Eternal Existence

Chapter 1152 Dark Qilin Appears

"In fact, these treasures are not bad. Things that can be collected by the Golden Immortal must not be ordinary items." Chen Feng smiled and put the things away.

Just now, he quickly sensed that there were a few artifacts, but most of them were some innate chaos artifacts. However, there were also a few fragments of mid-level artifacts. Of course, Chen Feng didn't have time to take a closer look at it at this time. It would be bad if it attracted other people to snatch them.

Although Tunri and others were born in the Changsheng Heaven, their faces were also flushed at this time. I think they have gained a lot.

"It's worthy of being the Dragon Cemetery. I didn't expect to get so much this time." Although he said so, he still put all the things away.

The fact that the Half-Step Golden Immortal didn't care about Chen Feng and others didn't mean that others would let go. Because the distance was too far, the cultivators who were several times more than Chen Feng and others only got 20% of the treasures. It was unrealistic to snatch things from those Half-Step Golden Immortals, so they all targeted Chen Feng and others.

"Friends, share some of the things. You can't eat so much." One of the high-level celestial immortals with strong combat power rushed over with murderous aura.

"If someone comes to die, kill them." Chen Feng said lightly, and the Sun God Needle in his hand flew out, killing two people in an instant.

"I can't wait any longer, watch me, Tunri." Tunri displayed his innate magical powers, and Dafeng and others also started to fight.

A chaotic bloody battle began. The cultivators on Chen Feng's side were all from the Changsheng clan, and their combat effectiveness exceeded that of the cultivators in the fairy world. They killed a large number of opponents as soon as they fought, but soon more cultivators rushed over, and Tunri and others could not resist.

"I don't know if this space can communicate with the Changsheng Heaven." Tunri was angry, and wanted to communicate with the Changsheng Heaven to get blessings and increase his strength.

"Friends, as long as you take out half of the treasures, this matter will be settled." The cultivator who spoke was infinitely close to the half-step golden immortal, and the sword light flowed around him, as if he came from the Xianjian Sect.

"This matter will not be settled just like that." Chen Feng said as if he had communicated secretly, and then a black space channel appeared, and a rich dark force gushed out from it.

"Could it be that the young master's friend is going to take action? Isn't he planning to snatch the dragon corpse and the dragon spear?" Tunri was a little surprised.

A strong Hercules ape jumped out of it, stretched out his hand to grab a celestial being, roared, and tore the other party in half, extremely bloody.

"A Hercules ape at the high-level celestial being level is still practicing the dark way." Dafeng was surprised.

After the second, third, and five huge Hercules apes appeared, a dark night dragon that was ten thousand feet long rushed out of the black passage, and its mighty breath made Chen Feng and others feel secretly frightened.

Shadow Demon Leopard, Howling Sky Wolf, Phantom Beast and other strange beasts full of dark power, as well as several human monks wrapped in black air participated in it.

After the number exceeded a hundred, the black passage disappeared. This time, the reinforcements coming from the dark world were all at the level of high-level celestial beings, and they started a crazy killing as soon as they appeared.

With the addition of Tunri and others, the scene completely changed. The various cultivators who besieged Chen Feng and others were killed and bloody, and finally fled in all directions.

"So many cultivators from the dark world?" Tian Wu said with some surprise. They all came from strange beasts, and Tian Wu had some familiarity with these strange beasts full of dark power.

At this time, the dragon spear had fallen into the hands of one of the half-step golden immortals, but it was very difficult to rush out because he was besieged by several people.


The half-step golden immortal was ruthless in his heart, gritted his teeth, and spurted out a breath of spirit, temporarily suppressing the rioting dragon spear. With a wave of his hand, one opponent was swept away, and then he used the dragon spear to swing it, and his combat power soared. After a few rounds of fighting, one person was seriously injured, stimulating the power of the intermediate artifact, sweeping all the way, and it was about to rush out.

"Stop him, he hasn't completely controlled the dragon spear."

"Once the other party completely controls the dragon spear, we are all dead."

The half-step golden immortals present were divided into two groups, one group snatched the dragon spear, and the other group snatched the dragon corpse. The dragon spear was already in hand, and the dragon corpse was lying on the ground, containing powerful power. Each family fought for it. Although the huge dragon corpse was tough and contained powerful energy, it had been left for too long. Under the desperate efforts of the half-step golden immortals, some cracks gradually appeared, and streams of dragon essence emanated from it.

Finally, with a bang, the dragon corpse burst out with powerful energy and became torn into pieces. Everyone went to snatch pieces of flesh and bones.

The scene became more chaotic, and Chen Feng and others also rushed up, gathering together to form a force and wanted to get a share.

For a dragon corpse at the golden immortal level, it would be a huge gain to snatch a drop of blood.

