Eternal Existence

Chapter 1192 His Highness Dongli

"There are more people." Tunri shouted immediately.

"Other forces have joined." Chen Feng said lightly. In Chen Feng's eyes, Princess Ziyu's team was twice as large as before, and there were several very powerful auras.

"Chen Feng!"

Soon Princess Ziyu came out of the dragon car, and there was also a tall and handsome young man. As soon as the young man appeared, he looked at Chen Feng with a look full of oppression.

"Now who dares to provoke our Changsheng Heaven?" Chen Feng sneered in his heart, but was secretly surprised. The power carried by this tall young man was no less than that of Princess Ziyu, and even exceeded it in some aspects.

The young man was looking at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng Chen Feng could no longer observe the other party. In Chen Feng's eyes, all the other party's data flashed continuously.

The realm of half-step golden immortal, artifact-level protective armor, which has the hand of golden immortal, the life magic weapon is a halberd, which also has the will of golden immortal, the inner world has reached the level of the life world, the body density is far beyond the average half-step golden immortal, the vigor of the soul fire, the abundance of the true qi in the body.

Although this person has an extraordinary origin and good cultivation, nothing can escape Chen Feng's eyes. The young man who was originally a little arrogant immediately felt cold all over, and a soul pressure made the arrogant mind suddenly shudder, and then uncontrollable anger rose from the body.


A crack appeared at the center of the young cultivator's eyebrows, which was the same as the situation of Princess Ziyu before, but the energy ejected was a little different.

Soul shock!

Chen Feng smiled faintly, did not fight back, and let the opponent's soul shock wave enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

Then the young man's face changed drastically, and the attack he launched disappeared completely, as if there was a huge vortex in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, which easily swallowed his soul.


The young man's face looked a little ugly, his soul disappeared, this was a real soul injury.

But before the young man could react, a steel needle-like energy pierced into the young man's sea of ​​consciousness, and then exploded, disrupting his sea of ​​consciousness. This time the young man finally screamed, bleeding from all seven orifices, and the monks under the young man rushed up in a group and surrounded Chen Feng.


Tunri roared directly, transformed into his original body, as big as a mountain, and dozens of people were knocked out immediately. Only a few half-step golden immortals and Tunri kept colliding, and the wind was surging around him, and he was about to join the battle.


Princess Ziyu shouted loudly, and the young man actually stopped his monks. Only Chen Feng looked at this scene with an expressionless face. The young man was injured just now, and the golden immortal clone hidden in the dark did not take action. The possession of the golden immortal clone showed that this young man also had some background.

In the end, the two sides did not fight. Tunri also turned into a human form and guarded Chen Feng with Dafeng and others. Dafeng and others were better, but Tunri's eyes kept flashing coldly, and he wanted to go forward and kill.

The young man had returned to normal, the blood on his face had evaporated, and his face had calmed down. He looked at Chen Feng without the previous arrogance, as if nothing had happened just now.

"This guy can still endure such a blow, he has a good mind." Chen Feng thought lightly.

"What is your name?" The young man asked in a deep voice, but hundreds of cultivators under his command gathered together, and once they turned against each other, they could launch an attack in the shortest time.

"Is the Immortal Court so arrogant to attack me even if they don't know who I am?" Chen Feng laughed.

"It's not arrogance, it's because I have strength. You can call me His Highness Dongli. I feel some breath from the heaven from you." The young man stared at Chen Feng and said.

"Chen Feng, this is His Highness Dongli, from the Immortal Court, the commander of Zhenyue." Princess Ziyu stepped forward to introduce.

"Commander Zhenyue, I heard that most of them are the best of the immortals, but the immortal is just a title awarded by the immortal court. It is not worth mentioning to me, because no one in the same realm, whether in the immortal world or the heaven, will be my opponent. I come from the immortal family, you can call me Chen Feng." Chen Feng said lightly, exuding an arrogant aura, which made His Highness Dongli's eyelids jump, but he still endured it and did not get angry.


His Highness Dongli did not say anything, but a half-step golden immortal under his command could not help but jumped out.

"I'm here to ask the secret method of the immortal family."

"Hahaha, who do you think you are." Tunri laughed on the side.

"Do people in the immortal world like to use high realms to challenge low-level cultivators? In this case, I can challenge this little guy." Tunri pointed at a celestial being and laughed again.

At this time, everyone realized that Chen Feng was only at the level of a half-step celestial being, and their faces changed drastically.

"How is it possible? He must have used a secret method to conceal his true strength." Someone expressed doubt, and then more people showed doubt and understanding.

Tunri was furious and was about to attack, but was stopped by Chen Feng.

