Eternal Existence

Chapter 1155 A Strange Place

"So, the situation is not good, kid, with my current strength, I can still transfer you away, but I am not sure if it will take too long, so you have to make a decision quickly." Ta said in a deep voice.

"It can't be such a coincidence, I must be more than one person who has been to this cave, could it be that other cultivators can also be sucked in, I don't think so, what exactly caused the other party to attack me." Chen Feng began to quickly calculate, from entering the cave bit by bit, everything rolled in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

After Chen Feng analyzed it several times, Ta couldn't wait any longer.

"Kid, my connection with you is about to be cut off, you must make a decision now, this place is too mysterious, I suggest you leave with me." Ta's voice was a little stern.

Chen Feng hesitated a little. Indeed, in this mysterious space, without the protection of the Changsheng Tower, once he encountered danger, he would have no place to run.

So Chen Feng nodded and was about to agree to leave, but at this time a powerful energy suddenly appeared and wrapped Chen Feng up. When Ta found out that something was wrong, he had already flown billions of miles away and broke free from the connection with the Changsheng Tower.

"Not good!"

Ta exclaimed, and a powerful force extended in this space, but in the end he still couldn't find Chen Feng, so he had no choice but to retract his power.

"Now I can only hope that this kid is lucky enough." Ta knew that it was useless to worry. His crisis had not completely passed, so it was really not suitable to show up. However, Ta also locked the coordinates of the space where Chen Feng was. If the situation allowed, he could enter it to find Chen Feng.

Under the wrapping of this mysterious power, Chen Feng could not resist at all. At first he was a little anxious, but soon calmed down. The opponent's power was very strong. He could cut off his connection with the Changsheng Tower, which showed his means. Killing him was not a problem at all. So now he was worried and struggling, but it was useless. Moreover, from the beginning, the opponent seemed to have no ill will towards him.

Chen Feng was constantly traveling in this mysterious space wrapped in this power. If he was not forced to do so, Chen Feng really seemed like an immortal wandering in chaos.

A golden light rapidly enlarged in the distant space, and finally turned into a palace floating in the void space. The pictures were spread out like drops of ink. Chen Feng gradually saw that starting from the palace, roads and buildings extended to the distance.

Chen Feng sensed a strong fluctuation of life. There were people, and there were people fighting.

The power acting on his body began to disappear, and Chen Feng landed lightly on a road paved with unknown stones.


A cultivator suddenly jumped up and punched Chen Feng at a very fast speed, which contained the laws of power and speed.

"If you can't catch it, you can't enter the palace." The sound wave also turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng knew that he couldn't retreat, otherwise he would leave the passage and enter the void, so Chen Feng stomped his feet, and the power in his body gathered into a stream, erupting like a volcano, and collided with the opponent's fist.

"Hey! Something is wrong!"

Chen Feng showed a surprised look on his face, not because the opponent was strong, but because the opponent was too weak. Chen Feng's power almost crushed the opponent's attack like a dead tree and rotten wood, and then he went forward. With the crackling sound, the cultivator turned into starlight fragments.

What surprised Chen Feng even more was that these starlight fragments quickly closed up and returned to the state of a cultivator, and then stood quietly aside with a calm expression, not saying a word. Chen Feng then realized that this cultivator was clearly a combat puppet, guarding the passage and blocking the cultivators coming.

Chen Feng's mind quickly replayed the scenes just now. The combat puppet's attack on Chen Feng clearly showed the realm of a mid-level true immortal, so everything made sense. How could a cultivator of the same realm be Chen Feng's opponent? Being broken up by a punch was just a normal result.

"Interesting, it turns out that the strength is tested according to the realm. Wouldn't it be a big advantage for me to say this?" Chen Feng laughed and strode forward along the road.

Sure enough, this time there was no more combat puppet to stop Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also believed that if he was in the realm of celestial immortals, then the combat puppet just now would have erupted with the strength of celestial immortals.

"Another newcomer has arrived."

In the square in front of the hall, there were already familiar people standing there, and everyone looked at Chen Feng with different eyes.

Chen Feng had a smile on his face, but he was secretly observing the other party's strength.

"Shangxian, Zhenxian, Tianxian, Half-step Jinxian, tsk tsk! It's really interesting, there are cultivators of all realms, and they are gathered together." With Chen Feng's strength, he can completely see through the strength of the people present, but there is one thing Chen Feng can be sure of, that is, these cultivators are very special, some have special blood, some have special physiques, and some have super strong combat power. In a straightforward and easy-to-understand way, these people are geniuses on the road of cultivation.

