Eternal Existence

Chapter 1070: Portal

The six cultivators who were besieging Blood Rakshasa were also shocked when they saw this scene, and then they saw the starlight in the sky rushing towards them.


These six people are all high-level true immortals, and they also have pseudo-divine weapons. They are not necessarily much weaker than Chen Feng. The six people exerted their strength at the same time, and the starlight in the sky scattered far away under the sweep of powerful force.

But then one person screamed, his arm was pierced, and the injury was the same as the previous cultivator, and it was also caused by the Sun God Needle.

This person reacted quickly and ruthlessly, and cut off his arm directly. Chen Feng arrived in front of the opponent, and the Changsheng Wings behind him vibrated, and all time and space could not bind Chen Feng.


The cultivator with a broken arm was knocked away by Chen Feng's punch.

Blood Rakshasa flew out of the encirclement with a flicker, and then fled to the distance at the fastest speed.

"This woman is really fast." Chen Feng smiled, exerted the Changsheng Wings to the extreme, and quickly fought with the opponent several times, and also rushed out quickly.

"Damn, where did this guy come from?"

"Changsheng Wing, the other party is a cultivator of the Changsheng Clan."

"Stop talking nonsense, chase him."

Chen Feng was extremely fast and soon caught up with Xue Luosha. He reached out and grabbed Xue Luosha before Xue Luosha refused.

"What are you doing?" Xue Luosha shouted.

"Shut up." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and at the same time, his speed increased.

Runes began to flash on the Changsheng Wing behind him. As the number of runes increased, the power of the Changsheng Wing became greater and greater. In the end, Xue Luosha only felt the space shift and time flying. He was shocked. He didn't expect Chen Feng to be able to exert such speed. From Chen Feng, he thought of the Changsheng Clan, and from the Changsheng Clan, he thought of other heaven-defying races. Xue Luosha suddenly felt discouraged.

"Point the way." Chen Feng said lightly, frowning at the same time, not understanding why the other party could still be distracted at this time.

Xue Luosha immediately forced himself to be energetic and pointed out the direction for Chen Feng to move forward. Chen Feng exerted his speed to the extreme, and finally got rid of the pursuers after a while.

"Okay, fly by yourself." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw away the Blood Rakshasa.

The Blood Rakshasa didn't say anything, just kept on going, and it was unknown how long it took before it stopped.

"Are we there?" Chen Feng said as he used his pupil technique to check, but found nothing.


The Blood Rakshasa obviously despised Chen Feng's actions.

Chen Feng pretended not to see it, his eyes flashed, and the power of his pupil technique began to increase. Finally, the space in front of him fluctuated like flowing water.

Seeing this scene, the Blood Rakshasa's eyes showed horror.

"How strong is this guy's pupil technique? The restrictions here are arranged by the immortals. If there is no key, the real immortals can't find it at all."

As the space fluctuated like flowing water, a huge portal appeared in front of the two.


Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He had just used the full power of his pupil technique. It was impossible to open the portal in front of him with his own strength. At the same time, Chen Feng believed in the immortal treasure that the Blood Rakshasa said.

Blood Rakshasa did not speak, but a stream of red light flew out from his brow. This stream of light was condensed and did not disperse, but once it landed on the portal, it immediately merged into it.

Then the portal opened silently like an ordinary gate, revealing the dark passage inside.

"Let's go." Blood Rakshasa entered first, and Chen Feng followed closely.

Chen Feng had been on guard in secret, but he found that his worries were unnecessary. After entering the gate, it was an ordinary passage. The only special thing was that this passage was relatively long, so long that even Chen Feng could not see the top.

"It's the Avenue of Time and Space." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The two kept going forward, and finally encountered an identical portal. Chen Feng even suspected that he had gone back again, but Blood Rakshasa still shot out a red stream of light from his brow and opened the portal again.

The portal opened and there was another identical passage, and then encountered a third identical portal.

Chen Feng wanted to say something, but seeing the calm look of Blood Rakshasa, he held back.

The third portal opened wide, and continued to move forward, and finally encountered the fourth portal. This portal was a little different from the previous three, so Chen Feng knew that things would change.

Sure enough, this time, Blood Rakshasa stopped and did not attack.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Waiting for someone." Blood Rakshasa looked calm.

"Waiting for someone." Chen Feng nodded, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Blood Rakshasa was not in a hurry, and Chen Feng was not in a hurry either. He walked to the side and practiced secretly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

After a while, someone came. What surprised Chen Feng was the six cultivators who had surrounded and killed Blood Rakshasa before.

"Tsk tsk, things are a little interesting." Chen Feng smiled and glanced at Blood Rakshasa.

However, the six cultivators were not surprised, as if they knew that they would meet Chen Feng and the others here.

Chen Feng had injured the other two before, thinking that the other party would take the opportunity to attack, but he did not expect the other party to greet them first.

"What is the name of this Taoist friend from the Immortal Clan?" The person who spoke looked a little friendly.

