Eternal Existence

Chapter 1089 Father Takes Action

In Chen Feng's past memory, it seemed that the Tower of Eternal Life was in such a mess for the first time. The opponent's attack was too strong. Chen Feng had misjudged it before. There were four laws of heaven integrated into each pillar, a total of forty-eight. Even immortals would be trapped alive in the cage formed by the laws of heaven.

Moreover, the big hand holding the Eternal Life Tower turned golden. The other party knew that the Eternal Life Tower was very powerful, but he did not use the secret technique of the Eternal Life Clan.

The Eternal Life Tower began to shake, and it seemed that it would be captured by the opponent at any time, but Chen Feng was still refining the law of truth.

"Ta, how are you?" Chen Feng asked hurriedly.

"The situation is not good. I can't resist it anymore." Ta's expression was also solemn.

"I'm here to help you." Chen Feng jumped out from the Eternal Life Tower and punched out with a punch. The chains tied to the Eternal Life Tower immediately vibrated, and then Chen Feng pulled hard with both hands, snap, snap, snap. Bang, I don’t know how many chains were torn off.

"The laws of heaven are nothing more than this." Chen Feng became so aggressive that his body kept beating, his hands waved, and with a few breaths, all the chains tied to the Eternal Life Tower were torn off.

Before the tribulation, Chen Feng could still be bound by the laws of heaven, but at this time, Chen Feng survived two tribulations in a row, advanced to the level of true immortal, improved two realms, and increased his cultivation by a hundred times.

From one aspect, Chen Feng's power is already approaching that of the Eternal Life Tower.

"If you had attacked me from the beginning, there would still be some chance of success, but now, I have been promoted to a true immortal, and even a half-step immortal will be killed in front of me." Chen Feng said with a punch. On top of the huge golden palm.

The Eternal Life Tower also took the opportunity to make an explosive sound, and the golden palm that had been contending with the Eternal Life Tower for some time suddenly exploded and turned into a golden stream of light trying to escape.

"Can you escape?" Chen Feng said and stretched out his hand to grab it. The golden stream of light quickly twisted and was gathered in Chen Feng's palm.

"It turns out that it was transformed by the law of heaven. The guy hiding in the dark dare not show up until now. In this case, let's leave."

The Tower of Eternal Life quickly shrank and fell into Chen Feng's hands. Chen Feng's body swayed and rushed towards one of the pillars.

"Boy, you are a little impatient." Ta said lightly.

"I also want to stabilize my realm, but it seems that your situation is not good." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hmph! I need your help. I still have many methods that I haven't used yet." Ta was a little unhappy.

"Really? Then the next crisis will require more effort from you." The smile on Chen Feng's face disappeared.

As his level improved, Chen Feng could finally feel the slightest hint of crisis. It was so strong that once it broke out, Chen Feng had no chance of resisting it.

After being promoted to a true immortal, the Immortal Wing also changed. It was completely composed of runes, and a stream of light was constantly flowing in it. Every time it vibrated, there would be colorful light flashing.

Before being promoted to a True Immortal, Chen Feng came to the Tianzhu without any confidence, but at this time, his eyes pierced the space, the longevity wings vibrated, and in just a few breaths, Chen Feng came to one of the Tianzhu. A punch hit the sky pillar, and the prohibition runes on it exploded, and four dragons emerged from it.

At this time, the Eternal Life Tower sent out a suction force and collected these four laws of heaven.


The Tianzhu in front of him was shattered by Chen Feng, and a gap appeared in the Huntian Formation. This meant that it was broken.

It was somewhat different from what he had guessed before. Chen Feng advanced to the level of True Immortal, and his power exceeded his previous estimation.

However, after breaking through the formation, just as Chen Feng was about to go out, he felt a big hand appear in front of him, his fingers fluctuated, and then time and space flowed. A feeling of powerlessness came to his heart. Chen Feng knew that the biggest crisis had arisen this time.

"The laws of heaven are also divided into strong and weak ones. This is clearly the aura of a high-level immortal. It is irresistible. Even if the Eternal Life Tower opens to the sixth floor, I am afraid that this person will not be his opponent." At this time, let alone resisting, Chen Feng could not even think about it. It's almost solidified.

The power of the Eternal Life Tower continuously flows into Chen Feng's body, so that Chen Feng's soul cannot be lost.

"The Tower of Immortality really exists. I didn't expect it to be restored to this extent." The dull voice almost extinguished the fire of immortality in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

There was no answer, and the Eternal Life Tower exploded with all its power, but it was useless, and it was impossible to break away from the opponent's hand.

Somewhat different from the previous golden palm, this palm is cyan and exudes a faint vitality. It is clearly an attack method condensed from the secret technique of immortality.

"Tower of Eternal Life, stop struggling. There is no future for following this boy. Follow me and I can quickly restore you to your peak state and regain your former strength."

