Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,237: Mutation

In addition to the Golden Immortals, ten Half-Step Golden Immortals were also killed. The reason was that these people were too arrogant. Chen Feng didn't like them. So after killing the Golden Immortals, he attacked the Half-Step Golden Immortals again. All those who dared to fight back were killed. Only five of them were smart enough to beg for mercy and saved their lives.

In this way, all the immortals were frightened. Chen Feng still wanted to take action, and then Dafeng and others came forward to plead for mercy.

So these five hundred immortals were accepted by Chen Feng.

Of course, all these people were planted with restrictions. For this situation, these cultivators of the Changsheng clan were helpless and had no room for resistance.

After seeing the legendary methods of the Young Master Changtian, resistance would end in death.

"These people are from the Changsheng Corps. Humph, the Changsheng Corps has always been managed by the Realm Master and the Elders. The Realm Master generally does not ask about the affairs of the matter. It seems that some people in the Elders have become greedy." Chen Feng sneered.

"Of course, in the critical moment, even the Changsheng Tower was broken, and I didn't see these people fighting desperately. Now they actually showed up and set their sights on me. They really don't know how to live or die." The strong murderous aura emanating from Chen Feng made these immortals tremble again. Even the few half-step golden immortals were shocked. They didn't expect that this young master Changtian, whom they had never met, had such strength.

"Over the years, people have been coming down continuously, trying to rob the Changsheng Tower and the Changsheng Sutra. It seems that my father's situation should not be very good." Chen Feng said coldly.

"I heard that the commander has been in seclusion." Dafeng explained.

"Okay, don't say more, put these aside in advance, I will calculate it carefully later, and you will arrange these people well and let them understand the price of survival." Chen Feng waved his hand.

"Yes!" Dafeng nodded.

"Hahahaha, young master, I will teach these guys a lesson." Tianri laughed loudly.

In the Changsheng Heaven Realm, the soldiers from the Wuya Corps have always been domineering and do not even take the Changsheng Corps seriously. There are even some conflicts between the two sides. This time, the other side is looking for trouble, so Tunri and others will definitely not be polite.

"You are really ruthless. I think if someone hadn't stopped you, you would have killed all these people." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"It's impossible to kill them all. After all, they are from the Changsheng clan. Of course, the most important thing is that I want to retain some strength." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Then there is no need to kill so many people, right?"

"This is a deterrent. I think those old guys will know about this soon. If you want to attack me again, you have to think it over." Chen Feng sneered.

Black Water Demon Eye shook his head. Although he thought he was ruthless enough, he was still a little worse than Chen Feng.

"It seems that this guy has experienced a lot in the past million years." Black Water Demon Eye could only think like this.

"It still needs some high-end combat power." Chen Feng sighed. With his own forces, it was difficult to move in the fairy world. Wouldn't it be even more difficult in the heaven?

"Don't be dissatisfied. Our strength is already very strong. My request is very simple. In the next 10,000 years, a few people can advance to the Golden Immortal." Black Water Demon Eye smiled.

Chen Feng smiled but didn't say anything. It's not that easy to advance to the Golden Immortal. Some people can't succeed even after practicing for 100 million years.

Next, another hundred years, the Six Paths Alliance became stronger. Although there was no fight with the forces such as Changhentian, it seemed that they couldn't wait much longer.

The Six Paths Alliance had some exchanges with the Demon Realm, the Underworld, the Blood Realm, the Ghost Realm, the Free Heaven, and the King Kong Clan, and secretly reached some agreements to help each other.

The Six Paths Alliance even spread the news that Changhentian, Taihuangtian and the Immortal Court were colluding. This immediately caused some fluctuations among the major forces. Although everyone did not stand up to attack, they also alienated and isolated the two families to a certain extent.

The contradictions between the two sides became more and more serious, and the frictions at the intersection of the territories became more and more. The war between the two sides was imminent.

Chen Feng also made up his mind. In another hundred years, he would be attacked by Changhentian and Taihuangtian. Although it was an internal fight between the heavens in the fairy world, the situation forced Chen Feng to choose to take action.

However, some news Chen Feng received at this time made Chen Feng change all his plans.

The news came from the clones sent by Chen Feng.

Therefore, the two clones condensed by Chen Feng have also made some names in the outer space in recent years. It can be said that it is a legendary experience.

Because of the origin of the world, the two clones practiced very quickly. If Chen Feng had not been suppressing his realm, these two clones would have started to overcome the tribulation and break through the realm.

According to the news sent by the two clones one after another, Chen Feng's face began to become solemn, and at this time, the Black Water Demon Eye came to find Chen Feng, and asked in surprise after seeing him.

