Eternal Existence

Chapter 125: Entering the Demonic Valley

Chen Feng felt that these demonic energies began to change as soon as they entered his body, constantly trying to merge into his body, and a large amount of demonic energies began to rush into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng was not panicked, nor did he use his power to stop them, because the power of these demonic energies was too small, and Chen Feng didn't take it seriously at all. Chen Feng just wanted to see what kind of damage these demonic energies would cause after entering his body.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Wherever these demonic energies passed, whether it was blood, flesh, or bones, they all turned a little black. As for why this happened, Chen Feng couldn't figure it out. Then Chen Feng felt that these blackened areas began to numb, gradually becoming unconscious, and began to be out of his control.

At the same time, Chen Feng also felt that the demonic energy that entered his sea of ​​consciousness began to demonize his consciousness. Although it was very small, it could not withstand the demonic energy rushing into his body. If the demonic energy is not expelled for a long time, when the whole body is corroded by the demonic energy, it will become a human demon, and then it will lose its nature and begin to kill crazily.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the demonic energy in his mind was completely expelled. At the same time, the demonic energy in his body was also dispelled by the true energy. Then a layer of light energy diffused from his body, blocking the erosion of the external demonic energy.

"This is probably the demon princess who let the demonic energy in, in order to let everyone slowly adapt. Otherwise, although these demonic energies are powerful and pervasive, they cannot enter the treasure at will." At this time, the thin middle-aged man who came with Fengliu Langjun spoke.

This short middle-aged monk gave Chen Feng a faint sense of weirdness from the beginning. This man was silent and didn't talk much. He seemed to know Fengliu Langjun, but Fengliu Langjun spoke very respectfully in front of this man, and didn't dare to be presumptuous at all. Not only Chen Feng, but everyone else saw this, and they all secretly guessed the identity of this man.

More importantly, Chen Feng couldn't see through this person's true or false. During this period, Chen Feng wanted to spy on this person several times, but he felt that as soon as his consciousness touched the other person, he felt that the other person's body was as deep as the sea, and his consciousness disappeared as soon as he entered it.

"This person is powerful, more powerful than Fengliu Langjun." Chen Feng said in his heart. Although Fengliu Langjun was powerful, Chen Feng could see a clue. As for this short monk, Chen Feng felt unpredictable.

Although the speed of the flying warship decreased, it was still very fast. It was not long before it approached the Demon Soul Valley. At this time, the Demon Soul Valley looked more mysterious and majestic. The demonic energy in front of it covered the sky and the sun. From a distance, there was no end, and the situation inside could not be seen. It seemed to be a world of its own, and it seemed to be the entrance to other worlds.


A powerful force wave came from the back, quickly surpassing the flying warship, and entered the Demon Soul Valley in the blink of an eye.

"That was a flying magic weapon just now. The speed was so slow that I didn't see it clearly." A cultivator said in surprise.

"It's definitely not an ordinary flying magic weapon. It's definitely more advanced than the one we're riding. It could also be a holy weapon?"

"Hmph, a holy weapon, that's a magic weapon that can only be refined by human immortals. It's powerful enough to destroy the world. How can it be seen so easily?" Someone said disdainfully.

"The flying magic weapon just now was so fast that I didn't see it clearly. It passed by in the blink of an eye. There was no air flow wherever it passed. It seemed that it swallowed up all the energy around it. Although I don't know if it's a holy weapon, it's at least a high-level treasure." Chen Feng didn't see the magic weapon clearly just now.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, two more cultivators flew in the air and disappeared into the demonic energy in the blink of an eye.

"Although the Demon Soul Valley is dangerous, the cultivators who can come out of it will also have a lot of gains. Benefits and dangers are connected. Although it's dangerous here, there are also some opportunities. Every day, some cultivators enter it, either to practice or to look for treasures. Recently, because of the appearance of Liuyun Fairy Mountain, there are fewer and fewer cultivators here." Boss Tao said.

"Hey, those who go to Liuyun Fairy Mountain are all kicked in the head by a donkey. Since it is a fairy mountain, how can it be so easy to enter? Even if you can enter, it is to die. It is better to come to the Demon Soul Valley to venture out. You should know that someone once brought out a holy weapon or even a Taoist weapon from the Demon Soul Valley." Fengliu Langjun said coldly.

"What, there is a Taoist weapon in the Demon Soul Valley?" Everyone exclaimed.

"What's so strange? Even immortal weapons may exist. You know this place. This is the battlefield of the ancient demon god. Countless immortals died there. Naturally, there are immortal weapons left there, but these things are in the center of the Demon Soul Valley. Even the cultivators of the Heavenly Man Realm dare not enter casually." Fengliu Langjun said with contempt.

"Ancient Demon God Battlefield!"

Everyone was surprised again. Such a distant thing only exists in legends and is far from being accessible to everyone.

"Haha, it's enough to complete the task this time and come back alive. I don't want to get any holy weapons or Taoist weapons. I just need to get the 100,000 yuan Yangdan safely." Tao Lao San said with a smile.

