Eternal Existence

Chapter 1,208: Ambush

"As expected." Chen Feng nodded secretly after seeing a famous monk walking out of the teleportation array.

Based on this teleportation array and energy fluctuations, Chen Feng can deduce that there will not be too many monks teleporting over.

But the monks who appeared in front of them were all very powerful. There were more than ten people with a half-step golden immortal cultivation level, and more than a hundred people with a high-level heavenly immortal cultivation level.

What interested Chen Feng was the uniform style of armor on these people. Half of these armors were integrated into the flesh and blood, and the other half showed a ferocious outline on the outside. Chen Feng could sense the hidden meaning in this protective armor just by glancing at it. energy and orderly runes, as well as various powerful powers of law.

According to Chen Feng's quick analysis, this is a very powerful set of protective armor, which is made of various precious materials. It depicts the power of laws, various attacks and defenses, and the spirit-gathering magic circle compressed on it. Among them, the most important point is that there is immortal power running through it, which means that there is Jinxian's hard work in it.

These monks come from the same place as the mysterious force that attacked the Six Paths Alliance before, but these people are more powerful, and each one is like a fighting puppet.

In Chen Feng's view, even the elites in Tianbing Pavilion are nothing more than this.

Chen Feng felt a chill in his heart when he thought of this. Perhaps the power Xianting usually displayed was just to deliberately confuse others, and the real power had been hidden.

Is this the power that has been hidden right in front of you?

Twenty half-step golden immortals and two hundred high-level heavenly immortals formed a neat formation. Their faces were expressionless, and there was no communication between them. They were cold and did not look like living people. Seeing this kind of high-end monks who have undergone rigorous training, Chen Feng was also extremely shocked.

This group of monks quickly left this compressed world and hid quietly in Xingyuan Sect.

Chen Feng has left a mark on the other party and can check the other party's situation at any time.

Then the teleportation circle fluctuated again, the energy became even more intense, and another twenty half-step golden immortals and two hundred heavenly immortals appeared.

Then when the third wave was about to occur, Chen Feng finally took action, and the Immortal Hand Seal bombarded the teleportation array.

Chen Feng grasped the timing very well. By destroying the teleportation array, he could plunge the opponent into the void. Although it would not seriously injure the opponent, it would still cause some trouble. It would be even better if he encountered a powerful void storm. .


Chen Feng's attack did not break the teleportation array. It seemed to have touched something. Then mysterious patterns quickly extended out, covering the surrounding space. When Chen Feng wanted to retreat, it was already too late. The powerful force directly dug away A space was created, and Chen Feng was in it.

"I'm hit, it's a space shift." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's consciousness, and he punched out with a heavy punch. This punch contained the power of hundreds of laws, but the surrounding space barriers only showed some The cracks were repaired quickly.

"It has been blessed by the power of immortality, no wonder it is so strong." Chen Feng said, stepping forward and punching again, which added the power of twenty laws.


The space barrier that restrained Chen Feng finally exploded. Chen Feng jumped out in a flash. Chen Feng reacted quickly. He immediately took out a teleportation array, injected mana into it, and the light flickered. We need to open the space channel.


But at this time, a spear flew towards him, piercing the teleportation array in front of Chen Feng, and then four fierce attacks enveloped Chen Feng from all directions.


Two hundred laws of heaven rioted at the same time, and the powerful force caused chaos in the surrounding space. The sword light swept across and scattered the surrounding attacks.

Four groups of golden light stretched out and turned into human figures, holding the same spear, but the specific appearance was still unclear.

"You really think highly of me, and you actually sent four golden immortals." Chen Feng laughed.

"Oh! No, it's a clone of the Golden Immortal. Hahahaha, why didn't I come in person?"

"Is the clone enough to deal with you?" One of them said lightly. At the same time, he moved the spear in his hand, and the trajectory emerged, re-stabilizing the surrounding space. Chen Feng shrank his eyes. This person's shot was simple, and there was no excess power. However, the trajectory was simple. But it contains the principles of Taoism that I have cultivated, and it has reached a level of returning to nature.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that he was really lucky. Fortunately, these people did not use their true bodies, otherwise he would not be able to withstand it.

After reaching a certain height, pure strength is no longer important. Understanding the laws and avenues is the fundamental source. Of course, if you want to be able to defeat it with force, you need to be tens of thousands of times stronger than the opponent, otherwise you will Suppressed by the other party's laws.

Chen Feng's eyes swept across the void, and he saw that in the compressed world he had entered before, the teleportation array was still operating. A steady stream of monks came out of the teleportation array, and then entered the Xingyuan Sect. It was still lurking, but later it simply released all its power. The power was dozens or hundreds of times that of the Xingyuan Sect itself. Such a powerful power no longer cares whether it will be exposed, because even if the Six Paths Alliance is several times more powerful, it may not be possible. Unstoppable.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng looked calm, but he was already worried.

