Eternal Existence

Chapter 1180 Black Water Demon Eye

The mutant dragon came from the Sun Star Region and was born with the power of the anode. This was also the reason why his body was strong and his blood was rich. What he had just displayed was the anode energy that had been compressed. Before he advanced to the Golden Immortal, he killed several half-step Golden Immortals with this move. However, it was the first time he used it against a Golden Immortal.

In the violent light, Chen Feng and Dark Kirin quickly retreated, but their hands were not idle. Instead, they continued to cast more restrictions to prevent the middle-aged Golden Immortal from escaping.

Screams continued to be transmitted from the light. Chen Feng could not see the situation clearly even though he had used the pupil technique to the extreme, but he could sense that the vitality of the middle-aged Golden Immortal was rapidly weakening.

Finally, as the golden light continued to fade, Chen Feng saw the situation inside clearly. To be precise, the middle-aged Golden Immortal had disappeared, leaving only a ball of golden energy and a broken long sword floating.

"He's not dead yet. This guy is really not simple." Chen Feng sneered.

Then a golden light suddenly burst out and flew away quickly, but Chen Feng's speed was not slow either. He stopped the golden light with a shake of his Changsheng Wings, and slapped the Immortal Heavenly Sword heavily, pulling the golden light to roll continuously, and then quickly stepped forward and grabbed it in his hand.

It turned out to be an immortal law.

Looking at the dark unicorn, he also intercepted an immortal law, and the tattered long sword was snatched away by the mutant dragon.

However, the three of them were still a little careless. The golden flames burned all over the sky, and the golden light rushed in all directions. Although the three tried their best to intercept it, a little golden light still penetrated the barrier and disappeared into the vast void.

"I was careless. I didn't expect that a little Yuan Ling still escaped." Dark Qilin shook his head and sighed.

"The opponent is an immortal golden fairy. It is not so easy to completely destroy him. It is good enough for us to do this step. It's just that a little Yuan Ling escaped. Not to mention whether it can be restored, even if it really cultivates to the peak again, what can it do? We will still kill it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, in fact, I hope that the second and third Golden Immortals will appear next." Dark Kirin was full of fighting spirit. After the battle just now, Dark Kirin's cultivation had made some breakthroughs.

"I hope so." Chen Feng just nodded lightly, not looking forward to it like Dark Kirin. He had fought enough times in these years, and what he needed next was time to stabilize his cultivation.

After returning to the Hunyuan Mountains, the mutant dragon still went to practice in seclusion, and Dark Kirin had long disappeared. After handling the affairs of the alliance for a while, Chen Feng also entered the state of cultivation.

This time, Chen Feng absorbed the power of the half-step Golden Immortal stored in his body for millions of years. At that time, Chen Feng could only refine it bit by bit, but now Chen Feng himself can kill the half-step Golden Immortal and even swallow the energy of the Golden Immortal, so the energy of these so-called half-step Golden Immortals was not taken seriously by Chen Feng. It took only one year for Chen Feng to purify and swallow it cleanly.

A few years later, Chen Feng's cultivation came to an end. At this time, the Six Paths Alliance had also stepped on the right track. Chen Feng briefly explained to everyone and went to the land of mountains and rivers, which was the location of the Iron Blood Alliance and the Mountain and River Alliance in the past.

According to Chen Feng's original plan, it was not suitable to go out for a long time. He needed quiet time to cultivate himself, and the entire Six Paths Alliance also needed time to recuperate, but all kinds of oppression and chaos forced Chen Feng to act.

"According to what Blood Rakshasa said, the other party should be from the celestial fairy, I don't know which family it is." This time Chen Feng acted alone and did not notify Dark Kirin. As the controller of the entire dark world, Dark Kirin was busier than Chen Feng.

Things went smoothly. As soon as he arrived at the land of mountains and rivers, Chen Feng knew where the other party came from.

"It turned out to be from Moruotian. Judging from the breath, it might be my old friend, but it's a bit strange. What is this guy doing in the fairy world when he has nothing to do?" Chen Feng showed a strange expression on his face.

"Stop." At this time, two celestial fairies appeared in the air and blocked Chen Feng's way.

"Oh." Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

"This is our Black Water Alliance's territory, please leave, my friend." One of them said lightly.

"Black Water Alliance, it's that guy indeed." Chen Feng nodded.

"Who are you, why don't you go away."

At this time, the two immortals had already noticed something was wrong. They attacked at the same time without saying hello. The black water flooded Chen Feng, and then two palms stretched out from the black water and easily grabbed the necks of the two.

"Demon pupil, come out and meet me." Chen Feng's soul power rolled forward and swept across.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

There were constantly cultivators coming from all directions, and in the blink of an eye, there were more than a hundred people, occupying the best positions with each other, staring at Chen Feng, ready to launch the most appropriate attack at any time.

