Eternal Existence

Chapter 1181 Hundreds of Years

"It's natural to expand the territory and develop strength." Black Water Demon Eye said directly.

"In this case, we have a common goal. Let's join hands and sweep across the East China Sea." Chen Feng suggested.

"I'm afraid I will suffer a loss if I cooperate with you." Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"I'm also afraid of suffering a loss."

Chen Feng left a few days later. This time he came out and gained a lot. Not only did he meet his childhood friends, but he also attracted a powerful ally.

Years passed by, and time flew by. Chen Feng did not return to the Immortal Realm, but chose to take root in the Immortal Realm and establish his own power.

A hundred years later, Dark Qilin finally condensed the Immortal Law and advanced to become an Immortal Golden Immortal in one fell swoop. This way, there were two Golden Immortals in the Six Paths Alliance.

Golden Immortals have the highest level of combat power and deterrence in the fairy world. Two Golden Immortals sit in the Six Paths Alliance, attracting many monks to join the Six Paths Alliance, and there are even half-step Golden Immortals among them.

After another hundred years, the power of the Six Paths Alliance began to slowly expand until it completely controlled the Hunyuan Mountains. This was a huge progress for the monks of the original Six Paths Sword Sect.

At this time, the Six Paths Alliance did not continue to expand, but the surrounding forces could no longer sit still. The Xingyuan Sect and other sects took the initiative to withdraw their stationed soldiers, losing part of the territory they had previously occupied.

The Six Paths Alliance did not take the initiative to launch a war, but just recuperated and strengthened itself. This made other people feel even more afraid.

Over the past few hundred years, some people have come to look for trouble. As a result, a golden immortal fell in the Hunyuan Mountains. This kind of substantial shock made some people with ideas become honest.

Chen Feng has done a lot of things over the years and has been to the Death Space once, but for Chen Feng, the Death Space is no longer attractive.

As for the secrets such as the treasure map contained in the Brilliant Starry Sky Map and the One-Yuan True Spirit Map, Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to it. Low-grade artifacts did not have much appeal to Chen Feng.

One thing worth mentioning is that Chen Feng used his calculation skills to find the enemy of Immortal Yunlan. When Chen Feng was still very weak, Chen Feng obtained the inheritance of Immortal Yunlan, and he had some karma with the opponent. In his spare time, Chen Feng finally deduced the location of Immortal Yunlan's enemies. One of the three enemies had already died, and the other two had cultivated to the realm of immortals.

Of course, Chen Feng would not take action in such a trivial matter. One person in the Immortal Realm and the Six Paths Alliance randomly sent out one person to kill the opponent, and another person was killed by Chen Feng's clone in the starry sky.

Several of the one hundred and eight broken fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron have been collected over the years, bringing the number owned by Chen Feng to eighteen, further increasing its power and strength.

In fact, what interests Chen Feng the most is the changes in the world of life in the lower realm. Chen Feng's two clones have been wandering in the starry sky. With Chen Feng's cultivation level at this time, he can easily establish contact with the two clones and learn about the starry sky. what happened in .

At this time, the original energy emitted by all the touched life world is even more vigorous. Thousands of times thicker than at the beginning, the original energy emitted by each big world has condensed into a pillar of light, and the power of dozens of big worlds has been connected, opening up an even larger space channel.

This space passage is a thousand times larger than the passage above the eternal world. There is only violent rolling energy in the dark passage. The mysterious aura is so thick that it makes people feel oppressive. It is unknown where it leads.

Drawing on previous experiences and lessons, no one dared to venture into it for a while. During this period, a few people approached and were immediately involved in the rolling energy and disappeared.

It wasn't until mountains of various rare ores erupted from it that some monks were inspired to go crazy and take risks.

For a period of time, it was difficult to break into it with a divine weapon. After a few years, the chaotic energy in it seemed to become somewhat regular. Most monks with low-grade divine weapons could rush in. As for whether they could completely pass through the passage, there was no question. People know.

It was not until a hundred years later that the passage gradually became stable. At the same time, a large amount of mysterious substances erupted from it. Someone used these mysterious substances to refine an artifact. As a result, more monks chose to take risks. .

I don’t know how many monks gathered in the entire Wuji Immortal Domain, and even forces from other Immortal Domains broke into it.

The impact of this incident is getting bigger and bigger, and Chen Feng can clearly feel that many monks have left the fairy world to take risks.

However, Chen Feng strictly ordered the monks in the Six Paths Alliance not to go there. When Chen Feng thought about it, it would take at least thousands of years for a space channel of this size to be completely stable. In hundreds of years, only half-step golden immortals could enter. When entering, an ordinary Golden Immortal would be dead, unless he had a divine weapon to protect him.

Furthermore, even if you can pass through the space channel, who knows what is at the other end of the channel, it may be a more dangerous unknown place.

