Eternal Existence

Chapter 1056 Dark Demon Eye

"This is a great opportunity." Dark Kirin had gradually calmed down at this time, and the next thing to consider was how to put away the Dark Demon Pupil.

This kind of eye full of dark magic power, the pupil power is so strong that even cultivators of the same level dare not take it lightly.

"With the Dark Scripture, there shouldn't be too much of a problem." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"It's hard to say. Who knows if these predecessors who left the Dark Demon Pupil have any backup plans? Maybe they will take the opportunity to seize my body when I collect it." Although Dark Kirin said this, he still walked forward with the Dark Scripture in his hand.

Soon, a huge black eyeball appeared in Chen Feng's sight. This eyeball was open. Even with the power of the pseudo-artifact and the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng still felt that his soul was about to fall into darkness after taking a look.

This eyeball is like a planet, emitting a unique pupil power all the time, affecting the laws of time and space around it, and even completely changing it.

Dark Kirin walked over step by step and soon disappeared in the eyeball.

"I can only rely on myself for this matter, Chen Feng, you don't have to worry about me, just do what you need to do." This was the last voice from the Dark Kirin.

"Tower, what level of Dark Demon Eye is this?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"It's a pseudo-artifact, it's not that easy for your friend to fuse this treasure, but with the Dark Scripture in hand, the success rate is still very high." Tower said with a smile.

"What if it succeeds?"

"You can advance to a high-level True Immortal in a short time."

"Damn, such a fast speed, I am only a beginner-level Immortal now, the gap is too big, I am also carrying the Longevity Tower, even the Fire Cloud Dragon is faster than me in cultivation." Chen Feng was a little unhappy.

"Your cultivation speed is already very fast, mainly because your foundation is too solid. When you cultivate the Chaos Body again, the speed of cultivation can be increased by at least ten times."

"The Chaos Body is not easy. You have swallowed so much source energy, but there is still no sign."

"You are now close to a minor success. This is all because of your natural Chaos Spiritual Root. If it were other cultivators, they would not succeed no matter how much source energy they swallowed. Well, this time I opened the fifth floor, I got some memories and energy, I need time to digest, don't disturb me if you have nothing to do. With your current strength, you are enough to confront the True Immortal head-on, but if you encounter cultivators from other heavens, it is better to avoid them, especially cultivators from the Changsheng Heaven."

The tower fell silent when he said this.

"I naturally understand this." Chen Feng nodded, looked at the giant eyeball that was gradually hidden in the darkness, and then left here quickly with Huoyunlong.

"This guy is lucky again, I'm really envious." Huoyunlong said jealously, such a big eyeball, you can tell it's a treasure at a glance

"Don't worry, maybe you can find a better treasure next, such as the Fire Source Seed?"

"I hope so."

This time, Chen Feng did not use the pseudo-artifact, but took out the Immortal Sword of Slaughter. The long sword expanded to a hundred feet, just like a warship. The two sat cross-legged on it, and the sword energy easily cut around, and quickly shuttled forward in the void.

In the process of advancing, Chen Feng has been practicing, and Huoyunlong is naturally not idle either, but the two have not been through the tribulation for a long time. If they want to advance again, they can only accumulate slowly.

"It's been a while since I left the Eternal World. I wonder what changes will happen?" Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Is there any need to ask? It must be controlled by the Immortal Realm. I think it should be the Tianxiao Palace that occupies the Eternal World now."

"I will go back sooner or later. If the Tianxiao Palace wants to rule the Eternal World, it depends on whether I agree or not." Chen Feng said lightly.

The monks of the East Dragon Island Alliance who are practicing in the Brilliant Starry Sky Map are much stronger than when they left, and because of practicing in the pseudo-artifact, the monks' cultivation is improving every day.

"When we go back, we will definitely scare the other party." Chen Feng thought so in his heart. You know, Daluo Tianzun and others have received strong support from Chen Feng, and they are not far from the realm of true immortals.

"I want to go to the Leichi where you were before to practice for a while." Huoyunlong suddenly said.


"I was stimulated."

"Wait a minute, Jintu Zun has sent a distress signal."

"Humph, this guy didn't come to help before, but now he is asking for help." Huoyunlong sneered.

"Let's go, it seems that Jintu Zun can't hold on any longer. I don't know what kind of opponent he is?"

"Run! Run! Run!"

Jintu Zun has completely turned into his original body and is constantly flying in space. His huge body is covered with scars, and some scars are directly pierced. Only two of his limbs are left, and there are various energies in his body. In short, Jintu Zun is very miserable, so miserable that he will die at any time.

"Chen Feng, come and save me quickly." If Jintu Zun still has a glimmer of hope at this time, it is that he hopes Chen Feng will appear.


Two more sword energies pierced through the void, leaving two deep scars on the body of Venerable Jintu. The sword energy penetrated into the body like a spirit snake, destroying the vitality crazily.

