Eternal Existence

Chapter 1158 Process

Everyone passed the first level and then went on to pass the second level. Chen Feng was the last one.

The space water waves generally enveloped Chen Feng, and Chen Feng entered a fantasy world. Various bizarre pictures were constantly changing. Sometimes huge ferocious beasts roared and charged towards him, and sometimes the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​fire. The ground burned his body, and thousands of light blades rushed from all directions, trying to kill Chen Feng until his body and mind were completely destroyed.

"I don't know what the test is in the first level. This level is aimed at the illusion of inducing inner demons by will. However, it is not strong enough. It is only at the level of a mid-level true immortal. If other people are like this, there won't be much trouble at all. Difficulty, it seems that we can’t waste time anymore.” Chen Feng said with fire pulsing in his eyes, and all the illusions in front of him were like paper burned by flames, burned away in an instant, and returned to their original appearance.

A piece of jade fell on Chen Feng, and it turned out to be another small fairy skill. Chen Feng shook his head and walked into the gate that just appeared. Chen Feng followed the road and entered the third palace.

While crossing the road, Chen Feng also noticed the void outside the palace. There were powerful forces guarding both sides of the road. In other words, after entering the palace, unless you pass all the passes, you can't even think of leaving here, because this is The restrictions left by Jinxian.

Chen Feng has long been tired of this kind of level-breaking game. In Chen Feng's opinion, there is nothing unique except for some specific routines. As long as he is strong enough, all obstacles in front of him are illusory.

Especially the obstacles set against Chen Feng's realm are not difficult for Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng stepped out of the third palace, he was teleported to a space composed of various arenas. Qingshan and others were fighting battle puppets on the arena.


A battle puppet with three heads and six arms was blasted out of the ring by Qingshan, but with a flash of light, Qingshan was teleported to another ring. Before he could stand still, he was attacked by the battle puppet on the ring.

Chen Feng took a look and saw that there were nine stages in total from low to high. They increased in order from low to high. If you pass the first level, you will be teleported to the second level. There will be no rest in between. When Chen Feng arrives, After that, someone has already reached the sixth level.

"The speed is quite fast, but the difficulty of this level has obviously increased." Chen Feng was teleported to the first arena. A battle puppet whose appearance was almost the same as that of a human monk held a big sword and faced it. Chen Feng came to kill with a powerful sword that contained the power of killing and destruction.

However, with a flash of his eyes, Chen Feng saw through all the opponent's attacks and the routes of power movement. With a movement of his feet, he moved forward and punched the opponent away.

"It's the level of an intermediate true immortal again." Chen Feng shook his head, already feeling a little helpless.

The next moment he took a breath, Chen Feng entered the second arena. This time Chen Feng faced two opponents, but he was still killed instantly by Chen Feng.

In the third arena, there are five battle puppets, who are also mid-level true immortals. The battle puppets here are stronger than those in the outside world, but they are still an instant kill in front of Chen Feng.

Thirty-six battle puppets surrounded Chen Feng and exploded with overwhelming sword energy. With just a flash of sword light, the thirty-six battle puppets around him were cut into two pieces almost at the same time.

Chen Feng passed through the sixth floor at an extremely fast speed. The puppets on the seventh floor finally changed their appearance. Two combat puppets with three heads and six arms launched attacks on Chen Feng one after another.

"High-level true immortal." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the difficulty finally increased.

If an ordinary monk came here, he might be instantly killed in the first arena, but for these perverted monks, killing people by leapfrogging is just a normal thing.

The first one to break through the nine arenas and leave was the mutated dragon, the second was Qingshan, the third was Duan Shuiliu, and the others were not much slower.

When Chen Feng reached the ninth level, he encountered six high-level true immortal battle puppets, but the result was still an instant kill.

This fighting speed shocked the remaining people.

After Chen Feng, there are three more people who are trying to break through.

At this level, he still got a small fairy skill. Chen Feng was already a little helpless, but he still quickly entered the fourth palace.

"This level is interesting!"

A total of eighteen gates appeared in front of Chen Feng. Each gate was carved with countless patterns. If you look closely, you can feel that there are various powers flowing on it. This is an application of the power of space. .

"One month, choose the right door to pass through, loser, die." The majestic voice sounded again.

"One month is longer, which means the difficulty of this level has also increased."

"But just identifying the correct passage should not be a big problem." Chen Feng said and used the Divine Eye of Heaven. In Chen Feng's eyes, Chen Feng gradually analyzed the nature of the power on this door.

"Not this one." He retracted his gaze and shifted to other doors.

