Eternal Existence

Chapter 1092 Stone Man

Chen Feng could also take out some magic weapons to fight. After all, the long sword, but only sharpness, it is impossible to exert sword energy. As for those magic weapons such as thunder beads and water beads, not only can they not play a role, but Chen Feng would be distressed if they were damaged.

The stone spears flying from the front were very powerful. After connecting more than ten spears, he felt a little numb in his palm. Looking at the barbarian bull still swinging the copper stick, it seemed that there was infinite power in his body, and Chen Feng was surprised to find that the copper stick in the barbarian bull's palm had a faint light emitting.

"Could it be!" Thinking of this, Chen Feng immediately took out the Tu Lu Xian Sword, which was a top-grade immortal weapon. The sword light flashed while swinging, and cut off a stone spear, but Chen Feng immediately put away the long sword, the sun god needle flashed a few times and disappeared, and finally the blood beads also flew out, and there was indeed a faint blood light flowing out.

"It turns out that it's not that magic weapons cannot be used in this world, but that the magic grade is not high enough. When my blood-gathering beads are upgraded to artifacts, I think I can break through the restrictions of this world. It's not possible to upgrade to artifacts in a short time." Chen Feng still put away the blood-gathering beads.

For some reason, the stone spears are endless, and there is no sign of stopping.

Chen Feng drew a circle with his hands, and the power of yin and yang merged into the Tai Chi diagram, which expanded with a bang, and all the stone spears were thrown out.


Chen Feng shouted, with the Tai Chi diagram in front, striding forward, and the barbarian bull followed with a smile.

Bang bang bang!

This is the sound of the stone spear hitting the Tai Chi diagram. The two walked for an hour in one breath, and the Tai Chi diagram exploded with a bang, and thousands of stone spears densely flooded towards the two.

Seeing this kind of power, Chen Feng felt his scalp tingling. It was impossible to hide, so he could only fight hard. He crossed his hands, and the yin and yang qi flowed out again, forming a yin and yang shield.

However, Manniu's movements were faster. He swung the copper stick in his hand fiercely, and then it was as if a star exploded. After the light dissipated, the stone spear in front of him disappeared.

"Tsk tsk, amazing, this move just now could have killed a celestial being." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"A little trick." Although Manniu said so, he was still a little proud.

However, more powerful stone spears began to appear next. This time, the stone spears were thicker, faster, more powerful and more destructive. The Tai Chi diagram that Chen Feng had prepared long ago was launched again. This time, Chen Feng mixed some other methods in it. During the rotation of the Tai Chi diagram, golden light kept flashing, as if it was composed of countless blades. All the stone spears that rushed up were strangled and smashed.

"The great way of gold is contained in yin and yang. My friend, you are also very powerful." Manniu said as he smashed the copper stick in his hand again, and the light flashed. The two of them forcibly opened a path under pressure.

"Before, it was a cold current that could freeze a half-step immortal. Now it's a stone spear. I think it's even more powerful. I wonder what happened to those people." Chen Feng just finished speaking when he saw a tall figure being pushed back by a long stone spear.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the yin and yang energy quickly circulated, blocking this person. It was the tall cultivator who had fought with Chen Feng before. This immortal had a gray face, and his body was blue and purple. He looked a little embarrassed.

"Long time no see!" Chen Feng grinned.


A ten-foot-long stone spear bombarded the three people, and cracks began to appear on Chen Feng's Tai Chi diagram before it reached him.

"I'll do it!"

The barbarian bull roared, inserted the copper stick into his waist, stepped forward and blocked the stone spear with both hands. The stone spear that was rushing quickly stopped suddenly, and then began to crack densely, and finally broke into pieces with a bang.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng had some understanding of the power of the barbarian bull. They were both immortals, but the guy just now flew back in a mess.

However, soon, two more monks retreated under pressure. Even the bull frowned at the stone spear as big as a hill. It took several people working together to break it.

"Everyone, we can only work together from now on." The monk who spoke wore a golden crown and held a scepter. His face was majestic and simple, and he looked like an emperor. This was the first monk Chen Feng saw rushing over.

"We should work together."

"I agree. I feel the breath of the artifact."

"Let's go!"

The five people worked together and the speed really increased. The huge stone spears were broken one after another along the way.

Chen Feng had been observing how the few people made their moves. The monk wearing the golden crown practiced a domineering technique. When he made a move, he was like an emperor on tour. The scepter in his hand waved, and it was a huge gravity.

The other two were one hard and one soft, and they cooperated very well, but Chen Feng could still see that these people left room and did not use their full strength at all.


The Tai Chi diagram arranged by Chen Feng was pierced, and the bull was beaten back even though he was fast forward. The monk wearing a golden crown stretched out his hand, and a palm-sized stone spear fell into his hand.

