Eternal Existence

Chapter 1091: Savage Bull

Through the conversation with Taiyi Tianzun, Chen Feng knew the cause of the matter. Hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago, there were many monks who entered this world, including some various strange beasts.

At that time, Taiyi Tianzun and a group of monks entered the cave to search for treasures, but they did not expect that a cold current surged out of the cave and froze everyone. It had been decades since they were freed from the trap again.

Chen Feng was already a little surprised that Taiyi Tianzun could become a half-step immortal, but now he knew that Taiyi Tianzun had this kind of cultivation three hundred thousand years ago, and he was even more surprised.

"It seems that the seniors will have great opportunities after leaving the eternal world, but I don't know where the two seniors from Taiqing Yuyang went?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Haha, don't talk about seniors at the same time. I'm afraid your combat power now exceeds mine. It's better for us to be friends as equals." Taiyi Tianzun waved his hand.

"Taiqing and Yuyang probably went to other worlds. At that time, we also accidentally discovered the space passage to the outside world in the eternal world, but we separated while traveling through space. Although this world is very dangerous, there are also opportunities. A lot, I have obtained the Law of Heaven, which can help me improve my cultivation quickly."

"So you don't know what's in the cave?" Chen Feng said and his eyes swept away into the distance. In Chen Feng's eyes, more and more rune restrictions were blocking the way. He waited until they were completely blocked. Chen Feng's eyes were submerged in it.

"It is said that there is a divine weapon, but it has been so many years. I don't know if anyone has broken into it."

"I want to go in and have a look, but before that, senior needs to recover his strength." Having been frozen for hundreds of thousands of years, his cultivation level cannot be improved, and there is still some consumption.

Although Taiyi Tianzun was sealed, his belongings were not lost. Besides, he had already opened up the inner world, and after taking out some spiritual stones from it, he recovered very quickly.

When Taiyi Tianzun recovered, Chen Feng was also thinking about all this. Chen Feng didn't think much about this magical world. The universe was boundless and there were countless wonderful existences. Chen Feng was just thinking about what would be in this cave. According to the Taiyi method, just the cold current spurting out of the cave could freeze the half-step immortal. If the two of them move forward again, will they be able to withstand an attack of this magnitude?

"I have been frozen for such a long time. I don't know if there is any danger inside. Although the artifact is tempting enough, if I don't get it right, my life will be lost here. I don't want to continue to be sealed for hundreds of thousands of years." Taiyi Tianzun This time, he did not burst out with great ambition when he escaped from trouble. Instead, he became a little afraid of the unknown cave.

"Hasn't anyone ever gone in?" Chen Feng said as the runes radiated from his body and quickly dissipated in the surrounding space, while Tongshu had been secretly observing everything in the cave.

"Before we entered, someone had obtained the artifact from nowhere. This is also the most important reason that attracted us here."

"Someone is coming." Chen Feng's expression suddenly changed, and he waved his hand and enveloped Taiyi Tianzun with a force of enchantment. While Chen Feng was using the concealment technique, Taiyi Tianzun also cooperated to restrain the energy of his whole body. .

First, there was overwhelming pressure, and then a stream of light flashed from a distance, and the tide of divine power kept sweeping across, especially as it continued to explore the ice.

"It's an immortal!" Chen Feng and Taiyi Tianzun looked at each other. Taiyi Tianzun was shocked. He couldn't deal with a monk of this level. Chen Feng didn't worry too much, but secretly observed the other person. where.

It's just that this immortal is very fast, and under the influence of the restriction, he quickly broke away from Chen Feng's sight.

"The other party probably didn't notice us, right?"

"Only a first-level heavenly immortal." Chen Feng shook his head, while Taiyi Tianzun took a breath of cold air.

"It's best if you don't conflict with the other party. The immortal is really difficult to deal with. Pay attention, someone is coming again."


Two streams of light passed by one after another, and Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded.

"What's going on? There are two more immortals. Could it be that there really is a divine weapon in here?"

"Let's go in and take a look." Chen Feng couldn't sit still.

"Forget it, it's too dangerous."

"Senior, you came here so proudly back then, how could you back down?"

"In the face of irresistible danger, retreat is the best choice."

"In that case, senior is waiting outside the cave. I'll go check out the situation." Chen Feng didn't say much about Taiyi Tianzun's retreat. If he had been frozen for hundreds of thousands of years, he would still have a shadow in his heart. .

Watching Chen Feng gradually disappear, Taiyi Tianzun showed a complicated look in his eyes. His courage and pride seemed to be really weakening. However, looking at the ice around him, Taiyi Tianzun's eyes darkened, he sighed, and exited the cave. .