Facing these gates, Chen Feng's method was to use pupil skills to explore and trace the origin. Others also had their own methods. The mutant dragon with the highest level used violent means to break through the gates. Although the process was slow, the effect was pretty good.

But the more important thing is to use the power of the soul to find the differences between these portals. A month can be long or short.

On the tenth day, Chen Feng successfully found the correct gate and entered the fifth palace. However, after using the Divine Eye of Heaven, Chen Feng was still not the first to successfully break through.

"It seems that the competition is fierce."

When Chen Feng was breaking through this mysterious space, Tunri and others in the Six Paths Sword Sect finally broke out. Under the instigation of Tunri and others, An Qilin found the top leaders of the Six Paths Sword Sect and began to put pressure on them.

The result of the pressure was that Hell Daojun and others told the truth about Chen Feng's disappearance. After learning the news, Tunri and others really rioted. If it weren't for An Qilin's suppression, they would probably cause chaos in the Six Paths Sword Sect.

Faced with the threat of Tunri and others summoning the army of the Eternal Heaven, Hell Daojun and others were helpless and anxious.

In any case, Chen Feng did disappear in the Six Paths Sword Sect, and Chen Feng's identity was extraordinary. Once, as Tunri and others said, the Eternal Heaven was alarmed, the Six Paths Sword Sect could be easily destroyed by mobilizing the power of the Wuya Legion.

So the most important thing at the moment was to prevent Tunri and others from spreading the news. If the Half-Step Golden Immortal took action, it would be easy to deal with it, but now that An Qilin was added, things were different. An Qilin was very powerful and was also a Half-Step Golden Immortal. Hell Daojun and others were not sure that they could quickly deal with An Qilin.

"Chen Feng is just practicing in a strange place, nothing will go wrong, everyone can rest assured, I can guarantee this with our entire Six Paths Sword Sect." Helplessly, Hell Daojun could only explain again and again. As a high-ranking Half-Step Golden Immortal, Hell Daojun felt that he had done a good job.

However, this could not calm the anger of Tunri and others. After a while, two teams of twelve cultivators from the Wuya Corps came to join Tunri and others. Although there were not many people, they were only celestial immortals, but this move made Hell Daojun and others a little nervous.

There were also some disagreements among Tunri and others. Some people advocated contacting the masters in the Wuya Corps, while others were worried that doing so would bring more danger to Chen Feng.

Although Dark Kirin was the strongest, he was only a friend of Chen Feng after all, and could not interfere with the decision of Tunri and others.

Just when everyone was a little impatient, they finally received the sound transmission from the tower, and then everyone collectively quieted down, no longer mentioned the matter of returning to Changsheng Heaven to ask for help, and settled down in the Six Paths Sword Sect with peace of mind.

In this way, Hell Daojun and others were relieved, but then they became worried again, because Chen Feng's disappearance was completely beyond the control of these people, and the six half-step golden immortals did not know whether Chen Feng would be in danger.

Let's talk about Chen Feng's current situation. Although Chen Feng did not know what would happen outside, he could guess what would happen if he did not appear for a long time.

Chen Feng had already reached the 30th palace. There would be a period of rest after every ten palaces. Chen Feng was sitting cross-legged on a jade chair, observing the black stone in his hand.

At first, the gap between the people was not so easy to see, but as time went on, the distance between everyone was revealed. When Chen Feng was resting in the 30th palace, several people had surpassed Chen Feng, of course, there were more behind Chen Feng, and there were still a few people wandering below the 20th floor, but so far no one has been eliminated.

"This strange stone is good. Although I don't know where it came from, it has a tight structure, is hard enough, and has good ductility. The most important thing is that it contains a trace of divinity and the breath of the origin of the universe." This fist-sized inconspicuous stone is the reward Chen Feng just received. For Chen Feng, it is used to refine magic weapons in the future.

However, just when Chen Feng wanted to put this black stone away, a wave of desire suddenly came from his body, and then the black stone in his hand disappeared.

Chen Feng was stunned at first, and then he laughed. In Chen Feng's perception, this stone has been swallowed by the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron and was soon decomposed cleanly.

"How could I forget that the Great Desolate Cauldron has been broken for so many years, and the energy in the fragments must have been consumed. I should find a way to replenish it so that I can exert stronger power. It's a pity that most of my collection is in the Longevity Tower." Chen Feng said and took out some strange things from the acupoints.

Although Chen Feng's collection seemed a bit messy, everything that Chen Feng stored in the acupoints was of the highest quality. As expected, some metal ores and rare spiritual objects were noticed by the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron and then absorbed.

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