Eternal Existence

Chapter 105: Big Tornado

"Scare! It is recorded in "Eternal World" that this place should not be so dangerous. Why did a monk die just after entering?" Chen Feng was also shocked. The big tornado that suddenly appeared just now contained a powerful force. There was a strong aura of danger, and Chen Feng had a feeling that if he was accidentally involved in it, he would most likely be torn into pieces.

"It's strange. This time, the sinister wind in the Black Wind Swamp is much stronger than before. I remember that such a large tornado usually has to travel hundreds of miles to encounter." The monk on the fifth level of the secret realm wondered.

"Isn't it caused by the sudden appearance of the Immortal Mansion?" Someone said carefully.

"It's possible. Everyone should be careful. It's not too late to quit now."

"It would be great if there was a Wind-fixing Pearl." Someone said at this time.

"Ordinary Wind-Fixing Beads may not be able to control the sinister wind here, unless they are treasure-level Wind-Fixing Beads."

During the next journey, Chen Feng stopped being careless. He secretly radiated his spiritual consciousness and carefully observed the surrounding situation. Under Chen Feng's powerful spiritual consciousness, the strength and weakness of the surrounding evil wind were clearly reflected to Chen Feng. In Feng's mind, Chen Feng was like a swimming fish, his body was constantly twisting and turning, and sometimes he was constantly changing locations, avoiding the strong and attacking the weak. Every time he moved forward, he was the weak link of Yinsha Gangfeng. .

In this way, the pressure on Chen Feng was greatly reduced. Especially later, Chen Feng regarded this kind of thing as a test, constantly honing his spiritual reaction ability and the transformation and use of body techniques.


Chen Feng was moving forward in a straight line when he suddenly felt that one of the scattered spiritual consciousness was violently sucked in by a strong suction force. Before he could react, he was crushed to pieces by this powerful force.


At the critical moment, Chen Feng swayed and disappeared from the spot. A rapidly rotating tornado fell from the sky and swept over the place where Chen Feng was standing. A long trench immediately appeared on the hard ground.

A monk not far from Chen Feng was a little slow to dodge. He was hit by the big tornado and was swept away hundreds of meters. The gang energy in his body burst, and the sinister winds were directed at him like steel knives. The monk slashed at him.

Seeing that the monk was about to be blown to ashes by the sinister wind that filled the sky, the monk on the fifth level of the secret realm took action. He stretched out his big hand, spread his fingers, and each finger emitted a stream of light. These streams of light rotated rapidly, and soon... A force field was formed, wrapping the monk in it and pulling him over.

"The reincarnation of the five elements. This person actually cultivated the five elements. It's not easy. It seems that he has had some adventures." Chen Feng thought to himself.

You must know that for a casual cultivator, if there is no magic formula, it is not possible to condense the complete power of the Five Elements with talent and time.

"Thank you, senior, for your help." The monk who was saved his life quickly thanked him.

"You monks on the first level of the secret realm, come to me. It's too dangerous ahead." The monk on the fifth level of the secret realm said, waved his hand, and streams of light shot out. Several monks on the scene were immediately enveloped. , and then the figure involuntarily came to the person.

"Follow me and I will protect you."

At that time, Chen Feng also felt a stream of light covering his body. He was immediately paralyzed, and a force of capture pulled him forward.

"Hmph." Chen Feng snorted coldly, his true energy circulated rapidly, and a longevity sword condensed out, quickly circling around him, with a slight crisp sound, and the surrounding grabbing power was chopped into pieces by Chen Feng one by one.

"Eh." Seeing that Chen Feng broke his grappling technique, the monk on the fifth level of the secret realm was surprised. His move seemed simple, but in fact he had used 80% of his strength. This was something he had been practicing for a long time. Even the secret realm monks of the same level would not be able to resist the light of the Five Elements so easily.

"Fortunately, my level of longevity energy is much higher than that of the other party. Otherwise, I would have been directly captured by the other party just now. Hey, this person directly captured me. It seems that he has bad intentions. I should be more careful." Chen Feng secretly sneered in his heart.

The surrounding sinister winds are constantly cutting vertically and horizontally, and the ground is connected by swamps. Some swamps are constantly churning, producing various bubbles, and there are also streams of fishy odor that are constantly emitting. This place is like a stinking ditch. The presence.

"Can rare medicinal materials grow in a place like this?" Chen Feng was a little doubtful.

"Follow my footsteps. The swamp here is unfathomable. There is a strong evil spirit brewing in it, and there will be some monsters hiding in it. If you fall in, it will be difficult for the secret realm monks to escape. There are monks here every day Death." The monk on the fifth floor of the secret realm said in a deep voice.

"Senior, are there really some rare herbs here?" Someone couldn't help but ask at this time.

