Eternal Existence

Chapter 1207 Two Powers

Finally, the tip of the sword pierced Chen Feng's skin, but the monk in the secret still did not show up, and no power flowed. All the power was concentrated on the tip of the sword. There was a small space in the tip of the sword, and there was a law in it. The power is constantly swimming, and it will burst out at any time, tearing apart everything in front of it. This kind of assassination method obviously comes from a very experienced killer.

Chen Feng did not move, but traces of gray energy appeared, wrapping the long sword in circles. Then the long sword began to wither from the tip, and finally became shattered. The indestructible assassination sword actually turned into pieces. For the sake of flying ashes, even the power of the law decayed and dissipated.

We haven't played yet. The gray silk thread seems to be extending slowly in circles, but it quickly disappears into the space. Then a black-clothed monk appears, but this monk is tied up by a thin thread. The more he struggled, the stronger the binding force of the silk thread became, especially the terrifying power of destruction contained in the thread, which made the killer with a heart as solid as ice start to fear.

"It's the power of chaos and annihilation!"

The black-clothed killer said with some horror. At this time, the assassination sword in his hand had completely disappeared, and next was the killer's body.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The killer was horrified to find that the life force in his body was not destroyed like a long sword, but passed quickly and entered Chen Feng's body through a special passage.

"Swallowing Heaven and Absorbing Technique!" The killer exclaimed.

"It's good to know!" Chen Feng did not open his eyes, but a sound exploded in the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, causing the opponent's newly gathered energy to collapse again.

Next, the killer continued to use some secret techniques, some of which were famous in the fairy world, but they were all easily resolved by Chen Feng.

"With the power of chaos and annihilation and the sky-swallowing absorption technique, I think you are still alive." Chen Feng sneered and finally opened his eyes. Then the killer screamed, and his soul finally collapsed completely.

"The killer turned out to be a clone of the Golden Immortal. He is indeed worthy of me." Chen Feng sneered and drained the opponent's energy completely, leaving only a little useless impurity.

In fact, these golden immortals have no impurities, but Chen Feng cannot use them, and the energy absorbed into the body has to be tempered thousands of times. Finally, a small part is converted into his own power, and the rest will be wasted. Lose.

Of course, at the level of the Golden Immortal, Chen Feng's most important thing is to analyze the power of the opponent's laws and the energy of the origin of life. This is the basis for continuous progress.

After taking down the killer, Chen Feng barely moved. Then he closed his eyes and started practicing again. This time, Chen Feng increased the burning speed of his vitality to the point where one day in the outside world would take him two hundred days of practice, which was a full increase. times. It doesn't matter in the short term, but if you continue to practice, even a heaven-defying existence like Chen Feng will be unable to bear it.

But Chen Feng hadn't practiced for long before another killer sneaked in.

This time it was not a Golden Immortal clone, but two half-step Golden Immortals. Compared with the previous black-clothed killers, these two discovered that Chen Feng had become upright after practicing. After showing up, they held a magic weapon and faced Chen Feng. Attacked the past.

Chen Feng stretched out his fingers twice, and two groups of colorful streams of light enveloped each other. In just a blink of an eye, the two half-step golden immortals were ground into pieces of flesh and blood, and then their energy and spirit were drained, and the remaining impurities were also Burned to nothing.

"The power of the Immortal Glare is indeed good, but it's a pity that there are only two Half-Step Golden Immortals here this time, which is not enough." Chen Feng sighed.

It turns out that this loophole was deliberately left by Chen Feng, otherwise Chen Feng would not be able to break in without any warning even if he was a golden immortal.

However, Chen Feng was still a little dissatisfied with the loopholes in the Six Paths Alliance's relaxation, so he connected to Da Feng through his spiritual consciousness and asked Da Feng to make arrangements and at the same time release some news about his injury.

Next, Chen Feng began to practice and fish at the same time.

Sure enough, every once in a while, there are monks who want to assassinate Chen Feng. Of course, these people all come and go, but Chen Feng is also a little worried. The assassins who come are all masters. Although they cannot assassinate him, if they go to assassinate him, Wouldn’t it be a disaster for everyone else in the league.

So Chen Feng contacted the dark unicorn and the mutated dragon again. It would be much better if the two golden immortals let go of the spiritual scanning. Of course, if someone comes for Chen Feng, they can still be let go.

After Chen Feng killed four golden immortal clones and twenty half-step golden immortals, the other party stopped sending people, and Chen Feng was also a little annoyed. Although he killed some masters and consumed the opponent's strength. , but after all, it distracted Chen Feng's mind, and Chen Feng had been practicing.

"You want to assassinate me." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and then sent a message to Killing Demons, Killing Gods and Killing Immortals, instructing these three people to take some assassins to visit the Xingyuan Sect, regardless of whether they were responsible for it or not. It doesn't matter what the ghost is, if Chen Feng is unhappy, he will make his opponent unhappy too.