"Chen Feng, everyone has keys on them too." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, I think fellow Taoist must have been deceived by the Blood Rakshasa. The six of us brothers are from the eastern part of the immortal world and belong to the Dongji Emperor. We came here this time to find a treasure left by the senior immortal. Here There are four keys to the treasure, and Blood Rakshasa has one on his body. Those who have the medicine key will have great opportunities after entering." The monk spoke slowly.

After hearing this, Chen Feng secretly laughed. These people may be telling the truth. For example, they come from the east of the fairy world, but who is the Dongji Emperor? In Chen Feng's opinion, these six people have probably never seen the true appearance of the Dongji Emperor. It's just a big banner, but it is also driving a wedge between himself and the Blood Rakshasa. Six against one is always better than six against two.

"I hope fellow Taoist can cooperate with us and join hands to kill the Blood Rakshasa. The key stolen will belong to fellow Taoist." Seeing that Chen Feng didn't speak, the man spoke again.

Chen Feng shook his head and said nothing. He really thought he was a fool. If he killed the Blood Rakshasa, he would not be able to withstand the cooperation of these six people.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the female Blood Rakshasa has extremely strong combat power. She can kill the opponent one on one, gain the upper hand in one on two, and can leave smoothly even if she loses in one on three. In the same realm, the Blood Rakshasa Much better than these six people,

Of course, the opponent's victory lies in the number of people. If there are two less people, Chen Feng has plans to join forces with the Blood Rakshasa to kill the opponent.

Seeing Chen Feng not speaking, the six monks were secretly jealous. If they had the chance, they really wanted to kill Chen Feng, but they couldn't do it now. The treasure was right in front of them. There was no need to fight to the death to take advantage of others. Of course, this was still the case for six monks. There was no guarantee that the two men could be captured.

When the six people tried to win over Chen Feng, the Blood Rakshasa remained unresponsive and seemed convinced of Chen Feng's choice.

"I don't know when the others will come back, maybe Cheng Cheng has been waiting here." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"The door has been opened, and the holder of the key will get the news, unless the other party has not entered this space." Blood Rakshasa said calmly.

"What if the other party really didn't come?" Chen Feng continued to ask.

"Then just keep waiting."

"The other party will definitely come, because we have met the holders of the other two keys." Someone from the six monks spoke.

"That's good." Chen Feng nodded.

"It seems that the next competition will be fierce and cruel."


A ball of flame appeared from a distance, crashed all the way, and suddenly stopped in front of Chen Feng. An overwhelming heat wave swept around, and Chen Feng felt that the temperature of the surrounding space continued to rise, as if a big sun appeared. In front of everyone.

"Tsk, tsk, this person is awesome." Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and felt a hint of threat from this person.

After the newly arrived monk stood firm, the flames on his body subsided. Only the flames were still beating in his eyes. He showed a handsome face and long fiery red hair, giving people a strange feeling. However, the power and unintentional power of Peng Bai in his body The evil spirit exuding from his body made people know that this was not an easy person to deal with.

"I've met Chiliu Fire Lord." The Blood Rakshasa, who had been silent all this time, actually took the initiative to say hello, and his attitude was a little solemn.

"It turns out to be the Blood Rakshasa." Chiliu Fire Lord nodded, looked around casually, and stopped talking. He seemed not to take Chen Feng and the other six people seriously.

"There are three waves. I hope the last group of people will come quickly. I don't have time to delay here." Chen Feng said lightly.

It's just that time passes day by day, and the holder of the last key never appears.

Chen Feng shook his head and used the pupil technique on the portal in front of him. It seemed that he was affected by the pupil technique. The portal actually emitted a dazzling light and began to roar at the same time.

Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the other six people showed wariness in their eyes, and Chiliu Fire Lord also looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

But something even more surprising happened next.

The light from the portal became more and more intense, as if it was about to explode. At the same time, the portal gradually blurred under the cover of the bright light. Forced by the bright light, everyone took a few steps back unconsciously.

Then the light disappeared and the portal returned to normal, but Chen Feng disappeared.

"Hey, there was that kid just now."

"what happened."

Including the Blood Rakshasa, all the monks present were extremely shocked.

"The other party has entered the portal." Chiliu Fire Lord said lightly, the shock in his eyes has not disappeared.

"Blood Rakshasa, what's going on? That kid came with you. You have to give us an explanation." Six monks from the eastern part of the fairy world stepped forward and surrounded the Blood Rakshasa.

These six people knew in their hearts what kind of attraction the treasure left by the immortal would have. The reason why everyone took the risk to come here was for the treasure in front of them. However, they did not expect that the holder of the key had not yet entered, but was killed halfway. The boy got there first.

"Hmph, what do I have to explain? I only know that the other party is from the Changsheng clan, and I don't know the details." Blood Rakshasa snorted coldly.

"I don't know. The other party will risk their lives to save you. Blood Rakshasa, you are partners. Now your companion has entered the treasure house of the immortal. Who do you think we are looking for if we don't look for you?" The six people were murderous, and they were about to do it. Take action.

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