"Come and see." Chen Feng pointed his finger, and the space in front of him fluctuated, revealing a clear picture.

In the vast starry sky, there is a huge mysterious black hole, dark and unknown where it leads to. There are cultivators who keep rushing into it with their physical strength or with the help of magic weapons, but once they enter, few people will return.

"I know that this is a mysterious passage opened up by the power of the big world. Although I don't know where it leads to, there are divine objects erupting from it from time to time. Hehe, speaking of which, we Moruotian also sent many people there. If it weren't for guarding these foundations, I would have wanted to leave. Speaking of which, it is the most exciting for us cultivators to go to unknown areas to venture." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"Don't worry, you will know soon." Chen Feng said calmly.

Then the picture changed soon. A large number of creatures suddenly flew out of the space channel. These creatures were of various shapes and strange shapes, but they had one thing in common, that is, the characteristics of killing were very obvious. They were full of pure killing intent. After coming out of the channel, they rushed to the monks in the starry sky. Then there was chaos, and the creatures coming out of the space channel continued.

"Killers!" Black Water Demon Eye exclaimed.

"It's the killers." Chen Feng nodded, his face a little gloomy.

"Could this channel lead to another universe? Or the depths of the universe?"

"No matter where these killers come from, I will set off." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"You are crazy, these killers are not easy to deal with."

"I'm not crazy, there are too many of these killers. Although there are many monks in the outer space, I'm afraid they can't stop them. You know, this channel is not too far from the eternal world. These killers represent killing and destruction. If I delay for a while, maybe the life world below will be destroyed." Chen Feng said.

"But you can't change this situation. No matter how strong you are, it's useless. Look, even the Dongji Immortal Palace is in trouble." Black Water Demon Eye was still persuading Chen Feng.

"Don't say it. Don't forget that I come from the Eternal World. Even if I can't change all this, I will act according to my own heart." Chen Feng pointed to his chest and said.

"Okay." Black Water Demon Eye nodded, knowing that he couldn't persuade Chen Feng.

"I'll go with you."

"No, you still need to stay at home. I will take others back, and this time the action may not only be our Six Paths Alliance." Chen Feng said.

"What do you mean?"

"Look, so many killers came to our fairyland. Do you think the fairy court will be indifferent? There are also many cultivators from the major life worlds below for billions of years. These cultivators will watch their hometowns being destroyed. There are also some. Although these killers are bloodthirsty, the crystal cores and essences in their bodies are very useful. I think more cultivators will go to hunt." Chen Feng said slowly.

"Are you comforting yourself like this?" Black Water Demon Eye said faintly.

"I guess so." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng was very fast. He set off as soon as he said he would, and he spread the word about this kid. Sure enough, Chen Feng didn't need to use coercive means, and many cultivators responded. Almost all the cultivators from the Eternal World signed up.

Of course, this time Chen Feng had to select some elites, because facing the killer would be more dangerous than facing other cultivators.

Chen Feng has been building a large teleportation array for many years, and it finally came in handy at this time. Since he got the news, Chen Feng couldn't bear it anymore and led a group of cultivators to leave the fairyland first through the teleportation array.

After Chen Feng reappeared in the starry sky, he had an impulse to roar to the sky, but Chen Feng knew that time was urgent now, so he immediately contacted his clone after appearing.

Then Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and his clone was actually surrounded by the killer, and his life was in danger at any time.

"Is it so serious?" Chen Feng looked at the group of cultivators who came with him and became a little worried.

He hurried all the way and soon entered the chaotic area. Looking at the cultivators fleeing in all directions and the killers sweeping over, Chen Feng's eyelids twitched.

Things were much more serious than he had imagined.


Chen Feng shouted loudly, and at the same time, his soul wavered and rushed out in all directions. A group of monks who were fleeing were shocked and stopped immediately.

"Dear fellow Taoists, this is a killer from another universe. Their goal is to destroy the fairyland where we are. You have nowhere to escape. Only by fighting to the death can you kill all these monsters back." Chen Feng rushed up first, waving the Changsheng Sword in his hand, and several killers were killed in an instant. Chen Feng waved his hand, and several crystal cores fell into his hand.

"See, these crystal cores are good things for cultivation. These killers are not scary."

The monks brought by Chen Feng had already rushed up when Chen Feng took action, and started fighting with the killers.

Chen Feng glanced around and felt a little sad. Only two or three monks who were stopped by him just now stayed, and the rest chose to escape, but they were drowned by another group of killers before they escaped far.

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