Eternal Existence

Chapter 1156: Geniuses from all walks of life

Chen Feng ignored the other party, and instead slashed at the man with ten times more powerful sword energy. The sword light flickered, and a scar appeared on the immortal's body.

Chen Feng's actions aroused the anger of these people. The half-step golden immortal, who was a mutated dragon, relied on his physical body and quickly approached Chen Feng, and a golden air flow rushed towards Chen Feng.

This person's speed has reached the extreme, and he also blocked the surrounding space when he took action. He thought that he could just touch Chen Feng a little, but he didn't expect that the lightning that suddenly appeared was even faster, blocking the golden airflow. The monk was whipped away with one stroke, and the smell of burnt flesh emanated.

Everyone was stunned, and even Chen Feng stopped taking action. Even the powerful Half-Step Golden Immortal couldn't block the lightning attack here. Chen Feng even thought of collecting these lightnings, but he couldn't do it.

"That's all, everyone, let's stop for now. I came late, so let's talk about the situation here." Chen Feng stopped. He just made sure of the situation here. Fortunately, these people couldn't fight back, otherwise Chen Feng was not having a hard time either, but that Half-Step Golden Immortal was not someone he could deal with.

In this strange place, don't be too arrogant.

"Actually, we have just arrived. The specific situation is the same as yours. We don't know much. However, I come from the fairy world. You can call me Duan Shui Shui." A young monk wearing black armor said with a smile. This person's aura is relatively cold, but he is also the first to express goodwill to Chen Feng.

"Broken water flow." Chen Feng thought about it carefully, and then said: "In the chaotic land in the north, Han Ming Body, cut off the water flow?"

After hearing this, Duanshui Shui's eyes flashed: "I didn't expect Brother Chen to know so much about the situation in our immortal world. It seems that the immortal world is not as silent as it seems."

"Where are the others?" Chen Feng looked at the others. Although everyone was unhappy, they still spoke.

"I'm from the underworld."

"I come from the fairy world."

"I come from the Piaomiao Immortal Realm!" At this time, a monk in white clothes who looked reserved smiled and said, Chen Feng and others were a little surprised.

"I didn't expect that there are other friends from the Immortal Realm here. It seems that this mysterious space may not be in the Immortal Realm." Chen Feng nodded and said.

"Maybe I'm not in your Wuji Immortal Realm. I come from the Ancient Immortal Realm. You can call me Qingshan, a high-level immortal." A young man who looked ordinary and unpretentious said with a smile.

"Prehistoric Immortal Realm." Chen Feng's expression changed.

"I wonder if my friend has ever heard of Emperor Qingyun?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

Qingshan was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I think this friend must have received the inheritance from Emperor Qingyun?"

"Uh!" Chen Feng was also stunned because the other party guessed correctly.

"Haha, friend, we can have a good chat later, because I have also received the inheritance from Emperor Qingyun." Qingshan said with a smile.

Although Chen Feng was curious, his previous guesses and doubts seemed to be becoming clearer, because judging from the names, Qingyun Temple, Qingyun Emperor, and Huangming Emperor were all legendary existences, but the inheritance he had received was Just one hundred and eighty-five ancient characters and four laws of heaven. When he first got them, he was a little excited. But as time went by and his cultivation increased, Chen Feng found that all of them were there. There were many doubts, but the Primordial Immortal Realm was too far away from him, so Chen Feng no longer thought about it. But now that he met the monks from the Primordial Immortal Realm, of course he had to inquire carefully.

Then everyone else more or less told some of their own situations. The most powerful mutant dragon came from the Sun Star Territory and was caught between the Wuji Immortal Territory and the Heavenly Emperor Immortal Territory.

And the strong monk who was knocked unconscious by Chen Feng also woke up and came from the primitive world.

The reasons and methods for everyone to enter this space are also similar, but in the end someone still asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

"Why won't you be attacked?" This is the most important point. The palace stretching to the distant depths in front of you shows that there will be something here. No matter what the strength of everyone present, people like Chen Feng Cheaters are the most unfair and unpopular to everyone. If there were no restrictions, everyone present would have killed Chen Feng long ago.

"Even I don't understand this. I was the last one to come." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's not like you have something on you, right?" Some people suspected that Chen Feng shook his head and refused to answer.

"Everyone, I think it's okay for everyone to wait here. How about going in and having a look?" Chen Feng pointed to the palace in front of him.

"If we could enter, you think we would be waiting here." Banbu Jinxian said with a sneer.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he seemed to understand something, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he stepped forward to communicate with Qingshan who came from the prehistoric fairyland.