"Your heart is already in chaos. I can give you a chance. As long as your Six Paths Alliance declares its surrender to our Dongji Immortal Palace, you and your subordinates will be fine. What do you think? It's a good deal." One of them said When he spoke, his voice was filled with the resonance of soul power, and even Chen Feng could feel the majesty of the other party.

"Is there such a good thing?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and contacted the mutant dragon through the soul shackles, but unfortunately the result was not good.

"Don't be lucky. There will be people to deal with the two golden immortals of your Six Paths Alliance. Without the golden immortals, the remaining forces will definitely not be able to stop our attack."

"We, the Immortal Court, don't want to be enemies with your Changsheng Heaven Realm. I can give you a personal guarantee as long as your Six Paths Alliance does not interfere in this matter."

"Hahahahaha!" Chen Feng laughed loudly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"I dare not believe your personal guarantee unless the Great Emperor Dongji speaks up. I can believe it." Chen Feng sneered.

"How dare you. Just as a little immortal, you are not qualified to mention the Great Emperor Dongji. Your major heavens are high above, but they are not in the eyes of our Immortal Court."

"Do it."

Seeing that the other party suddenly turned his face, Chen Feng sneered even more fiercely. What the other party said just now was simply naked nonsense. He had attacked the Six Paths Alliance without any signs before, and now he started to win over, which was clearly to disintegrate Chen Feng's fighting spirit.

The other party did this because they were not absolutely sure of dealing with Chen Feng.

"With your strength, I'm afraid you can't deal with our Six Paths Alliance." Chen Feng said as the long sword in his hand collided with the two long spears, and then his body shook and quickly fought with the other two.

The powerful force was completely dissolved before it entered Chen Feng's body. The two hundred laws of heaven in Chen Feng's body were different from those of other celestial beings. They contained various powers.

There was immortal power, immortal glare power, chaos annihilation power, dark power, longevity power and the power of the origin of the demon world. The power of these powers fused into one was no less than the real immortal law.

What's more, Chen Feng's opponent was just a golden immortal clone. For Chen Feng, the difference between facing one person and four people was not too big.

"I heard that you have the Longevity Sutra on you. This time we have to see the first scripture of the Longevity Heaven." A long spear came in front of Chen Feng but suddenly retracted, and then a ball of energy exploded in front of Chen Feng, and turned into a small black hole that enveloped Chen Feng.

Under the strong baptism, Chen Feng's body turned slightly, and then the opponent swept Chen Feng with a gun, and the power of the immortal law exploded on Chen Feng, blowing Chen Feng away.

Then the other three people quickly hit Chen Feng from three directions, and the powerful immortal power was transformed into a destructive force of equal energy, which completely tore Chen Feng's defense apart, and four energies surged into Chen Feng's body.

These powers are enough to pose a strong threat to the Golden Immortal, but four vortices appeared in Chen Feng's body at the same time, just like a monster swallowing up the four energies cleanly. Chen Feng did not refine the opponent's power at the first time, but stored these powers in his body. Each acupoint is a world, so many worlds need energy supply, and the energy emitted by these Golden Immortals will be slowly transformed into useful nutrients by Chen Feng to enrich the world.

Of course, this process is not so easy, but it is no problem for Chen Feng to solve the current dilemma.


Chen Feng was not seriously injured as expected. To the surprise of the four people, Chen Feng attacked one of them at the fastest speed. The power of chaos and annihilation suddenly emanated from the long sword, and a beam of light emanated and penetrated into the body of the cultivator.

"It is the power of chaos and annihilation!" The cultivator was a little terrified.

This power is specifically aimed at Golden Immortals. Most of the Golden Immortals will encounter this destructive power when they cross the tribulation. The complete Golden Immortal can still deal with it, but the clones are a little powerless.

After seriously injuring one person, Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and dozens of laws rotated out from his palm, just like a spider web spreading out all over the sky, and then becoming denser and denser. Finally, two hundred laws of heaven intertwined into a net of heaven and earth, covering all four Golden Immortal clones. Chen Feng was like a giant spider catching mosquitoes in the net.

"This is the law of heaven that I cultivated. You are all seniors, you can give me some pointers." Chen Feng laughed.

Sure enough, the four Golden Immortals finally lost their composure. They could not break free from the seemingly thin spider web, which emitted a sticky binding force and merged with the space and flesh. At this moment, the four of them really seemed like mosquitoes that fell into a spider web.

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