"Damn it!"

Venerable Jintu was furious, but there was nothing he could do. He had finally found a treasure land before, but he was being hunted before he could enjoy it. If he hadn't paid a price, he would probably not have been able to escape. However, the current situation was also extremely bad. If he didn't get help, the end result would be that he would be caught up by the pursuers and then killed.


This was a flame that hit Venerable Jintu, and the flames burned. Venerable Jintu used all his strength to extinguish the flames on his body, but in this way, the flying speed was slowed down.

"Hold on." Just as Venerable Jintu was gradually despairing, Chen Feng's voice came.

Venerable Jintu was shocked, and vitality was born again in his body. At the same time, he was a little moved. He didn't expect that this human cultivator would really come to rescue him.

Chi Chi Chi!

Sword lights appeared through the space and quickly formed a sword formation to protect Venerable Jintu. Then, more fierce sword lights and fire lights appeared, killing the cultivators who were chasing Venerable Jintu.

"Who dares to interfere in the affairs of our Tianjian Sect and Xinluo Sect." A loud shout came out, and the attacks launched by Chen Feng and Huoyunlong were broken. At the same time, a force locked Chen Feng and Huoyunlong from a distance.

"Are you okay?"

Chaos Chain quickly pulled Venerable Jintu over. Venerable Jintu was relieved when he came to Chen Feng. He shrank his body, changed into human form and landed on the big sword.

"Do you think I look okay now?" Venerable Jintu's breath was very unstable, but his eyes were still bright.

Chen Feng said nothing more. He waved his hand and poured a stream of long life energy on Venerable Jintu. Venerable Jintu felt a shiver all over his body, and the injuries on his body immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the help of Chen Feng, the sword energy in Venerable Jintu was quickly forced out, and the broken limbs began to grow again.

"Why are you so embarrassed?" Huoyunlong asked with some gloating.

"Be careful, there are a lot of people on the other side." Venerable Jintu looked at Huoyunlong indifferently.


The Immortal Sword of Slaughter immediately changed its speed, constantly breaking through the space, and the speed was much faster than before. It soon opened up the distance between it and the pursuer.

"The other side has no masters, we should stop and kill them." Huoyunlong suggested.

"The other side has nearly ten True Immortals. We won't get any advantage if we stop. Besides, we shouldn't have a conflict with them in the current situation." Chen Feng also has his own ideas. Many cultivators in the Brilliant Starry Sky Map are facing a breakthrough and must survive the catastrophe.

Cultivators below the upper immortals can survive the catastrophe in the Brilliant Starry Sky Map. This is the universe time created by the pseudo-artifact, but those powerful upper immortals must communicate with the laws of the outside world. Unless Chen Feng can cultivate to the realm of the True Immortal and fully exert the power of the pseudo-artifact, these upper immortals cannot survive the catastrophe in it.

After all, no matter how powerful the pseudo-artifact is, it cannot compare to the laws of the universe.

In the end, Chen Feng got rid of the pursuers and found a quiet place. After setting up the illusion array around, he began to settle down.

The injuries on Venerable Jintu recovered quickly. With the longevity provided by Chen Feng, not only did he not leave any hidden dangers, but his cultivation level improved a little. This was an unexpected surprise.

"Compared to here, I still hope to return to the death space." Venerable Jintu said so.

"The danger level of the death space is ten times or even a hundred times higher than here, but this space is not bad either, and there are also many treasures. It's just that we are unlucky and didn't find any. By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what happened before?" Chen Feng can't leave now, because there is no news about the Dark Kirin.

"I found a treasure land." When he said this, the face of the Venerable Jintu darkened, and he was a little angry.

"Treasure land! What kind of treasure land is it?" Chen Feng and Huoyunlong looked at each other.

"Yin Yang Treasure Land, that is a treasure land that I have never seen but only heard of in rumors. The Yin Yang Land is jealous and harmonious, and the Yin Yang power is extremely pure. Even a True Immortal like me can't help my mind after noticing it. If I can practice in it, not only can the two ways of gold and earth advance again, but it is also possible to practice the Yin Yang Avenue." Venerable Jintu said excitedly.

"Yin Yang Treasure Land." Chen Feng and Huoyunlong looked at each other and were also a little moved. If a cultivator of the level of Venerable Jintu said this, then the Yin Yang power contained in the treasure land must be extraordinary.

"Since there is such a good place, we have to do it no matter what. We didn't get the Dark Demon Eye before, so we must get a share of the Yin-Yang Treasure Land this time." Chen Feng's eyes flickered.

"Then hurry up, I can't wait." Huoyunlong's eyes also lit up.

Chen Feng nodded. Although he agreed, he still connected the power of the universe before leaving, so that some of the immortals in the brilliant starry sky map could survive the calamity.

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