Next, Chen Feng stopped practicing. After refining the power of chaos and annihilation and the immortal glare, Chen Feng had some more methods. He could make the opponent look good even when facing the Golden Immortal.

Chen Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore. Since his opponent was quiet, it was time to go out for a walk.

However, Chen Feng met Jinxian before he could leave the Hunyuan Mountains. Coincidentally, after Chen Feng explained the matter, he started to use the teleportation array. Then during the teleportation process, Chen Feng was struck by a powerful force. Boomed out.

Chen Feng appeared in the chaotic void energy, with a thick protective energy shield around him to block the chaotic energy generated by the transmission explosion. Of course, with Chen Feng's strong body, he would not care about this attack, but this made Chen Feng look a little embarrassed, and he was on his own territory, so Chen Feng was a little angry. He waved his hand, and the sword light rolled. Before he saw the opponent, Chen Feng relied on his powerful spiritual sense to lock the opponent's position and launched an attack.


Waves of golden light bloomed in all directions. The Six Paths Alliance didn't know how many restrictions and arrays were destroyed. Some tall mountains were destroyed, and some unlucky disciples were also involved. The opponent blocked Chen Feng's attack. This was a golden immortal.

Chen Feng snorted coldly, stepped forward quickly, and slashed down again with the Immortal Heaven Sword in his hand. This sword finally repelled the opponent. A tall cultivator holding a spear, his whole body blooming with golden light, like an ancient god and demon, extremely majestic.


Chen Feng was just thinking about going forward to fight, but two golden streams of light appeared on the left and right. The two golden lights suddenly spread out and transformed into two sets of killing formations, overlapping and falling on each other.

The mutant dragon and the dark unicorn appeared the next moment. The two golden immortals seemed to have been prepared for a long time. A series of attacks dazzled Chen Feng's eyes. When Chen Feng arrived in front of him, this golden immortal of unknown origin was already dying.

"Keep it for me!"

Chen Feng shouted, and the long sword in his hand slashed down quickly, but it was still too late. The dark unicorn and the mutant dragon attacked at the same time, and then the last bit of life of the opponent was extinguished.

The immortal laws were drawn out by the two people, and they were quickly divided up. Then the two left quickly, as if they didn't see Chen Feng, but left Chen Feng with an immortal law that was already a mess of flesh and blood.


Although Chen Feng was somewhat dissatisfied, he did not say anything. He put away the things and then teleported again. Judging from the situation just now, if a Golden Immortal came to the Six Paths Alliance, he would definitely die. If two or three Golden Immortals came, they would not get any benefits, so Chen Feng could leave for a while without any worries.

This time, there were no twists and turns. After a period of calm, Chen Feng's first goal was Xingyuan Sect. Because he had been there before, Chen Feng had already left the spatial coordinates, so he quickly entered the sphere of influence of Xingyuan Sect through spatial teleportation. Then Chen Feng used the art of concealment to sneak into the core area of ​​Xingyuan Sect.

As soon as he entered Xingyuan Sect, Chen Feng felt the majestic power of the starry sky. In addition to being majestic, it was also very pure. Even Chen Feng wanted to stay here to practice.

However, Chen Feng had a more important task, which was to investigate the reality of Xingyuan Sect.

After a search, Chen Feng's consciousness finally spread out. According to the information he had obtained before, there was no Golden Immortal in Xingyuan Sect. Of course, even if there was a Golden Immortal, it would be difficult to find Chen Feng.

Under Chen Feng's surging consciousness, he soon found an abnormal place. Chen Feng's figure flashed into the underground and began to travel through layers of space. Not long after, he stopped, because there was another world under the land of Xingyuan Sect. From the power fluctuations transmitted by the other party, it can be seen that this space was left by the Golden Immortal, because Chen Feng felt the power of immortality.

Of course, it can also be said that this is a world, because from the outside, Chen Feng can't see what is inside and how big the space is.

"Should I go in? Why do I feel some danger?" Chen Feng hesitated for a moment, then used the art of stealing the sky to open a hole in the space barrier. After Chen Feng quickly entered, the small hole disappeared again.

"It's really a small world, no." After entering, Chen Feng carefully checked and determined that this was a compressed world.

The ability to compress the opened world to this level made Chen Feng have a bad idea in his heart.

"This is not the means of an ordinary Golden Immortal, or I'd better go out first." At this time, Chen Feng had already felt a hint of danger.

At Chen Feng's level, he still trusts his intuition.

However, what he saw next made Chen Feng change his mind again. In the small space, there was a teleportation array with a peculiar shape. The teleportation array was composed of various precious energy crystals. The runes and power fluctuations on it also showed that it was the work of the Golden Immortal.

What made Chen Feng decide to stay and see was not because he saw the teleportation array, but because the teleportation array suddenly started.

"Someone is going to teleport here." Chen Feng's mind moved, and he disappeared silently. Chen Feng wanted to see who would teleport here.

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