"It has become smaller, but the power has not changed. The attack power is not something we can resist. Everyone, be prepared."

"Prepare for what."

"Prepare for injury or death."

Since the appearance of the needle-like stone spears, the huge stone spears seem to have no power. They cannot be broken and can be dodged. However, this invisible needle-like stone spear is different. Not long after advancing, everyone was injured, and after being injured, their bodies began to become stiff. If the energy entering the body is not forced out, they will become like rocks.

"If there were no tiny steel needles, the danger here would not be as great as the previous icy cold."

"I think it's more than that. There should be greater dangers."

boom! boom! boom!

A dull and regular sound came, and the ground seemed to be shaking. A tall stone man walked towards several people, and the strong oppression made several people's hair feel numb.

"Crow's Mouth."


The huge stone man just punched over, and the few people were like small boats in a tornado, struggling and rolling, and then rolling again.

"Don't hold back, everyone. The opponent is powerful. Only by working together can we rush forward." The monk wearing a golden crown glowed with golden light all over his body, and the scepter in his hand began to grow a bit larger, and he rushed forward.

Chen Feng stood up and rushed toward the stone man's head.

Man Niu also hit the stone man with a copper stick in his hand, and the other two people looked at each other and followed suit.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Continuous collision sounds were heard, and the stone man was shaken here and there, seemingly at a disadvantage, but everyone was shocked to find that the opponent's defense was not broken.

"What is this? It can block the attack of the law of heaven. I practice thunder method, but it is useless against this kind of stone.

"This is the Avenue of Stone. Its defense is amazing. Your Avenue of Thunder and Lightning is completely useless unless you advance to the intermediate level of Celestial Immortal."

"Hmph, if I were an intermediate-level immortal, I would have smashed this stone man into pieces long ago."

Chen Feng and Man Niu bombarded the stone man's head from left to right, but the force of the rebound almost caused their arms to explode.

"It's a pity that I was suppressed in this world, otherwise I could have killed this guy with a copper hammer." Man Niu felt like he was back in the time period of ordinary people, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through the stone man's defense.

"It's no use talking about it now, let's find a way." Chen Feng landed lightly on the stone man's head, and powerful forces enveloped Chen Feng. Chen Feng gritted his teeth and persisted, and all his orifices began to bleed.


Chen Feng punched down again, and then was bounced away. The stone man seemed to be angered by Chen Feng, and swept towards Chen Feng with his huge fist.


Chen Feng and Man Niu rolled out. At the critical moment, Man Niu stepped forward and gave Chen Feng a hand.

"Thank you!" Chen Feng gasped. He was just brushed by a fist, half of his body was numb, and several joints were broken.

"You were too brave just now." Man Niu said.


The stone man opened his mouth and roared, and the sound waves rushed past. The two monks, tall and short, were submerged in it. After they struggled out, there was not a single piece of good flesh in their bodies, and the two of them completely turned into blood men.

"I never thought that a majestic immortal would be beaten so badly by a stone man." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. The immortal wings spread out behind him, and the next moment they were on top of the stone man.

"Eternal Wings! It seems that this kid must have found some of the opponent's weaknesses." Seeing the Immortal Wings, the bull was not surprised. After shaking his head, the copper rod in his hand quickly grew longer, and at the same time, power emanated from it.

Landing on the top of the stone man again, the longevity wings quickly folded in and wrapped up Chen Feng. Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and his two gazes penetrated into the stone man's body.

One after another, the dragons are swimming inside the stone man. It is these dragons that provide the stone man with a steady stream of powerful power.

"There are ninety-nine and eighty-one laws of heaven, no wonder there is such fighting power." Chen Feng understood in his heart that he could only start from this aspect if he wanted to solve the situation in front of him.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng knew that the stone man was not invulnerable.

"It's a little difficult to extract the laws of heaven, but it's easier than facing a living person." Chen Feng's eyes were filled with light, trying to find out the flaws.

boom! boom!

This time even the monk wearing the golden crown was injured.

"What are you doing here?" The tall monk appeared above Chen Feng, with anger in his eyes, as if Chen Feng was lazy.

Chen Feng ignored the other party and stomped his feet. Circles of ripples spread out from the top of the stone man's head. The stone man roared and punched Chen Feng.

The Immortal Wings suddenly unfolded, and Chen Feng dodged this attack. However, the tall monk was not so lucky. He couldn't dodge, and half of his body was broken into pieces.

"Asshole!" This person yelled angrily. He wanted to fight Chen Feng but knew that it was not the right time, so he could only hide far away while recovering his body.

Chen Feng landed on top of the stone man again.

"Friend, if you need anything, just tell me." The monk wearing a golden crown suddenly spoke.

"You just need to help me entangle this stone man. I think I have found a solution." Chen Feng did not raise his head, but the light in his eyes continued to flow out.

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