Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,238 The Killer Appears

"Running away at this time is a dead end. It is better to gather together and fight to the death." Chen Feng secretly thought, the group of monks just now were almost all immortals, and they were overwhelmed by the killers in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and it seemed that the matter was much more serious than he imagined.

"Don't fall behind. The half-step golden immortals are guarding all around, the heavenly immortals will attack in batches, and the true immortals will attack together." Chen Feng quickly gave the order.

I was unlucky enough to encounter an army of killers, and they were also a group of very high-level killers. Thousands of them rushed towards me, and even the Golden Immortal would be affected.

Chen Feng was confident of fighting in and out on his own, but the situation was different with the men he brought with him. Although their combat power was very strong, Chen Feng had no idea when facing the overwhelming number of killers.

In this operation, due to time constraints, apart from Chen Feng, the only half-step golden immortals were Killing Ghost, Killing God and two other dark realm monks. The rest were heavenly immortals and true immortals.

As Chen Feng was talking, a killer with a metallic luster all over its body rushed up. This killer had a humanoid body, a tall figure, and its whole body was covered with a thick layer of metal armor. It held two long serrated knives in each hand. , jumped, waved his hands, and two sharp light blades swept towards Chen Feng.

"Half-step Golden Immortal!" Chen Feng swayed and dodged the opponent's attack. With a wave of his long sword, the killer was split in half from the middle, and a crystal core containing powerful energy fell. In the hands of Chen Feng.

Just as Chen Feng succeeded, two more killers rushed forward. One sprayed black flames of destruction from its mouth, and the other sprayed countless bone spurs all over its body. These killers not only fought cruelly, but were also proficient in cooperation.

Chen Feng's body shook again, and two sword energy flashed past. Then the flames went out, the bone spurs shattered, and the two killers were split into two pieces.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A total of three powerful energies rushed towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng felt his eyes blurred and everything in front of him went dark. Three volumes of energy rushed into his sea of ​​consciousness. However, as soon as he entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he was struck by Chen Feng's The power of the soul was strangled into pieces.

"How dare you sneak attack me." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and a stream of light flew out of his eyes. He locked the opponent, swung his long sword, and opened a path. A short distance away, a wolf-shaped killer appeared in front of Chen Feng. .

This wolf demon-like killer had only one single eye, emitting a faint blue light. Although he was a little panicked when he saw Chen Feng rushing over, he still launched another wave of soul attacks. At the same time, several killers rushed over from all directions.

The sword light expanded in circles, and the one-eyed wolf and the surrounding killers were shattered into pieces. However, after Chen Feng attacked, two more energies entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Although Chen Feng can handle this level of attack, it is still a bit troublesome. If it goes on for a long time, Chen Feng will be trapped in it.

Looking at the monks he brought, they were completely trapped in the army of killers. Chen Feng only glanced at them and saw casualties.

Chen Feng sighed, unfolded the Immortal Wings behind his back, and started running quickly. The huge Immortal Wings kept cutting and shaking, and soon a path was opened. At least dozens of killers were killed by Chen Feng.

"You guys first find a safe place and go to the Eternal World." Chen Feng said, taking out a stone spear and stabbing it at the starry sky. The power of space surged, and a space passage leading to nowhere appeared. In the process, several more killers were involved and turned into pieces.

This stone spear was obtained by Chen Feng from the Lingbao Immortal Palace of Dongji Immortal Palace. It is a middle-grade artifact that contains the power of chaos, the power of ancient times and the immortal law of stone. It has powerful attack power. At this time Taking it out really had a very good effect.

"Get out of here quickly." Chen Feng stretched out his stone spear and swung it, and a circle of gray light passed by, sucking these monks into the space passage.

"Okay, I hope the eternal world has not fallen yet. Now it's time to find my clone." After being alone, Chen Feng immediately felt his whole body relax, and his body swayed and he rushed into the killers again. A rope full of spikes was tied up to Chen Feng, but before he could get close to Chen Feng, he was cut into pieces.

Without the appearance of the Golden Immortal, Chen Feng would not be worried no matter how large the number of these killers were. What Chen Feng was worried about was his two clones.

These two clones have been practicing in the outer stars for these years and have achieved great results. If they were killed like this, wouldn't it be a disservice to Dafa?

If you fight hard, these killers can indeed entangle Chen Feng, but Chen Feng has the first divine walking technique of the Changsheng clan, so he keeps walking between the killers, and only occasionally kills one or two.

Once Chen Feng takes action, no matter what form the killer takes, it will be broken into pieces, and the crystal core in the body will also be taken away by Chen Feng.

