Eternal Existence

Chapter 1159: Difficulty Doubled

Sure enough, after absorbing some of the spiritual objects provided by Chen Feng, the connection between the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron and Chen Feng became closer, and Chen Feng could activate it more easily.

After breaking through thirty palaces in a row, Chen Feng got the most of various immortal arts. Although these immortal arts were good, none of them could make Chen Feng excited.

"I don't know what others will gain. Maybe I can rob these people after reaching the top." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

Along the way, Chen Feng also learned some rules. At the beginning, he could pass through the first few palaces quickly, but as the process progressed and the difficulty increased, the time taken to break through each level began to increase.

By the time Chen Feng broke through the 50th level, it had taken 20 years, and this was when Chen Feng was very fast. At the 40th level, Chen Feng had already stabilized in the first place. Qingshan and others tried their best to catch up, but instead widened the gap between them.

And Chen Feng had already felt the pressure. The most important point was that Chen Feng still didn't know how many palaces there were behind. This mentality was the most special.

"Actually, I've had enough of this kind of test." Chen Feng stood up suddenly, and the power in his body roared. Holding the Changsheng Sword and wearing the Changsheng Armor, the power he showed this time was ten times stronger than before.

The Changsheng Sword and the Changsheng Armor are both pseudo-artifacts, which are enough for self-defense and attack. Chen Feng's speed of breaking through the levels has also increased.

Fifty-one, fifty-two, he broke through the sixtieth floor in one breath. Chen Feng did not stop and continued to move forward until he reached the seventieth floor before stopping.

It took Chen Feng ten years to pass these twenty floors, and the difficulty was even greater. It seemed that the power Chen Feng showed was too strong, which triggered the changes in the dark. According to Chen Feng's estimation, the level he encountered at this time has reached the level of a mid-level celestial being.

This speed is already very fast, but Chen Feng is still not satisfied. The Changsheng Armor on his body faded and was replaced with an armor transformed from the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron. The Changsheng Wings behind him have also been unfolded, the soul fire is beating, and the cave god eye opens the way. Chen Feng's speed has become faster again.

Another ten years passed, and Chen Feng rushed into the seventieth floor. After that, even if Chen Feng used all his strength, his speed slowed down uncontrollably.

When Chen Feng rushed into the eightieth floor, the difficulty had risen to the level of high-level celestial immortals.

Although Chen Feng felt a little boring, there was no doubt that Chen Feng's cultivation had improved greatly in the past few decades, from the physical body to the spiritual consciousness, to the perception, to the reaction, and even the development of potential, there had been outstanding changes.

This was an all-round improvement. In Chen Feng's own words, it was to improve the combat effectiveness of a realm.

However, although the progress was rapid, Chen Feng had to face stronger pressure every time he passed through a palace.

Of course, the reward for successfully breaking through the level also increased accordingly, and the grade of the immortal arts began to improve. Chen Feng obtained several secret arts that interested him, as well as some spiritual objects and divine objects, but half of them were swallowed and absorbed by the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron.

"It's already the 86th level. I wonder how many palaces are left?" Chen Feng's longevity wings spread out at an extremely fast speed, constantly crossing in various streams of light. Occasionally, the longevity sword hits the stream of light and emits a group of brilliant lights.

This is the situation of the 86th level. Countless laws of heaven cut each other across and across. Chen Feng will be hit and injured if he is not careful. If he is entangled, it will be even worse. Fortunately, the longevity wings can transcend time and space. Although he is in a dense, spider-web-like siege, Chen Feng is still at ease.

However, just when Chen Feng was about to finish, the laws of heaven that kept crossing and across all swarmed towards Chen Feng and swept over. There was no loophole for Chen Feng to escape.

"No way, so perverted." Chen Feng knew that he could not escape with the Changsheng Wings. Under this circumstance, unless the Changsheng Wings were upgraded to a higher level and reached the point of truly ignoring time and space, but now, he could only force his way in. The Changsheng Sword in his hand flew out suddenly, and then exploded with a bang, creating a passage. Before the passage closed, Chen Feng rushed out quickly.

Although he broke out, he was still affected and had several more scars on his body. These were left by the power of the Law of Heaven. If he was not wearing the armor transformed from the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron, Chen Feng's body would definitely be seriously damaged.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the stream of light gathered. The Changsheng Sword took shape again in his palm. The sword light flowed, and the avenue fluctuated. The Changsheng Sword once again recovered to the level of a pseudo-artifact before the self-destruction.

This is the effect of the immortal weapon that Chen Feng has been condensing since the beginning of his practice. The immortal sword in his hand not only integrates Chen Feng's years of hard work, but also integrates a large number of sword energy, sword soul, sword spirit, sword intention and countless other long sword fragments. In addition to the secret method in the immortal weapon refining technique, it can be easily restored even if it is damaged a hundred times.

