Eternal Existence

Chapter 1151 Hidden Black Hand

"A high-level immortal, you didn't even find the direction, and you rushed forward in a hurry. Isn't this courting death?" Tunri sneered.

Sure enough, the high-level immortal was pierced by the phantom of the spear before he hit the light.


The light began to converge and completely disappeared in the spear. The phantom of the spear also condensed a little. At this time, Chen Feng's heart jumped, and the strong danger continued to hit his heart.

"Quickly retreat!" Chen Feng shouted and retreated quickly. At this time, the huge spear had changed from upright to sweeping. It swung and slashed around fiercely, and the whole world was cut into two halves.

Within this range, whether it was the immortal or the half-step golden immortal with golden light, they were all cut into two halves without suspense.

Coupled with the destructive power of the artifact, Chen Feng thought that no one would survive.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't have time to think about this kind of thing at this time. Although Chen Feng retreated at the first time, it was still a little late. Seeing that the light emitted by the spear was about to sweep across Chen Feng.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Dafeng, Tunri, and Tianwu quickly blocked Chen Feng, followed by Mingyue, and Tiezhen gritted his teeth and rushed forward, but Chen Feng shook and surpassed several people to block the front again.

At this time, the light curtain of the spear had already reached Chen Feng, and everyone could feel the breath of death rushing over and covering their whole body.

"Young Master!"

Tunri and others shouted, but it was too late to move forward at this time. Everyone was in extreme pain, especially Tunri and the other three, whose origin fire began to burn.

"Show your strongest power."

At this time, Chen Feng calmed down. When the light of the spear was about to sweep across Chen Feng, a black shield blocked Chen Feng.

The spear swept across the shield, and the indestructible spear paused for a moment, without cutting through the shield in front of Chen Feng. The shield was flowing with gray airflow, which dissolved the spear's attack.

However, Chen Feng, who was hiding behind the shield, was still struck by lightning. He groaned, and first blood flowed from his seven orifices, and then the skin and flesh all over his body began to crack and roll, which was a sign of explosion.


Tunri and others burst out with all their strength, and then the shield hit backwards under the power of the spear, and flew thousands of miles before stopping.

"That was close!" Tunri's whole body relaxed and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the spear just now was just a large-scale sweep, and did not specifically target the shield.

After the danger passed, the shield condensed into a ball and drilled into Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng could no longer see his original appearance, leaving only a ball of squirming flesh and blood.

"Young Master!" Tunri wanted to move forward excitedly.

"Back off, Young Master is fine." Dafeng stopped everyone.

The flesh and blood kept squirming, and soon condensed into four limbs, and then every blink of an eye, the human figure would become clearer, and finally a ball of immortal true qi spread out, and Chen Feng's face began to appear.

Opening his mouth and spitting out a blood mist, Chen Feng completely returned to normal.

"That was close!" Chen Feng also took a long breath. If he hadn't used the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron at the critical moment, wouldn't he have been strangled to pieces?

"Young Master, are you okay?" Dafeng and others asked worriedly.

"It's okay. The power of the spear is not concentrated, and it's not the main body. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to survive." After Chen Feng recovered, he found that the shadow of the spear had disappeared, leaving behind a cemetery in the shape of a spear. The blood mist floating around explained the tragedy just now. Even half-step golden immortals died in it, and as for the celestial immortals, none of them escaped.

"Just now, it was the will accumulated by the artifact spear for many years. The main body is still in the tomb, and I think there is more than one artifact in the tomb." Chen Feng looked at the tomb in front of him, and before he went forward, two sword lights fell in front of him from the left and right.

"Half-step golden immortal!" Everyone was shocked and stepped forward to surround Chen Feng tightly.

"What can I do for you, two seniors?" Chen Feng said lightly, without a trace of worry. The two half-step golden immortals were surrounded by a faint light, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

Chen Feng and others felt a strong pressure. Although the half-step golden immortal was only one grade higher than the high-level celestial immortal, the gap between the two was as big as the sky.

"Hand over your shield just now." The golden light on the left made a roaring sound, and Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was boiling. There was a meaning of obeying the other party, and he was about to take out the fragments of the Great Desolate Cauldron. This was the suppression of the life level.

However, at this time, a stream of energy was injected into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and Chen Feng immediately returned to normal. At the same time, the half-step golden immortal who spoke also shook his body.

"I'm sorry." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Little True Immortal is so bold, aren't you afraid that we will kill you? This is a very simple thing." The half-step golden immortal said again.

"Then try it."

Tunri and the others were already very nervous, but Chen Feng acted very relaxed. Everyone was very confused. Could it be that Chen Feng still had a way to compete with the half-step golden immortal?

