Eternal Existence

Chapter 126 Various poisonous insects

Seeing Mo Xigui being overwhelmed by the power generated by the explosion of the bloodthirsty poisonous bees, everyone was shocked.

"Will he be easily killed like this?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.


At this time, a bright light swept out from the chaotic energy, and the surrounding bloodthirsty poisonous bees were immediately swept away. Mo Xigui rushed out safely, with a stream of light flashing on his body, blocking all the chaotic energy around him a foot away.

"This is a top-grade robe, with extremely strong defense, which can block the self-explosion of the flying sword. No wonder it is safe and sound even when surrounded by these bloodthirsty poisonous bees and exploded."

"Top-grade robe, this is really a good thing. If I had this treasure, I could also rush in and kill a lot." A cultivator said enviously.

There was another person who came out with Mo Xigui. He was a middle-aged monk. As soon as he came out, he took out a white jade bottle and sprayed water. All the blood-thirsty poisonous bees that were splashed by the water immediately extinguished their flames and fell to the ground. At this time, the white jade bottle once again emitted a suction force, wrapping up all the blood-thirsty poisonous bees and absorbing them into the bottle.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Five Elements Water Essence. It's easy to deal with this kind of fire-attributed poisonous bee." Ye Ziming's eyes flashed with a glimmer.

"These blood-thirsty poisonous bees are good things. If they can be caught and tamed, they will be a great weapon against the enemy in the future. Thousands of blood-thirsty poisonous bees will swarm up, and groups of monks will soon be eaten clean."

"I also want to go out and catch some blood-thirsty poisonous bees. I heard that the poison needles of this thing can be used to refine some magic weapons." At this time, two monks couldn't help but fly out of the cabin.

As soon as the two flew out of the cabin, they were surrounded by dense bloodthirsty poisonous bees. At first, it was okay. Some bloodthirsty poisonous bees were captured by the two with their magic power, but soon the two felt bad.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Hundreds of poisonous needles fired at the two people, easily breaking their protective qi. Amid screams, the two people were already full of poisonous needles.

"Not good."

At this time, some monks who were on good terms with the two immediately flew out of the cabin and rescued the two from the swarm of poisonous bees.

Plop! Plop!

The two collapsed to the ground, their bodies swollen, their faces pale, and they couldn't even speak. They were only breathing out but not breathing in.

Seeing the miserable state of the two people, everyone was secretly frightened and never dared to go out casually again.

"Quickly suck out the poisonous needles." At this time, a monk suggested.

"It's useless. Once these poison needles enter the body, they will turn into flowing water and melt into the blood, destroying the blood and true qi in the body. We can only try some detoxification pills." An old monk took out two detoxification pills and stuffed them into the mouths of the two people. Several people beside him also injected some mana into the two people.

Gradually, the breath of the two people gradually became stronger, and the swollen parts of their bodies began to slowly disappear. After an incense stick, the two people were able to speak.

"Thank you for saving me." One of them said miserably. Although he saved his life, the pain in his body was still there, and if he wanted to fully recover, he could only rely on his own luck to heal his wounds.

"It's so scary. I was planning to go out and catch a few for fun, but now I'll forget it." Ruta shrank his neck and said.

"It's no problem to catch a few to play with. Watch me." Ye Ziming said as he flashed to the bloodthirsty poisonous bees outside the cabin. With a wave of his hand, dozens of bloodthirsty poisonous bees were wrapped in an invisible force and could not break free, and even could not perform self-destruction. Then Ye Ziming flashed again and returned to the cabin.

"These bloodthirsty poisonous bees have been controlled by me. They will not self-destruct. You can take them to play with." Ye Ziming smiled and waved his hand, and these dozen bloodthirsty poisonous bees arrived in front of Ruta.

Outside, Mo Xigui and the others were still killing bloodthirsty poisonous bees wantonly, and the speed of the flying warship began to increase. The formation in it continued to increase its power, and the bloodthirsty poisonous bees were broken into pieces under the power of the formation.

After an incense stick of time, the flying warship finally broke out of the encirclement of bloodthirsty poisonous bees and resumed its normal speed.

Mo Xigui practiced swordsmanship, and the other person collected a large number of bloodthirsty poisonous bees, which was considered a gain. Of course, there were also two monks who were tortured half to death by poison needles.

"Look behind." At this time, someone shouted, staring blankly at the situation behind the cabin.

"Oh my God, what did I see?" Everyone turned their eyes to the back, where there were bloodthirsty poisonous bees covering the sky, but everyone was stunned.

A tall monk wearing a wide black robe was flying in the air. Facing countless black bloodthirsty poisonous bees, he just waved his sleeves, and a strong suction force came out from his sleeves. The wide cuffs and long sleeves seemed to be another world, and the endless bloodthirsty poisonous bees in front of him were all sucked into it.

