Eternal Existence

Chapter 1069: Sun God Needle

"Damn it, I can only stay outside like this, am I not willing to accept this?" Thinking of the possible treasures in the sixth-level killing array, Blood Rakshasa's eyes turned blood red. Blood Rakshasa himself practiced the Great Way of Blood, and his personality was somewhat violent. If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have killed Chen Feng long ago.

After recuperating for a while, Blood Rakshasa rushed in again, but was forced back again soon. No matter what Blood Rakshasa said, Chen Feng never responded, which made Blood Rakshasa even more angry.

Time passed like this, and Chen Feng practiced here for a long time. For the sake of the Chaos Body, Chen Feng planned to practice slowly here and devour slowly.

In front of practice, everything can be postponed.

A few years later, because of the reduction of Chaos Thunder in the killing array, Blood Rakshasa could also stay in this space for a while, and even Blood Rakshasa could see Chen Feng's figure, but could not get close to Chen Feng. Once Blood Rakshasa tried to get close to Chen Feng, but was severely injured by the lightning around him before he took two steps.

This place seemed to have become Chen Feng's world. Chen Feng could control the Chaos Thunder here. This scene shocked Blood Raksha secretly.

After several years, Chen Feng felt that he had cultivated to a certain level, so he wanted to end the current situation. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. The space around him vibrated, and all the Chaos Thunder gathered in Chen Feng's palm, as if there was a black hole in Chen Feng's palm connected to the universe outside the domain. Soon all the Chaos Thunder was swallowed up by Chen Feng.

Blood Raksha took a breath of cold air. Even Blood Raksha couldn't figure out how many Chaos Thunders were contained in the space here. In short, it was a shocking level, but he didn't expect it to be so easy to deal with.

The killing array disappeared, a quiet space appeared, and two balls of light appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Fake artifact!"

Blood Raksha exclaimed and rushed over immediately.


Chen Feng punched out, and the power accumulated for many years of cultivation erupted, so Blood Raksha flew backwards at a faster speed than before, and blood spurted out of his mouth before he landed.

Chen Feng stepped forward and looked carefully at the two balls of light in front of him.

A long sword, a flashing armor, both of which are pseudo-artifacts, one for attack and one for protection.

"This is my territory, two magic weapons, I want one." Xue Luosha said in a deep voice.

Chen Feng ignored the other party, stretched out his hand, and two balls of light fell into his hand.

"Thousand Evils Divine Sword, Glazed Armor." The information of the two pseudo-artifacts poured into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Thousand Evils Divine Sword is not bad, this armor is not very useful to me." Chen Feng's body is strong and he doesn't need to rely on external forces at all.

Finally, Chen Feng put away both treasures. Xue Luosha's eyes flickered and wanted to take action, but finally calmed down. Chen Feng's punch just now has brought thrilling pressure to Xue Luosha. Although he has recovered his strength, Chen Feng seems to be even stronger at this time.

Chen Feng glanced at Xue Luosha indifferently, and then entered the seventh level of the killing array.


As soon as he entered, Chen Feng paused, and he felt like the sky was falling. Heavy pressure fell from the sky. Chen Feng bent his knees, but he couldn't resist it. This shocked Chen Feng to the extreme.

After practicing in the Chaos Thunder for such a long time, his physical body was upgraded to a higher level, but he still couldn't resist the pressure on his head.


The immortal true qi flowed, and Chen Feng slowly stood up. At the same time, a trace of the power of the pseudo-artifact was also added to Chen Feng. It seemed that because Chen Feng used the magic weapon, the pressure began to increase exponentially. More importantly, the same pressure came from all directions, and Chen Feng's tough body began to crack.

"Maybe I should refine the glass armor first." Chen Feng felt a little careless at this time.

But Chen Feng also knew that if the power of the magic weapon was used, the pressure here should become stronger.

So Chen Feng left this space with a flicker.

Seeing Chen Feng disappear, Xue Luosha's face changed, and he was also considering whether to enter it to investigate, but before he made up his mind, he felt a flash in front of him, and Chen Feng appeared again.

"What's wrong? Is the killing array inside too strong?" Seeing Chen Feng come out, Xue Luosha felt relieved.

"It seems that your injury has healed. In this case, let's move." Chen Feng said lightly.

Xue Luosha was secretly angry and did not move, but he had an impulse to try.

"Why, you want to do it." Chen Feng laughed.

"How is it possible? We can move now." Xue Luosha also laughed, but finally did not choose to do it.

Although Chen Feng has been in the death space for a while, his understanding of the death space is still superficial. At least until now, Chen Feng has not seen the corpse of a celestial being. Chen Feng knows that there is more than one corpse of a celestial being here, but many. Besides, how this space was formed and why there are corpses of celestial beings are all mysteries for Chen Feng.

It is obvious that Xue Luosha has stayed in this space for a long time and knows more things, which is why Chen Feng originally wanted to cooperate with the other party.

