Eternal Existence

Chapter 1055: The Fifth Floor of the Longevity Tower

The emergence of the Heavenly Tribulation caused earth-shaking changes in all the arrangements of the four monks.

No matter how powerful this monk is, it is best not to get involved when others are going through tribulations, otherwise it will be affected by the laws of the great avenue and lead to catastrophes against yourself.

The first destructive power easily broke through the world power barrier arranged by the four people. Then a stronger disaster came, and the world barrier around Dark Kirin seemed to shake violently and seemed to be broken.

"Let's go! Get out of here first." The four monks knew that if they intervened forcefully, it would definitely lead to a catastrophe, so they made a prompt decision and left the place quickly.

"Let's take care of the little miscellaneous fish just now."

Chen Feng was also surprised by the other party's prompt decision, but he was also prepared. After triggering the catastrophe, Chen Feng had already escaped with the help of the Eternal Life Tower and two pseudo-artifacts. As for Dark Qilin, he can only rely on himself.

"Four half-step true immortals." Huo Yunlong sighed: "Can we escape?"

"I thought you were going to say whether we should stop and fight each other." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's courting death."

"Not necessarily." Chen Feng said as the Tower of Eternal Life appeared in his hand, waves of light yellow light appeared, and the starlight transformed from the bright starry sky suddenly accelerated its speed, traveling through layers of time and space, leaving the opponent behind.

"Your strength has improved." Huo Yunlong was a little curious.

Chen Feng did not answer. At this time, the fifth floor of the Eternal Life Tower was slowly opening. A stream of light flowed out of it, and then instantly melted into the Eternal Life Tower.

The power of the Eternal Life Tower is increasing rapidly.

"There are some treasures on the fifth floor of the Eternal Life Tower, as well as some memories and energy left behind by the Eternal Life Tower. Now they are fully opened. Suppressing the true immortals will not be a problem in the future." The changes in the Eternal Life Tower also brought blessings to Chen Feng himself. , this is Chen Feng's natal magic weapon. The power between the two increases with the improvement of one of them. Chen Feng himself is a first-level immortal. At this time, he feels like an inflated balloon, and his strength has increased by half. But there is no danger of explosion.


The fifth floor of the Eternal Life Tower was finally fully opened. It was the highest and the most ancient and noble aura poured out from it. At this moment, Chen Feng was so excited that he trembled.


Chen Feng's mind moved, and he and Huo Yunlong entered the Eternal Life Tower. The two pseudo-artifacts also fell quietly to the ground. This was complete surrender.

The spiritual objects in the Eternal Life Tower have also changed. The magic weapons on display have begun to advance, and the elixirs in millions of acres have also begun to increase. Even some spiritual stones have become a little different. The creatures that originally ran in the Eternal Life Tower space are Strong life fluctuations broke out, and almost all creatures were advancing. Some monsters even advanced to several small realms in one breath, and there was no unstable foundation.

Chen Feng was so excited that he saw a tree floating in the fifth layer of space.

"Immortal wood."

Chen Feng's eyes lit up. This piece of longevity wood was floating in the space on the fifth floor of the Eternal Life Tower. It was a million miles in size. It contained extremely rich vitality. The invisible pressure made Chen Feng's heart beat violently. Beating without breathing, the longevity energy in Chen Feng's body was affected. It circulated lively and soon became more powerful and more powerful.

"This is the core part of the Immortality Tree. The tower really didn't lie to me before." Chen Feng was excited. He practiced the Immortality Manual. What he needed most was the Immortality Tree. Although the Sky Swallowing Absorption Technique could skyrocket Chen Feng's cultivation energy was indispensable. , but the best thing is the longevity energy contained in these longevity trees.

At this moment, Chen Feng had the urge to rush forward and practice in front of this longevity tree. One day was as good as ten days and one hundred days.

However, Chen Feng still endured it and immediately communicated with the Brilliant Starry Sky Map, charging in like a billowing Yangtze River.

I don’t know how long this longevity wood has been stored in the Eternal Life Tower. Even if it releases a tiny bit of longevity energy every day, it has made the entire fifth floor of the Eternal Life Tower richer over the years.

The monks and ordinary people brought out by the Eternal World are all in this pseudo-artifact. They could have practiced in the pseudo-artifact. The cultivation speed of these people has been thousands of miles. At this time, they have received the blessing of longevity, and the monks have After the breakthrough, even ordinary people who had not practiced cultivation became healthy and powerful. They thought it was a blessing from God and knelt down one after another.

"This is longevity." Huo Yunlong was surprised at first. The injuries on his body returned to normal as quickly as possible. Then he had no time to be surprised. Instead, he gathered his mind and started practicing. This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. What a good opportunity. It hasn't been long since I broke through to the True Immortal. With these long-lasting vitality, my realm will definitely be stable.

"Following this guy Chen Feng has a lot of benefits. Maybe it won't take long to be promoted to the intermediate level True Immortal. When the time comes to return to the Immortal Realm, I will also be powerful." Huo Yunlong was secretly proud in his heart.

