Eternal Existence

Chapter 113: Blockage

"I can't die, but I need to cultivate for a while before I can recover. If the opponent's attack had been more powerful, I'm afraid I would have been torn into pieces. After all, why should I thank the opponent?" After Chen Feng finished speaking, he lay on the sword and took a big mouthful. gasped.

"It's not that the other party is merciful, it's just that you are lucky and have great fortune." Ye Ziming also smiled bitterly.

The three of them were sitting or lying on the sword. There was a transparent hole as big as a bowl on Luta's shoulder. Ye Ming's body was also stained with blood, and his flesh was rolled up. Chen Feng was lying on the sword and couldn't move. At this moment, the three of them were in a panic. To the extreme.

At the beginning, when Chen Feng used the Haoran Zhengang Sword to drill into the ground, he was hit by the opponent like raindrops. Although the Haoran Zhengang Sword was a treasure, Chen Feng was still traumatized. Then he activated the treasure repeatedly, After spending a lot of energy and then being hit by the attack from behind, Chen Feng had never suffered such a big trauma.

"Hahahaha, it's really a fortune to be able to save a life this time." After a long time, Chen Feng laughed. At this time, the wound on Chen Feng's back was no longer bleeding, but the ragged and rolled back skin still looked oozing. This If an ordinary person suffered such an injury, he would definitely have died, and even an ordinary monk in the secret realm would have a headache. Fortunately, Chen Feng has the immortal energy to protect his body. He slowly recovered.

"The other party won't catch up this time, right?" Ruta couldn't help but say.

"Probably not, unless the six caves are crazy and keep chasing us. Besides, they don't have any treasures, so they can't catch up with us." Chen Feng smiled.

"Really, just because the six caves can't catch up with you, it doesn't mean that others can't catch up with you." At this time, an erratic voice came down from high in the sky. The voice was hoarse. I didn't know whether it was a man or a woman.

"Who?" The hearts of Chen Feng and the three of them suddenly trembled, especially Chen Feng. A warning sign flashed in his heart, and he felt an inexplicable crisis coming over him.

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng directly took out two red blood pills and stuffed them into his mouth. Speaking of it, this was also the first time Chen Feng had taken human-level pills. As soon as the pills were in his stomach, a powerful blood energy exploded in his body. Then the powerful energy clashed continuously, as if Chen Feng was about to burst alive.

"It hurts." Chen Feng almost shouted. Although the power of the Red Blood Pill was overbearing, the effect was obvious. Chen Feng felt that the power in his body was boiling again. The tiny particles in his body were being torn apart, and then reorganized to obtain With more powerful power, blood energy is like countless volcanoes, constantly erupting in the body.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Chen Feng's bones, skin, and muscles all twitched violently, just like human breathing. Every breath contained and digested some of the power of the Red Blood Pill. Chen Feng's exhausted body continued to glow with powerful vitality. It's like a dry fish pond is filled with fresh water again.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Under the impact of the powerful medicine, the wounds on Chen Feng's body exploded again, and bright red blood continued to spray out. This scene immediately made Ye Ziming and Luta on the side fall into tears.

"Brother Chen, you?" The two of them were shocked, thinking that Chen Feng was going to blow himself up.

"It seems that this time I have to fight hard. I had a narrow escape just now, but now I don't feel a trace of life." Chen Feng whispered. Although the other party has not come out yet, Chen Feng and the other three all know that something is not good, and it is still very serious. Not good.

"It's not that simple to kill us," Ruta shouted.

"Hahahaha, right?" A figure floated past quickly, and a middle-aged monk with stubby limbs blocked the path of Chen Feng and the others.

"Kill him." Chen Feng shouted, Haoran Zhengang Sword accelerated its speed fiercely, and crashed into the person in front of him.


The middle-aged monk raised his hand and pushed hard, and layers of golden light spread out, turning into layers of barriers, blocking the Haoran Zhengang Sword.

"Break it for me." Chen Feng shouted, and the blood from his body continued to flow out and merged into the Haoran Zhengang Sword, making the Haoran Zhengang Sword even more powerful.

Boom boom boom!

There were bursts of explosions, the golden light barrier kept exploding, and the middle-aged monks kept retreating.

"Do you think you can stop me? Just die." Chen Feng's eyes were bloodshot, and he desperately used the Haoran Zhengang Sword to rush forward, hoping to kill the opponent directly.

The middle-aged monk also had a serious look on his face. He originally thought that he would be able to catch him after catching up, but he didn't expect that the opponent would still be so fierce even though he was seriously injured.

"This is the power of that treasure. Okay, the more powerful the better, I must get it." The middle-aged monk shouted in his heart.

"Keke, it seems you can't make it alone. Do you want my help?" At this time, a charming voice reached the ears of several people.

After hearing this voice, Chen Feng and the others immediately felt their hearts tremble, a strange feeling rose up, and the strength in their bodies actually became sour.

"No, this is a psychedelic technique." Ye Ziming's complexion changed, and he bit the tip of his tongue fiercely before he woke up. Ruta pinched himself hard. As for Chen Feng, he took the red blood After taking the pill, the energy and blood in his body were rushing wildly, and his whole body was in great pain. If Chen Feng's nerves were not strong enough, he would have passed out by now, and he would naturally not be affected by the other party's voice.

Whoosh whoosh!

Colorful ribbons all over the sky suddenly bloomed, covering the sky and the sun, like rainbows, criss-crossing, forming colorful barriers, blocking the path of the Haoran Zhengang Sword.

"Broken! Broken! Broken! Broken!"

Chen Feng was going crazy at this time, constantly burning the blood in his body to generate powerful power to drive the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword.

Snap, snap, snap!

The ribbons in front of him exploded layer by layer. The Haoran Zhen Gang Sword was indeed a treasure. Its sharp edge was indestructible and shattered all the obstacles in front of it. Seeing the ribbons in front of him turned into fragments, it was like countless butterflies flying in the air, but Chen Feng's heart sank.

Because after this collision, the momentum of the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword was finally stopped, and Chen Feng had no follow-up power to drive it, so he floated in the air and stopped.

"Hehe, it's so powerful, I almost can't stop it?" With a charming voice, a charming and beautiful woman in fancy clothes flew down from the sky, with ribbons floating around her body, various flowers falling from the sky, and a stream of psychedelic fragrance constantly emanating, making people look like a fairy landing on earth.

"Youngsters, why don't you come down!" The short middle-aged man suddenly had a fiery red gourd in his hand, and streams of purple smoke gushed out of it. The smoke seemed to be full of spirituality, constantly changing its shape, and drifting towards Chen Feng and the other two.

"No, it's poisonous smoke."

Chen Feng and the other two's faces suddenly changed. At this time, Ruta quickly waved the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick in his hand, generating strong hurricanes to hit the poisonous smoke in front of him.


Chen Feng and the other two flew down from the sword and landed on the ground. Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword fell into his hand, constantly turning, ready to attack at any time.

Chen Feng looked very calm on the surface, but he was shouting and roaring secretly, because the power of the Red Blood Pill in his body was getting more and more violent, and the strong power of the medicine kept hitting Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng felt as if there were countless saws in his body constantly tearing every part of his skin, bones, and internal organs.

Beads of sweat kept coming out of his body and then quickly evaporated. Chen Feng clenched his teeth. Even an iron man could not bear this kind of pain. Finally, Chen Feng kept letting out low growls from his mouth, like the roar of a wounded beast.

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