Eternal Existence

Chapter 112: Embarrassment

While the people from the six caves were talking, Chen Feng and the other two were also communicating quickly with their spiritual sense.

"There are more than 20 people from each of the six caves, which adds up to more than 100 people. There are also some masters hiding in the dark and not planning to take action. There are also other people around who are eyeing the water of life. Today's situation is very unfavorable to us." Ye Ziming said.

"It's more than unfavorable. This is simply a desperate situation. Unless we cultivate to the heavenly realm, I think it will be difficult to rush out." Ruta screamed.

"This is also unavoidable. At worst, we will fight with them. If they want to kill us, at least dozens of them will die." Chen Feng suddenly said loudly, and a fighting spirit and killing intent had conflicted with each other, and sword lights kept flowing in his palms.

At this time, the attack of the six caves had arrived, and sword energy, true energy, palm power, magic weapons, and various streamers flooded Chen Feng and others at the same time.


The ones who reacted the fastest were Yinfeng Scholar and Xueming Taoist. When the six caves started, the two also started. Yinfeng Scholar swung the folding fan in his hand fiercely, and the Yinsha Yinfeng Qi whistled out. Suddenly, dark clouds rolled, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and there was a faint trace of bloody evil in it.

The folding fan in Yinfeng Scholar's hand was a sinister magic weapon. It integrated a large amount of Yinsha Qi, and even absorbed the blood of some cultivators. When fighting against the enemy, it can directly blow the Yinsha Qi into the opponent's body, causing the opponent's soul to break apart, which is very sinister.

At the same time, Xueming Taoist also took action. Two blood balls flew out from his palm quickly, and then suddenly exploded. Countless blood threads spread out in all directions, and the surrounding trees withered and then turned into ashes.

"Hahaha, let you taste the power of my Xueming Bone Transforming Method." The sinister laughter of Xueming Taoist kept circling.

"Be careful, stay close to me."

Chen Feng and the other two did not run away, because the attacks from the surroundings had already blocked all the gaps around them, and the strong pressure brought about made Chen Feng and the other two realize that it was impossible to rush out.

A group of dazzling sword light emerged from Chen Feng's body, quickly forming a circular barrier, directly wrapping the three people in it. Chen Feng actually wanted to rely on the power of the treasure to block the attacks from the surroundings.

The moment Chen Feng's sword light barrier was formed, countless attacks from the surroundings immediately submerged Chen Feng and the other two. At least hundreds of people from the six caves attacked at the same time, and even the cultivators in the heavenly realm had to avoid such attacks.

"They are definitely dead this time." Seeing Chen Feng and the other two being submerged, the six caves and the cultivators watching around all thought so. After all, this situation was clear at a glance, and the gap between the two was too big.

"Ah!" "Not good."

This was the scream of the Blood Underworld Taoist and the Yinfeng Scholar.

"Hey, where are the people? They were not blasted into pieces." After all the attacks dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that Chen Feng and the other two had disappeared.

"It must have been smashed to pieces." Someone in the six caves shouted.

"There is a big hole here." At this time, someone found a round black hole on the ground. You can't see the bottom at a glance, and you don't know where it leads to.

Hundreds of meters away from the crowd, the hard ground suddenly exploded, dust flew, and Chen Feng and the other two were wrapped in sword light and broke out of the ground.

"Although I don't know the art of earth escape, it's still no problem to use magic weapons to make a passage underground. Do you really think I can block the opponent's attack? This is what a fool would do." Chen Feng laughed.

"Huh, it's easy to escape like this. I just used the art of the void." Ye Ziming couldn't believe it.

"I haven't escaped yet, hurry up, I've been discovered by the other party." Chen Feng said quickly.

"Over there, hurry up, don't let them escape." At this time, the cultivators of the six caves had already discovered Chen Feng and the other two.


The three broke out of the siege, without stopping, and quickly fled to the distance.

"Blood Escape Technique!"

At this time, the Taoist Xue Ming screamed heart-wrenchingly, and then a stream of blood spurted out from his body. The aura on the Taoist Xue Ming immediately surged, and his speed suddenly increased several times. He grabbed the Yin Feng Scholar with one hand, rushed out of the encirclement of the six caves like lightning, and ran in front of Chen Feng and the other two like thunder.

"Wow, such a fast speed." Ruta exclaimed.

"This is the Blood Escape Technique, burning the blood essence in the body to gain powerful strength. This guy is desperate. Even if he can escape, his strength will be greatly damaged and his cultivation will decline." Ye Ziming shouted.

Speaking of it, the Taoist Xue Ming could have escaped after performing the Blood Escape Technique. The strange thing is that I don't know what he was thinking while escaping, and he actually attacked Chen Feng and the other two.

"Hahahaha, you three guys, stay here." The Taoist Xue Ming suddenly laughed, and attacked Chen Feng and the other two with his backhand. Three blood balls flew out of his hand, and then exploded with a bang. The strong blood energy immediately enveloped Chen Feng and the other two.

