Eternal Existence

Chapter 1079 Return

A year later, the huge meteorite had become round and smooth, with dense patterns on it. Various energies were constantly flowing between the patterns, and the top-grade crystals were constantly shining. In the array pattern, there would be a shrinking spirit gathering array at a certain distance, which continuously absorbed the energy in the void.

In the teleportation array constructed by the meteorite, there were 1.8 million spirit gathering beads alone. This was a huge and delicate project.

Another year later, Huoyunlong and Jintu Zunzun finally came back. From the strong fluctuations overflowing from the two, Chen Feng knew that both of them had gained something during this period.

With the participation of the two, the construction speed of the teleportation array was increased again, and Chen Feng even handed over some simple tasks to the immortals in the brilliant starry sky map.

That's it. It took five years to build the teleportation array. During these five years, Chen Feng had almost no rest and was completely devoted to the formation. After this large teleportation array was built, Chen Feng had a deep understanding of the formation.

"Are you really going to go back?" Huoyunlong was reluctant to leave. Although the death space was more dangerous, he gained a lot after going through it.

"Now that we have a teleportation array, it will be convenient in the future. If I don't go back and take a look, I will feel uncomfortable." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Chen Feng was also wondering what the Eternal World had become.

"Well, I'll go back with you first, Venerable Jintu, what do you say?"

"I also want to go to the outside world. I have been staying in the death space for these years. Although my cultivation has improved, I still have some dead air accumulated in my body."

"In this case, let's go." Chen Feng was full of pride, and as for the Soul Refining Immortal, he had no right to refute.

The four stood above the teleportation array. Chen Feng waved his hand and shot out a stream of energy, and then the huge teleportation array was activated, and all the energy accumulated since the construction began to gush out.

The process went smoothly beyond everyone's expectations. The space of thousands of miles around began to distort, and soon a deep passage appeared, like a black hole connecting to another universe.

But when the four entered it, they found that the golden light was flowing around them, and it was bizarre, as if they were in a dream.

"This is the speed reaching a certain limit, beyond time." Chen Feng said lightly, and the golden light around was the time that was running away.

Chen Feng cannot make something that is intangible substantial, so he can only use the formation.

Not long after Chen Feng and others entered the transmission channel, the huge transmission array slowly disappeared. This was also the means left behind when the transmission array was arranged. Otherwise, if it was found by others, it would bring trouble to the Eternal World.

The transmission process ended quickly. Looking at the stars in front of him, the clear and transparent space, Huoyunlong was a little confused.

"Will it arrive so soon?"

Chen Feng was not sure, his consciousness surged, sweeping away like a tide, covering the nearest star field.

"Yes, it's here. This place is still 10 billion miles away from the Eternal World. It seems that the error is not big." Chen Feng nodded, and the consciousness around him began to withdraw, quietly but undercurrents surged.

"This is power. I don't know how long I traveled in the starry sky when I left before, but I didn't expect to come back so quickly with the help of the transmission array." Chen Feng sighed.

"But if you want to enter the death space again, you need to build another teleportation array." Huoyunlong's face was bitter. It was not an easy job to participate in the construction of the teleportation array before.

"No hurry, no hurry, let's go back to the Eternal World first." Chen Feng took a step and felt that the space here was too fragile. It was not even one percent of the death space. If it burst out with all its strength, it might destroy this starry sky.

"I haven't entered the Eternal World yet, and I feel the suppression of the Heavenly Dao." Huoyunlong smiled.

"Let's go."

The distance of 10 billion miles is nothing to Chen Feng and his friends. It didn't take long for them to see the Eternal World floating in the universe.

After experiencing the impact of 100,000 warships from the Tiandi Immortal Realm, the Eternal World was almost shattered, but it was finally preserved. Although it was somewhat damaged and a large area of ​​the terrain was changed, the large-scale pattern did not change.

After entering the Eternal World, the four people immediately felt a strong repulsion. Chen Feng was better. Huoyunlong and the other two were all true immortals. They felt that the entire Eternal World seemed to be shaking before they landed on the ground.

The three of them also had their own secret methods, and they quickly resisted the suppression of the Heavenly Dao and the attraction of the Immortal Realm.

"It was a bit unexpected." Chen Feng felt the laws of heaven and earth around him. Although Chen Feng was completely recognized by the Eternal World and was considered a cultivator who came out of the Eternal World, he could still feel that the exclusive restrictions had weakened a lot.

"Maybe it was because of the previous catastrophe of heaven and earth that the laws of heaven had some effects. If it was before, I wouldn't be so relaxed at my current level." Huoyunlong said with a smile.

Chen Feng flicked his fingers, and three streams of light disappeared into the bodies of the three people. Huoyunlong and the other two were shocked. This was the real relaxation from the inside out.