"You have a golden immortal clone, can't you see my true realm? By the way, with the level of cultivators in the fairy world, even a golden immortal is probably not much stronger." Chen Feng acted even more arrogant.

However, in the face of Chen Feng's verbal provocation, the other party's golden immortal hidden in the dark still did not react.

"Okay, I accept your challenge." Chen Feng said and just glanced at the monk. Then the monk with half-step of the Golden Immortal realm felt like the world was spinning, and he entered a mysterious dark space, performing various There is no way to break out.

Seeing Chen Feng's arrogant look, Princess Ziyu secretly smiled bitterly. She had been getting along with Chen Feng for a while. Of course, Princess Ziyu understood that Chen Feng's appearance at this time was somewhat intentional, but for that half-step Jin Xian's behavior can only be called an idiot. Being able to escape Jin Xian's pursuit is enough to illustrate Chen Feng's strength.

Just one glance caused a half-step golden immortal to fall into an illusion. This was already the golden immortal's method. His Highness Dongli glanced at Chen Feng with a complex expression, and the murderous intention in his heart rose again. Such a genius cannot be allowed to stay. He must kill him, but if he thinks about the consequences of killing him again, even if Xianting supports him, he may not be able to bear it.

Xian Ting would definitely be willing to sacrifice his own life for a genius from heaven.

Besides, it's still one thing to say whether you can kill the other person.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart. When the murderous intent arose in the other party's heart, Chen Feng had already sensed it. Fortunately, the other party suppressed the murderous intent, otherwise Chen Feng wouldn't mind letting the other party know something powerful.

"His Royal Highness Dongli wants to join us to snatch the Wangyou Spirit Spring. I want to discuss this matter with you." Princess Ziyu said and threw a small jade bottle to Chen Feng.

"What is this?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"You helped me block the attack before. You deserve these Wangyou spiritual springs." Princess Ziyu said.

Chen Feng nodded, and without any politeness he directly crushed the jade bottle, and the spiritual spring in it was swallowed and absorbed.


Seeing the jade bottle being crushed, Princess Ziyu snorted and seemed a little dissatisfied. Chen Feng smiled apologetically, and His Highness Dongli looked thoughtfully at the two people's reactions.

"Of course there is no problem if we join forces. Then we will obtain the spiritual spring according to the level of contribution. This is fair." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Are you so sure that another Wangyou spiritual spring will appear?" His Highness Dongli asked with some doubt.

"If His Highness Dongli doesn't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it." Chen Feng waved his hand, looking indifferent.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. The Wugui Patriarch who came with you was a bit unlucky. He died in the melee, and his disciples were also separated." Princess Ziyu said suddenly.

Chen Feng glanced at Princess Ziyu and said nothing.

"You don't have to look at me like this. I found it too late when I discovered it." Princess Ziyu understood Chen Feng's eyes.

Next, Chen Feng, Princess Ziyu and His Highness Dongli joined forces to explore the land of Wangyou. Sure enough, Chen Feng's calculation was correct. In the next few years, two more Wangyou spiritual springs erupted. Feng, a small alliance, grabbed one-third of them, which was a great harvest. The acupuncture space in Chen Feng's body evolved again, giving rise to more lives, and already had the prototype of the life world. However, because of the acupoints in his body, For too many reasons, it is already very slow compared to other monks who opened up an inner world.

Both Tiezhen and Xuanfeng also successfully advanced to the half-step Golden Immortal level, which surprised Chen Feng.

Unfortunately, in the next few years, the Wangyou Spiritual Spring no longer appeared. Chen Feng said goodbye to Princess Ziyu and His Highness Dongli and returned to the Six Paths Alliance.

At the same time, Chen Feng also agreed to Princess Ziyu's invitation to go to the Immortal Courtyard. Chen Feng was also a little curious about the Immortal Courtyard. Of course, he was more cautious than curious. From his contact with Princess Ziyu and His Highness Dongli, Chen Feng Feng can clearly feel the power of Xianting.

In Chen Feng's guess, Xianting will definitely take action against the heavens, but the major heavens are still constantly fighting with each other and consuming their strength.

"I don't know if it's too late to start preparing now." Chen Feng thought to himself.

After years of development, the Six Paths Alliance has become a large sect in terms of numbers. However, what makes Chen Feng a little worried and anxious is that these disciples are generally at a low level. Although there are many geniuses, it takes a long time to grow up. Even a long time.

Although there are two golden immortals in the Six Paths Alliance at this time, there is no guarantee that things will not happen in the higher world of the immortal world.

Therefore, Chen Feng paid great attention to cultivating the disciples in the alliance and improving the strength of the alliance. He spent most of his cultivation materials to select talented and reliable disciples to train.

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