Eternal Existence

Chapter 1088: Advancement to True Immortal

After devouring Xuan Jia's soul, Chen Feng also knew what he wanted to know.

These three people were indeed monks of the Wuji Corps. They had been setting a trap for Chen Feng from the beginning, in order to lead Chen Feng into the Hun Tian formation.

For Chen Feng, knowing this was enough, and Chen Feng had also felt the danger before. He was willing to come in, so he couldn't blame others. If he wanted to break the Hun Tian formation, he had to think of a way.

Chen Feng activated the Cave Heaven Divine Eye again. This time, the power of the Longevity Tower was involved. Sure enough, his eyes penetrated the fog again and fell on the Heavenly Pillar.

However, although Chen Feng could see through the situation of the Heavenly Pillar, he was still powerless, just like some things could be seen but not done.

Chen Feng clearly knew the power contained in the twelve Heavenly Pillars, and could even see the other party's principle structure, but his own power was not enough, so all this was useless.

Chen Feng closed his eyes only after his pupil power was depleted. After recovering his strength, his aura suddenly surged. The Tower of Immortality secretly protected Chen Feng, and the acupoints in his body began to bang. The power hidden in the acupoints was constantly released.

According to Chen Feng's current strength, an acupoint is equivalent to a secret realm. Although the original power has not yet been formed, the power contained in the various magic weapons suppressed in it cannot be underestimated.

When the eighteenth acupoint erupted, Chen Feng sensed the laws of the universe. The power of the heavenly tribulation has begun to brew, but it still needs some power to descend on him.

Being able to sense this degree, Chen Feng had some confidence in his heart, so when the twenty-eighth acupoint erupted, a ball of lightning was born from the dark universe, penetrating through layers of space and falling on Chen Feng's head.

Chen Feng was so excited that he wanted to shout loudly.

This was the first time that Chen Feng released such a strong power. If it weren't for the secret protection of the Tower of Immortality, his solid body would have been damaged beyond recognition.

Before the first wave of the heavenly tribulation disappeared, the Hun Tian formation started to operate, and the misty air flowed, and the connection between Chen Feng and the heavenly tribulation was immediately cut off.

"It's really not simple." Chen Feng sneered. If it was so easy to pass the tribulation, these pillars would not be the Hun Tian formation.

However, Chen Feng was also prepared. Several immortal artifacts in the Changsheng Tower exploded and entered Chen Feng's body, and then released again. This fierce momentum once again broke through the ban and connected with the heavenly tribulation.

Then the thunder of destruction as big as a mountain fell down. Chen Feng's scalp was numb. He didn't dare to be careless. He swung his fists violently, smashed the thunder of destruction, and quickly absorbed it into his body, because Chen Feng knew that the next heavenly tribulation would become more violent.

The Hun Tian formation started again, trying to separate the heavenly tribulation again. However, at this time, the power of the Hun Tian formation still touched the law of heaven, and the more powerful force struck the twelve pillars. At this moment, the twelve pillars became extremely clear, buzzing under the heavenly tribulation, as if they felt that these pillars were fighting back, so the power of the heavenly tribulation became more powerful.

Seeing the power of the heavenly tribulation coming down, Chen Feng's eyelids kept twitching. The power of the heavenly tribulation that struck the pillar of heaven was more than ten times stronger than what Chen Feng was facing.

When a cultivator is going through the tribulation, he can set up a formation to wear down the heavenly tribulation, but it will cause the heavenly tribulation to rebound, especially the Hun Tian formation around him, which was not arranged by Chen Feng at all, and it was ridiculously strong. If Chen Feng hadn't used his means, even the way of heaven would have been concealed, but at this time, he could only attract a more powerful heavenly tribulation.

Chen Feng was a little proud in his heart, and he kept urging the power in his body to attract a stronger heavenly tribulation. As long as he could break a small hole in the pillar of heaven, he could rush out.

However, what happened next disappointed Chen Feng. The Hun Tian formation soon quieted down, and the heavenly tribulation also shifted its focus and set its sights on Chen Feng.

"That's good. It seems that the other party doesn't want to compete with the heavenly tribulation, so I can go through the tribulation with peace of mind next." Chen Feng said this and stretched out his palm and grabbed and tore it violently, and a river formed by weak water was torn into pieces.

Chen Feng was very dissatisfied with this heavenly tribulation. In addition to the powerful force at the beginning, the next thing was thunder and rain. Although the various heavenly tribulation forces were dazzling and looked very attractive, they did not hurt Chen Feng.

In this way, Chen Feng successfully advanced to the half-step true immortal without any pressure.

Before the heavenly tribulation completely dissipated, the Hun Tian Great Array launched an attack on Chen Feng. It seemed that the person in the dark finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart: "I have been waiting for you to take action."

Then the breath several times stronger than before rushed into the sky, and the heavenly tribulation that had not dissipated gathered again, but Chen Feng was attacked by the Hun Tian Great Array before the heavenly tribulation fell.

Just one attack made Chen Feng fly up, and the heavenly tribulation that fell next submerged Chen Feng, and the Hun Tian Great Array returned to calm again.

