quiet for a while, was moving again. A stream of yellow light flew out from the ground and drilled into the bodies of the golden immortals who had just made a move.

Then these golden immortals, those with injuries recovered instantly, and the cultivators in the bodies of those without injuries continued to grow.

"It is the power of feeding back, and it contains the power of the laws of heaven and the power of the origin of the universe." Someone showed surprise in his eyes.

"All my injuries have healed."

"Tsk tsk, this is equivalent to my cultivation of 100,000 years."

Chen Feng also felt that the injuries on his body disappeared. Not only that, his soul seemed to have undergone a sublimation, and the soul fire became purer. The Changsheng Zhenjing continued to flow. Chen Feng secretly calculated that at least 100,000 years of cultivation had been added out of thin air.

This result shocked Chen Feng, who seemed to be unable to believe his feelings. He then carefully experienced it to confirm that it was true.

"It seems that I have gained more benefits than others." A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

"Is it because I took the initiative before?"

In any case, Chen Feng gained benefits, which is the important thing. The extra power out of thin air has also made Chen Feng's chaotic physique undergo some leaps and bounds.

Of course, there are still many changes that Chen Feng needs to experience slowly in the next period of time.

Some people are happy, some have complicated expressions, and some even show regretful expressions, because only a part of the Golden Immortals chose to help the Eternal World before, and most of the Golden Immortals did not take action.

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