Eternal Existence

Chapter 106: Weird Old Man

Watching Chen Feng slowly leave the team, the cultivator of the fifth level of the secret realm had a flash of light in his eyes, and then slowly followed him. As for the several cultivators of the first level of the secret realm who were gathered together, they had long been released by this person and were in a dangerous situation again.

This is the temporary group of casual cultivators. Once they encounter something, they loosen up and go their separate ways.

"Hey, this person is actually following me secretly. I wonder what his intention is?" Chen Feng had already discovered the cultivator of the fifth level of the secret realm behind him.

"If this person is not good for me, I don't mind killing him." Chen Feng sneered in his heart and did not take the other party seriously.

"Hey, what is this breath." Chen Feng, who was moving forward quickly, suddenly paused, stopped, and then emitted a sense of consciousness to sense secretly.

A mysterious, vast, lofty, and unfathomable breath spread from a distance, and this breath actually made Chen Feng feel a familiar atmosphere.

"It seems that there was this breath when the tower spoke for the first time." Chen Feng whispered after a long time.

Buzz buzz buzz!

At this time, Chen Feng felt waves coming from deep underground, and the surrounding swamps began to boil, and even in some places, the swamps even splashed up to a height of ten meters.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three red lights shot out from the swamp on one side at the same time, wrapping around Chen Feng. It was the swamp lizard hiding under the swamp that attacked Chen Feng.

"Looking for death!"

Chen Feng shouted softly, and a knife light quickly passed by, and three long tongues were immediately cut off. After twisting a few times, they sank into the swamp.

"This is the vibration coming from the front. It seems that the immortal palace is really born." Thinking of this, Chen Feng no longer hesitated. A faint sword light rose from his feet and wrapped himself, and then flew forward quickly. The fierce Yin Sha Gang Qi in front was immediately cut into pieces when it encountered this layer of sword light. These sword lights were emitted by the Haoran Zhengang Sword. Resisting these Yin Sha Gang Qi was simply a piece of cake.

As Chen Feng's power increased and time went by, he became more and more proficient in using this treasure, and the power it exerted became greater and greater. Chen Feng even felt that if he was given some time to get used to this long sword, he would be able to exert all his power.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly fly, the cultivator following behind him was immediately surprised.

"This kid really hides his strength, but his realm is too low. This is relying on the power of the magic weapon, which is at least a magic weapon of the sixth grade or above. This is a good opportunity. Let's take advantage of the chaos to rob it later."

After flying for dozens of miles, he did not find Ye Ziming and Ruta, and there was another cultivator following closely behind him. This situation immediately made Chen Feng feel a little impatient. He wanted to stop and deal with the other party, but the fluctuations from the front were getting stronger and stronger, and Chen Feng could not resist the temptation of the immortal mansion coming out.

Just when Chen Feng was conflicted, the earth mound surrounded by the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall was undergoing some changes.

The earthen mound, which was originally as high as 100 meters, suddenly shook, and the powerful air waves emitted directly bounced all the monks of the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall away, and some monks who were unlucky were even directly swept into it and turned into ashes.

Pah Pah Pah Pah!

The restrictions set up around the Sword Tower and the Jade Talisman Hall were broken in an instant, simply crushing withering and rotten.

"Not good, retreat quickly, everyone retreat to a distance."

"The Immortal Mansion has changed, is it going to open?"

The monks of the two sects kept shouting in the chaos, with nervousness, excitement, and some fear on their faces.

"Look, look, this earthen mound is rising." At this time, someone discovered the change of the earthen mound.

Boom! Boom!

This hundred-meter-high earth mound was constantly rising, as if it had grown half out of the ground. As the earth mound continued to rise, the surrounding swamps began to boil, and the sticky and smelly mud continued to spray into the sky, as if a tsunami had occurred. The mud lizards hidden in it also roared and rolled out. Of course, more monsters were stunned by the fluctuations emitted by the earth mound.

Waves of powerful vibrations spread out in all directions, and soon the entire Black Wind Swamp was shaking, and even spread outside the Black Wind Swamp.

"This time the movement is so big, I'm afraid the entire Beiyuan will be alarmed." The leaders of the Sword Tower and the Jade Fu Hall looked at each other, and then they realized that the matter was beyond their control.

"Now that the ban has been broken, other cultivators will arrive soon. Maybe it will spread throughout the Beiyuan in less than a day, and even attract cultivators from other regions outside the Beiyuan."

"A mountain has risen in front." Chen Feng flew quickly while looking at the earth mound that was rising in the distance.

"Wow, it rises several meters in one breath. Is this the Immortal Palace?" A voice suddenly sounded in Chen Feng's ears.

Chen Feng was immediately frightened. He turned his head and saw that a fat old man had appeared beside him. The old man had a ruddy face without a wrinkle, his eyes narrowed into a line, his hair was loose, and he was wearing a loose gray robe. He looked at Chen Feng with a smile.