In just three breaths, the bloodthirsty poisonous bees that surrounded the flying warship just now had disappeared completely, and all of them disappeared into the long sleeves of the tall monk.

After that, the tall monk seemed to do something very ordinary, and then his figure flashed and disappeared, and no one saw where this person went.

"What a great move! The world is hidden in the sleeves. This man is at least a master of the Heaven Realm." The short middle-aged monk said in front of the romantic man.

"Awesome, awesome, really awesome. Just now, those bloodthirsty poisonous bees could even block the flying treasure for a moment, but now they were absorbed by the opponent in one move."

"Hey, I don't know when I will be able to cultivate to this level."

"You, just think about how you can go back this time."

During this period, Chen Feng entered the Eternal Life Tower several times with his spiritual consciousness, but the 'Tower' still hadn't awakened. Chen Feng was really not used to it without the tower to guide him in the dark. Besides, Chen Feng really needed it in such a dangerous and strange situation. The 'Tower' wakes up and restores the power of the Eternal Life Tower, so that you can deal with some emergencies.

"If the tower had woken up just now, it should have been able to absorb all these bloodthirsty poisonous bees. But I don't know what role these poisonous bees have. Apart from using them to fight enemies, what else can they do?" Chen Feng thought to himself. .


Next, there was an overwhelming swarm of poisonous insects ahead, vibrating their hard wings to surround the flying warship.

Colorful butterflies bigger than a palm, bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes with scarlet eyes, and colorful ladybugs as big as fists surrounded the flying warship layer by layer, and the formation was even worse than the bloodthirsty poisonous bees just now. big.

Everyone in the cabin could no longer see the sky outside, only densely packed poisonous insects of various colors that were constantly biting.

This time the flying warship actually fell into it, and then it became as slow as a snail and could no longer fly.

"There are so many poisonous insects, can we rush out? The other party won't rush in." Some monks were frightened.

Bang bang bang!

This time, the flying warship began to get angry. All the formations in it were activated. A layer of lightning flashed, and all the dense poisonous insects around were electrocuted. Then, thunderballs emitted from the flying warship, and then violently With the explosion, large areas of poisonous insects were wiped out.

"This is the thunder condensed by the treasure." Chen Feng was shocked, and then he realized that the level of this flying treasure was higher than he thought. It is impossible for ordinary treasures to condense heavenly thunder. The Haoran Zhengang Sword on my body does not have this function, or it is not of a sufficient level.

"Everyone, take out your mana and input it into the hull." At this time, Mo Ji's voice sounded in the cabin.

"Okay, okay, let's deal with the poisonous insects outside together."

More than a hundred monks immediately exerted their own power and input it into this flying treasure. Then some magic circles in the treasure began to operate after receiving the power of everyone. After many transformations, the power exerted by everyone was condensed into the sky. Thunder, and then released.

Countless sky thunders were condensed and then projected from the flying warship. After the crazy explosion, the surrounding poisonous insects were wiped out, and a large number of poisonous insect corpse fragments were piled on the ground in a thick layer.

"Okay, it's done." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The flying warship also began to accelerate, returned to normal, and flew forward again.

At this moment, a huge strange bird fell from the sky. This strange bird spread its wings and was dozens of feet long, like a mountain that could fly.

"not good."

In the dense formation of the flying warship, Mo Ji's expression changed. She was about to control the flying warship and dodged it. She felt the ship's body shake violently. This huge strange bird actually stretched out its claws and grabbed the flying warship. Only flying treasures.

Click! Click!

Surprisingly, the huge and sharp claws actually penetrated the hard hull of the ship. A few of the monks were unlucky. They were too slow to dodge and were caught alive by the claws above their heads.

As soon as the hull of the ship was light, it was caught by this strange bird and flew high into the sky. It rose hundreds of meters in an instant. There was chaos in the cabin. More than a hundred monks suddenly became a mess. Even masters like Feng Liulangjun It also became a rolling gourd.

Chen Feng and the other three were staggering around, constantly colliding with other rampaging monks. At this moment, these flying monks turned out to be like ordinary people, without any ability to protect themselves.

Mo Ji kept activating the formations in the flying warship, and powerful thunder and lightning power brewed out, hitting the strange bird's thick claws.


A burst of lightning flashed, and the power of thunder and lightning continued to swim on the claws of the strange bird. Who knew that the strange bird screamed fiercely, and the power of thunder and lightning was completely absorbed by the thick claws.

"No, that's a thunder eagle. The power of thunder is useless." Mo Ji said with a change of expression.

"It turns out to be the Thunder Eagle, let me fight." Changfeng Yijian Mo Xigui showed his figure and arrived outside the cabin. The Changfeng Sword in his hand fluttered rapidly, turning into a flowing wind-like artistic conception, facing the huge sky. The strange bird rushed away.

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