"Naturally, Baidu Fruit, Soul-Eating Flower, Yinsha Blood Poison Grass, Rotten Bone Grass, and even Soul-Protect Flower can all be found here. In addition to these rare herbs, there are also some rare metals and mineral deposits, although they are very rare. , but each piece is a high-level variety, and there are also some people who practice magic skills who come to absorb the evil spirit here. "

"Soul-protecting flower." Chen Feng's heart moved after hearing this.

"I heard that soul-protecting flowers can only be found in Demon Soul Valley. Do soul-protecting flowers also grow in places like this?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"Hehehe, I just heard about it, but I didn't expect that this little brother knew a lot, and he actually knew about the soul-protecting flower." The monk on the fifth level of the secret realm looked at Chen Feng with a half-smile.

"Hehe, I just read it in the book." Chen Feng smiled. Now Chen Feng instinctively felt that this person was a little dangerous. Now he couldn't use the power of the Longevity Tower, so he needed to be careful next time. But fortunately, he had a treasure on him. It was also a bit of confidence. Coupled with his soul fire, if he suddenly launched an attack, it would be enough to defeat the opponent's consciousness and turn the opponent into an idiot.

"There are three small black flowers over there." At this time, a cultivator pointed to the front and shouted.

Three palm-sized black flowers grew on the edge of a swamp, as black as ink, exuding a corrupt smell.

"This is the soul-eating flower, which can be used to refine pills and magic weapons. After the secret realm cultivators inhale it, the power of the soul will be corroded and polluted. At the least, the soul will be damaged, and at the worst, the soul will die." Someone who knew said.


Suddenly, two cultivators flew out and wanted to pick the three soul-eating flowers.

If these three soul-devouring flowers were sold on the market, each would be worth thousands of yuan of Yang Dan, which is enough for the cultivators of the first level of the secret realm to absorb and refine for several months, and it is much better than absorbing external spiritual energy. No wonder these two people rushed to snatch them at the first time.

Chen Feng did not move, because Chen Feng did not care about these things. He had more than enough magic crystals on him, so he would not lower his face to snatch these things. Besides, Chen Feng felt a faint fluctuation projected from the swamp in front of him. This breath was very weak, and it was difficult for cultivators who had not condensed into soul fire to detect it.

"I'm afraid these two people are in danger." Chen Feng sighed in his heart, but did not speak to remind them. No one knew each other, and they might be competitors next, so there was no need for him to show off.

"Got it."

The two people stretched out their palms at the same time to grab the three soul-devouring flowers on the ground. Seeing that they were about to grab them, they couldn't help but smile on their faces.


At this moment, two red lights flashed out from the swamp, wrapped around the two monks, and then pulled them into the swamp. After that, the swamp just churned twice and there was no more movement.

Chen Feng was shocked. He saw clearly what the two red lights were just now. It turned out to be a huge tongue covered with spikes, covered with disgusting meat bags.

"This should be the swamp lizard." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The two suddenly disappeared, and the remaining monks became a little agitated, and several of them took out flying swords and wanted to attack.

"Just now, it was the swamp lizard. This is their territory. Don't attack casually, and our purpose of coming in this time is not to kill monsters." Someone said.

"Look, someone else passed by." At this time, someone pointed to the sky and shouted.

Chen Feng looked up and saw two monks wearing protective robes flying in the air. The fierce Yinsha Gangfeng in the sky hit the two people and shattered them one after another. It didn't even stop the speed of the two people.

"The two men just now at least condensed into soul fire, and the protective robes on their bodies are probably high-level magic weapons?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart.

"Just now, they were the two cave masters of the 72 caves. The protective robes on their bodies can easily block the Yin Sha Gang Qi in the air. At least it is a seventh-grade magic weapon. If I had one, I wouldn't have to travel so hard." A cultivator on the fourth level of the secret realm said enviously at this time.

"Ah! The Sword Tower and the Jade Fu Hall killed people. I saw a treasure. It's really a treasure. It's a pity that it was taken away by the people of the Sword Tower." At this time, a voice came from the depths of the Gangfeng in front. The voice was extremely miserable, which made people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's Ruta's voice." Chen Feng's heart moved, and a smile appeared on his face.

"What, treasure, hurry up." When they heard the treasure, everyone present was jealous, including the cultivator on the fifth level of the secret realm, and they all hurriedly accelerated.

"Ah! There is another treasure. It is actually an alchemy furnace. Oh no, it was snatched away by the people of Yu Fu Tang. Ah! You beasts, you snatched the treasure and killed people. I will never coexist with you." At this time, another voice came from afar through the strong wind.

"This is Ye Ziming's voice. I didn't expect that the two of them are faster than me." Chen Feng laughed in his heart.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, three more cultivators flew through the air quickly, with dazzling sword lights blooming on their bodies to protect themselves from the harm of the strong wind. They were actually sword cultivators with profound cultivation. It seems that they were also attracted by the shouting just now.

"Okay, the scene is getting chaotic. It's time to meet up with Ye Ziming and the others." Thinking of this, Chen Feng sped up, slowly separated from the crowd, and ran towards the place where the voice came from.

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