Chen Feng's consciousness instantly enveloped the entire Eternal World. Under Chen Feng's special efforts, all the cultivators above the immortals in the Eternal World felt this shocking pressure.

"What's the situation?" Huoyunlong asked hurriedly after Chen Feng withdrew his consciousness.

"Just as I thought before, the entire Eternal World has been occupied by the Tianxiao Palace, and the cultivators of other sects have become slaves. I also found some interesting things. Maybe this is why the Tianxiao Palace has always wanted to occupy the Eternal World."

"Next, we need three people to take action." Chen Feng said with a smile, without too much worry. The reason why he left the Eternal World before was because he was hunted down by the immortals in the fairy world. In the final analysis, the main reason was that he was not strong enough.

At this time, Chen Feng could already fight with high-level immortals and even kill them. With Huoyunlong and the other two, he would not retreat even if he met the immortal army of the fairy world again. What's more, Chen Feng's previous actions had already understood the opponent's strength.

"I was chased and escaped before, and now I want to take revenge." Huoyunlong was murderous.

"It's not our turn to take action now." Chen Feng said with a wave of his hand, and the next moment the four of them moved to the vast sea.

At this time, the boundless sea area was more vast than before, with surging waves, water monsters and sea monsters swallowing clouds and mist, and countless monks continued to travel in groups. Chen Feng had taken away a large number of islands before, but the number of islands at this time became more and more, and even a larger island appeared where Donglong Island was sitting.

Chen Feng and his four companions alarmed the Tianxiao Palace monks stationed here as soon as they appeared, and three immortals rushed to Chen Feng and his four companions at the first time.

Chen Feng secretly admired the reaction of these people, which showed that Tianxiao Palace had a thorough rule over the Eternal World.

"Who are you?" The person who spoke was wearing silver-white armor, majestic and arrogant, with a proud look in his eyes.

"This should be the immortal soldiers from the immortal world." Huoyunlong said lightly.

Chen Feng nodded, and did not pay attention to the other party, but waved his hand, and a rapidly rotating vortex appeared in front of him, and a portal was expanding rapidly.

Daluo Tianzun was the first to come out, followed by Tianjian Laozu, Shuihuo Tianzun and other immortals belonging to Donglong Island. When these people left the Eternal World, they were in the brilliant starry sky map. It has been nearly a thousand years since they appeared again, but the changes in everyone are earth-shaking, especially the first batch of the most core cultivators of the Donglong Island Alliance, whose cultivation is close to the true immortals.

The faces of the three cultivators of Tianxiao Palace became very interesting. They went from being arrogant just now to trembling all over, their faces turned red, and they seemed to be about to explode, but these three people did not dare to escape, and they did not even have the intention to escape.

These three people are just beginner immortals. There are more than twenty immortals in front of them, and each of them can easily kill them.

"How can there be such a force in this world? This is impossible." The hearts of the three immortals are already confused.

"You should all know what happened here." Chen Feng said lightly. Before these people were released, they had seen the situation outside with Chen Feng's consciousness.

"I didn't expect that Tianxiao Palace could really unify the Eternal World."

"Humph, it's nothing special that they have the support of the immortal world. After years of cultivation, it's finally time to take action."

"Yeah, we couldn't help before, and I've been frustrated all these years."

"I've survived two heavenly tribulations in a row, and my cultivation has greatly improved. Even if a true immortal comes down, I can fight with him."

Although everyone has been cultivating in pseudo-divine artifacts and their cultivation has greatly improved over the years, they have never taken action. In addition, they were forced to leave that year, and they were still full of anger. Now that they have returned to the Eternal World, they immediately became high-spirited.

After a certain number of immortals appeared, the faces of the three immortals in Tianxiao Palace began to twist, and dense cracks appeared all over their bodies, and then they exploded with a bang, and even their souls completely dissipated.

The power deliberately emitted by hundreds of high-level immortals was too strong, and the three small beginner immortals could not bear it at all.

"The war has begun." Chen Feng said lightly.

At this time, the portal in the passage had expanded to thousands of feet, and a large number of cultivators began to appear in groups.

Tianjian Laozu and others were not idle either, but integrated the team and began to expand the territory.

With the return of the people from Donglong Island, the sea roared first, and soon the whole world began to shake.

There are several strongholds of Tianxiao Palace in the vast sea, some of which have slaves from various sects who were captured to do hard labor.

Originally, these slaves had no hope and lived completely in darkness, but when they felt the power rushing around from the direction of Donglong Island, these people seemed to see the light again.

Thousands of immortals, millions of earth immortals, and more than 100 million human immortals all descended on the earth, and the streamers in the sky were flying everywhere. Wherever they passed, no force could stop them.

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