"You are so shameless. Who do you think you are? How dare you say such things in front of me."

"Tower of Eternal Life, you have to see the situation clearly. You no longer have the power you had back then. You are not even a divine weapon. If I take a strong action, even though I have to pay some price, there will still be no problem in refining you."

"Yeah, let's give it a try."

An inconspicuous light cyan streamer shot out from the Tower of Eternal Life, and then a small hole was pierced through the big hand.

Changsheng Tower seized this opportunity and wanted to fight out.

"Hey! Sure enough, there is still a trace of the original strength, but I have been prepared. You can't escape this time."

A ray of golden light was injected into the cyan palm, and the pierced cyan palm immediately returned to normal, and at the same time became larger and more solid. With a gentle grasp, the Eternal Life Tower and Chen Feng were grasped in the hand.

"The Law of Gold, the Law of Immortality, a cultivator of this level still participated in it." The tower sighed and stopped struggling, just dividing a part of his strength to protect Chen Feng.

"Tower! This is the Law of Immortality, it's the Golden Immortal who made a move." Chen Feng's mind moved for a moment.

"It's not the Golden Immortal, it's the Half-Step Golden Immortal, but don't worry, things are still changing." The tower comforted Chen Feng.

"Of course there will be changes, even you can't do it, I don't know who will appear next, could it be my old man?" Chen Feng felt that his thinking was getting easier and easier.

"The Half-Step Golden Immortal made a move, could it really be my cousin?"

Seeing that the Longevity Tower was about to be taken away by the big hand, a bright light shot out from Chen Feng's brow, and a middle-aged man in green clothes and long hair came out.

Just seeing the back of this person, Chen Feng couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes.

"Hehe!" The tower just smiled and didn't say anything.

The middle-aged man had a handsome and resolute face, a slender and powerful figure, and eyes like stars. After he appeared, he just stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A golden light fell into his hand, and the green palm was shattered inch by inch. The voice of fear came from the void.

"It is a small punishment to attack people of the same clan and abolish your million years of cultivation."

The palm waved, and there was another scream in the void, and then a ball of clear air fell into the palm.

With a flick of his finger, all the cultivators hidden in the dark turned into blood mist, and finally the clear air and blood all entered Chen Feng's body.

"This ball of clear air contains a half-step golden immortal cultivator of a million years. These blood essences are enough to raise your blood-gathering bead to the level of a divine weapon." The middle-aged man turned around and said, with a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of love.

Chen Feng burst into tears, still speechless, and the firm will of many years of cultivation collapsed at this moment.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Feng with deep eyes. Chen Feng felt that the time and space around him were still, but countless memories gushed out from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"This time, the life mark I left in your sea of ​​consciousness will dissipate, but I still have the last bit of strength left, maybe I can help you resolve a crisis."

"Child, I didn't protect you well in the battle that year, I blame myself, but I am very relieved to see you come all the way to now."


Chen Feng finally shouted out and struggled to pounce on him, but the middle-aged man's body began to fade, and a little golden light emanated from his body.

"See you again, I hope you won't let me down."

A ball of golden light suddenly exploded, and the middle-aged man disappeared. Chen Fengzhi felt relaxed all over, as if all the strength in his body was drained.

Ta sighed, waved his hand and took Chen Feng into the Longevity Tower.

"This kid, not only is the danger lifted this time, but he also got a huge benefit. It's a pity that there is only one last way to save his life." Ta said with some regret.

Chen Feng sat casually on the ground, not knowing what he was thinking. The tower did not disturb him, but took in the other eleven pillars. Each pillar contained four laws of heaven. No wonder the tower said that this time the harvest was huge.

"Hehe, kid, are you quiet? It's almost enough. It's not like we can't meet. The most important thing for you now is to practice and improve your strength. When you have enough strength, you can do whatever you want." For several days, Chen Feng was immersed in memories. The tower was a little impatient and reminded him.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of complex colors, but after the flames jumped, he regained clarity.

"Yes, when I have enough strength, I can kill back and take revenge. I just don't know how my father is now. He was seriously injured back then." At this point, Chen Feng became worried again.

"Don't worry, Ya is still very powerful. There is nothing to worry about. I was the one who suffered the most damage in the battle. Little guy, I hope you can practice successfully. Now cheer up. The power of the half-step golden immortal cannot be absorbed yet. Go and refine the law of truth and the law of heaven first. Perfect your longevity path, this is the foundation." The tower said in a deep voice.

"I naturally understand this, but we should find a safe place." After Chen Feng put away the longevity tower, he took a step and instantly reached a thousand miles away.

In the battle just now, the longevity tower seemed to be intact, but in fact it also consumed a lot of power. Seeing that Chen Feng's strength had greatly increased, the tower was relieved and fell asleep again.

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