"Friend, tell me about Emperor Qingyun, I am paid." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There is no need for any reward. I can exchange the same thing with you." Qingshan said and waved his hand, and a stream of light flew out. Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. These streams of light were composed of ancient characters. It comes from the same source as the one hundred and eighty-five ancient characters I got.

"I have two hundred and thirty-one ancient characters here, which are also inherited from Emperor Qingyun. They can be given to friends." Qingshan said with a smile.

"I have one hundred and eighty-five ancient characters here." Chen Feng waved his hand, and a stream of light flew out. The two parties exchanged it, then savored it carefully, and laughed at the same time.

"Actually, these ancient characters do not have specific meanings. They are traces of consciousness and fragments of the Great Law left by Emperor Qingyun. But because there are too many fragments, I want to understand something from these few hundred ancient characters. It’s extremely difficult, I’ve had these ancient characters for a while, but I can only comprehend some sporadic memories,” Qingshan said with a smile.

"Tell me about the news about Emperor Qingyun."

"Emperor Qingyun, this is a very powerful figure who exists in legends. He is considered a master among the Golden Immortals. However, he died after fighting against Emperor Huang Ming. However, the remaining power and consciousness are constantly scattered. , almost scattered throughout the Immortal Realm, and every trace of life mark is turned into a inheritance. There are countless monks who have been inherited by Emperor Qingyun in the entire Immortal Realm, and I am just an inconspicuous one among them. I just didn’t expect it. Yes, the inheritance of Emperor Qingyun will come to other immortal realms," Qingshan said slowly.

"Really? I don't believe that you are the inconspicuous among them. Perhaps you are the biggest gainer among the inheritors."

"Brother Chen is really good at joking. I heard that someone got a drop of blood essence from Emperor Qingyun and was promoted to the level of a half-step golden immortal in a short period of time. My cultivation level is incomparable with him."

"Okay, have you two chatted enough?" At this time, someone finally couldn't help but speak. Chen Feng glanced at the other person with dissatisfaction. He was a middle-level immortal with good cultivation. Then he saw the others looking at Chen Feng. Feng's eyes were also a little unkind.

"Oh! Why, my friend, do you have a problem?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Chen Feng, right? In fact, everyone knows what is going on. You are the key to us entering the palace." The monk said with a gloomy face.

"Really, so what?" Chen Feng's face was full of smile.

"Do you mean to let me take the lead and you to follow behind, or do you mean to think that I am a fool and want to get in? Yes, you can go anywhere with your own abilities, but you must not use this tone and talk to me. I'll speak." Chen Feng's expression changed quickly and became a little gloomy.

"Humph, others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you. I can't take action against you, but you can't even think of hurting me, and I don't believe you will wait here forever."

Although the people Chen Feng forced before were a little embarrassed, it was only to some real immortals. In the eyes of these immortals, they did not even really take Chen Feng into consideration.

"Haha, we are monks, and we are very high-level monks. The environment here is good, and the spiritual energy is sufficient. There is no problem in cultivating here for a million years." Chen Feng slowly walked aside as he spoke, and the air flow surged around his body. He moved and actually entered a state of cultivation.

On the surface, it seems that Chen Feng is practicing, but in fact, Chen Feng is secretly quickly analyzing the situation in front of him. Chen Feng is not worried that these people will be detrimental to him. Chen Feng is just a little confused, that is, why he will not be attacked. , why is it different from others.

Various conditions such as origin, bloodline, physique, strength, etc. constantly flashed through Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then he analyzed them quickly and carefully, trying to find some clues. As for the luck and chance mentioned before, Chen Feng would not believe it at all.

While Chen Feng was practicing, the other people's expressions were not good-looking, and there would be no effect at all if they took action.

But it’s okay to just wait with him like this.

"I suggest that we do it together. I don't believe it won't work." The mid-level immortal stared at Chen Feng and said fiercely.

However, everyone's reaction was not very enthusiastic, and some even looked accusingly in their eyes.

"You are too reckless. Chen Feng is obviously taking the soft side rather than the hard side. If you offend him like this, it is equivalent to hurting us." The person who spoke was also a mid-level immortal.

"You mean you blame me?"

"Yes, it's your problem. If we can't go in because of your delay, hehe, there will always be a chance to take action next."

"Fart, I'm not thinking about everyone. Listen to me. Let's do it together. I don't believe that the will here will punish us all because of Chen Feng alone." Finally, the middle-level immortal shouted loudly.

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