"The illusion formation here is even more powerful." Chen Feng's eyes turned into two dark whirlpools. From time to time, runes appeared in the void, and then were swallowed by Chen Feng. Chen Feng stepped on the steps of immortality, constantly Changing steps and directions.

As a result, the speed of advancement was affected, and the three immortals who had passed by before were not found until they left the range of the ice.

"Friend, you're following us."

The moment he felt something was wrong, Chen Feng quickly launched an attack, and the shadow of his rolling fist spread out. However, Chen Feng's expression changed and he quickly took a few steps back.

Chen Feng's attack was shattered, and the two monks surrounded by the colorful stream of light looked at Chen Feng with half-smiles.

"True fairy!"

"I don't think it's a real immortal. Real immortals are not that powerful."

"Hmph, the attack just now was clearly based on the law of truth."

"There are also laws of heaven."

"That should be a half-step immortal."

Watching the two people arguing, Chen Feng's face was expressionless, but he did not relax at all. The opponent's previous simple attack contained the power of sound waves and souls. This kind of attack can be fatal when used suddenly against the enemy.

"Chen Feng, I have met you two. I wonder why you would attack me?" Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Boy, you are still pretending to be stupid. You are clearly following us secretly. In order to prevent accidents, it is better to kill you first."


The two of them took action as soon as they said it. The tall monk stepped forward and punched Chen Feng, while the other one moved his steps and went around behind Chen Feng.

The two of them cooperated perfectly, and it was obvious from a glance that they often did this kind of thing.

Facing two immortals for the first time, Chen Feng also felt a bit of pressure. The other party's simple attack blocked all the surrounding space and all loopholes. Chen Feng could confront the monks in front of him head-on, but the guy who attacked from behind would definitely succeed.

If the environment here wasn't too weird and dangerous, Chen Feng wouldn't mind having a fight with the opponent, but now Chen Feng couldn't get hurt, lest others take advantage of him.

The Longevity Step was launched, ignoring the pressure and blockade created by the two people. His figure flashed several times, and he was able to overcome the attacks of the two people. At the same time, a spark suddenly exploded. The two monks felt the danger and stopped their hands at the same time, looking at Chen Feng warily.

"You two, please wait a moment. If we fight life and death here, others will only take advantage." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You said there's no one else here?" The tall monk's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Some people have gone in before you, and I think there will be others behind you. You must know that the artifacts inside are enough to make some immortals go crazy." Chen Feng said casually, but in the eyes of the two of them, it became unpredictable and profound. .

"Haha, thank you for telling me, my friend. It was our brothers who were reckless before." The two of them said, cupping hands with Chen Feng, then turned and left without even leaving their names.

"Hey!" Chen Feng shook his head and did not move forward. Instead, he stood where he was, as if he was waiting for someone on purpose.

Sure enough, not long after, a stream of light appeared from a distance, flickered and then exploded before appearing in front of Chen Feng.

This monk was wearing animal skins, carrying a long sword on his back, and holding a copper stick in his hand. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he had a strong aura coming towards him.

It was easy for Chen Feng to determine that the other party was from the wild world.

"Friend, how long have you been here? Have you found any treasures inside?" The beast-skin monk spoke like thunder.

"The treasure should still be ahead, but there are a few masters rushing in front. My friend, please be careful if you move forward." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Then why did you stop here?"

"I'm looking for allies. The two monks just joined forces, and I suffered a big loss."

"What do you think of me? More than ten immortals have died in my hands. Let's join forces and share the treasure equally." The beast-skin monk opened his mouth to reveal his white teeth.

"I am Chen Feng, from the Immortal Realm."

"Man Niu was born in the wild world, and this time he came out of the fairy world."

Soon and simply, Chen Feng found an ally.

This monk named Man Niu is not simple. He seems to have no scheming, but he is a real immortal. He is also physically powerful and is the most advantageous in this environment.

The two of them were chatting and laughing all the way. When Chen Feng encountered restrictions, he always relied on his pupil skills to find loopholes and used his body skills to shuttle through them. Man Niu, on the other hand, just ran straight into it. The rune restrictions arranged by the immortal exploded one after another, unable to stop Man Niu. Cow cents.

"This is how to defeat it with force, but I don't know which of us is stronger physically." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

"Be careful, it seems a little uneasy ahead." Chen Feng's speed suddenly slowed down, and soon there was a whining sound, like the sound of wind.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several streaks of light quickly appeared in Chen Feng's sight. Chen Feng quickly took action, and two stone spears fell into his hands.

Bang bang!

The barbarian bull was more violent. He smashed out the copper stick in his hand and the hard stone spear was shattered into pieces.

In this world, it's not that you can't use magic weapons, it's that you can't exert the power of magic weapons. Like Man Niu, he's just holding a copper stick against the enemy and can't exert any of the laws of the great road.

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