The biggest goal of the cultivators who venture into this place is the corpse of a celestial being. This is a temptation that all true immortals cannot resist. Even a drop of a celestial being's blood is a priceless treasure.

Chen Feng and Xue Luosha strolled in the chaotic void. The man was handsome and unrestrained, and the woman was charming and seductive. The surrounding energy was pushed out by invisible forces before it approached the two. At first glance, it looked like a pair of immortal lovers wandering in the void, but they didn't know that they had their own plans in mind.

"Xue Luosha, how long have you been in the death space?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's not convenient to answer." Xue Luosha said lightly.

"Then where are you from?"

"It's not convenient to answer."

"Do you know where there is a celestial corpse here?"

"It's not convenient to answer."

"Okay, in that case, then goodbye." Chen Feng said as he took a step and disappeared in a few flashes.


Seeing Chen Feng suddenly disappear, Xue Luosha was stunned at first, but soon understood what was going on.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A total of six cultivators broke through the air, obviously prepared for a long time, and suddenly appeared at this time, directly surrounding Xue Luosha. The six people were connected by the qi, forming a barrier that made Xue Luosha unable to escape.

"Blood Rakshasa, you didn't expect that we would meet again so soon." One of them said with a smile.

"How did you find me so quickly?" Blood Rakshasa was shocked.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the things, and I will spare you."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Blood Rakshasa said as he quickly stabbed one of them with the spear in his hand.

Boom! Boom!

Two groups of light appeared in succession. The first group of light blocked Blood Rakshasa's attack, and the second group of light hit Blood Rakshasa. The six people came prepared, with more people fighting fewer people, and Blood Rakshasa was no match at all.

In an instant, Blood Rakshasa was in a dangerous situation.

"Chen Feng, come and save me." Blood Rakshasa shouted, and desperately stabbed one person with the spear in his hand. This was a life-threatening way of fighting.

But it was useless. The opponents were all high-level true immortals, and the difference in strength between the two was too great.

"Chen Feng, if you don't take action again, don't even think about finding the treasure of the celestial immortal." Chen Feng didn't appear, and Blood Rakshasa was really anxious.

"It seems that your situation is not good." Chen Feng walked out of the void with a smile.

"Friend, don't meddle in other people's business." Seeing Chen Feng appear, someone threatened.

"I didn't expect you to be able to stop the siege of six people. It seems that you have hidden your strength before." Chen Feng continued to speak to the Blood Rakshasa.

"Don't attack yet." The Blood Rakshasa was wrapped in blood light.

"I want to see how long you can hold on."


Two monks rushed towards Chen Feng from the left and the back. These two people had been hiding in the dark for a long time, just to deal with Chen Feng. These people had already calculated Chen Feng.

"Boy, go to hell, this is the end of meddling in other people's business."

These two monks have great concealment skills. If Chen Feng hadn't used the pupil technique in secret, he would not have discovered the two people at all. But since he discovered them, all the loopholes and reactions of the other party were also within Chen Feng's calculations.


The Changsheng Wings vibrated violently, and a burst of sound came from behind Chen Feng. Chen Feng avoided the attack of the two people and arrived in front of the cage set up by the six people in the blink of an eye.


A simple and quick punch, and then a flaming energy rushed up a million feet.

Chen Feng flew repeatedly. The formation set up by the six people on the other side was very strange. Just now, Chen Feng was equivalent to the joint attack of the six people. Chen Feng suffered a little loss and was surrounded by two other people. But there was still some effect, that is, it gave Blood Raksha some time to relax.

However, the situation was still grim. The eight people on the other side surrounded Chen Feng and Blood Raksha respectively, especially Blood Raksha, who could fall at any time.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing? Get me out quickly." Blood Raksha shouted.

"Shut up, believe it or not, I will leave." Chen Feng shouted coldly.

"None of you two want to leave today."

Bang! Bang!

The attacks of the two people fell on Chen Feng at the same time, and Chen Feng's body was thrown up again. One of them wanted to take the opportunity to kill Chen Feng, but he didn't expect that the front was blurred and the whole person was in the psychedelic starry sky.

"Not good."

As soon as this thought came to this person, he felt a tremor in his body, and a small hole as thick as a finger appeared on his chest, and then the hole quickly expanded. This high-level True Immortal was like wax, being melted by a wave of heat.


Chen Feng punched out, and the cultivator was torn into pieces.

"Sun God Needle!" The besieged Blood Rakshasa's eyes widened when he saw this scene, and at the same time, he felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood. This was his own thing, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful in Chen Feng's hands.

"The Sun God Needle combined with the Brilliant Starry Sky Map is indeed extraordinary." Chen Feng knew that the situation was not good, and he had to use the magic weapon to rescue the Blood Rakshasa and leave here quickly.

Although one person was seriously injured just now, the other party was a high-level True Immortal after all, and he could recover even if he was broken.

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