Eternal Existence

Chapter 1078: Making a Teleportation Array

"There is indeed an immortal fruit here." Chen Feng laughed. The branches growing from the immortal wood exploded and turned into dots of light, then condensed into a sharp arrow and shot in one direction.

"It's there." Chen Feng's eyes lit up and he exerted his speed to the extreme. The biggest purpose of entering this place this time was the immortal fruit.

At this time, anyone who stood in front of him was an enemy, as he could feel the breath of the immortal fruit.

Three high-level immortals were attacking a restriction. Every time they attacked, the restriction would shine silver and the scene was hot, but there was no sign of the restriction being broken.

Just a glance at Chen Feng showed that the restriction here was several times stronger than the one that was broken before.

Seeing Chen Feng and the Blood Rakshasa rushing over, the three cultivators stopped immediately, with a look of vigilance in their eyes.

"Everyone, the best way is for everyone to join forces." Chen Feng shouted.

The three of them looked at each other and quickly agreed. If they couldn't open the restriction in front of them, everything would be in vain.

The five cultivators attacked together, and the restriction in front of them finally began to collapse and shatter. Chen Feng's heart beat more and more violently, and the flow of the immortal qi became more lively. This was caused by the influence of the immortal fruit.

"The immortal fruit, it must be the immortal fruit."

As soon as the restriction was opened, the five cultivators used their own methods to enter it at the fastest speed, and Chen Feng immediately circulated the immortal qi to the extreme.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered, Chen Feng felt a strong suction force, and two groups of streamers flew towards Chen Feng.

"It's the immortal fruit." Just a glance, Chen Feng saw that the streamer was wrapped in the immortal fruit, and from the degree of the immortal qi, each of these two immortal fruits could increase Chen Feng's skills by more than 100,000 years.

Not to mention how long these two immortal fruits have grown on the tree, just so many years of storage, they can also practice like people and accumulate energy.

This was something Chen Feng was determined to get when he entered this place, and he would not allow anyone to intervene and snatch it. So when he saw two people trying to snatch the flowing light, Chen Feng was like an angry beast, and the power he had prepared long ago surged out.

Bang! Bang!

The two high-level immortals were knocked away by Chen Feng.

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way. This is my stuff." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the two balls of flowing light. One of them went directly into Chen Feng's body. Every time the Changsheng true qi washed away, the Changsheng fruit would emit a strong longevity qi, which melted into Changsheng's body.

"There should be more than these two, right?" Chen Feng's eyes were as fiery as torches, and lightning flashed continuously, and he began to search.

The two cultivators who were knocked away by Chen Feng were a little angry at first and wanted to attack Chen Feng, but they were soon attracted by other treasures and could only put the matter of teaching Chen Feng a lesson behind.


The two pseudo-artifacts, the Brilliant Starry Sky Map and the One Yuan True Spirit Map, unfolded at the same time, and the Blood Gathering Bead appeared in the palm of his hand. The Sun God Needle no longer circled in his body, as if it would escape and attack at any time.

At this moment, Chen Feng burst out with all his attacks. Feeling the surging power in his body, even Chen Feng himself felt a little numb and trembling all over.

The longevity wings behind him were black and white, as if the sky was entwined with Chen Feng. During the violent vibration, Chen Feng's speed reached the extreme.

With a wave of his hand, several groups of flowing light were collected.

Unfortunately, it was not the longevity fruit.

"Boy, bring the things." Another cultivator attacked Chen Feng. The treasure that this person saw just now was snatched away by Chen Feng.

"Get out!"

Chen Feng had already locked onto the two longevity fruits at this time. He was about to step forward when he was attacked. He was furious in his heart. The Blood Gathering Bead in his hand flew out directly, blasting the opponent into pieces, and then his body shook. The next moment, the two longevity fruits fell into his hand.

What the five people opened seemed to be a treasure house. Chen Feng initially estimated that there were more than a thousand treasures in it. Various spiritual objects and divine objects were flying around. The lowest-level magic weapons were all top-grade immortal artifacts.

The soaring treasure energy erupted from the broken forbidden channel, alarming other cultivators on the planet.

"Such chaotic energy, could it be that someone has found the treasure house?"

"I feel the breath of pseudo-artifacts, no less than ten."

The cultivators who felt this breath all went crazy, and Chen Feng and the others who entered it first had bloodshot eyes and began to breathe rapidly.

Because of collecting the longevity fruit, Chen Feng was the slowest among the few people to collect treasures. Seeing that the treasures were constantly decreasing, coupled with the strong breath behind him constantly approaching, Chen Feng quickly made a move in a frenzy, and twelve gray flagpoles flew out of his hands.

This was a set of top-grade immortal artifact-level formations that Chen Feng had just obtained not long ago. It was composed of twelve flags with different powers. The full name was Hunluo Kuntian Formation.

After getting it, Chen Feng simply refined it. He had not had time to comprehend the mystery of it. At this critical moment, he immediately took it out.

Although the formation composed of the twelve command flags is a top-grade immortal weapon, in Chen Feng's opinion, it plays a role that is even better than the pseudo-artifact at this time.