Chen Feng wanted to advance to the true immortal, which was a great realm. Anyone who encountered a heavenly tribulation must be much stronger. However, Chen Feng was not worried about the power of the heavenly tribulation, but whether the heavenly tribulation could come more violently.

This time, the heavenly tribulation did not disappoint Chen Feng, because a True Immortal-level War Immortal rushed towards Chen Feng with a mighty halberd.

"He is just a beginner True Immortal, his realm is too low. Even if this guy is a War Immortal and can kill his opponent across levels, at best he can only exert the combat power of a high-level True Immortal.

But for Chen Feng, there is still no pressure. However, thinking that neither side can use magic weapons, Chen Feng has an interest in fighting with the other party.

Facing the attack of the halberd, Chen Feng simply punched out, and then this top-grade immortal weapon turned into pieces.

"Impossible!" The immortal's eyes were like lightning, and he couldn't help shouting. He couldn't believe that this immortal had such fighting power.

However, after feeling the power fluctuations here, his face showed a relieved expression.

"Strange world, there is also the Hun Tian formation, my friend, it seems that you are in a bad situation. No wonder you want to pass the tribulation, but dying early or late is the same. It's better to die in my hands than to be trapped by the formation." The immortal looked at Chen Feng with a mocking look.

Chen Feng sighed, not knowing whether the other party was arrogant or didn't see the situation clearly. He was trapped by the Hun Tian formation and could attract the heavenly tribulation. Isn't the other party curious at all?

In any case, the two soon fought each other.

This fight made Chen Feng realize that he underestimated the world. The fighting power of this immortal was beyond his prediction, and it actually exceeded the general high-level immortal, and even approached the half-step immortal.

"Tsk tsk, the name of the war immortal is indeed true. He is stronger than the war immortals I met before, but he is still a little bit worse than me." Chen Feng let the opponent's attack fall on him, and then punched the opponent and made him spit blood repeatedly.

Before the opponent attacked again, the longevity handprint pulled the opponent away again.

"Too weak, just use whatever means you have." Chen Feng said lightly, and the lightning in his palm quickly boiled. Soon, a thunder ball flew out, constantly dancing in front of Chen Feng, and finally connected in a string, all hitting the war immortal.

A layer of lightning appeared on the war immortal, and all the thunder balls sent by Chen Feng merged into it, making the war immortal look more powerful.

"The great way of thunder and the law of heaven, these things in the thunder world are really looking for death. They are still using conspiracy and tricks. I don't know how many people were killed by these war immortals when they were crossing the tribulation." Chen Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Fortunately, it was me. If it was any other cultivator who encountered the War Immortal during the tribulation, they would definitely die. It was not that Chen Feng was narcissistic, but that he had never encountered a cultivator who was stronger than Chen Feng in the same realm.

Thinking of this, the Immortal Wings behind Chen Feng vibrated rapidly, and his speed increased a bit. After several exchanges, he seized an opportunity and inserted his palm through the lightning barrier and heavily inserted it into the opponent's body.

A lightning whip like a spine was grabbed by Chen Feng. As the lightning whip was pulled out, the War Immortal immediately collapsed and was blown up by Chen Feng's punch before he could speak.

"You dare to die with only one law of heaven." Chen Feng said, opening his mouth and sucking, and all the tribulation clouds mixed with the laws of heaven were swallowed into his mouth.

A road unfolded from Chen Feng's body. As the spirit and energy continued to merge into it, the road became longer and wider. The laws of truth that had been refined and suppressed by Chen Feng in the past merged into it one after another. He melted thirty-six laws of truth in one breath, and this rapid momentum slowly subsided.

The laws of truth suppressed in the Changsheng Tower are enough for Chen Feng to refine, and there are also many laws of heaven. According to Chen Feng's calculations, he can melt 108 laws of truth and 18 laws of heaven in the early stage. As long as he can do this, he will have a better chance of breaking out of the Hun Tian formation.

However, Chen Feng also knows that it will take some time to achieve this step, not to mention that the opponent hidden in the dark will not let him succeed.

The Changsheng Tower finally appeared, covering Chen Feng in it, resisting the attacks from all sides.

After the first wave of attacks, the scene calmed down again. It seems that the appearance of the Changsheng Tower made the people in the dark change other strategies.

Chen Feng knew everything that happened outside, but he did not stop practicing. At this moment, the increase of strength was the most important.

The laws of heaven were completely refined by Chen Feng, and even the longevity road in his body had a general prototype.

Chen Feng was already a true immortal at this time. Every move he made was the truth. The laws in his body went from virtual to real, which was another leap in the characteristics of life.

A big hand stretched out from the formation and grabbed the Longevity Tower directly, trying to take it away, but the Longevity Tower burst out with a powerful force, crushing the big hand.

Then another more powerful palm appeared, and at the same time, the twelve pillars around began to exert their power. Thousands of chains extended from the pillars, and the binding force soon submerged the Longevity Tower tightly.

Chen Feng was not the opponent's target, but the Longevity Tower was. At this time, the Longevity Tower had appeared, and the opponent hidden in the dark also began to burst out with powerful power.

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