"Ta, I didn't expect you to keep so many treasures here." Chen Feng said. Chen Feng made a move, and a palm-sized crystal bottle fell into his hand.

"Thousands of weights of water, this is a treasure among divine objects. I just use it to refine and increase the power of a ball of true spirit diagram." Chen Feng said with a smile.


Who would have thought that as soon as he finished speaking, the crystal bottle in his hand suddenly exploded, and thousands of layers of water spewed out like an ocean, but the next moment it disappeared without a trace, and all of it was completely absorbed by the Eternal Life Tower.

"Ta, what's going on with you?" Chen Feng was furious.

"I need these things." The tower responded lightly.

Chen Feng shook his head and stopped talking. Instead, he took a deep breath, and the longevity energy surged into his body. At this moment, Chen Feng actually forgot about the pursuers behind him, and concentrated on practicing.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the Longevity Tower will definitely be upgraded to a perverted level this time. Not to mention that the opponent can't catch up, even if they catch up, it will be a dead end.

Not long after practicing, the Longevity Sword flew out of Chen Fen's body first, followed by the Longevity Knife, Longevity Spear and other longevity weapons. These longevity weapons are now of the lower grade immortal weapons, which follow Chen Feng's cultivation, but are much more powerful than weapons and magic treasures of the same level.

In the process of Chen Feng's practice, a group of longevity weapons kept flying around, drilling into Chen Feng's body from time to time, and flying out again after a period of silence.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The various magic weapons of various levels collected by Chen Feng in the Longevity Tower continued to explode and shatter. The energy essence in them was all integrated into the longevity weapons. Combined with the rolling longevity energy, the longevity weapons accelerated the speed of advancement.

"Huh! Is it really okay to practice like this?" This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind, because in this way, the progress of his cultivation was really too fast, dozens of times faster than before, especially every time the magic weapon was advanced, the speed could reach a hundred times.

However, this thought was soon overwhelmed by the improvement of his cultivation. Thinking about the millions of years he had wasted, Chen Feng felt that it was normal to practice faster.

A large number of magic weapons disintegrated, and at the same time, rare spiritual stones and spiritual energy were also integrated into them, using the longevity technique to forge longevity weapons.

Chen Feng crushed a total of 300 immortal weapons, and all the items used were integrated into the immortal weapons, which raised the grade of these weapons to a level close to that of mid-grade immortal weapons. This advancement speed was already considered rapid, but Chen Feng still felt unsatisfied.

Just as Chen Feng wanted to work harder to continue to improve the grade of these immortal weapons, he suddenly had an idea, and the dark power in his body surged involuntarily, and finally formed the phantom of the Dark Sutra.

"It turns out that the Dark Kirin succeeded in the tribulation." Thinking of this, Chen Feng communicated with the Immortal Tower, broke through the space, and soon arrived in front of the Dark Kirin.

"Mid-level True Immortal, as expected, congratulations." Chen Feng smiled.

"With my current strength, if I meet the four people just now again, I will definitely make them look bad." The Dark Kirin sneered, waved his hand, the Dark Sutra opened, a black hole appeared, and began to frantically devour the dark power around.

This place is not far from the Dark Spirit Spring.

"I led the four away before. I think they will come back soon. It's not such a coincidence that these four people appear here." Chen Feng said.

"I can feel that the other party is a native dark world cultivator. The other party appears here. It is obvious that they are coming for me, or to be more specific, for the Dark Scripture." Dark Kirin said.

"I think it is impossible for the other party to leave the Dark Spirit Spring uncollected, so there should be some interesting things next." Chen Feng said and used the Dark Magic Eye. In this environment full of dark power, Chen Feng's pupil technique can be used to the extreme.

"What is this?"

Chen Feng only felt that his eyes went black, his whole body was light, and he actually lost his sense of direction. Surprised, Chen Feng used various means, but it was useless. He only felt that his soul flame was in the deepest part of the universe, and he couldn't tell the east, south, west, and north, and he had no concept of the passage of time.

Loneliness, fear, in this state, there is no difference between one second and billions of years.

But soon, the darkness around him disappeared, and Chen Feng returned to normal again. The Dark Cave surged and swallowed up the dark energy that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng broke out in a cold sweat. Since he started practicing, Chen Feng had never encountered such a situation.

It was Dark Kirin who had just taken action and pulled Chen Feng out of that state.

"What was that just now?"

"It was the Dark Demonic Pupil." Dark Kirin was a little excited.

"Dark Demonic Pupil!" Chen Feng was even more surprised.

"I thought there was a dark spiritual spring here. It seems that I was wrong before. I didn't expect to encounter a dark pupil here. Judging from the aura just now, it was at least left by a high-level True Immortal, or perhaps even stronger."

"It turned out to be a pupil left by a dark cultivator. I practiced the Dark Sutra and was lost in the other party's pupil technique. No wonder the four people didn't collect it before. If I got closer, wouldn't I be selected into the eternal darkness?" Chen Feng was surprised.

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