After the twelve command flags flew out of Chen Feng's hand, they began to expand against the wind, directly increasing to tens of millions of feet, blocking the entire entrance tightly.

The gray air flow surged, the twelve command flags disappeared, and a breath of ancient and primitive exuded from it.

"It's a pity for this formation." Chen Feng shook his head, and his eyes quickly returned to clarity. The two pseudo-artifacts, the Brilliant Starry Sky Map and the One Yuan True Spirit Map, were running at the same time, and dozens of treasures were collected by Chen Feng.

Seeing Chen Feng's previous actions, a trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the two high-level true immortals who were frantically snatching the treasures, and then they also placed two layers of restrictions at the same time.

It can be said that Chen Feng and the others are the most discerning. Once others arrive and there is no restriction to stop them, the difficulty of collecting the treasures will increase exponentially.

As soon as the two people's restraints were arranged, the outermost restraint set up by Chen Feng began to be attacked. With just one blow, cracks appeared in the twelve command flags. With another blow, the magic circle arranged by Chen Feng completely exploded. .

The twelve flags were shattered into pieces, and Chen Feng gritted his teeth in distress.

However, the three-layer restriction can prevent the monks outside from breathing for several seconds, which is enough for Chen Feng and the others. When a dozen monks swarmed in, only a few dozen treasures were left out of the thousands.


Chen Feng made a quick decision and grabbed the Blood Rakshasa. His longevity wings vibrated and he escaped through the layers of space.

"Everyone, I only collected a few longevity fruits. I didn't grab anything else." Chen Feng shouted before setting off.

However, the effect was very little. The two monks took action at the same time, trying to stop Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa from coming back. However, dozens of blood thunders exploded in a series, causing serious damage to the two people.

"Everyone, farewell."

With just a series of spatial fluctuations, Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa disappeared.

"Forget it, don't chase him. The opponent is practicing the Wings of Eternal Life, which can penetrate the void. Time and space cannot stop him. We can't catch him."

Then another chaotic fight ensued.

"Leave here." Chen Feng and Blood Rakshasa have arrived at a safe place.

Blood Rakshasa hesitated.

Chen Feng frowned: "Don't be too greedy, you have already gained a lot."

"But the Celestial Immortal inheritance hasn't appeared yet, and I still want to try again." Blood Rakshasa struggled and finally said through gritted teeth.

"It's up to you."

Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, Pi Lian swept across, and the space was cut open directly, and the breath of the dead space leaked out from it.

Blood Rakshasa was surprised again. He didn't expect Chen Feng's strength to reach this level. Doesn't that mean that it doesn't matter to Chen Feng whether he has the key or not.

"Are you still wandering in the dead space?" Blood Rakshasa asked hurriedly.

"Maybe." Chen Feng said lightly.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to enter the space crack, the Blood Rakshasa waved his hand, and several streams of light flew towards Chen Feng.

"This is the longevity fruit I collected."

"Thank you." Chen Feng stretched out his hand to grab it, and twelve longevity fruits fell into his hands.

"See you again if we are destined." Chen Feng took a step forward, and the space crack disappeared.

The Blood Rakshasa sighed, turned around resolutely, and entered the depths of space again, fighting to obtain the inheritance of the immortals.

"Find Huo Yunlong and the others, and then go back, or start building the teleportation array now." The power of chaos around him had almost no impact on Chen Feng, but this period of adventure also made Chen Feng feel a little tired, although Xiu Feng To make rapid progress, but the psychological pressure needs to be released.

The fire of immortality kept beating. The soul-refining immortal who was hundreds of millions of miles away immediately felt Chen Feng's call. After hesitating in his heart, he immediately came out of his hiding place and disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

"High-level true immortals will die at any time. I hope Huo Yunlong and the others are still alive." The power of the soul spread out like water waves, and then quickly condensed into runes, diving into the sea like swimming fish.

"These communication runes can float a billion miles away. I hope they can see it." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand, and a huge meteorite appeared under his feet. Sword energy was continuously released from his fingers. Debris flew everywhere, and a series of wonderful meteorites appeared. Traces of runes emerge from this meteorite.

This meteorite is extremely strong, with a radius of hundreds of miles. It has been stored in the dead space for who knows how many years. In Chen Feng’s opinion, its hardness is comparable to that of a pseudo-artifact. Making this meteorite into a large teleportation array, for Chen Feng It’s also quite a project.

It took Chen Feng several months just to polish the meteorite into a smooth shape. The ensuing rune carving and energy gathering were the most important and troublesome.

The Eternal Life Tower is not very powerful, and Chen Feng cannot reach the realm. If he wants to quickly return to the eternal world, he can only use this method.

The Soul Refining Immortal was the first to return. After receiving Chen Feng's order, he immediately joined the work. With the addition of the Soul Refining Immortal, the speed was much faster. At the same time, some of the precious spiritual stones that the Soul Refining Immortal had recently harvested also contributed. came out and was embedded in the formation pattern.

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