"That's right, it's useless to think too much, just go into the Demon Soul Valley and see it for yourself." Ruta also laughed.

"Hey, don't blame me for scaring you. If you haven't cultivated the soul fire, you will die if you enter the Demon Soul Valley. The Demon Queen hired you with so many elixirs, to put it bluntly, she wants you to be dead soldiers." Fengliu Langjun sneered.

"We naturally know the danger, but it shouldn't be a problem to just enter the edge of the Demon Soul Valley, right?" Tao Lao San couldn't help but say.

"When I was in the sixth level of the secret realm, I entered the Demon Soul Valley once, but I only went hundreds of miles deep, which can be said to be the most marginal place. At that time, I was in danger and almost died in it, but I was lucky. I got some benefits from it. Not long after I came out, I condensed the soul fire." Feng Liu Langjun said lightly.

"The strongest among you is only in the fifth level of the secret realm. Isn't this just sending yourself to death?" When saying this, Feng Liu Langjun glanced at Chen Feng more, as if he saw something.

"With so many of us, it shouldn't be that dangerous, right?" Tao Lao San was also a little worried after hearing this.

"Hehehe." Feng Liu Langjun sneered a few times and said no more.

"Brother Ye, there are many dangers ahead. We must help each other and work together." Tao Lao Da said to Chen Feng and the other two.

"This is natural. At that time, we will also rely on you brothers to take care of us." Ye Ziming said with a smile.


Finally entering the Demon Soul Valley, everyone felt that the sky outside suddenly dimmed, gray, and dark clouds covered the sky. The sun's rays were completely blocked. Although they were in the cabin, everyone still felt a cold and strange breath surged into their hearts.

The demonic energy was even more dense, and it was even more abundant than the spiritual energy in the outside world. For some cultivators who practiced magic skills, this was a treasure land, but for most cultivators, being under this demonic energy for a long time would be transformed into a bloodthirsty and murderous demon.

The speed of the flying warship was even slower, and at the same time, the magic array in the warship was also running, forming a thick protective cover on the surface of the hull, blocking all the demonic energy outside.

"If we stay in the treasure like this, we should be able to reduce a lot of danger." Chen Feng said in his heart.


Suddenly, a series of roars came from the outside world, and the gray sky turned fiery red, and groups of flames surrounded the flying warship. Waves of bloodthirsty breath passed through the hull into everyone's mind.

"These are poisonous bees." Chen Feng had sharp eyes and had seen that in the flames there were actually fist-sized poisonous bees, with wings like iron sheets flashing and sharp poisonous needles flashing constantly, so sharp that they could pierce steel plates.

"Such a big poisonous bee." Other cultivators also exclaimed.

"This is a bloodthirsty poisonous bee. If a single cultivator in the secret realm encounters it, it will most likely be devoured cleanly." Fengliu Langjun said lightly.

Pah pah pah pah!

Countless bloodthirsty poisonous bees began to attack the flying warship. One by one, the hard poisonous needles rotated and continuously pierced the hull, making a harsh noise.


The flying warship shook violently, the attack formation was running, and strong shock waves vibrated out. The surrounding bloodthirsty poisonous bees were constantly killed and fell to the ground in large pieces.

But then more bloodthirsty poisonous bees surrounded the flying warship, opened their blood-red eyes, and continuously launched crazy attacks.

Looking at the dense bloodthirsty poisonous bees outside the cabin, everyone shuddered involuntarily. This kind of poisonous bees are rarely seen in the outside world. I didn't expect there to be so many here.


At this time, one of the poisonous bees suddenly exploded. A fist-sized poisonous bee actually produced a powerful explosive force, almost half the power of a first-grade flying sword's self-detonation. If a cultivator in the first level of the secret realm encounters so many bloodthirsty poisonous bees, I am afraid that in the blink of an eye, there will be no bones left and they will be eaten clean.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then, bloodthirsty poisonous bees began to self-detonate continuously. The powerful impact force finally made the flying warship of the treasure level shake.

"My goodness, the power of these bloodthirsty poisonous bees' self-detonation is so great." Chen Feng exclaimed.

"This kind of thing is too terrifying. When they rush up, even the thick body-protecting qi can't stop it." Ruta said with some fear.


At this time, two monks suddenly came outside the cabin and began to kill the bloodthirsty poisonous bees outside.

"It's Changfeng Yijian Mo Xigui." Someone shouted.

Mo Xigui's tall figure kept shuttling among the bloodthirsty poisonous bees. Every time he swung the long sword in his hand, a large number of bloodthirsty poisonous bees were killed.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sword energy kept moving in all directions. In just a few short breaths, hundreds of bloodthirsty poisonous bees were smashed into pieces. Seeing Mo Xigui killing like this, some bloodthirsty poisonous bees began to rush towards Mo Xigui, and then suddenly exploded, sparks flew everywhere, and the powerful explosion instantly submerged Mo Xigui in it.

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