Eternal Existence

Chapter 1193: Reinforcements Arrive

In Chen Feng's view, the most reliable ones are the old subordinates and old friends who ascended from the eternal world. These people followed Chen Feng when they were in the Eternal World. After arriving in the Immortal World, they directly joined Chen Feng. Moreover, these people were all ascended from the lower world. Their cultivation talents are naturally good. The disadvantage is that they are at a low level in the Immortal Realm. It can be improved in a short time.

Next are the disciples of the original Six Paths Sword Sect. Although the Six Paths Sword Sect was defeated miserably in the war, it was a large sect after all and had a certain foundation. It was the best in the alliance in terms of number of people and the quality of the monks. A strong force, and this force is also very reliable and loyal. The disadvantage is that there are too many people, so Chen Feng can only select a part of the geniuses to train.

Next are some alliance monks brought by the Blood Rakshasa. These people have the most mixed backgrounds and the weakest cultivation talents. In terms of reliability and loyalty, they are far inferior to the Six Paths Sword Sect and the Lower Realm Alliance. However, there are also a number of them. There are only a few immortals, but there are also a lot of people. They are also an indispensable force in the alliance.

Finally, there are some casual cultivators recruited over the years. These casual cultivators are the most unstable. Only if they stay in the world of the alliance for a long enough time will they have some sense of belonging.

Chen Feng was analyzing and planning one by one in his mind. Fortunately, Chen Feng's consciousness was strong enough and he had the ability to multi-task, otherwise he would have had some headaches.

Of course, the power from the Immortal Heaven Realm is also very powerful. In terms of high-end combat power, it is even more powerful than the Six Paths Sword Sect. However, this is Chen Feng's personal guard and cannot be counted among the alliance.

"I don't know when those Dao Lords will be able to advance to the level of Golden Immortal, but it's difficult to think about it. So the most important thing now is to cultivate some half-step Golden Immortals. In this level of power struggle, Half-step Golden Immortal is the only one. The highest combat power." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Sir, is there something wrong with you taking out so many cultivation materials like this?" Finally, someone had his own doubts. As Chen Feng continued to take out cultivation materials and put them into the alliance, the quantity was huge and the quality was high. The level is so high that some half-step golden immortals are secretly frightened. Of course, these people don't know that the cultivation materials that Chen Feng took out are only a small part, and most of them are still stored in the Eternal Life Tower.

"I want to cultivate my own power. Although this power is still very weak for the time being, I believe that I will definitely not be able to use it in the future." Speaking of this, Chen Feng laughed again: "Is it possible that you are thinking of letting me go back and take over Wu?" YA Corps.”

Gale nodded, obviously thinking so.

"The Wuya Legion is indeed a very powerful force, but don't forget that I haven't returned to the Changsheng clan for a long time, and I still have some brothers. I don't want to fight for anything in these matters. I want to kill them back. To stand firm, I need a force that truly belongs to me," Chen Feng said lightly.

"Sir." Dafeng and the others all knelt down on one knee.

"Of course, you are all my core strength. Okay, get up, someone is coming." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and then he raised his head. The space fluctuated, and power was transmitted.

"The aura of the Immortal Realm, I don't know who came down." Dafeng was a little surprised.

"They didn't notify us, they couldn't be enemies." Tunri was ready to fight.

"Haha, it's us!" At this time, someone came out of the space with loud laughter.

"Such a strong murderous aura." Although the person's breath did not escape, Chen Feng still felt the killing path in the other person's body.

"It's the Killing Immortal, Killing Ghost and Killing God, why are you all here?" Tunri shouted in surprise.

The leader was none other than Sha Xian, and there were two other people beside him who were equally cold. When these three people saw Chen Feng, their cold faces showed excitement.

"I've met the young master!"

The three of them stepped forward at the same time and knelt down on one knee.

"Haha, okay, they are all half-step golden immortals." Looking at the three people, Chen Feng laughed. These three people were also his closest bodyguards back then. After a million years, they have grown up a lot. Progress, but thinking about the other people who died in the chaos that year, Chen Feng felt a little sad.

"Young master has suffered all these years." Sha Xian hissed.

"I'm not suffering, it's just a sleep. You all get up, and I'll see how many people you brought." Chen Feng said with a smile. At this time, the space passage was not closed, and there were still monks walking by. come out.

These monks came out with the same armor, the same weapons, and the same cold temperament. Just one look at Chen Feng and he knew that they were assassins trained by Sha Xian and others.

"Sir, these one hundred assassins are all in the realm of heavenly immortals. They were trained by the three of us over the years. They have assassinated many half-step golden immortals." Sha Xian said.

"Sir, in fact, we have not been idle these years. Everyone has cultivated and conquered some strength. We are waiting for you all the time to come back. This time, only the three of us are here, and Thunder Dragon and Wu Jin will stay behind to look after the house. "The ghost killer said.