Chen Feng's two clones have also made rapid progress in their cultivation over the years. Like Chen Feng's original body, they have transcended tribulations twice in a row and become a half-step immortal. If it were not for Chen Feng's original body, these two clones would They will continue to advance. Due to the use of the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique, the two of them have devoured too much source power.

"It is said that when one reaches a certain level of cultivation, a thought can be transformed into an avatar, and one can truly transform into thousands of avatars. I have only refined two avatars, which has brought me huge gains. However, I spent a lot of effort to refine these two avatars, and their physiques are better than most cultivators."

The cultivation process in Hunyuan Mountains was very peaceful, and no one came to disturb him. Chen Feng also knew that more than one wave of opponents were plotting against him, but as long as he did not leave Hunyuan Mountains, no one would come to cause trouble, because there were two Golden Immortals sitting here, and ordinary Golden Immortals would be besieged to death.

"I don't know how anxious my opponents have been in these years." Chen Feng laughed in his heart.

Finally one day, Chen Feng left Hunyuan Mountains, deliberately revealed his whereabouts, and continued to venture into the East Great Continent.

Dongda is only a small area in the fairy world, but this area is so large that even if a celestial being flies for ten thousand years, he still cannot reach the end. Only a half-step golden immortal or a golden immortal can get a general idea. There are even some places that even a golden immortal dare not enter rashly. If it is placed in the entire fairy world, it is difficult for a golden immortal to touch the end. This is the vast and endless fairy world.

Chen Feng did not walk alone, but was followed by Tunri and others. During this period, he also went to some magical places, but for three consecutive years, no one chose to take action, and even Chen Feng was a little impatient.

"These people will not become so timid." Tunri couldn't help muttering.

"Maybe the other party is afraid that we have ambushed masters in secret." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"We suffered heavy casualties before, and this account is not so easy to settle. I am waiting for the other party to come and die." Dafeng said with a sneer.

Since entering the Wuya Legion, Dafeng and others have not suffered such a big loss.

"Don't worry, sooner or later I will take you back to kill." Chen Feng said with a complicated expression.

"Let's go. The Forget-Sorrow Land is in front of us. It's a good place. It's more famous than the Dead Soul City in the entire fairy world." Chen Feng's eyes swept through the space like a substance, and saw the scene a million miles away.

"Forget-Sorrow Land, this place requires at least a celestial immortal to enter. When a true immortal enters it, the true law will be suppressed by the power in it until it is completely worn out. Only the law of heaven can resist the strange power in it." Dafeng said immediately. Dafeng and others knew more about the situation in the fairy world than Chen Feng.

"Forget-Sorrow Land contains the immortal power of the Forget-Sorrow Patriarch. Ordinary cultivators are of course unable to enter." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I just don't know if the Forget-Sorrow Patriarch has comprehended the Taiyi Law. It is said that the Golden Immortal is immortal and immortal. In fact, the Golden Immortal will also die, but the immortal power of the Golden Immortal after death cannot be dissipated in a short time." Chen Feng shook his head and moved forward step by step. Although it was still a million miles away from the Forget-Sorrow Land, Chen Feng did not seem to be in a hurry.

"Young Master, let's be careful." Tie Zhen advised on the side.

"Of course you have to be careful. I have a feeling that some people may not be able to help but jump out when we get to the Land of Forgetfulness."

This time, Chen Feng brought only four people, namely, Tunri, Dafeng, Tiezhen and Xuanfeng. Mingyue and Tianwu stayed in the Hunyuan Mountains to practice because they were about to pass the tribulation, while Tunri and Dafeng advanced to the realm of half-step golden immortals not long ago.

"Young Master, I recently contacted the Changsheng Heaven Realm and got some news. I heard that someone used magic power to open up a huge space channel in the lower world using the power of the life world." Dafeng suddenly said.

"This happened a long time ago." Chen Feng nodded.

"Many people in our Changsheng Heaven Realm have also been attracted there, and even some people in the Wuya Legion, but so far no one who entered the space channel has come out." Dafeng continued.

"No, your news is out of date. I heard that someone has come out and got a lot of mysterious good things." Xuanfeng suddenly retorted.

"Someone has come out." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and then he secretly communicated with his clone and soon knew everything.

"Sure enough, someone came out. It was a half-step golden immortal from the demon world. He got several divine objects, but some of them were robbed by others. Moreover, this half-step golden immortal from the demon world was a little strange. He was besieged by others and had already fallen, but for some reason he came back to life. His strength became stronger. He killed three half-step golden immortals in a row and rushed out." Chen Feng told the news he had just received.

"It can make a half-step golden immortal come back to life. It seems that this guy from the demon world got some good things from it."

"It is also possible that this person already had it."

"But being able to kill three opponents in one fell swoop also shows that the other party is not simple."

Everyone talked about it. They were just a little surprised about this kind of thing. For cultivators, coming back to life is not something difficult to understand.

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