"Hahaha, it turns out that an old friend is here." At this time, the space was turbulent, and a rapidly rotating vortex appeared. A loud laugh spread from it, and Chen Feng immediately felt that countless steel needles were piercing his soul.

"This guy has a good cultivation level, and his fighting ability should be better than mine." Chen Feng judged something just by the sound.

A young man in black came out of the vortex. He had a delicate appearance, but his eyes were as deep as the sea, and one could get lost in them at a glance. When the young man saw Chen Feng, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he quickly stepped forward and gave Chen Feng a deep hug.

"Should I call you Changtian or Chen Feng?" The young man was naturally Chen Feng's childhood playmate, from the Black Water Demon Eye of the Black Water Department of Morotian.

"It's up to you. I haven't seen you for many years. You are now a half-step golden immortal, while I am only a half-step celestial immortal. The gap between us can be described by time." Chen Feng said with a smile, looking at his former playmate with some emotion. The last time they met, they were still children. Millions of years have passed, and both sides have undergone earth-shaking changes. As for whether they can still be friends, Chen Feng had no idea before coming, but feeling the sincerity emanating from the other party, Chen Feng's heart also settled down.

"Then I'll call you Changtian. Although you are a half-step celestial immortal now, your combat power is not low. I heard that you easily killed several half-step golden immortals some time ago. I was shocked to get this news. How about we spar with each other?" Black Water Demon Eye said with a smile.

"What? Do you want to avenge the bullying you received when you were a child?" Chen Feng also laughed.

"Yes, that's right." Black Water Demon Eye said eagerly, and there was already a stream of light flashing in his eyes.

"Don't you feel something is wrong?" Chen Feng smiled, and his eyes had turned into two rapidly rotating black holes.

"You actually sneak attacked, and you are still so despicable." Black Water Demon Eye shouted, and then he felt that the surroundings were dark, and he was in a wonderful space, without up and down, left and right, and no time flow, just like the most original life in the chaos that has not been opened up.

"What a powerful pupil technique, this kid." Black Water Demon Eye was a little surprised, but not panicked.

Soon all the darkness quickly gathered, and finally completely entered the eyes of Black Water Demon Eye. Chen Feng was still smiling, as if nothing had happened.

"I didn't expect you to practice the pupil technique to this level, the Cave Heaven God Eye, which incorporates the Dark Demon Eye and some other things. It seems that you must have had a wonderful life these years, unlike me who has been staying in Moruo Heaven." Black Water Demon Eye said with a bitter smile.

"You are not out now." After the pupil technique collided quickly, the two stopped fighting.

"I came out this time for a reason."

As the two talked, they entered a tall palace. Chen Feng could tell at a glance that there were some artifacts in the palace. The black evil spirit emanating from it indicated that it was brought by Black Water Demon Eye himself.

Chen Feng looked around and couldn't help laughing.

"Are you laughing at me?" Black Water Demon Eye said angrily at Chen Feng's expression.

"Yes, I am laughing at you. With your cultivation talent, you should be considered a top figure in Moruo Heaven. How did you get to this point?" Chen Feng's consciousness had already swept across a radius of 100,000 miles, and he had some understanding of Black Water Demon Eye's power. Although the number of people and combat power were good, there were no real masters, which meant that Black Water Demon Eye did not have a decent guard with him.

"Don't you really understand why this happened?" Black Water Demon Eye looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then he understood.

"Hehe, I didn't think of it for a moment, but I haven't been in the heaven for so many years, and I have forgotten many things. How about it, are you sure you can become the young master of the Black Water Department now?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I am the son of the Black Water Department, and no one can replace me." The eyes of the Black Water Demon Eye flickered.

"There are more than one son of the Black Water Department, and only one person can become the head of the department in the future. You are only a half-step golden immortal now, and your cultivation speed is very fast, but it is very difficult to compete for the head of the department." Chen Feng gradually felt clear about the situation in Moruotian.

"You are right, there are several strong opponents, and some have even been promoted to the level of golden immortals." The Black Water Demon Eye nodded, his expression still calm.

"Do you want me to help?" Chen Feng asked.

"You should deal with your own situation first, your current situation is much more cruel than mine." The Black Water Demon Eye laughed.

"I am different from you, don't forget that I have the entire Wuya Legion behind me, and my pursuit is different from yours." Chen Feng shook his head.

"We are all the same, and we are all pursuing more powerful power." The Black Water Demon Eye refuted Chen Feng.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about something happy. Your current territory is too close to my territory. Tell me about your next plans." Chen Feng waved his hand and changed the subject.

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