Taoist Xue Ming actually made a move at the critical moment, trying to stop the pace of Chen Feng and the other three. The other three were caught up by the cultivators of the six caves behind. This move was really vicious.

"This old thing." Ruta's curse came from the blood mist.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, the fierce sword energy in the blood mist was strong, and the blood energy was cut off in an instant. Chen Feng and the other two rushed out like lightning.

"Chen Feng, kill him." Ye Ziming gritted his teeth and shouted. As soon as he was delayed, the pursuers behind were getting closer and closer. The three of them all felt angry and just wanted to go forward and tear Taoist Xue Ming into pieces.

"Don't worry, I won't let him go." Chen Feng sneered.


Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword flew out of his body, chasing after the Xue Ming Taoist at a speed faster than lightning.

Just as he was about to kill the other party with one sword, the Xue Ming Taoist gritted his teeth and threw out the Yin Feng Scholar in his hand.

"Blood Sacrifice Method, Explode."


A ball of blood light suddenly bloomed, and the powerful impact force directly deflected the momentum of the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword, and then the Xue Ming Taoist fled away at a faster speed.

"What a vicious method." Chen Feng's face changed, and he couldn't help shouting, then he waved his hand and put away the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword. At this time, it was impossible to attack the Xue Ming Taoist.

Just now, in order to block Chen Feng's attack, the Xue Ming Taoist actually directly sacrificed the Yin Feng Scholar with blood. This method made Chen Feng feel chilled.

"Where are you going?"

At this time, a loud shout came from behind, and then a black and red stream of light that was almost condensed into substance cut through the sky and covered Chen Feng and the other two.

"Be careful, this is the Yin-Yang Qi Blade of Yin-Yang Cave Heaven." Ye Ziming shouted.

"I'll break it." Ruta roared, and pointed the Hun Tian Wuji Stick in his hand at the back fiercely, and a starlight exploded out of thin air, breaking up the Yin-Yang Qi Blade behind.

"Look at our Jin Guang Dong Tian's Jin Guang Wuying Needle."

Suddenly, golden light appeared all over the sky, and countless tiny air currents penetrated the space, turning into streams of light and color, and overwhelming Chen Feng and the other three.

Chen Feng was about to activate the Haoran Zhengang Sword when he felt a pain in his back, and then a strong sense of numbness began to spread in his back. At the same time, Ye Ziming and Ruta also groaned, obviously they were also hit.

"Not good, we are all hit." Ye Ziming smiled bitterly.

"Water Moon Flowing Arrow."

"Purple Lightning Crane Soaring Strike."

At this time, the attacks of Water Moon Cave Heaven and Jade Tripod Cave Heaven also arrived. Chen Feng quickly turned back and saw that the pursuers behind were all preparing big moves to stop the three of them.


A ten-meter-long light arrow directly pierced through Ruta's shoulder, and the purple electric current even blew Ye Ziming several somersaults. If Chen Feng hadn't quickly stepped forward to grab him, I'm afraid Ye Ziming would not be able to escape this time.

"What should we do? We really can't escape this time." Ruta shouted.

"We can escape, we must escape." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword quickly appeared in front of the three people.


Chen Feng sprayed a mouthful of blood on it, and the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword suddenly glowed with sword light, and then suddenly became larger. The sword body was three feet long and one foot wide, which was almost comparable to the area of ​​a small house.

Then the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword emitted three sword lights, sweeping past, and Chen Feng and the other two were on the long sword.


At this moment, another dazzling arrow of light chased up and exploded directly behind Chen Feng, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and Chen Feng's back immediately became bloody and blurred, and even some places showed white bones.


Chen Feng only felt a black in front of his eyes, and another mouthful of blood sprayed out, just landing on the long sword.


Chen Feng cheered up and shouted loudly. The Haoran Zhengang Sword under his feet finally exerted the power of the treasure. It was faster than a meteor and faster than lightning. In a blink of an eye, it escaped from the attack range of the pursuers behind, and then launched a lightning speed, leaving a black line in the air, and soon left the pursuers behind without a trace.

"No, the other party actually has a treasure, how can we catch up."

After chasing for hundreds of miles, they finally couldn't see the traces of Chen Feng and others. The cultivators of the six caves slowly stopped, cursing one by one, but there was nothing they could do.

"The other party has a treasure. This time, we let him escape, which means we have left a powerful enemy behind."

"Hmph, no matter how powerful the other party is, how can he be a match for our six caves, not to mention that we have ten sects of immortality behind us."

"Oh, by the way, the people from Changzhen Cave didn't seem to make a move just now." Ziyundong said at this time.

"Not bad, not bad. If you didn't say it, I really couldn't remember that no one from Changshen Cave did make a move just now."

"Let's go and question them and see how they answer. Could it be that the three people who ran away are from Changzhen Cave?"

After flying hundreds of miles, seeing that there were no pursuers behind him, Chen Feng sat on the sword with blood gushing out of his mouth again, especially Chen Feng's back was a bloody mess, and the blood that flowed out almost turned Chen Feng into a bloody man.

"Brother Chen, how are you?" Ye Ziming asked with a pale face and heavy breathing.

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