"I was injured." Chen Feng fell to the ground, and his injuries were instantly recovered. The chaotic laws of heaven just now also completely disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

"I wonder if anyone has fallen?" Chen Feng turned his head to look when he left the palace, but unfortunately he didn't see anything.

"The difficulty is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know how many levels there are." Chen Feng was a little tired under the strong pressure several times. Even Chen Feng himself was not sure how long he could hold on.

"Maybe I really need to rest." Chen Feng immediately felt his fighting will weakening when this thought flashed through his mind.

"Not good." Chen Feng's mind moved, and the three acupoints of spirit, energy and spirit began to vibrate violently, constantly stimulating potential, making Chen Feng feel full of passion. With a long roar to the sky, Chen Feng couldn't help but want to find someone to fight.

Walking into the next palace, a combat puppet with a strength close to half-step golden immortal satisfied Chen Feng.

With one contact, Chen Feng was swept away, but the slight vibration of the longevity wings resolved the force acting on his body and stabilized his body. The next moment, Chen Feng's body bounced and took the lead in launching an attack. The longevity sword in his hand quickly slashed, and the sword momentum contained the power of wind and thunder, which was faster and more destructive.

After a few rounds of fighting, Chen Feng figured out the opponent's strength and routines. This combat puppet was very powerful. The iron stick in his hand was made of the power of gold and earth. The defense and attack power were also amazing, but the weakness was speed.

Chen Feng's eyes became dark, and his eyes fell on the combat puppet. He could immediately see the direction of the power in the opponent's body, and even see the material and refining method of this combat puppet.

Seeing through the opponent at a glance and controlling the direction of the opponent's power, this feeling is very good.

These years of adventure have made Chen Feng's pupil technique stronger, and the Cave Heaven God Eye has also been upgraded to a higher level. However, Chen Feng's current realm is not enough. Even if there is more energy, it is impossible to make the Cave Heaven God Eye advance again without the corresponding perception to reach another higher level.


Chen Feng moved quickly, and the long sword in his hand stabbed the combat puppet. Then the combat puppet, which was attacking fiercely, slowed down a little. The longevity sword stabbed out again, and stabbed the opponent eighteen times in a row. The combat puppet finally stopped. The power that was originally flowing rapidly in the body was already in the stage of Chen Feng's sword energy.

Seeing through the reality and attacking its weak points, with the improvement of the Cave Heaven God Eye, Chen Feng's combat effectiveness has also been improved to a higher level.

Eighty-eight palaces.

Eighty-nine palaces.

In the ninetieth palace, Chen Feng met an interesting opponent, a young man wearing green armor, holding a long sword, and forced Chen Feng to retreat again and again.

"He is a high-level immortal warrior, and he was blessed with the wind sword and the way of power by the half-step golden immortal. The swordsmanship he practiced seems to be from the Great Tearing Swordsmanship in the Sky Breaking Sword Record. In terms of combat power, he is probably no less than Sun Swallow and others." Under Chen Feng's gaze, the opponent's moves could not be hidden. Although he could capture the opponent's attack traces, it was another matter to resist and defend. So Chen Feng retreated again and again until the Changsheng Sword in his hand had dense cracks, and finally exploded with a bang.

"The Changsheng weapon still has defects and is not perfect. It is also a pseudo-artifact, but it was broken by the opponent. This is simply a shame."

"However, the opponent bullied me, a small middle-level true immortal, with the realm of a high-level immortal. Isn't it a bit too much." Chen Feng smiled and let the opponent's long sword pierce him.

The armor blocked the long sword, buying Chen Feng some time. Chen Feng began to fight back. White light flew out of his left eye and black light flew out of his right eye. A Tai Chi diagram quickly formed and rushed towards the war immortal. At the same time, the longevity whip came into Chen Feng's hand and turned into a thin line to whip it.

This war immortal is a combat puppet made from a living person. His autonomous consciousness has been worn out, leaving only the will to fight. In this way, his combat power is even stronger.


The Tai Chi diagram was cut by the sword energy, and Chen Feng's longevity whip also had several cracks. However, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the dissipated yin and yang energy condensed into a chain again to entangle this person.

"Although I have been a little irritated in these years, it is undeniable that my strength has improved a lot. Without the help of the Longevity Tower and the power of the Blood Gathering Pearl, I can actually compete with the masters of the high-level celestial immortals. Maybe I am even stronger than them. This is my own strength."

Pah Pah Pah Pah!

This warrior fairy was very good at swordsmanship, especially every attack contained the way of wind and the way of force, the destructive power was beyond Chen Feng's imagination.

The chains and the longevity whip were cut off by the opponent's long sword, and the fast and erratic sword energy mixed with the chaotic energy fragments came towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled, tilted his body, and the longevity wings that had long been condensed behind him suddenly flashed and slashed. Under the powerful hurricane, the chaotic energy fragments were all dispersed, and the warrior fairy was also slapped away by the longevity wings.

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