Chen Feng nodded. These hundred assassins were indeed elites. With this power, Chen Feng could do many things.

"Okay, okay, don't show off your merits here. Could it be that you are the only ones who have the credit? Dafeng and I have also cultivated a force in the heaven, and we don't even talk about it everywhere." Tunru yelled loudly.

"It turns out that you have advanced to half-step Golden Immortal. No wonder you are so arrogant. I will teach you a lesson." The God of Death said, twisting his body a few times in the space, and then attacked Sun Swallowing from an incredible angle.

"I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Tunri shouted loudly, and then the two of them started fighting. Chen Feng laughed again when he saw this scene. He had only seen this kind of scene when he was a child.

"How are Thunder Dragon and the others?" Chen Feng then began to ask about the situation of others and the recent developments in the Immortal Realm, while Shaxian and the others recounted them one by one.

"I didn't expect Thunder Dragon and the others to develop such a power over the years." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"There were other forces that wanted to win over Thunder Dragon and Wu Jin, but they were all rejected." Shaxian said quickly.

"I'm afraid someone is trying to win over you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, but we only follow Young Master." Sha Xian said again.

"I originally thought that after the melee that year, the Immortal Heaven would be quiet for a while, but I didn't expect that it would still be so chaotic. It actually started fighting with other heavens. Among them were other new heaven-defying races that wanted to rob the heavens." Chen Feng was also a little surprised. After listening to the accounts of the Shaxian people, he realized that all the major legions in the Changsheng Heaven Realm were dispatched. This was a large-scale war.

"War is the fastest way to expand power, but it will also consume power. Nowadays, haven't the major heavenly realms made some response to the power of the immortal world?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Young master, it's not that you don't know that the various heavenly realms have been fighting back and forth since ancient times. How could they stop? However, all the major heavenly realms are also warning the fairy world. Our immortal heaven has sent many monks into the fairy world to collect information from the fairy world. Information, and establishing power," Shaxian said.

"It's good to be on guard. I have a feeling that the Immortal Realm may take action against the Heaven Realm." Chen Feng said lightly.

At this time, the battle between Tunri and the God of Death was over. It was obvious that Tunri was defeated. There were several sword marks on his body. He was muttering and looking a little unhappy.

"I'm very happy that you can come, because I need manpower now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Please give me your instructions, Master."

Over the years, the Six Paths Alliance has been developing within the Hunyuan Mountains. If the Six Paths Alliance had not needed time to develop, Chen Feng would have already planned to take action against the surrounding forces. Some sects such as the Xingyuan Sect were eyeing the surroundings. For the Six Paths Alliance, Development is not a good thing. This time the arrival of Shaxian and others ignited the war that Chen Feng had been brewing for a long time.

"Expand territory!" Chen Feng said lightly.

Following the words of leader Chen Feng, the Six Paths Alliance began to mobilize manpower, and with the cooperation of the immortal monks, began to gradually expand its territory.

The expansion process went smoothly, with the Half-Step Golden Immortal secretly guarding them. The Heavenly Immortal and the True Immortal left the Hunyuan Mountains and continued to sweep around. They were invincible wherever they passed, and encountered almost no decent resistance.

Several large forces such as Xingyuan Sect seemed to have reached an agreement, and in the face of the expansion of the Six Paths Alliance, they surprisingly unanimously chose to give in.

In just one year, 30% of the territory occupied by the Six Paths Sword Sect was recaptured.

Over the next few years, the Six Paths Alliance maintained the momentum of expansion and took over 70% of the territory that year. Then it stopped the pace of expansion, gathered strength, and began to develop steadily.

"It still takes time."

Chen Feng sighed, and then smiled bitterly. When Chen Feng thought about it, he seemed to have been complaining about the tightness of time since he started practicing.

"Alliance leader, Xingyuan Sect, Xianjian Sect and Xiansha Pavilion sent people at the same time to see you." Chen Feng suddenly received such news that day.

"No, I'm practicing. Let others handle it." Chen Feng said lightly.

During this period of practice, Chen Feng gained some understanding of the laws of heaven. He was thinking about practicing in seclusion and peace of mind, so how could he deal with these things.

However, after Chen Feng came out of training for three years, he found that the Six Paths Alliance was caught in a large-scale war.

His spiritual consciousness spread out, and Chen Feng's face became gloomy as he felt the power fluctuations transmitted through the space.

"Master!" Da Feng was the first to appear in front of Chen Feng.

"What happened?" Chen Feng asked immediately.

"Xingyuan Sect, Xianjian Sect, and Xiansha Pavilion teamed up to besiege the Six Paths Alliance." Dafeng said simply.

"Work together to besiege, has something happened to these three families?" Chen Feng calmed down. He still had some understanding of the power of these three families. Chen Feng did not believe that the other party would make such a decision for no reason.

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