The black channel appeared again, and the huge black hand seized the opportunity, slapped a half-step golden immortal away with a slap, snatched the dragon spear in his hand, and wanted to close the channel and leave here.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several attacks exploded, and the black passage finally disappeared. Then a young man in black strode out with a dragon spear in his hand. His face was grim, and black magic patterns continued to extend from his body. He was majestic and awe-inspiring. He swung the dragon spear in his hand fiercely, and a cultivator was pierced and his body was blown into two pieces.

"It's true that people are so annoying when they compare themselves to others. I thought I was practicing fast enough, but I didn't expect this guy to reach this level." Chen Feng said with some emotion as he watched the man in black killing people everywhere.

"Sir, this person has the breath of the origin of the dark world." Dafeng said in surprise.

"This is my friend, the owner of the Dark Scripture. His strength has improved so fast. I think he has taken control of the dark world." Chen Feng said as his figure flashed. The wings of immortality behind him spread out, and his speed soared to snatch a flying dragon claw.

As for the dragon head, don't even think about it. I don't know how many people are fighting desperately.

However, the dragon claw is not so easy to snatch. Before he got close, a subtle golden light blade slashed at Chen Feng.

This light blade looked simple and unpretentious, but Chen Feng was locked from soul to body. Before it landed on him, his soul felt torn apart. This was the attack of a half-step golden immortal, the lock of the power of the law of the great way.

The wings of immortality could not break the opponent's lock. The sun needle flashed out and collided with the light blade. The light blade was defeated by some energy, and the rest still fell on Chen Feng.


Chen Feng flew backwards, leaving a thick wave of air in the air. However, after a turn, Chen Feng stabilized his body again. Although his face looked a little ugly and his body was also injured, it was much lighter than the previous injury he encountered when resisting the attack of the dragon spear.

A crack appeared on the armor on his chest, but it was healing quickly.

"A half-step golden immortal's attack wants to break my armor? This is a fragment of a top-grade artifact." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Sun God Needle fell into his hand, with some blood on it that had not evaporated.

Sun Swallow and Sky Centipede stepped forward to entangle the half-step golden immortal, and Dafeng took the opportunity to retract the dragon claw.

"Get out!"

The half-step golden immortal was angry. He was so high and mighty, but he was fooled by several celestial immortals, and these celestial immortals were so powerful that they snatched the dragon claw from his hand.


The half-step golden immortal was just thinking about showing off his power, but he didn't expect the dragon spear to fall from the sky and pierce his body. The dark unicorn reached out and grabbed it from a distance, and the dragon spear spun quickly. Under the powerful force, the half-step golden immortal was torn into pieces.

In a short time, the dark unicorn seemed to have mastered the dragon spear. After a killing, he killed several half-step golden immortals. Others no longer dared to step forward and tacitly accepted the owner of the dragon spear. Some people turned to fight for the scattered dragon corpses.

"Let's go."

At this time, the dark unicorn reached out and grabbed, and the space shrank. Chen Feng and others were gathered together. Then they felt the stars move, and they didn't know how many miles away they were after landing.

"Hahaha, long time no see, I didn't expect you to enter the realm of half-step golden immortal." Seeing the dark unicorn, Chen Feng smiled.

This was Chen Feng's backup plan. He had contacted the dark unicorn before entering the dragon cemetery, but as an ambush, the dark unicorn had been hiding in the dark. The perfect hiding method was not even noticed by other half-step golden immortals.

"I have completely merged with the Dark Scripture and become the true master of the Dark Realm. I have been fighting in the Dark Night for these years. I am also surprised that you have grown to this point, but your strength has also increased greatly." Dark Kirin has always been cool, but the surprise in his eyes still reveals his current mood.

"Hello, senior." Tunri and others came forward to greet him. Dark Kirin can be regarded as a divine beast among the exotic beasts. In terms of the nobility of blood, it is no less than the dragon clan. Tunri and others naturally feel a little close to him.

"You are welcome, just call me Dark Night." Dark Kirin nodded and said.

"Senior Dark Night, I wonder if there are other treasures here?" Tunri came forward to get close.

"That's exactly what I want to say. The cemetery here is very large. In my perception, there should be several golden immortal dragon corpses, but a golden immortal has already appeared, and the next scene is not suitable for us." Dark Kirin said.


A ball of golden light exploded in the distance, and under the mighty pressure, the entire dragon cemetery shook.

"The Golden Immortals are fighting."

"Let's go, leave here."

Dark Kirin made a quick move, collected Chen Feng and others, and rushed to the outside world.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Golden light shone everywhere, and the indestructible space in the Dragon Cemetery appeared densely packed with cracks. Some unlucky immortals were caught in it and could never get out again.

Although wrapped in the power of Dark Kirin, Chen Feng and others still felt a little scalp numb. The power of a real Golden Immortal could kill them at will.

"Chen Feng, save our lives." Chen Feng heard someone calling him while running, and he seemed very anxious. After performing the pupil technique, he found that it was Posha Jianzun and others. These people were unlucky and were trapped in the space cracks during their escape. There was also golden chaotic energy around them.

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