"Fellow Taoist, help!"

As Chen Feng went forward, he encountered a group of monks who were trapped by the killers. These monks were gathered by the invaders in the starry sky. There were originally thousands of them, but they lost 30% of them during the siege of the killers. The number of killers has increased, and it is only a matter of time before these people die.

So when they see someone coming, these people instinctively ask for help.

Chen Feng raised his head and took a look. These hundreds of monks had a strong aura of wanderers. They seemed to have been wandering in the starry sky for a while. Most of them were from the immortal world. Chen Feng even saw a few people who were from the Tianbing Pavilion.

Chen Feng thought about it and swung the stone spear in his hand to kill. One by one, the powerful killers were torn into pieces in front of Chen Feng. Soon Chen Feng killed a way out.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Taoist!" In just a short period of time, several people died. Seeing that Chen Feng had such strength, these people regained some vitality in their hearts.


The sword of immortality kept circling around Chen Feng. Some of the fish that slipped through the net would disintegrate as long as they were swept by the sword light.

"Please take us out!" someone said.

Chen Feng stabbed the stone spear in his hand fiercely, and the immortal power surged, and a space channel appeared in front of him again.

"This leads to the eternal world. Whether you can survive depends on your luck." After saying this, Chen Feng's immortal wings spread out behind him, and he disappeared in the army of killers in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go!"

Some people gritted their teeth and entered the space channel. At this time, everyone had no other choice, but in the process of entering the channel, the killers around them continued to pounce on them. Under the attack of the killers, the space channel began to collapse.

So the crowd began to get a little crowded and chaotic.

In the end, the space channel completely collapsed, and there were still dozens of people left, and then they were soon overwhelmed by the killers.


Chen Feng, who was advancing, finally stopped. Just now, several killers at the half-step golden fairy level joined forces to attack Chen Feng, but as soon as he stopped, two more attacks came in front of him.

Chen Feng thrust out the stone spear in his hand, and the two attacks were successively shattered, and Chen Feng took a step back.

Chen Feng's face was a little solemn. The attack just now was launched by the killers at the fairy level, and each attack was combined with the power of two hundred killers.

Chen Feng felt the crisis. His strength was not omnipotent. If the opponent could gather thousands of killers to attack together, Chen Feng would be in danger of falling if he was hit.

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Feng felt a chill all over his body, and saw thousands of attacks rising from the dense killers, and these attacks finally merged into one, like a meteor emitting light and heat and rushing towards Chen Feng.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng's heart beat vigorously, and every time it beat, a strong force spread throughout his body. This was the power of the star core. These hundreds of years were just a part of the energy that Chen Feng had melted.

But the three violent beats just now, the power washed out from the star core was enough to equal hundreds of beats in the past.

Then Chen Feng felt that the power in his body was extremely strong, making him feel like he was about to explode.


The stone spear swung out and collided with the meteor. There was no earth-shattering collision sound, no roaring energy, and a black hole appeared at the center of the collision.

At first, the black hole was only the size of a fist, but it soon expanded dozens of times. A strong swallowing force came out of it, and light, energy, crushed matter, and even time were swallowed up.

Compared with destroyers like the void storm, the black hole can be regarded as a destroyer.

After the black hole disappeared, everything in the area of ​​10,000 miles disappeared, but soon more killers crowded in and filled the space again.

Chen Feng had reappeared a million miles away, his face was a little pale, and part of his longevity armor was damaged, but it soon recovered.

"I didn't expect the collision to lead to a black hole of destruction. Fortunately, I ran fast. If I was pulled in, I would be skinned alive." Chen Feng was also a little frightened.

The black hole of destruction just now was only a small-scale one. A large-scale one could even swallow a golden immortal and shred it into pieces.

However, the appearance of the black hole of destruction swept across the killers within a radius of ten thousand miles. Chen Feng calculated that there were probably more than ten thousand killers that disappeared.

"If you can master this kind of power, wouldn't it be the biggest killer in war." Chen Feng's heart moved, but he also knew that he couldn't do this with his own cultivators. Generally speaking, those who practiced the Great Dao of Destruction are more likely to use the black hole attack mode.

"Fortunately, it's not far from the clone." Chen Feng sensed and locked the position of the clone, holding a stone spear and rushing over quickly. Soon Chen Feng was trapped in the army of killers again.

One day later, Chen Feng finally found his clone. During this process, Chen Feng also encountered some troubles and rescued some other cultivators who were in danger. Of course, Chen Feng teleported them all to the Eternal World.

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