"This old man is not simple." Chen Feng thought to himself, because Chen Feng could not tell the other party's true or false.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng asked carefully.

"Little guy, it's not simple. Just by opening up a layer of sea of ​​consciousness, it condensed into soul fire. Tsk, tsk, I have never seen such a genius. I didn't expect that I would meet such a genius as soon as I came out of retreat. Boy, how about it, are you interested in becoming my master? I promise to help you cultivate to the heavenly realm in a short time." The fat old man looked at Chen Feng and laughed.

After hearing the old man's words, Chen Feng was surprised and amused. He was surprised that the other party could see his true and false at a glance, and it was amusing that who would accept others as apprentices after meeting them.

Moreover, Chen Feng thought that it was a joke to let himself cultivate to the heavenly realm in a short time. Chen Feng was only in the first level of the secret realm now. There were still nine levels to be promoted to the heavenly realm, not to mention that the further you go, the more difficult it will be to cultivate.

"Even the immortals would not dare to say this, right?" Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

"What is your name, senior?" Although he secretly complained in his heart, Chen Feng was still very respectful on the surface. After all, the one who could come to his side without a sound must be a master.

"Why, kid, do you agree to become my disciple? I think you have good vision, so the ceremony is waived. From now on, you are my disciple and I am your master." The fat old man said quickly.

"Uh, this?" Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded. He didn't know where the old man came from, but he wanted to take him as his disciple.

"Here, take it. This is a gift from the master." The fat old man said, holding a bottle of elixir and stuffing it into Chen Feng's hand.

"What is this?" Chen Feng looked at the jade bottle in his hand in a daze.

"Put it away first. Let's go. The master will take you to see the fairy house in front. If we can get the fairy fate, both of us can become immortals." The fat old man said, grabbing Chen Feng's arm directly, and then flew forward at lightning speed.

Seeing that he was grabbed by the other party before he could react, Chen Feng was immediately shocked. He struggled violently for a few times, but felt that the other party's palm was like a mountain, and there was no possibility of breaking free. Then he felt like he was flying forward like a cloud, with the sound of wind whirring in his ears. He couldn't even see the scenery under his feet clearly, it just felt blurry.

"What a fast speed." Chen Feng was even more surprised. The speed at this time was several times faster than his full-strength flying.

"Could the other party be a cultivator in the Heaven Realm? Why is he playing tricks on me?" Chen Feng didn't believe that the other party really wanted to take him as a disciple.

However, the current situation is that the other party's cultivation is much higher than his own, and struggling is useless. Chen Feng simply calmed down and waited for the development of things.

"Hey, disappeared, who was the old man who suddenly appeared just now?" The cultivator who had been following Chen Feng was also dumbfounded. Originally, this person had planned to attack Chen Feng, kill Chen Feng, and snatch the magic weapon. Unexpectedly, an old man suddenly appeared and pulled Chen Feng and disappeared directly. This situation caught this person off guard.

"We're here."

It took only a few breaths for the fat old man to stop with Chen Feng. At this time, the two were only ten miles away from the earth mound that was emerging. Chen Feng only felt a huge breath rushing towards him, which made him tremble. If he hadn't been pulled by the fat old man, he would have shouted out loudly.

"Is this the Immortal Palace?" Chen Feng couldn't help asking as he looked at the mountain in front of him that was getting taller and taller.

At this time, the earth mound had risen to thousands of meters. Although the range of the surrounding area was constantly expanding, it seemed somewhat normal compared to the constantly rising height. However, the earth mound in front of him had truly turned into a mountain.

"It's not certain whether it is the Immortal Palace, but this matter is not simple." At this time, the smile on the fat old man's face had disappeared. He looked at the rising mountain in front of him with his eyes solemnly, and his eyes flashed with brilliance, as if he was thinking about something.

Chen Feng wanted to leave, but the old man's palm kept holding Chen Feng tightly, which made Chen Feng very helpless.

"Brother Chen, what's going on? Who is this old man?" At this time, a voice reached Chen Feng's ears. It was Ye Ziming's voice.

"Yeah, how did you get caught by this guy?" Ruta's voice followed.

Chen Feng glanced and saw Ye Ziming and Ruta mixed in the crowd not far away, looking at him with puzzled expressions in their eyes.

"Do you want to do it now?" Ye Ziming sent a voice message again.

"I'm fine, you must not do it, I'm fine now, and don't send a voice message to me for the time being, let's see the situation first." Chen Feng hurriedly sent a voice message to the two.

What a joke, the old man who caught him was probably a master of the Heaven Realm, and Ye Ziming and the other two sent a voice message to him, and they must not be able to hide it from him.

Sure enough, Chen Feng took a look at the fat old man and found that the corner of his mouth showed a smile that seemed to be a smile, as if he had discovered the actions of himself and Ye Ziming in secret.

"What exactly does this old guy want to do? Isn't he going to use me as a shield or a scapegoat?" Chen Feng shouted in his heart.

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