Even if there was, it would not change the current situation. Being able to compete does not mean being able to defeat.

"It's not that troublesome. They are just a few little ghosts. Even if they are from the Immortal Realm, what can they do?" Another Half-Step Golden Immortal said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed fiercely. Chen Feng and the others immediately felt their whole bodies stiffen and could not move.


A golden light burst out from Chen Feng's body, knocking away the opponent's palm and breaking the opponent's suppression. After returning to normal, Tunri and others immediately burst out with powerful strength, roaring wildly and rushing towards the two half-step golden immortals in front of them.

"Young Master, hurry up."

Everyone knew that they were no match for the two half-step golden immortals, and they just wanted to delay time so that Chen Feng could escape.

"Your strength is not bad, but today I will let you know the gap between the immortal and the half-step golden immortal." The half-step golden immortal said and was about to attack again, but at this time Chen Feng suddenly showed a strange smile on his face. The two half-step golden immortals felt a little strange after seeing it, and at the same time, a bad idea arose in their hearts.


The space was distorted, and a black passage suddenly appeared above the two half-step golden immortals' heads. A black palm stretched out from it, and just grabbed the half-step golden immortal who had just attacked into the passage, and then the black palm appeared again and grabbed another person.


The half-step golden immortal screamed in fear and fled far away quickly, leaving the black palm empty.

The black palm retracted, the passage disappeared, and everything returned to calm, but everyone looked at Chen Feng with a strange look in their eyes. The power of the black palm just now was at least the strength of a half-step golden immortal. I didn't expect Chen Feng to have such a method hidden.

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and when they looked at Chen Feng again, they felt that he was unfathomable.

"Sir, what was that just now?" Tunri asked with courage.

"A friend!" Chen Feng said lightly.

After Chen Feng showed his ability to capture a half-step golden immortal, no one dared to underestimate Chen Feng anymore. Some half-step golden immortals who still wanted to fight for the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron also retracted their gazes and listed Chen Feng as an object that should not be provoked.

"Friend of the Changsheng clan, we can cooperate to open this tomb, and the things inside depend on our own abilities." A half-step golden immortal spoke up and made a friendly invitation to Chen Feng.

These half-step golden immortals were almost all wrapped in golden light. Fearing that others would not know their realm, Chen Feng secretly watched and found that at least more than ten half-step golden immortals were hiding around.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the fragments of the Great Wilderness Cauldron appeared again, turning into a set of armor to wear on his body. Chen Feng found that several eyes were on him again.

However, Chen Feng did not care. He smiled slightly, stepped forward quickly, and said at the same time: "There is more than one tomb of golden immortals in this space. Everyone should act quickly. I got the news that I am afraid that a golden immortal will be dispatched."

Chen Feng's nonsense moved the half-step golden immortals present. Everyone would rather believe Chen Feng's words.

"Let's act together. Whoever grabs the treasure will get it. It depends on the opportunity."

"Let's act!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The golden light compressed by the power vented out and kept bombarding the tomb in front of them. Chen Feng's side was the weakest, but it had more people. With a wave of his hand, several people joined forces to contribute a part of the strength.

Finally, the spear-like mountain was completely broken, and a huge spear stood on the ground, with dragon-shaped dragon energy constantly entwined, and dragon roars were everywhere, overbearing.

This spear was the most eye-catching, but there were some other things besides it, a huge dragon corpse wrapped in golden light, and some things wrapped in golden light boiling around.

This was the real golden light, which was different from the one emitted by these half-step golden immortals. It contained a strong immortal power, and it seemed that it would not decay even after hundreds of millions of years.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

On the surface, secretly, all the cultivators took action, and some immortals who were watching from a distance also rushed up frantically, hoping to snatch one or two things.

"Take out the strongest means." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he also urged the Sun God Needle and the One Yuan True Spirit Map. Chen Feng's goal was the golden light flying around. As for the two most precious things, the dragon corpse and the dragon spear, Chen Feng didn't even consider it. So many half-step golden immortals were fighting desperately, and rushing up by himself would be courting death.

Because all the Half-step Golden Immortals rushed towards these two items, Chen Feng and his party took advantage. 80% of all the flying golden light was snatched by Chen Feng's party.

After the scattered golden light was snatched away, these Half-step Golden Immortals were still fighting for it, and the scene became more and more intense. In a short time, someone was seriously injured.

"Sir, will your friend take action?" Tunri asked secretly.

"Let's see what the situation is. Let's be careful. If we rush in in this situation, we will be crushed to pieces." Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and the golden light flashed in his palm. It was the treasure that was snatched.

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