Maybe there is another kind of person who is not so easy to see, that is, luck and opportunity.

"I don't know what conditions led to my selection. Bloodline? Physical fitness? Or super strong fighting ability? It can't be luck. How come I have all of these?"

"But I still have some doubts. I don't know if anyone else from the Six Paths Sword Sect has entered here. Why do I feel that all these developments seem to have nothing to do with the Six Paths Primordial Scripture?"

"New friend, please introduce yourself." The person who spoke was a Half-step Golden Immortal who was the strongest in the realm. On the surface, this person looked handsome, but Chen Feng could see that this expert was not a human, but a mutant dragon. Chen Feng could not tell the details, but just felt that the other party's blood and energy were full to an exaggerated degree.

"A dragon with full blood and energy must have a strong body and a fast recovery speed. This should be considered a perverted part."

"Hello everyone, you can call me Chen Feng, I am from the Changsheng clan, and my characteristics are fast speed and strong strength." At this point, Chen Feng paused and looked at everyone, then smiled and said: "Are you going to introduce yourself?"

"Who do you think you are? Is the Changsheng clan so great? I haven't even heard of it." A cultivator was very aggressive. Chen Feng looked at him and saw that the other party was just a mid-level true immortal, at the same realm as himself. He came to provoke him like this. Does this guy think he is stronger than himself?

"What are you looking at? You said you are strong, but I wonder if you are stronger than me?" This cultivator's body is very strong. In Chen Feng's eyes, this is a naked human, but the tightness of the body is far beyond some powerful beasts, and there is a space node in the body. Chen Feng can easily see that the other party has opened up a power-related acupoint like himself. Chen Feng calls it the power acupoint. The other party's power acupoint in the body is like a dazzling star.

Chen Feng looked around and found that the eyes of this tall cultivator were full of provocation and teasing, while others also had expressions of gloating and watching the fun, and there were a few more complicated eyes.

"Do you think I'm easy to bully?" Although he was a little puzzled by these people's eyes, Chen Feng decided to take action in the face of provocation.

Just as Chen Feng himself said, his specialties are speed and strength, so Chen Feng showed speed and strength. He did not use the immortal wings. He took the immortal step and came in front of the other party, and punched him hard.

In this process, Chen Feng found that the eyes of the crowd watching the fun became more enthusiastic, and there was also a sense of expectation.

What Chen Feng found most strange was the target of his attack, eh! That was the tall monk who provoked him. He had already attacked, but this guy didn't even have a defensive posture, and his face was full of mockery, as if he had cultivated an indestructible body. He just laughed at Chen Feng's fist falling on his face.


Chen Feng was not polite, and punched the other party away. The monk, who was famous for his strength, rolled on the ground and finally stopped after hitting a stone pillar.

"How is it possible!"

The monk exclaimed, as if he couldn't believe that he was beaten. There were other monks who were watching the fun who exclaimed in the same way.

Chen Feng didn't care so much. He moved his feet and came in front of the other party again. He kicked out, and the tall monk screamed and was knocked away again. This time Chen Feng added a little more strength, and the monk fainted before landing.

"Tsk tsk, he can withstand my two attacks, this person is not simple." Chen Feng shook his head, then walked back, looked at the others and said with a smile: "I think you should introduce yourself."

These onlookers looked at each other, with doubts in their eyes. Finally, a primary immortal came out and attacked Chen Feng from a distance. Chen Feng saw that the other party was just testing and not trying his best, so he was not in a hurry to attack. He stepped back a few steps and wanted to see what the other party had.

But something even more bizarre happened. The opponent's attack was dispersed by a lightning that appeared out of thin air before it came to him. At the same time, another lightning fell on the immortal, so the immortal was miserable. With screams, his whole body was charred, smoke rose, and his skin and flesh rolled up. It seemed that he was even more miserable than the guy who was knocked unconscious by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was stunned at first, then looked at the expressions of others, and finally understood what happened. In order to confirm this, Chen Feng waved his hand, and several sword energies attacked other people indiscriminately in a large area.

Sure enough, during Chen Feng's attack, all these cultivators dodged in all directions, and those who were in a more embarrassed state even ran away with their heads in their hands. No one, including the Half-Step Golden Immortal, dared to fight back.

"Tsk tsk, so that's what happened. What's my problem? Is it just luck against the sky? It doesn't seem like it." Chen Feng said as he flicked his fingers, and more sword energy appeared.

"My friend, stop for now, let's have a good talk." One of the immortals couldn't help but shout.

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